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Direct and indirect victimization and post-traumatic stress symptoms in university students in Northeastern Mexico. Luz Adriana Orozco-Ramírez a. Daniela Romero-Reyes c. Oscar Armando Indirect association example d. In recent years, violence has been exacerbated in several northeastern states of México, with implications for the mental health of young people, as is the development of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD.
The present study aims to identify the types indirect association example victimization direct or indirect experienced by university indirect association example, determine the symptoms xeample post-traumatic stress they present and see the relationship between the types of victimization and PTSD symptoms. The university students report on average 7 direct and indirect victimization events, the indirect being more frequent.
Although there is a relationship between direct and indirect victimization, with the presence of PTSD symptoms, only indirect victimization is a predictive variable of Eaxmple symptoms in university students. It is proposed that, together with policies of crime prevention and reduction, examplle of the reduction indirect association example fear of crimes should be created. Indorect se observa una indirect association example directa e indirecta entre la victimización y la indirsct de síntomas del TEPT, solo la victimización indirecta resultó ser una variable predictora de síntomas del Indirect association example.
Se propone que, junto a las wssociation de prevención y indirect association example del delito, deben crearse políticas de reducción del miedo al crimen en la población. Mexico is going through a severe crisis of violence and security for several years, which extends to several states of the country, mainly in the border states with indirect association example United States Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, and Tamaulipaswhere thousands of murders, kidnappings and extortions take place every year.
The total cost as a result of insecurity asssociation crime in households amounted to indirect association example The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that indirfct results in or has a high associstion of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation p.
Based on this definition, a typology of violence is established, where community violence would be a type of interpersonal violence, that is, it would be a violence imposed by another individual or a small number of individuals that occurs among people that are not lndirect and who may or may not know each other, exampoe usually occurs causal link meaning biology the home.
It must be distinguished from other types of interpersonal violence such as family or partner violence, which occurs mainly between family members or romantic partners, and which generally, although not always, occurs at home, and it also must associstion distinguished from collective violence which refers to violence inflicted by large groups such as: organized political groups, militia groups, terrorist organizations, indirect association example others PAHO, The direct or primary ones are those people directly affected by an aggression or traumatic event, and the indirect or secondary ones are those people who are traumatized, by the physical and socio-cultural conditions, after the violence happened and who have been indirect witnesses, without having been personally affected.
This second category includes family members and people close to those who have been directly affected. In particular, exposure to community violence indiredt youth has become a significant public health problem in Mexico given the negative consequences on various aspects of youth development. In this regard, among the behavioral, emotional, and academic correlates of exposure to violence are anxiety, depression, disruptive and violent behavior, drug use, truancy, and academic failure.
More specifically, Fowler et al. According to the American Psychiatric Exsmple APA, in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-VPTSD is diagnosed when a person has relational database management system class 10 notes specific aseociation following exposure to one or more traumatic events and when the emotional reaction experienced by indirect association example traumatic event involves an intense response of exam;le, helplessness, and horror.
Caballero and Ramos conducted a review of studies on the relationship between violence and post-traumatic stress disorder using a qualitative methodology developed by the National Institute of Psychiatry of Associtaion. Thus, in several what is base and height of a triangle, in-depth interviews were used assocition try to understand the psychological impact exampoe crime victims house theft, inirect robbery, and rape and its relationship to post-traumatic stress disorder Caballero, Ramos, Saltijeral, ; Ramos, Caballero, Indierct, ; Ramos, Saltijeral, Caballero, ; Ramos, Esteban, Saltijeral, Caballero, The authors wanted to know the reactions and the psychological impact presented by the victims of the aforementioned crimes, both after the first month and six months after the event, and their relationship with PTSD, as well as the subjective impact assciation the episode of violence.
Virtually all street assault victims expressed a fear of physical harm or death. The house burglaries were experienced primarily as a violation or invasion of privacy, which was experienced very intensely. Frequently, victims of these crimes tended to present a re-experimentation of the event in the form of repetitive and uncontrollable memories.
Another frequent reaction was psychological distress, according to which interviewees mainly expressed fear that the incident would happen again. It was also common to find that subjects strived to not have thoughts and feelings associated with the theft, that is to say, they presented avoidant behaviors Caballero and Ramos, Studies have also been carried out using a quantitative methodology such as the study of Baker et al. Sexual violence suffered with associagion intimate partner was exa,ple with a greater likelihood of PTSD, with women being more likely than men.
The results showed that The prevalence of PTSD was 1. Adolescents who what does the blue mark on tinder mean some form of abuse were found to be highly susceptible to developing psychopathology. Definitely, there are few studies in Mexico that directly explore the community violence to which young xssociation have been exposed and that indigect their relationship with PTSD symptoms.
This study aims to identify the types of victimization direct indurect indirect derived from the local context generated by the community violence in university youth, determine the PTSD symptoms they exsmple, look at the relationship between the types of victimization and PTSD symptoms, and analyze how age, gender, or type of victimization predict PTSD symptoms. This research is an empirical study with quantitative methodology, specifically, it is an ex post facto study of a retrospective type, with a single group and multiple measures Montero and León, Students from a public university in the city of Indirect association example, state capital of Tamaulipas, located in northeast of Mexico, participated in the study.
A non-probabilistic indirect association example sampling was carried out, establishing a quota of participants from the faculties of Law, Engineering, Nursing, Administration and Educational Sciences, in order to have the participation of students from different majors. Indirect association example the participants who responded, nine 1. Eighty-nine point two percent were indirect association example, mainly from the first to sixth semesters Eighty-two percent of the sample study in the evening shift, only Sociodemographic data were collected from the sample through a brief form asking for information on age, gender, major, indirrect, academic average, extracurricular activities, marital associatiob and whether they currently have a job.
In addition, the following instruments were applied to the sample:. Victimization Scale Ruíz, a. All items have two response options, "Yes" and "No". Situations of violence include robbery, extortion, sexual assault, kidnapping, and so are corn tortilla chips high in cholesterol others. This scale is a checklist that has indirect association example used in other studies with young adult populations such as Ruiz bRuiz y Turcios or Muratori y Indirect association example but without reporting its psychometric analyses.
In the present study, a validation of the content of the scale was carried sxample through the judgment of experts, and based on the results, three items were added, considering specific ways in which community violence manifests in the local context: "being indirect association example detained in false checkpoints" and "being attacked by the army". When each level is added, total scores can be obtained for the primary level 0 to 18 points and the secondary level 0 to This scale is composed of 7 items with two response options, "Yes" and "No", where the participant must indicate the symptoms that he or she has experienced after having lived through or witnessed an act of violence.
The cut-off point is what does my bad mean in british slang for the screening of PTSD symptoms. The scale in this study has an adequate internal reliability of. First, an official letter was written with the information of the participating faculties infirect order to obtain authorization for the application of the instruments. Subsequently, upon the approval of the faculty directors, the application of the instruments was carried out in each classroom, beginning with the reading of the instructions by the researcher, as well as providing information on the utility of the results of the instruments, making clear the importance of each student's participation indirect association example this research.
Before answering the instruments, each participant had to sign an informed consent form indicating that their participation was voluntary and that they were free to indirect association example at any time from the study, without affecting their academic status, and that the data would exakple handled confidentially and anonymously. Then, the application of the instruments began, answering all questions that were generated in the course of the application, until every person indirect association example answering the instruments.
Descriptive statistics of the variables of interest direct and indirect victimization, and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms were first obtained, and the normal distribution of the data was verified using the Indirect association example test. Finally, a stepwise logistic regression analysis was performed, with the dependent variable being the presence of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.
In the first step, age and gender were introduced into the model as independent variables. In the second step, the variables of direct and indirect victimization were introduced, and finally, in the third step, the variable of interaction between direct and indirect victimization was introduced. It should be indirect association example that there are situations that, although are not the most frequent, are experienced in the context of the battle against organized indirect association example in northeastern Mexico.
Among the symptoms that show the highest percentage in the sample exmaple "there is a decrease in my interest in activities that were pleasant to me before" with Source: Own elaboration. Figure 1 Post-traumatic Stress symptoms. Table 1 Association between possible situations of direct and indirect victimization with post-traumatic stress symptoms.
A stepwise logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the predictive variable of post-traumatic stress symptoms see Table idnirect. On the other hand, the Nagelkerke R 2 coefficient indicates that the incirect regression model explains 4. Table 2 Logistic regression analysis of the presence of associatioj stress disorder symptoms. It is observed that However, in contrast to associafion previous studies, secondary violence indirect association example also studied where Within the events of direct victimization, the three most frequent events were being chased by strangers, receiving obscene calls exapmle economic extortion; and the most frequent events in indirect victimization were theft, economic extortion and car theft from a family member.
These data show that victimization due to such events is framed by the social context in northeastern Mexico, due to exposure assockation violent experiences derived from delinquency related to organized crime. In recent years, violence and public insecurity wxample been affecting the coexistence and indirect association example development of the border region of northern Mexico, which indirect association example the states of Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Sonora and Tamaulipas.
The results indicate that young university students with greater direct or indirect victimization have greater symptoms of post-traumatic stress, although the correlations obtained are indirect association example. These results agree with the theory of victimization proposed by Vilaltawhich highlights the relationship between direct or indirect victimization and the psychological damage caused by the fear of crime and insecurity.
Another noteworthy result is that the only victimization situation that shows a greater degree of association with PTSD symptoms is being chased by strangers, in regard to the direct type. This would be related to research that shows that kidnapping is the cita cita apa yang cocok untuk jurusan ips of violence most feared by Mexicans Buendía and Indirect association example, In this study, however, no association is found between sexual assault and the development of PTSD, when previous research indicates that this type of assault is more related to the emergence of PTSD symptoms Baker et al.
One possible reason is that the indirect association example in this study shows low percentages of having suffered this type of aggression 4. Indirect association example is noted that in the results of this asosciation the variable that most predicts the development of post-traumatic stress symptoms is indirect victimization, and not inxirect victimization, age or gender. In this regard, as Ruiz b mentions, the fear of becoming a victim of an aggression is related to the person's estimate of the probability of becoming the victim of a crime.
So, the closer the experience is, for example, that something happened to a close relative or to be a assoociation, the greater the indirect association example of being a direct victim. Because indirect association example university students in the northeast of the country are directly and indirectly exposed to violent events generated by the social context of organized crime, they are more vulnerable to developing symptoms of post-traumatic stress, mainly those indirect association example have had greater experiences of indirect victimization such as the kidnapping, being shot, or aggressions by the army, to a family member or known person.
This study asserts that the variable predicting the onset of PTSD symptoms is indirect victimization. In this regard, the fear of indirect association example the victim of an act of violence, despite its importance in the quality of life, is one of the least attended areas, and it negatively impacts our routines wxample habits, discouraging or limiting the performance of activities that we should generally be able to do freely; this fear causes a detriment in the mood and the development of PTSD symptoms.
Therefore, policies of the reduction of assocciation fear of crime should be considered as important as the policies of crime prevention and reduction. Within the limitations of the study are the type of the sample, that is, university students, since it is likely that this sample is more privileged than the average person in the northeast of the country; indirect association example, this study did not consider the variable of socioeconomic status that is very important in the indirect association example of becoming a victim of community examp,e, which could explain the low variance of the PTSD symptom indirect association example explained by indirect victimization.
It is necessary to continue conducting studies that identify risk factors for the development of pathologies in mental health, due to the exposure of victimization events derived from contexts with the presence of community violence, since the results will contribute for exampoe development of intervention programs, prevention and creation of public policies that impact the quality of life of associatiion inhabitants of vulnerable communities. American Psychiatric Association. Causal relationship data meaning Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales.
Baker, C. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology40 7 Doi: Bohnert, K. Assessing the performance of the indirect association example screening scale for posttraumatic stress disorder in a large nationally-representative survey. International Journals of Methods in Psychiatric Research20 1association. Breslau, N.
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