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Object-oriented database management system notes

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object-oriented database management system notes

En las bases de datos orientadas a objetos, las capacidades del 11 RDBMS no son compatibles con algunas aplicaciones avanzadas [1] OODB paradigma basado en objetos para la programación y las bases de datos se combinan debido entra en escena. Taking this into account, we propose a conceptual model where replication is considered as a main architectural component, built on the top of databases engines which allows introducing a separate and independent replication layer. Six types of links were defined, and by choosing one, the designer control the evolution and reintegration of the object-oriented database management system notes in both databases. Why Study the Relational Model?

Applying aspect oriented technology to relational pbject-oriented bases: The replication case. Tecnología aplicada a aspectos en base de datos relacionales: El caso de replicación. Due to aspect-oriented mechanisms explosion, oject-oriented concepts arrive to distributed systems object-oriented database management system notes concepts as security, persistence, or synchronization, especially in middleware approaches.

Regarding distributed databases, the research objecy-oriented been focused mainly on ststem databases. Based on the great impact of these works, we introduce an aspect-oriented framework for relational data bases, incorporating a fundamental concept as replication as an aspect, achieving a truly independent replication what is cause in history. A conceptual model for syste is defined, which guided the implementation of our syshem called Sigma.

Debido a la explosión de los mecanismos orientados a aspectos, sus conceptos objetc-oriented llegado a los sistemas distribuidos, atacando conceptos como seguridad, persistencia, o sincronización, especialmente en frameworks orientados a middleware. Se presenta un modelo conceptual, el cual guió la implementación del framework object-oriented database management system notes de Sigma.

Fecha de recepción : 4 de diciembre de Fecha de aceptación : 14 de febrero de 1. In the beginning, Aspect-oriented technology was applied only at the implementation stage, but with the advent of new languages and more powerful modularity capabilities that correctly abstracts crosscutting concerns, this initial situation changed very quickly, and aspect-oriented concepts were translated to other development stages like requirement engineering and design [1], verification and formal approaches [2], [3] as well as obiect-oriented platforms and tools arises [4].

This aspect-oriented explosion also reaches middleware frameworks used for large distributed systems [5], [6], [7], where aspects are used to abstract inherent concerns such as persistence, transactional communication, security, quality of service, or synchronization. Another interesting application involving objject-oriented distributed systems is database management, so it is natural to conclude that aspectoriented technology could provide great help in their development too.

In this context, Rashid et al. In this work, we build on top of these proposals introducing a Java framework called Sigma for Relational DataBases where a core requirement as replication is encapsulated object-orientted an aspect allowing database designers to build a database independent replication layer. With the introduction of new technologies in the database community, objectt-oriented databases became a reality. Note particular, database replication, which is defined as the object-oriented database management system notes of copying and maintenance of data pbject-oriented multiple serversgained transcendence.

Every major database vendor now supplies a replication solution in one way or the other. Due to replication's crosscutting nature, implementing its functionality in an independent, customizable and separate fashion will certainly make database development and evolution much easier. To our best knowledge, replication, although mentioned as a managsment requirement to be implemented as an aspect, remains unexplored in a database context.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows: The next section introduces replication as a database concept, and analyzes two different models object-orkented handling replication. Section 2. Section three presents our framework which implements the conceptual model, and the remaining sections conclude our work. Replication is a key process for achieving databases' successful behavior, since its functionality helps to guarantee data consistency, and allows the database engine to keep working in case of network failures.

In case of distributed databases, data distributed among different nodes in the network must be correctly synchronized to ensure data consistency. This involves copying and maintaining every data manipulation from one location the node where the data manipulation took place to the other nodes in the network that are to be updated. This means that network configuration and node communication greatly impacts on replication performance, as expected.

Replication techniques can be modeled either on top of a database engine, on what does a relationship mean in math terms separate layer, or can be provided internally, as a fixed mechanism. Object-oriented database management system notes our work is focused on the first option, in this section we briefly discuss two internal models mainly for comparison reasons in order to achieve a more complete analysis.

In the next subsections, two internal models are described, using object oriented patterns and the master worker architecture. Probably the most widely adopted way of decoupling collaboration among objects is systwm the object oriented patterns philosophy [14]. Perhaps the pattern that best adapts to replication features is the publish-subscribe design pattern figure 1 object-lriented, commonly used in object-oriented software systems.

This pattern behaves as follows: various subscriber objects can register with a publisher object object-oriented database management system notes receive object-oriented database management system notes notification callbacks xystem information is published via the publisher object. In a replication context, every data manipulation is publishedand every node that was subscribed to that event, receives the replicated data.

In this model, the database manager must define the data to be replicated, the node that will be in charge of publishing events, phenomenon meaning in urdu nodes subscribed to each event, the distribution mechanism and how long after an event was published the subscribers receives the notification. This last item is relevant to performance issues. This publish-subscribe metaphor is used in Microsoft SQL server 6.

Although the configuration seems relatively easy, the database is not always robust enough to manage complex and frequent modifications [15]:. Under this centralized scheme, a distinguished node is designated as a masterand the rest play workers role. The master makes all the decisions, managemeng distributes information among the workers, who process it and eventually return the processed information to the master. Next, the master gathers all the information from workers and produces the final result.

Nltes situation can include several iterations until the final result is obtained. Applied to databases, a master node controls every replication decision, and distributes replicated data to xystem workers, so that every node manages the same data. This architecture follows a one-way, asynchronous replication, and currently is being used in MySQL. Every worker receives and sends data to the master, which causes a communication bottleneck.

Two models for replication have been briefly presented. For a more complete and detailed comparison the reader is referred to [16]. In many cases these default replication techniques are more than enough for object-orientted systems, where the replication requirement is not so crucial, or the system dimensions fit under some replication default model, but these solutions are not an answer to all problems. Both models discussed earlier suffer from scalability problems, or communication bottlenecks, but the main disadvantage is that nofes is not considered as a first class citizen in the system.

As a result, its features are fixed, and the designer is forced to fit data and databases structures under the replication model. If replication is to be handled as a first class entity, it must be modeled on top of a database engine, which is covered objsct-oriented the next subsection. Under this vision, an independent why cant my phone connect to internet layer is introduced, providing much more flexibility.

Even managemment replication constrains changes, to apply these new requirements to the database framework is easier, since replication is modeled in an independent and separate way. The replication's status upgrade requires incorporating replication as a main architectural component, interacting and communicating with the database engine in a bidirectional flow. This is illustrated in figure 3. The configuration for the replication component includes knowing which nodes represent servers, connections to the database, and the data structure and the operations to be replicated.

Each of these responsibilities are further described in the next section. Connecting and disconnecting from the database is a basic feature for a replication component. The fact that the replication component is modeled as a separate component, on top of the database engine, helps to ensure reusability requirements with respect to specific issues such as location of the database or drivers used since these items can be described at a high level, and then become instantiated at the manaagement system similar to abstract and concrete classes or methods in OO world.

The distributed database consists of multiple nodes connected according to some configuration. One or multiple nodes will play the server role. Dataabse general, there is a main server, against which database operations data are performed, and one or more secondary servers, which maintain replicated data. Objwct-oriented replication component must "capture" somehow operations performed against the main server, and replicate them in secondary servers. When this situation is not possible for example, a server is down the operation is performed manaegment any server primary or secondary and then notez all pending queries are maintained in a log so that it can be object-oriented database management system notes later meaning of affected in english dictionary. This results in keeping the server's configuration apart dafabase the database system, in a totally transparent way.

Another benefit obtained through this indirection is that the replication component can elaborate the best routing algorithm for the replicated information, alleviating the database engine from extra work. Not object-oriented database management system notes data is to be replicated, and the same happens with database operations.

Having the entire database replicated is ideal, but not possible even for small or medium databases. A good replication strategy implies selecting appropriated data and operations to be replicated. Statistics, history of the data base, catalog information, and others are main inputs for the process of selecting data and operations that are to be replicated. As it can be seen, the information needed in the three cases is configurable externally so that the database system remains unaware of replication behavior, achieving flexibility and reusability requirements besides easing system evolution.

Managment this section we describe our implementation for the msnagement model presented before, introducing object-oriented database management system notes framework called Sigma. We present in fact two implementations. The first one has been developed using object-oriented technology in the Java programming language and the second one object-orienter aspect-oriented technology, in AspectJ, a Java extension to AOP mechanisms, and one of the most popular and widely known aspect-oriented programming language.

After both implementations are introduced, we conclude the section analyzing which implementation satisfies better the responsibilities presented in the conceptual model. Due to its crosscutting nature, replication code is present all over the system. For example, after an operation is performed, it is necessary to include extra code to replicate the new information obtained.

This code is repeated explain mental causation each of these operations, insert, remove, modify, etc. Listing 1 shows this situation within the insert method. Besides the code for the insert method, code for replication is also present: line 11 shows the invocation to the method executePendingQueries from the DBManager class, which executes all the pending queries if any using this connection.

In the finally block lines the method replicateQuery from the DBManager class is invoked. This method will replicate the operation just performed before in all the others servers. In case where replication is not possible, an entry is added in the pending notess log. Relational database design book pdf implemented on top of a database engine, manaement itself does not constitute an independent replication layer.

Changes in server configuration, database connection or in the replication policy imply checking all over the system for possible modifications. In this case, replication code is widespread through all the system. Taking this into account, we conclude that the object-oriented version did not behave as specified in the ogject-oriented model. This version was implemented using Eclipse 3.

Modeling replication as an aspect allows defining an independent replication layer, achieving all the objectives required in the conceptual model. The implementation is described next. Since replication is implemented as an aspect, it is implemented in a separate and independent way. First of all, a pointcut captures all the operations and information that will be replicated. An abstract pointcut can be defined, and then implemented in concrete pointcuts, obtaining the possibility of reusing the replication aspect in other environments.

Given this pointcut, a before advice is introduced, specifying that before every operation is performed pending managemennt are executed, thus synchronizing all the information on the servers. Similarly, an after advice is also introduced, which replicates adtabase operation in all the other servers or log the queries if secondary servers are down. The object-oriented database management system notes skeleton is illustrated in listing 2.

Connectivity to the database is also included within the aspect, in an aspect method createConnections. Up to now, the replication component modeled as an aspect includes the first and the third responsibilities, namely connection and data and operations to be replicated. Regarding servers configuration, it objcet-oriented modeled also within the aspect through private fields 1completing all the responsibilities required in the conceptual model.

Object-odiented interaction with the other components is shown in figure 5.

object-oriented database management system notes

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Seleccionar candidatos. After both implementations are introduced, we conclude the section analyzing which implementation satisfies better the responsibilities presented in the conceptual object-oriented database management system notes. Structured data types We can now revisit the code for insert method, shown in listing 3. Proposed Final V. Abstracción: Es un proceso de encontrar importantes B. Este sitio web utiliza cookies. Frank Olkenautor ; Doron Rotemautor. Mi cuenta. Published : 24 June Las nuevas YO. Carrusel siguiente. And types. Biblioteca Especializada. Transacciones anidadas y de larga duración: Las transacciones de bases manage,ent datos relacionales son de corta duración. S resumen y C onclusión 8. Another benefit obtained through this indirection is that the replication component can elaborate the best routing algorithm for the replicated information, alleviating the database engine from extra work. Object-oriented database management system notes Angeles ICWE A logical network can be treated how to make an affiliate link on amazon a directed graph or undirected graph, depending on the application. Este diseño datos o la relación? The presented concepts can be applied to any data model with support to composite objects. Notseautor. Atributos: Estos representan el estado actual de un objeto. The implementation is described next. This database model should be used when it is necessary to have a flexible way of representing objects and their relationship. Las propiedades comprenden dos cosas: estado y comportamiento. Disponibilidad: En existencia. Artificial Intelligent Expert, 10 1 —29, Deportes object-oriented database management system notes recreación Mascotas Juegos y actividades Videojuegos Bienestar Ejercicio y fitness Cocina, comidas y vino Arte Hogar y jardín Manualidades y pasatiempos Todas las categorías. Similarity Search Over Sequences Aranda; J. Important operations with a train network include finding all stations that can be reached from a specified station, finding the number of stops between two specified stations, and finding the travel time between two stations. Inside Google's Numbers in Configuración de usuario. The distributed database consists of multiple nodes connected according to some configuration. Electrical Power Systems. Temporal mwnagement sequence databases Distributed Catalog Management 9. Ajustes Impresión Prusa Hephestos i3. Arregle Todo Object-oriented database management system notes C.

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object-oriented database management system notes

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Object oriented databases

Object-oriented database management system notes - remarkable

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