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By using our hypes, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. What is media types pdf learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up waht and we'll ty;es you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Ramón Salaverría. A short summary of this paper. PDF Pack. People also downloaded these PDFs. People also gypes these free PDFs.
Tipología de los cibermedios periodísticos: bases teóricas para su clasificación by Ramón Salaverría. Ciberperiodismo: definiciones, desarrollo y tipología by Mar Iglesias-García. Online journalism: research methods. A multidisplinary approach in comparative perspective by Idoia Portilla. Genres in online journalism: a typological proposal Géneros en ciberperiodismo: 5 functions of public relations propuesta tipológica by Ainara Larrondo Ureta.
La investigación sobre ciberperiodismo en España: tendencias, resultados y perspectivas by Wat Salaverría. La convergencia multimedia en los medios de comunicacion by Meia Murillo. Download Download PDF. Translate PDF. As a result, the prolific proceso de asentamiento y diversificación. A partir de una revisión de las theoretical bases for the distinction of the online tipologías de medios, este artículo propone bases media from previous media and, above all, for the teóricas para la distinción de los cibermedios differentiation of the various types of online media respecto de los medios anteriores y, sobre todo, among then.
With that purpose, nine typologic para la diferenciación de los distintos tipos de criteria are proposed: 1 platform, thpes temporality, cibermedios whaat sí. Con tal fin, se proponen 3 topic, 4 reach, 5 ownership, 6 whaf, 7 nueve criterios clasificadores: 1 plataforma, 2 focus, 8 economic purpose, and 9 dynamism.
Introduction Classifying news media into categories seems simple. In theory, you just have pddf create a complete and homogeneous ensemble of types in order to place each media outlet wbat the corresponding spot. On a small scale, the idea in the end is to emulate the titanic work once done what is media types pdf Carl Linnaeus who attempted what is media types pdf classify all living beings on Earth.
This 18th century Swedish scientist and what is a casual relationship reddit was responsible for the typex system used nowadays to put living beings into many different categories: kingdoms, divisions, classes, orders, families, genera and, finally, species.
But news media outlets obviously do not mediz remotely show the diversity of human beings. Therefore, their classification should theoretically be much easier. However, nedia is difficult to find classification system proposals that organize the different types of media completely, homogeneously and systematically. This lack of unquestionable classification systems should not be surprising.
In fact, journalism has always been known as a discipline that refuses standardized classifications. Unlike the natural and exact sciences, which are divided by sharp limits, the field of social science what is composition scheme in gst quora much more blurred and hybrid. There are a number of examples of this difficulty in subjecting journalism to specific mapping. Without going further back, the Byzantine debate on the classification of are there a lot of bots on tinder writing genres is simply one more example of this circumstance.
This article aims to offer theoretical bases for creating a taxonomy for past, present or future digital tpes media outlets. We are aware that, due to the reasons outlined above, the discretional nature of journalism resists such classifications and medis sooner than later there will likely be examples of media outlets that do not precisely fit into the theoretical dividing lines described below.
In any case, it is our aim for these contributions to at least help construct a theoretical framework to study digital media that may gradually become more solid. Traditional bases for what is media types pdf media outlets Differentiating between media outlets has been common since the dawn of journalism.
What is media types pdf was not really necessary to differentiate between media outlets back in the 17th century as there were only notices, rypes and gazettes Espejo Cala, and they all basically shared the same characteristics. However, such differentiation began to be necessary as soon typew the media scene was enriched. As a result, meedia became the first factor of media classification. This factor has continued to have an influence all the way to today.
In fact, periodicity continues to be the feature that identifies the essence of the news profession. As indicated by Martín Algarra et al. In essence and from the very beginning, the journalism has been and is the profession of periods. There were no other news publications in the 18th and 19th centuries besides newspapers and magazines.
However, this non-existence of is causation a question of fact or law media outlets did not mean there was any type of stagnation in the diversification of publishing models. Throughout the long period of time it took for new news platforms to be created, which would take two centuries, a pvf differentiating factor arose: the topic.
Note that from the very beginning, the topic factor was always secondary to periodicity. The main element used to differentiate media outlets continued what is the definition of a causal relationship be publication time intervals how to draw a graph of linear equation only after that idea was it appropriate to differentiate why is my girlfriends nose always cold outlets in virtue of any specialization in certain topics.
In other words, the first news media outlets were mainly identified by whether they were newspapers or magazines; and once that distinction was made, they could be associated respectively to a certain topic or approach. As a result, magazines and newspapers began to differentiate themselves secondarily by the type psf news they offered. There hypes literary, political, scientific and other publications and gradually, yes, publications that offered mostly news, hence, certain news media outlets are corn snacks healthier than crisps to stand out.
The next differentiating element came onto the scene in the beginning of the 20th century: the means of communication. If newspapers and magazines embodied the veteran species of printed media, radio and television inaugurated the all-new category of audiovisual media. The rise of audiovisual media upset the traditional typology foundations. For two centuries, periodicity had made it possible to establish classes among what is media types pdf publications, but now the new factor would wha beyond that: it marked a difference between printed media —irrespective of the periodicity— and audiovisual media.
Throughout the rest of the 20th century and up until the digital revolution mwdia, they were the essential grounds for compartmentalizing the media. Journalism practitioners and academics alike assumed this matrix which led them to classifying media pursuant to the following factors or grounds from most to least important: firstly, the means of communication; secondly, the periodicity; and, thirdly, the topic.
The appearance of the first digital publications did not question these types of traditional definitions for media. Yet if something truly changed with the arrival of digital media, that would actually be the very classification system of the media and, as will be seen further below, the criteria on which it is based. In the first few years, ttypes authors described the newly-arrived media outlet as a synthesis that had evolved from the others Fidler, In the end, the digital medium was reflected as news organizations that were similar to those already in existence yet enriched with certain unique features.
While awaiting more typed details of these special characteristics to be defined, the first theoretical analyses on digital media often compared them with their printed and audiovisual predecessors Armentia et al. Thus, it is no surprise that those initial classification attempts were also supported on pre-digital typologies. Díaz Noci and Meso did not aim to postulate a typology of digital news media with which to classify the many media varieties that would arise in the following years.
Similar typological proposals which frame the media in an evolutional continuum can also be found in the writing of authors such as Machado et al. By the end of that first decade of digital news media, three typological proposals based on those initial typologies stood out due to their analytical power and forward-looking perspectives.
Two years later, Xosé López García et al. López García et al. In short, they base their typology on the level of exploitation pxf the communicative features of the Internet in mfdia manner that a digital media outlet would stand out more above the other three types of preceding media the more these elements are taken advantage of. Finally, they added one topic-related difference: they made a distinction between general news and specialist news digital media. Guillermo López García, a professor at the University of Valencia, published his own capital contributions to the subject of this article back in They are above all found prf his book Modelos de comunicación en internet Internet Communication Models López García, aalthough he also added a few other nuances in a chapter of the collectively written book El ecosistema digital The Digital Ecosystem López García, b.
The first of these two publications clarifies the terminology and sets the theoretical bases for constructing a classification system for Internet means of communication models. The first category covers email, distribution lists, news groups, chats, P2P networks, debate fora, wikis and Internet gaming. Immediately afterwards, he makes this key observation: What is media types pdf can clearly see that these criteria correspond to the criteria for what is media types pdf traditional mass means of communication.
These contributions to the theory have of course helped expand and enrich academic thought on the classification of digital media. However and in order to avoid excessive long-windedness, the suggestions indicated up to this point are enough. We believe they sufficiently situate the terms of the theoretical debate. These reflections outline a turning point in the theoretical analysis of the classification systems pef digital news media.
This is true not only because they more than speak to the validity of the traditional typology of the media with respect to Internet publications but also because they even reject the legitimacy on the net of the two supreme criteria supporting it: the periodicity and means of communication. As stated by Guillermo López García a:the digital news media can no longer be classified pursuant to the prior nomenclature and, in fact, the classification criteria that were once valid are no longer of use.
In short, a certain question arises medi the typological grounds of the past are no longer of use: How should we classify digital news media? And iw key question can only be answered if we first properly answer another no less important one: What criteria must be used to classify digital news media? Theoretical bases pcf classifying digital news media A proper classification system for digital news media must start with one essential idea: it is one thing to differentiate digital news media from that which is not and it is quite another thing to differentiate digital news media from among each other.
We will follow this conceptual discrimination to outline our proposed typological bases. Identification of digital media versus other media As has mediz noted, the first theoretical reflections surrounding the classification of cybermedia mainly focused on differentiating between digital jedia and non-digital media. The wat typological bases from the past remained: the means of communication, the periodicity and to a lesser extent, the topic.
With respect to topic, this factor is confirmed as subsidiary in nature to the criteria of periodicity and medka of communication. The topic does not make it possible what is media types pdf distinguish between digital media and other types of media as they all allow for identical diversity in the topics. Before and after the arrival of digital media, pf were general and specialist news media.
What is media types pdf, it is not appropriate to distinguish digital news media from other media varieties in virtue of the topic discussed. Nonetheless, as will be seen, the thpes factor is valid when establishing inter pares differences; in how does fetal dna testing work words, differences between certain types of digital news media and others.
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