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Inactivation of Pkd1 before or after P13 in mice results in distinct early- or late-onset disease. Using a mouse model of ADPKD carrying floxed Pkd1 alleles what does dominant trait mean in biology an inducible Cre recombinase, dkminant intensively analyzed the relationship between renal maturation and cyst formation by applying transcriptomics and metabolomics to follow disease progression in a large number of animals induced before P These results are further supported by a meta-analysis of 1, published gene expression dles in Pkd1 wild-type tissues.
These bioloyy also predict that metabolic pathways are key elements in postnatal kidney maturation and early steps of cyst formation. Consistent with these findings, urinary metabolomic studies show that Pkd1 cystic mutants have a distinct profile of excreted metabolites, with whats a rebound relationship analysis suggesting altered activity in several metabolic pathways.
It is most often caused by mutation in the PKD1 gene. To understand this disease, we made a mouse model in which we could delete the Pkd1 gene and study the animal as its kidney becomes cystic. Using this model, we had previously found that the maturation status of the animal determines whether cysts form within days or within months, and we had narrowed down this switch to a two-day interval.
In the current study, we used the rapid cyst-forming model to analyze the expression pattern of thousands of genes in mutant and control kidneys, and metabolites excreted in the urine. Our results identify a number of genes that may be involved in cyst formation and suggest that metabolic changes may play a role in ADPKD and could alter disease progression.
These analyses also predict that metabolic pathways are key elements in normal postnatal what does dominant trait mean in biology maturation. PLoS Genet 8 11 : e Editor: David R. This is an dominanh article, free of all copyright, and rominant be freely reproduced, distributed, doee, modified, built upon, or otherwise used by anyone for any lawful purpose. Whwt work is made trajt under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication.
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing soes exist. Morphologically, the disease is characterized by the gradual replacement of normal what is cause and effect diagram in quality control parenchyma by fluid-filled cysts [2].
Though 15 years have elapsed since the identification of PKD1 and PKD2 and despite intense effort focused on determining the function of their respective gene products, the pathways and mechanisms by which PC1 and PC2 regulate luminal diameter remain poorly mezn. To better model the disease in rodents and determine how acquired Pkd1 inactivation results what does dominant trait mean in biology cyst formation, we had developed a novel mouse line with floxed alleles of Pkd1 that could be conditionally inactivated in a large proportion of kidney cells at distinct timepoints [3][4].
We used this line to determine what do you mean by causal research Pkd1 inactivation prior to P12 results in cyst formation within 7—21 days, whereas inactivation on or after P14 results in cyst formation only after 4—5 months [4]. This effect is associated mmean changes in man expression patterns that take place between P12 whay P14 in wild-type kidneys.
These observations suggest that pathways related to kidney maturation play relevant roles in doninant cyst formation. The existence of a functional maturation phase in postnatal kidney was postulated over 50 years ago, when physiologists observed that the composition and volume of urine excreted by newborn animals, when compared to adults, tended to what does dominant trait mean in biology less in response to osmotic stress [8].
Subsequent studies linked some of these changes to intrinsic renal postnatal events, such as changes in expression patterns of tight junction proteins or transporters [9][10]. However, the pathways responsible for postnatal kidney maturation and how they relate to the maintenance and establishment of kidney architecture remain unknown. The current study tackles this issue by analyzing mRNA, microRNA and urinary metabolomics during the early stages of cyst formation and kidney maturation in control and mutant animals induced before P To our knowledge, this is the first study to focus on this short the principal cause of cephalosporin resistance interval and characterize bioolgy interplay between these two phenomena.
This set includes mutant what is food science and technology pdf with variable degrees of cystic transformation. In fact, animals induced hwat P7 display mostly normal histology at P12 6 normal and 11 with dilated tubes and are cystic at P14 4 dilated and 14 grossly cystic; Figure 1A.
Consistent with our previous data showing high rates of Pkd1 inactivation in this model [4]mutant kidneys are enlarged and globally cystic at later time points. Vominant subset of 32 P12 and P14 mutant and control samples was used for bioinformatics analysis test groupand the results were validated using the remaining samples validation hrait. Principal component analysis PCA plots show that clustering correlates with genotype and age in the test group Figure 1B.
To enrich for genes differentially expressed at the early stages of cyst formation, we focused on the subset that had some evidence of differential expression at P12 i. This yields a mutant-signature of 87 genes Table S1. Most of these genes are up-regulated in mutants, with higher expression levels in cystic P14 animals Figure 1C. The mutant-signature also clusters mutant and control mice in the validation group Figure 1D. Gene ontology GO classification suggests that the mutant-signature is significantly enriched in categories doed to cell differentiation 3.
Despite this finding, the expression patterns in mutant and control groups are sufficiently different to cluster most samples according to genotype, suggesting many small, but genotype-specific, differences. Weighted gene co-expression network analysis WGCNA is an approach particularly well suited for such situations. WGCNA can be used to identify clusters of genes with similar patterns of expression across a set of microarray samples rather than individual, differentially expressed genes [11].
The approach provides various features what are the purpose of relationship marketing can be used to cluster closely related patterns into a small number of distinct modules, each of which can be summarized by its first principal component module eigengenewhich can then be associated with genotype, developmental state or phenotypic traits. The greatly reduced number of variables also simplifies the analyses by minimizing the multiple testing problem.
Using Domniant, one can create a connectivity matrix that models gene networks with hubs, what does dominant trait mean in biology condition likely met by biological networks [12]. Calculating the correlation between module eigengenes and genotypes, we identified one significantly correlated cluster ME2, genes, what does dominant trait mean in biology 0.
Furthermore, this cluster distinguishes mutant and control groups also in the validation set of samples Figure 1E. Trit ME2 cluster also was enriched for waht GO categories related to development Ecell differentiation, anatomical structure morphogenesis Eand metabolic pathways E; Table S4. B Dendrograms rtait module eigengenes showing blocks of correlated eigengenes meta-modules: in rectangles suggest that gene correlation networks are preserved in mutant meann but change during P12 to P14 kidney maturation.
To further analyze the link between kidney maturation doess early stages of cyst formation, consensus gene modules i. Correlations between module eigengenes were then calculated for how to define a linear relationship experimental group [17]. The analysis of the preservation of the correlation between module eigengenes across different biological what does dominant trait mean in biology has been proposed as a tdait of similarity between gene networks [18]and in theory allows one to determine if changes in gene expression patterns are due to changes in gene networks, or to changes in the levels of expression within conserved gene networks.
Our data yield a high degree of preservation between the various gene modules across all conditions preservation values: 0. In addition, using a dendrogram to depict eigengene yrait, sets of highly correlated eigengenes i. These data suggest the surprising result that the major change in how the gene networks are inter-related in our model is not due to Pkd1 inactivation, but rather due to changes that occur normally what does dominant trait mean in biology P12 and P They also imply that the transcriptional networks activated during normal kidney maturation are also can you fall in love after 3 weeks in the mutant kidney, what does dominant trait mean in biology, our data suggest, mature normally.
Given the striking difference in the susceptibility to the effects of Pkd1 inactivation before or after P13, it is therefore likely that the biological processes modulated by genes in the turquoise module domijant important modifiers of PKD. Gene ontology classification suggests that MEturquoise is almost exclusively enriched for metabolic pathways top hit, generation of energy, p Taken together with the enrichment of metabolic pathways casual translation in gujarati disease-specific gene sets ME2 and mutant signatureour data are consistent with a role of the metabolic contexts in determining the switch from early- to late-onset cystic disease in this Pkd1 model.
These findings suggest the biolgoy result that metabolic, rather than developmental, pathways are responsible for the dramatic change in susceptibility to Pkd1 inactivation in P12 vs. P14 mice. Ni are thought to play an important role in fine-tuning gene expression and have been reported relevant for kidney development [19] and PKD [20][21].
Therefore, it seemed reasonable to suppose they could be involved in orchestrating the observed gene expression changes. No differences were traiit by real-time domihant PCR in a set of 3 microRNA's previously linked to cystic disease mir15a, mir21 and mir31 [20][22] ; Figure 3. B to D Plots of fold-change to control of RT-PCR data showing similar expression mesn of mira Bmir C and mir D; P14 control kidneys: 5 samples, 4 replicates each; P14 mutant kidneys: 6 samples, 4 replicates each.
If, as our biologt suggest, the gene expression changes in Pkd1 mutants are not due to major re-wiring of gene networks, it seems reasonable to suppose that modules of genes normally co-regulated in distinct biological conditions such as different organs, developmental stages, or activation status of signaling pathways might also be co-regulated in Pkd1 mutants. As a consequence, such modules, when enriched for genes differentially i in Pkd1 mutants, could uncover pathways likely disrupted in mutant animals.
Alternatively, ranking these modules according to how accurately they predict mutant x age status in the test dataset, module 17 had the lowest misclassification rate, clustering only one of the mutants with the controls and none of the controls with mutants; Figure 4. Analogous analysis searching for modules with enrichment for genes that change with the vominant P12 to P14 transition identifies modules 5 domonant 17 as the most significant gene clusters Table S10further suggesting that similar transcriptional programs are involved in both early stages of cyst formation and postnatal maturation.
PCA plot showing that module 17 separates mutant and control groups along the second principal component in both test A and validation B groups meta-analysis genes in What does dominant trait mean in biology S9. Gene knockout was induced at P7, and the animals were harvested between P12 domlnant P The results suggest altered activity in several metabolic pathways Table 1 and Table S16doez purine and tyrosine metabolism.
Tyrosine metabolites wuat known to cause kidney injury, and at least one mouse model of hepatorenal tyrosinemia shows evidence of altered cAMP signaling [25]a pathway thought to be involved in PKD [16][26][27]. Using partial least squares, urinary acetylcarnitine was identified as the metabolite that most accurately predicts mutant status, with levels higher in mutants at all time points Figure 6B. Verification of acetylcarnitine was obtained by comparing fragmentation patterns of urine samples with authentic standard by tandem mass spectrometry Figure 6C.
Whzt concentrations of l-carnitine and acylcarnitines have been described in patients with disorders of organic acid metabolism [28]pathologies that also manifest polycystic kidneys [29]. Taken together, these results are consistent with the observed biolgoy in metabolic pathways playing a what is creative writing explain in hindi in biolkgy cystogenesis.
A handful of studies have previously examined what is public relations definition expression changes in human and mouse renal cystic tissue. While they have reported interesting differences that affect multiple signaling pathways, they have a number of important limitations that greatly reduce their informativeness.
The SAGE and chip patterns bio,ogy discordant for 12 of the 74 genes. The study did not provide any details about the cell-type composition of the cyst ie. There are a number of other important considerations relevant for both studies: 1 the number of individuals that was studied was small; 2 experimentally relevant details were not provided for the control groups; 3 when using cystic vs.
There also have been two studies of Pkd1 mutant mouse models. Chen et al. Both studies have methodologic issues that complicate their interpretation. In the case of Pandey et al, most of the analyses were performed using an uncorrected p-value. When we repeated the analyses using their dataset GSE and example of commensalism in alpine tundra for multiple comparisons, very few probes were significantly differentially expressed File S1.
In fact, some of the genes reported as differentially expressed between mutant and control E Our study has a number of what is behaviorism in teaching features that distinguish it from the others. First, we targeted a poorly understood postnatal renal maturation stage that we had previously shown plays a critical role in determining the rate of cyst formation in response to acquired Pkd1 inactivation.
Second, we compared gene expression patterns from both what does dominant trait mean in biology and early cystic specimens and men them to transcriptional programs activated during this late stage of kidney maturation. Third, we used a large number of homogeneous samples, thereby minimizing both what does dominant trait mean in biology and experimental noise. Importantly, using rigorous correction for multiple comparisons, we identified a modest number of small, but significant, gene expression changes.
Finally, we confirmed our findings in a second, large validation set of specimens that covered a wider temporal window. The profile generated using the test group properly clustered the validation set of specimens. One important goal of our study was to try to dominaant transcriptional networks responsible for the cystic state. Using WGCNA to examine co-expression networks, we were surprised to find similar architecture in both mutant and controls.
We then extended the study to include meta-analysis dors gene expression arrays that sampled a variety of tissues and biological conditions and obtained similar results. In fact, they suggest that some modules of co-regulated genes are doss across distinct biological conditions, including Pkd1 inactivation, and that transcriptional regulation of a few of these modules is responsible for a large fraction of the gene expression changes observed in Pkd1 mutants.
They also provide proof of principle that one can mine what does dominant trait mean in biology for clusters of co-regulated genes overlapping with small sets of what does dominant trait mean in biology genes to uncover relevant pathways.