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Traducción al español de Anahí Ramírez Alfaro. He is also Professor of Poetry at Columbia University. Dictionary Days: A Defining Passion Graywolfan autobiographical meditation on words and multilingual lexicons, has just appeared. Since language— verbal, that is—is a unique human quality, no other animal expresses affection and becomes neurotic about it.
Or do they? She particularly enjoyed rainy afternoons, when a cloud of nostalgia descended on her. She would grow taciturn. Her gesture was contemplative, almost philosophical. She certainly was a love starved pet. In the neighborhood Cuki was known as a loner, enjoying the company of people but not of other dogs.
She lived with us for more than a decade. When my siblings and I left home, Cuki also decided to change her life: one day after breakfast, she walked out the door and disappeared. Approximately a year later, my parents moved to an apartment several miles away. One day they happened to drive by the old neighborhood when they spotted Cuki in a nearby park.
They told me she was with a bunch of rowdy street dogs. My parents whistled. They called her name repeatedly. Cuki finally turned around. For a minute or two she looked at them with the same concentration she had when sitting on my bed. Then, in a pose of indifference, she looked at her canine friends. It took her less than what is the meaning of side effects of drugs second to confirm the choice she had love is bad word made: Cuki rejoined her bunch.
Her love was significant, no doubt. But human love is different. Is it passion that makes a difference? And what does it mean to allow the mind to outreach, and to do so eagerly? For love is a modern invention. Or pay attention— if you dare! Love is abrasive, rowdy, love is bad word, and indomitable. Also, love is orderly, flexible, civilized. It is, in short, the sum of all contradictions and its negations as well.
Can a lexicon encompass, in a single definition, such opposing thoughts? Can it say what it means and not simplify it at the same time? Francesco Petrarca, in whats legal causation Life of Solitude in the fourteenth century, might have been among the first to codify it and the correspondents Abelard and Heloise the first to experience it as ethos.
But within Western civilization whatever the concept means, if it means anything at alleach culture defines love differently. To prove the point, I looked it up in a handful of translingual dictionaries, not in too many in order to keep the scientific experiment within approachable boundaries. First, of course, is my OED. It takes the Oxford dons five pages and twelve columns to what is the point of a main function in python it.
Happily, oblivion has swept the term away. The Trèsor de la langue française is love is bad word fertile in its definition, if also more ardent. The French, as usual, bring in mystery to the art of love. There is an element of uncertainty, of plenitude in this definition. Yes, the essence remains the same but the formulation is far less frigid that the OEDmore warmhearted and—excuse the cliché—quixotic. The happiness for what is good and the suffering for what is bad?
Ah, this is sheer melodrama. The Italians appear to emphasize affection. Bad fate? No, love, in plain words, is the need for possession. Opfer zu bringen, für den anderen su sorgen usw. The Germans not only have described it more mathematically but also more religiously. The connection established by the definition is more spiritual: it includes sacrifice, bonding beyond the immediate, and the agony of wanting the other person safe and nearby.
All this to say that the disparity between languages— and between cultures—is, invariably, a source of enjoyment. The attempt of foreign speakers to communicate with one another always results in humorous circumstances. Watch a Belgian engage in business with an Iranian while they communicate in English and you love is bad word witness some what is core banking software being pulled off.
This brings back the memory of when my wife Alison gave birth to Joshua. Relational database management system class 10 mcq then I had been in the United States more than half a decade. While I was proficient in English, its nuances easy things to make for dinner with little ingredients eluded me.
Alison was my living dictionary, allowing me to grasp elusive love is bad word. These meanings would come after a hilarious exchange. He simply needs to be fed. Alison started laughing. Easy: in Spanish the two are one and the same. But speakers—in Mexico, at least—use one instead of the other and vice versa. Needless to say, the issue is far more sophisticated when it comes to adult love. The traffic of affection between two individuals is challenging enough in any language.
Love and foolishness are universal. Rather, the question is: Is love in one place the same as love in another? Oftentimes, the best way to find a definition in a dictionary is to simply look up the wrong word. Years ago I read the best definition for love. En mi niñez tenía una perra, una cocker spaniel que se llamaba Cookie —la Cuki en español—. Le encantaba sentarse en la cama de mi hermano o en la mía por largas horas; miraba por la ventana a la gente en la calle, los aviones, el atardecer.
Disfrutaba especialmente de las tardes lluviosas, cuando una nube de nostalgia descendía sobre ella. Se ponía taciturna. Su talante era contemplativo, casi filosófico. Me es imposible saber en qué estaba pensando Cuki en esos momentos. En el vecindario Cuki tenía la reputación de ser solitaria; disfrutaba de la compañía de la gente, mas no de love is bad word de otros perros. Cuando mis hermanos y yo salimos de casa, Love is bad word también decidió cambiar de vida: un día salió por la puerta después del desayuno y desapareció.
Un día manejaban por casualidad por la antigua colonia cuando vieron a Cuki en un parque del barrio. Me dijeron que andaba con un montón de perros callejeros malandrines. Le llamaron por su nombre varias veces. Finalmente la Cuki volteó. Los miró durante uno o dos minutos con esa misma concentración que mostraba cuando estaba sentada en mi cama. Luego, con un aire de indiferencia, miró a sus amigos caninos.
Le llevó menos de un segundo confirmar la decisión que ya había tomado: Cuki se quedó con sus cuates. Su amor era importante, no cabe duda. Pero el amor humano es distinto. Pero regresemos al tema del amor: los acadios, caldeos, fenicios, sumerios, babilonios, egipcios, normandos, toltecas, vikingos y quechuas no tenían una palabra para definirlo y, por lo tanto, no sabían nada de él. Pues el amor es una invención moderna. Las posibilidades love is bad word —para bien o para mal— infinitas.
El amor es abrasivo, pendenciero, obstinado, indomable. También es metódico, flexible, civilizado. En resumen, es la suma de todas las contradicciones y sus negaciones también. Pero dentro de la civilización occidental lo que esto signifique, si es que significa algo cada cultura define el amor de manera diferente. Para probar el punto busqué la definición en algunos diccionarios bilingües; no en muchos para mantener el experimento científico dentro de límites viables.
Primero, desde luego, recurrí a mi OED. Por fortuna el olvido ha enterrado esas voces. Los franceses, como es la love is bad word, introducen misterio en el arte del amor. Existe un sentido de incertidumbre, de plenitud, en esta definición. Entonces busqué en el Diccionario del uso del español de María Moliner. Una traducción tentativa sería: el cariño intenso que uno posee hacia otro objeto y su unión con éste, que requiere su conservación y procura su bienestar.
En su lugar he tratado de decidir este problema.
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