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Department of Educational Studies, University of Guadalajara. In this document we present an analysis of the shaping of the field of research into the teaching of history, where we can locate three major trends. In the first one of them, messy room meaning in french permeated the explanations and proposals. In the second one, researchers proposed bringing historical knowledge into the classroom by imitating the procedures of historians, mediated by didactics, and were also interested in understanding why reforms and proposals were not made effective in the school.
Finally, at present we observe a bifurcation between historical education, whose main interest is the development of historical thought considering local contexts, and research into the teaching of history that proposes inscribing the production of this knowledge within the framework of social science debates. Our interest in the subject discussed in this paper arose from a remark by Paulina Latapí that research into the field of the teaching of history has developed with little integration, which led us to think that a review and synthesis effort would be a step forward in that direction.
Accounting for this process involves creating what is the role of history relational field among producers, products and addressees, in a dynamic in which ideas and proposals are circulated and recreated in situations of tension, displacement, or condensation, all of which shapes, precisely, a field of knowledge. This perspective allows us to maintain that part of the complexity and particularity of making a state of the knowledge about the teaching and learning of history lies in the fact that there are communicating vessels between the development of perspectives and the generation of teaching policies and didactic proposals, since in this field of knowledge we work with notions that are adapted to be taught.
To sketch the outlines of this paper we have defined two lines of analysis: a the approaches to the teaching of history that emerged from educational psychology, didactics, and history, and b the proposals that have emanated from these approaches and some of their effects on teacher training models, curricular design and the creation of educational materials. These threads are interwoven in three stages, which have also served to structure our presentation.
The first one addresses the gestation of the field of the teaching of history dominated by genetic psychology. In the second one we explain how, starting in the s and through didactics, bridges were built between psychological theory and teaching in the classroom, and in the third we present more recent debate and approaches of what has been known as historical research and research into the teaching of history. Methodologically, we reviewed publications in specialized books and journals about the approaches made from the middle of the twentieth century to the present through the educational psychology, didactics, and history cores of production, in order to comprehend the implications of such research on some teaching proposals.
As for the space-time dimension of this paper, we founded it on our reflections on how, when, and where knowledge was generated on the teaching and learning of history, in order to discern the possible impact they had in Mexico. Among the topics discussed what is the role of history was the relationship between development and evolutionary stages, a concern of the European delegates.
The second topic, which concerned the United States delegates, was how to speed up the stages of development. This focus ran parallel to the movement towards cognitivism, an approach that developed in the context of the Cold War. Governments supported this research for political reasons, seeking to accelerate the training of an intellectual force that had an impact on economic what is the role of history Díaz, But what was the influence of both approaches on the teaching of history?
The American position, represented by Jerome Bruner, gave rise to the cognitive revolution. From this standpoint, learning was defined as an active process of association, construction, and representation. Learners should experiment and emulate the work of scientists through a spiral curriculum, 2 which would gradually increase knowledge by broadening understanding and cognitive ability. Thus, What is the role of history proposed bringing the methodology of science into the classroom through a process of discovery, which meant working on classroom subjects by imitating scientific procedures.
In Europe, meanwhile, there was more interest in understanding the passage from one stage to the next and the process what is the role of history. This led thinkers such as Dennis Shemilt to search for a relationship between evolutionary positions and cognitive development Duckworth, in England in Research conducted from this standpoint inquired into whether teenage students were able to understand some notions of the discipline when they emulated the work of historians.
Thus, curricular proposals were developed to include historical epistemology and what is the role of history methodology so that students could understand both the logic and the methods and perspectives of the discipline Lamoneda, These proposals were designed adopting the principles of the French Annales school: the problem of history, the use of different primary sources, a relative withdrawal from political history, and the emergence of social and economic issues. In this how to ask a guy for a serious relationship, Dennis Shemilt conducted Project in England with the support of the School Council, a government-subsidized body in charge of developing curricula for middle school.
His aim was to analyze the meaning of the subject of History in middle and high school. Among the conclusions of his research were the need to teach history as a form of complex knowledge, and the realization that only after what is the role of history do students have the cognitive maturity to study it. He also most easy subject for upsc optional taking into consideration the cognitive maturity of students to set up appropriate strategies, and promoting historical empathy so students could identify with the characters and the times Lamoneda, Reforms to education in several countries in the s and s echoed the results and recommendations of this research.
In Spain, for instance, there was a profound reform of education that modified plans and programs for basic levels and for teacher training, which was raised to the level of higher education and was offered by universities, and also led to the creation of centers for educational research. At the University of Valencia, for example, the Germania 75 group was born, calling into question the positivist firebase database query android example to the teaching of history in middle school and proposing strategies based on the didactic knowledge available Salles, At the University of Barcelona, the theoretical approach was oriented towards the psychogenetic of the English school of thought.
Project was replicated under the name Historialed by Prats. The project also sought to find out how history is learned, under the assumption that this process involves a particular way of acquiring knowledge. Besides the influence of the English project on the project Historiaanother key influence was that of French historiography, whose referents served as a without a little meaning by placing less emphasis on the contents and promoting, through successive approach, learning about historical research.
Based on what we have shown so far we may infer that research on the teaching and learning of history achieved a certain degree of institutionalization in universities, which can be observed in the development of projects in specialized centers and researchers working on this task. In Spain, research in the s and s gave way to specific didactics, with history being included in the didactics of social science.
What happened in Mexico? Here, it was the historians themselves who approached research into the teaching of history and participated in curricular reforms and the creation of textbooks. In the s, an important group of scholars from El Colegio de México helped to write the new history textbooks for elementary schools by broadening their contents beyond those of political history and articulating them in increasing levels of complexity.
The what is the role of history of textbooks in Mexico must not be underestimated. The fact that they are free to students and compulsory in every school in the country makes them a powerful instrument for the irradiation of knowledge, as well as the central material for teaching and learning, especially in places where access to written culture is mediated almost exclusively by the school. In spite of the changes in books and their contents, the pedagogical foundations of plans and programs of study had little to do with the contributions of genetic and cognitive pedagogy, and emulating the work of historians was almost absent from them.
Elementary and middle school programs were based on a fundamentally behaviorist educational technology. Additionally, teacher training and practice continued to employ the traditional ways to what is the role of history history: lectures by the teacher, followed by drafting summaries and answering questionnaires. To summarize, we may say that, in this first stage, research into the teaching of history in the United States and Europe tried to answer three questions: How are temporal notions formed?
At which stage what is the role of history their development can what is the role of history best learn historical knowledge? Is it possible to accelerate the acquisition of historical knowledge, and how? In Mexico there were some attempts, mostly to transform school contents and try out some didactic innovations. In spite of all the research, reforms, didactic suggestions and design of new books, such proposals met with little success in classrooms and traditional teaching based on content and memorization continued, exposing a mismatch between what the scholars pointed out and what happened in reality.
The different school environments had an influence on the application of the innovations, with the school actors teachers, students, administrators and communities as the main opponents. Thus, in the s some of the concerns of researchers were why reforms fail, what happens with teachers, how parents, school administrators and environments constrain the operation of reforms, and whether it is possible to formulate specific didactics for the teaching of a given discipline.
Starting in the s, research in the teaching of history underwent a number of displacements in its problems and what is the role of history of interest, which gained force in the following years and are part of broader trends in which educational psychology and didactics were also involved. As we have pointed out, one of these displacements revolved around explaining why reforms fail, added to a concern to understand the role of teachers as mediators in curricular changes and how their frameworks of reference are involved in their teaching.
In this context, research in the United States highlighted the role of local actors as agents who mediate in, resist, negotiate, or oppose reforms, in order to understand why pedagogical reforms and innovations based on cognitivism were seldom present in classrooms. However, its introduction into schools was slow. A second line of research consisted of problematizing on the cultural aspects involved in the teaching of history vis-à-vis the formation of temporal notions and development.
This changed the view of evolutionary development formulated by Piaget into a view of development as a process immersed in social dynamics. In Spain, these displacements were present in the work of Prats and Vallsboth research professors at the University of Barcelona. Such criticism was based on a review of evolutionary positions compared to what research within the classroom showed. They sought to ground the didactics of history on the advancements proposed by sociocultural theories, a theoretical perspective from which a number of postulates emerged.
New questions emerged from those postulates: What type of thought is historical knowledge specifically? What is the role of history can it be taught? In search of answers, scholars began working on new lines of research inserted in the specific didactics of social science and history. These concerns were also addressed by some historians. Such was the case of Jacques Le Goff and Antonio Santoniwho in a text that was widely circulated in Mexico invited to a dialog among historians, pedagogues and anyone interested in the teaching of history in order to reflect on the cultural and formative importance of this discipline why wont my phone connect to my tv the aim of creating a common program and language.
To do this, they pointed out that it was necessary for young people to understand how history is constructed by imitating the goals, questions, what is the role of history, and resources used by historians. The teacher, in turn, should learn about historiographic arguments. These ideas and debates also had a resonance in Mexico. The papers presented there were organized in three thematic groups: a The practice of the teaching of history, in which experiences were presented, b Didactics of history, which focused on proposals, and c Theoretical reflections, including papers on the relationship between the teaching of this discipline and other social sciences Lerner, They also incorporated into their concerns the what is the role of history debates held in Spain, and offered didactic proposals.
In particular, Lamoneda pointed out that adolescence was theoretically assumed to be a stage of consolidation of abstract thought what is the role of history transition into more mature ways of thinking such as understanding the complexity of time and space, but the experience of teachers showed that students hardly ever appropriated such concepts. In her view, this problem stemmed from an absence of contents and strategies that allowed them to relate what they had learned to their environment, so she suggested using specific mediators in order to create bridges between historical knowledge and the students.
These mediators should take into account the fact that historical knowledge what is the role of history its own formal nature, which requires certain specificities in order to be taught and learned. They both called into question the teaching of history. However, their ideas were based on problems they had observed in the practice of education and their experience as historians, without any systematic research to support their ideas.
They also sought to disseminate the method of history and concepts such as temporal sequencing, cause how are genes involved in the production of proteins effect links, spatial locations, formulating questions, and using sources. Although these displacements had a resonance in curricular designs, there have not been many studies that inquire into what happened in practice, nor research into how history teachers were trained in those decades.
The debates that took place in the period analyzed in this section led to rethink research into the teaching of history, placing didactics in a preponderant position. As a consequence of the economic, social, and political changes brought about by the end of the Cold War, our ways of understanding the world were transformed between the last years of the twentieth century and the first years of the twenty-first. Education was seen as a relevant mechanism to generate a human capital to attend to the new challenges of production.
This was caused by the fact that, due to the speed of changes, detailed and specific knowledge becomes less relevant, and an emphasis is placed on the role of education to attain the development of flexible abilities and skills that allow the individual to be prepared for a society of knowledge by having a permanent disposition for learning. The problem was how to achieve it.
In this context, debates about the teaching of history experienced some displacements. A first set of questions was linked to the tradition of specific didactics and practical concerns: Which are the skills required to achieve long-lasting historical thought? Which mediations or strategies would be required? What should teachers know and do to enable the learning of history?
A second set had to do with the need to carry out how to know if a relationship is worth it reddit, rigorous and in-depth research, which leads us to postulate the complexity of the object of study known as the teaching of history, as well as to propose interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary theoretical and methodological approaches.
The first one emphasizes pedagogical and didactic research, prioritizes applied research, tests proposals, analyzes results, and proposes methods, strategies and means of teaching and learning for the shaping of historical thought. Research into the teaching of history, on the other hand, is more interested in understanding the many processes and realities of this object of study, as well as its meanings, why is why it emphasizes the roles of actors, their productions, and the context.
The creation of these collectives propitiated a space for encounters where heterogeneity of ideas, concerns, and proposals, an intercrossing of thematic issues, academic debate, and the integration of some positions can coexist. The eight encounters held by REDDIEH may be seen as a reference what is the role of history what what is the role of history taking place in different higher education institutions associated with the teaching of whats the base system for relationship. For this reason, we will now review these two lines of research.
Historical education has had a widespread development in England and Spain. Among the concerns of specialists working in this field of knowledge are questions such as why teach history, how it should be taught, and which processes are involved in its learning.