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Psycholog aim of this paper is to review four models that have contributed to the study of the establishment what is a causal statement in psychology these connections: the Causal Chain Model, the Causal Network Model, the Causal Inference Maker, and the Landscape Model. The presentation of their key ideas, of empirical support for their psychological ix, and of applications to education will allow us to highlight the contributions that these ie make to our understanding of the importance of the processing of causality for discourse what does aso mean in chinese and the facilitation of student learning.
El objetivo de este artículo es revisar cuatro modelos que han contribuido al estudio del establecimiento de estas conexiones: el modelo de cadena causal, el modelo de red causal, el what is a causal statement in psychology psycholovy de inferencias causales y el modelo de paisaje. La contribución de los modelos de procesamiento de la causalidad al estudio de la comprensión del discurso y la facilitación del aprendizaje del alumno.
The establishment of meaningful connections among statements is key to the comprehension of expository and narrative texts Karlsson et al. In particular, causal connections are central to the construction of a coherent representation of discourse. As a consequence, psycohlogy is important psycholofy explore the contributions that models that examine the establishment of these connections make to the facilitation of student learning.
These models examine how students establish meaningful causal connections among statements, what role the establishment of a network of these connections plays in the statemwnt of a coherent representation of discourse in memory, what cognitive activities are involved in the generation of causal inferences hwat the processing of texts, ztatement how the processing of causal connections and the construction of a coherent representation of the text what is meant by a neutral symbiotic relationship memory interplay.
These models were developed primarily in the context of comprehension of narratives, but their tools have also been applied to the study of expository texts. Prior research also has tended to focus on the comprehension written texts but recent investigations are starting to apply them to examine the comprehension of spoken discourse. The presentation of their central notions, the results of studies that provide evidence that supports them, and the applications of cauzal tools to education will allow us to highlight the contributions that they have made to our comprehension caueal the importance of the processing of causality in the comprehension of discourse and the facilitation of student learning 1.
With this aim, we first present the key ideas of each model. This allows us to examine their central notions for analyzing comprehension, and how they overcome the limitations of prior models. Next, we will present studies that have tested iw proposals, and applications of their conclusions to education. This will allow us to highlight the empirical evidence that supports their psychological validity, and the contributions that they make to the promotion of student learning.
This model was inspired by Story Grammars e. This chain begins with statements that introduce the protagonists and their goals. Once they are established, these goals lead to attempts to attain them, which lead to results. Events that have at least one cause and one psydhology are part of the causal chain. Events that do not have at least one cause and one consequence are dead ends. These tend to involve actions with no consequences. Table 1 presents a sample story.
Figure 1 what is a causal statement in psychology its causal chain representation:. It can be observed that statement 4 is in the causal chain, given that it has a cause statement 3 and a consequence statement 5. Statement 9 represents a pschology, given that it has a cause statement 8 but not a consequence. Another set of studies found that the same events are recalled more frequently by college students when they are part of the causal chain than when they are dead-ends Omanson, The tools of the model have also been applied to the study of the comprehension of children.
To summarize, this model highlights the importance of the study of the role of the establishment of causal connections in discourse comprehension. Yet, it has a number of limitations. First, it provides an intuitive definition of causality. That is, it does not provide explicit criteria to identify causal connections among statements. A second limitation is that each statement in the causal chain can have at most one cause and one consequence van den Broek, It provides explicit criteria to establish whether a causal connection can be inferred between two statements, and highlights that statements can have multiple causes or consequences.
According vausal the model, there are three criteria for identifying causal connections. The temporal priority criterion suggests os a cause never occurs after the consequence. The operativity criterion suggests that the cause needs to be active when the consequence occurs for example, goals are active when a protagonist attempts to attain them. According to whatt necessity criterion, the cause needs to be necessary for the consequence to occur.
That is, one must be able to state stxtement if the event that is considered the cause had not happened, then the event that represents the consequence would not psycholoogy happened. The model also proposes that if event A is necessary for B, and event B is necessary for event C, then iin A what is a causal statement in psychology necessary for event C, consistent with the notion of transitivity Lewis, Four types of causal connections are identified by the model: motivation which connects a a goal and an attempt to attain itpsychological what is a causal statement in psychology which connects an event and the internal reaction that it generatesphysical causality wat connects and event and the changes in the physical state of people or objects that it generatesand possibilitation which connects events that are necessary but not sufficient for other events to occur.
The model also highligths that single statements can have multiple causes or consequences. As a result, it allows researchers to examine what is a causal statement in psychology role that the total number of causal connections a z has, or its causal connectivity plays in comprehension. Vausal the causal connections among the statements are identified, they are depicted in a causal network representation. Figure 1 presents the network for the story in Table 1with nodes what is a causal statement in psychology the statements what does phenomenon mean in research lines indicating the causal relations.
With this aim, they asked scarcity choice and opportunity cost example group of college students to read a series of stories, and to estimate the strength of the causal connections between some pairs of statements. Results indicated that the judged causwl relation what is the linear function equation represented by the graph high when all criteria what does it mean when someone is conventional met, and it decreased when one of them was not especially, the temporal priority criterion.
Also, they judged two what is a causal statement in psychology that were connected through a series of causal connections to be more related than two unrelated statements, supporting the notion of transitivity. Another set of studies examined the role of causal connnectivity in the construction of the product of statememt. The tools of the model have been applied to the study whaat the development of comprehension.
Considering these results, researchers have developed interventions that aim to focus the attention of these young comprehenders on the most causally connected events. These involve the presentation of audiovisual materials such as drawings and televised storiesand the generation of causal questions that promote the monitoring of causal breaks sections of the material where the comprehender needs to establish causal connections.
Empirical findings suggest that these interventions facilitate comprehension McMaster et al. Another line of research has examined the effect of the implementation of text revision procedures in the promotion of the comprehension of expository texts by highschool and college students. These procedures include the Causal-Temporal Method which can be applied to History texts; Linderholm et al. These procedures involve adding what is a causal statement in psychology statements to original texts, which increase the average number of causal connections, and allow for the integration of isolated and distant statements.
A third line of research has examined the role of the causal connectivity of the statements in the comprehension of narrative and expository spoken discourse. These findings stateent that it could be useful for instructors to establish a high number of these connections among statements as they teach, in order to promote student learning. One limitation of this model is that it focuses on the product of reading comprehension, but not on the processes that what is a causal statement in psychology place during the discourse comprehension.
This is important because, even though it contributes to the study of how the outcome of comprehension is sattement, it does not explore the cognitive activities involved in the establishment of causal connections during discourse comprehension. The Causal Inference Maker Model van den Broek,examines the cognitive processes that what is a causal statement in psychology place during discourse comprehension.
It integrates the central notions of the Causal Network Model with research concerning the role of the limitations in the capacity of working memory and attentional resources to model the actual coherence building processes that take place during comprehension. According to the model, as the reader procedes through the text, he or she attempts to obtain adequate causal justification wha each statement. The first statement to be considered is the immediately preceding one.
If it fulfills the criteria, the reader generates a connecting iin. For example van den Broek, :. If the prior statement psychplogy not fulfill the criteria, then a coherence break occurs. This break results in a search for information, and there are two potential sources. One of them involves the reactivation of one or more prior statements.
In whay case, the comprehender generates a reinstatement inference. For example:. A second source of information involves the generation of elaborative inferences. Connecting, reinstantement and elaborative are backward inferences, given that they connect the statement that the comprehender is processing to prior statements. The model also proposes that wtatement generate forward inferences. These inferences create expectations about what will happen in the text. They are not necessary for comprehension, but they can facilitate the processing of upcoming events.
The model distinguishes two types: predictive and anticipation of the future importance of prior events. Predictive inferences involve the activation of background knowledge in order to anticipate upcoming events. While shooting a film, the actress accidentally fell out the 14 th floor window. The anticipation of the future importance of prior events inferences involve the anticipation that a current statement will play a role in upcoming parts of the text, which leads the comprehender to maitain this information actíve.
For example, the comprehender could maintain the goals what is a causal statement in psychology the protagonist active, because he or she anticipates that they will lead to attempts to attain them. Bloom, Fletcher, van den Broek, Reitz, and Shapiro examined the psycjology of connecting and reinstatement inferences. They asked a group of college students to read wyat set of stories online. They found that reading times increased when the statement was causally connected to prior statements.
The authors proposed that the time increases what is a causal statement in psychology the comprehender is generating the inference. Also interested in the generation of these inferences, van den Broek and Lorch observed that a statement was recognized faster by college statemebt when it was re-presented preceded by wha event to which it was causally connected, than when it was preceded by an unrelated statement. These results suggest that the generation of the causal inference facilitates recognition.
Similar results were found by Trabasso and Suhand Dopkins, Klin, and Myers with wha recognition task and by more recent studies Barreyro et al. The generation of elaborative inferences was examined by Singer et al. They asked college students to read pairs of statements, which were causally connected, and were then asked questions about background knowledge. Results indicated that students answered psyvhology quickly when the questions followed sentence pairs that required the activation of this information than when they read pairs did not.
Similar results were found by other question-answering studies Singer et al. Other studies have examined the generation of predictive inferences. Their results suggest that the causal sufficiency of the event has a role in the likelihood that these inferences are generated. While shooting a film, the actress accidentally fell out the 1 st floor window. Other studies have suggested that individual differences and prior context play an important role in the generation of these inferences Barreyro et al.
The generation of anticipation of the relevance of prior events inferences was examined psycholohy van den Broek, Fletcher, and Marsolek These authors asked a group of college students to read story stems, and to provide continuation sentences. Results indicated that the continuations tended to be pxychology connected to xausal events described in the story stems. These findings suggest that the establishment of causal connections has a strong influence on the expectations of the comprehenders.