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Enter the email address you signed up amd and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free DOC. Download Free PDF. Cause and Effect Essay. Daniel Arévalo. A causs summary of this paper. PDF Pack. People also downloaded these PDFs. People also downloaded these free PDFs. Poder blando y negocios privados en Cuba: perspectivas después del 17D by Liosday Landaburo. Download Download PDF. Caude PDF. Cause and Effect Essay Venezuela Protests in Venezuela is a country with many mineral resources cause and effect essay samples free silver, mercury, aluminum, magnesium but especially petroleum.
The good administration of these minerals have been the main reason whereby Venezuela has had an amazing development. During periods of Hugo Chavez how made many social, economic and political reforms to benefit the most vulnerable of venezuelan society. For many ecomic groups of the power, these reforms were a danger for their interests, as a result, these groups produced a series of conditions that led to the Venezuelan population believe that anf guilty of samplez was the Venezuelan government; as result surged an endless number of social protests.
The purpose of this essay to demostrate that the social protests in Venezuela in have been caused by the following factors: The influence of groups of economic power in relation to the high rates of inflation, shortages of basic products and commodities and the negative influence of the cause and effect essay samples free on the population in relation to the social crisis. One cause of the protests in Venezuela inhas been the influence of frer of economic power in relation to the high rates of inflation that raised the price of commodities, services, wage rates declined and reduced the demand for labor.
This influence was because the economic groups from the beginning they felt threatened their economic interests as result the reforms that had been executed in the periods of Hugo Chavez; in response to this, these groups devised a aand of economic actions that would harm the government and the population with the aim of destabilizing the Venezuelan economy, thereby produced an economic, political and social crisis into the country.
Cause and effect essay samples free, within the threatened interests were national economic groups and foreign economic groupswhich saw the revolutionary dynamics of reforms in social functions, considered samplss to take measures to enable them to return to power of efffct economic system, in the particular case resource of petroleum, which ultimately is the most important for countries like the U. Another cause of the protests is the shortages of basic products and commodities that have increased the economical, political and social crisis in Venezuela.
Basic consumer products such as corn flour, oil, milk, sugar, coffee and toilet paper are no longer produced and imported into the country as one of the actions of cause and effect essay samples free entrepreneurs to destabilize cause and effect essay samples free government. In addition, they cause and effect essay samples free grabbed all products in warehouses to prevent the population to have access to them. Entrepreneurs have altered exchange control raising the prices of products that make devalue the Venezuelan currency and therefore loses its real value in relation to the exchange of currencies in foreign trade.
Also, caused up messes in the balance of prices of construction materials giving rise of black market and has served as fertilizer for tree corruption. These destabilizing measures have reduced income levels for the productive sector of the country and reduced indices of social development that had been achieved in previous yearsleading to greater inequalities between groups of power and society. Therefore, the negative influence of the media on the population in relation to the social crisis is also leading to drive such protests, by reason that the media have been sold to the Venezuelan population, causr idea that government sesay guilty of all economic, political and social imbalances in the crisis; also it is the same idea that is presented to public opinion abroad.
The role of the media have served as an instrument of persuasion for cheap internal and external power to delegitimize the actions and social projects of the previous government of Hugo Chavez and the current government of Maduro. The media broadcast only cause and effect essay samples free negative aspects of effetc crisis, but do not mention anything related to social, political and democratic benefits, which have had the management of the last two governmentswhich have influenced the reduction of poverty and improvement in the conditions of equality in population.
The purpose of the media is to make the international public opinion demands the intervention of the UN, the U. To summarize, Venezuela is a country rich nad mineral recourses especially with the petroleum, which what are the taxonomy groups achieved earlier efforts take the country out of poverty cause and effect essay samples free social projects, however, the economic power groups want to regain their lost power, taking advantage the fact that the icon of the Revolution Contempranea XXI century Hugo Chavez how died, thus produced desetablizan measures the government essayy have used their economic power, cause and effect essay samples free the media samlles legitimize frre actions.
It samplez only hoped that the Venezuelan population take real awareness of what the purposes of the groups of domestic and foreign economic power, aprovehando social situation living and not let them be taken away the benefits of social, economic and political development obtained to date. Cause and effect essay samples free que promuevan el dialogo y el compromiso con Cuba dicen que el proceso samplea transformación económico es sustantivo, aunque sí esta cambiando lentamente.
Los que diseñan las políticas estadounidenses deberían responder a estos cambios cuando ocurran. Sin embargo, estos cambios también podrían causar profundos implicaciones en la vida cotidiana de los cubanos, quienes van a confrontar nuevas y inquietantes realidades en materia de la seguridad de empleo, el desempleo, el bienestar social y otros asuntos.
La manera en que el pueblo cubano y el gobierno cubano van a tratar estas temas es una cuestión importante y una que no ha sido abordado. Pero ellos también tienen inquietudes importantes sobre lo que van a significar estos cambios para la sociedad cubana. Esas cuestiones ponen nerviosos e inciertos a muchos cubanos. El gobierno ha reconocido muchos de estas preocupaciones, pero hasta ahora xamples ha sanples una respuesta sobre como planea responder a ellos.
Ellos creen que la inversión extranjera incremente y que un grupo cada vez mayor de cubanos vea un aumento de ingresos what is the use of business information al incremento del empleo en el sector privado, del crecimiento de las pequeñas empresas, o de la samplew de propiedades. También hay dudas sobre si el caue cubano tiene la capacidad de regulación o la voluntad ssamples para implementar esos cambios.
Sin embargo, el gobierno cubano ha indicado que se ha comprometido a modificar el sistema sustancialmente. Se planea despedir a un millón y medio de trabajadores estatales en los próximos años. Sin embargo, la absorción de los desempleados en el sector privado va a ser complicada. Algunos empleados del Estado son considerados ineficientes o redundantes, y es dudoso que posean las habilidades empresariales o el entusiasmo cause and effect essay samples free convertirse en trabajadores por cuenta propia.
El desarrollo de mecanismos de crédito para aquellos que buscan iniciar su propio negocio es sólo el principio. Por otra parte, se esperan amplios recortes a las tarjetas cant connect to this network wifi hotspot racionamiento. No es samplws todo claro. El nuevo lema es "subsidiar a las personas, no a los productos", lo que anc un cambio hacia los beneficios sociales dirigidos a grupos sociales determinados y un alejamiento del principio de beneficios universales.
Sin embargo, ninguno de los cubanos con los que hablamos consideraba que el gobierno tuviera un plan claro de cómo hacer esa transición. Los trabajadores cubanos en el sector privado incipiente también se enfrentan a un alto grado de incertidumbre. Estas preguntas acerca de la protección social y los derechos de samplws trabajadores no son, por supuesto, exclusivas al caso de Cuba. Los periodistas, académicos y líderes religiosos con los que hablamos coinciden en que las autoridades cubanas no se han comprometido en avanzar hacia un modelo económico en particular.
A pesar de samplee problemas reales de Cuba en materia de derechos humanos y de libertad de expresión, el gobierno parece estar dando un poco de espacio para el debate y la participación ciudadana en los temas de mejora de la situación económica. También vamos a hacer preguntas acerca de la desigualdad de ingresos, cause and effect essay samples free la red de seguridad social, y sobre las protecciones laborales. Visitó Cuba recientemente en un viaje de investigación.
El Fre. Cuba: la samplse del modelo económico y la política exterior en un mundo multipolar. Revista de Ciencias Sociales. Cuba: cambios institucionales para la actualización de su modelo económico by Yohan S. Ríos and Alexander Cuartas Acosta. Thesis PhD. Centroamérica: una revisión de la cooperación en fronteras by Daniel Matul Romero. El Banco del Sur: avances y desafíos by Isabel Ortiz. Cambios e inmutabilidades en el gobierno de Díaz Canel.
La influencia de la política interna en la política exterior cubana by Liosday Landaburo. La influencia de cauae política interna en la política exterior cubana Changes and Immutabilities in the Government of Díaz Canel. Lo imponderable de la transformación insular by Katarzyna Dembicz. Confabulaciones en la Cuba de las reformas. La familia transnacional cubanoamericana ante el cuentapropismo y el trabajo de la tierra by Liosday Landaburo.
Revista de Ciencias Sociales and Janette Habel. Estados Unidos y América Latina. Los cambiantes contornos del imperio: jerarquías, redes y clientes by Emilio Pohlenz. El caso de Efgect. Doscientos años de historia económica, by Antonio Santamaria. Empresas y empresarios en las entidades industriales menores de Cuba by Antonio Santamaria. Universidad de La Habana by Antonio Santamaria. La Revolución cubana a 50 años de su triunfo. Bolivarianismo en la encrucijada.
Historia económica de Cuba, Dos siglos de especialización y dos décadas de incertidumbre by Antonio Santamaria. Venezuela, Oil and Madness. Reestructuración económica y globalización.
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