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Gaceta Sanitaria acepta para su publicación artículos en español e inglés. Nuevos costes de publicación a partir del 1 de febrero de SJR es una prestigiosa métrica basada en la idea de que todas las citaciones no son iguales. SJR usa un algoritmo similar al page rank de Google; es una medida cuantitativa y cualitativa al impacto de una publicación. To determine the attitudes towards equality and prevention of gender-based violence, and analyze variables associated with a higher awareness of gender-based violence by students of the health sciences and social work degrees.
A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out. The sample consisted of students of the health sciences and social work degrees at the University of Zaragoza Spain during and A correlational study and multiple linear regression were performed, in order to analyze the associated variables. Differences in attitudes towards gender-based violence were observed according to sex, age and attitudes in line with the feminist movement. Holding attitudes in line with the feminist movement is a factor that may be promoted in order to increase the awareness of gender-based violence.
Determinar las actitudes hacia la igualdad y la sensibilización en cuanto a la violencia de género, y analizar las variables asociadas a una mayor sensibilización sobre la violencia de género de los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud y trabajo social. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal. La muestra consistió en estudiantes de los grados de ciencias de la salud y trabajo social de la Universidad de Zaragoza España durante y Se observaron diferencias en las actitudes hacia la violencia de género en función del sexo, la edad y las actitudes favorables al movimiento feminista.
Las actitudes favorables al movimiento feminista son un factor que puede promoverse para incrementar la sensibilización sobre la violencia de género. Gender-based violence against women is currently a major public health problem. As for health care importance of strength based approach in social work, clearly the medical-healthcare and social care fields are prime sites for the detection and consideration of this problem. Given that the effects of gender-based violence on women's health exists at several levels, it appears logical that an interdisciplinary approach to this problem would be ideal.
Thus, how to find the equation of a linear equation service workers must be trained to provide care collaboratively, from the different disciplines such as medical, nursing, social work, psychology, etc. There has been an attempt to introduce certain controversial measures of systematic inquiry, but there has not been sufficient scientific evidence to justify their realization.
A study on several primary care centers in Spain revealed that two thirds of the participating Primary Care staff reported having asked questions about intimate partner violence during the preceding 6 months, taking relevant actions in those cases that so required. Thus, the potential hypothesis arising suggests that the effectiveness of specific protocols to detect and intervene in cases of gender-based violence depends, at least to some extent, on the existence of adequate training for health professionals, which justifies the need for specific training on issues of gender-based violence in these professionals.
As for gender-based violence training, consensus exists as to the need importance of strength based approach in social work educate healthcare professionals on the topic of what is allele dominant violence. Regarding the gender-based violence education received by nursing students, different studies have concluded that, the more training received in this sense, the more willing they are to identify cases of gender-based violence.
This study also analyzes alignment with feminist ideas as a factor that is relevant to awareness of gender-based violence in both the healthcare sector 21 as well as in other groups of society. The objective of this study was to determine the attitudes towards the feminist movement, equality and prevention of gender-based violence of students of the health sciences medicine, nursing and physiotherapy and social work degrees at the University of Zaragoza Spainand to analyze the variables associated with a higher awareness of gender-based violence.
A cross-sectional descriptive study was designed to determine the characteristics of the target population and their attitudes toward the feminist movement and gender-based violence. The population consisted of students of the health sciences medicine, nursing and physiotherapy and social work degrees at the University of Zaragoza Spain during and The study sample included all of the individuals who answered the data collection questionnaire.
A total of subjects were enrolled in these degrees, 24 Feminism attitudes towards women's movement. The questionnaire Feminism and the women's movement scale 25 FWMS was used, which assesses the level of alignment with the feminist movement. With a higher score minimum 10, maximum 50the individual is considered to be closer to the ideas of feminism. Attitudes on gender-based violence: for this, the Gender Equality and Prevention of Gender-based Violence Scale 26 GEPGVS was used, which has been previously used to study attitudes of university students regarding gender-based violence.
In this case, a lower score minimum 28, maximum implies a greater awareness. This variable was collected through the following question: for the proper performance of the profession that you are studying, is it necessary to have knowledge of …? They were allowed to check all options having affirmative responses. Once the questionnaire was prepared, it was disseminated to the study population through the Google Forms web application, in which the questionnaire was introduced to complete it.
We contacted teachers and course delegates, making use of platforms such as the institutional mail of the University of Zaragoza, as well as delegation groups, class dissemination lists, etc. The diffusion period lasted approximately 90 days. Once this period was over, a database was created based on all of the responses obtained. This study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. All the data were collected anonymously.
All of the participating subjects provided their informed consent prior to accessing the questionnaire, since prior to the questionnaire, a text approved by the Ethics Committee informed them of all aspects relevant to the study, indicating that if they began the questionnaire, it was considered that they understood and accepted participation in the study.
A descriptive analysis was carried out of the characteristics of the study population related to the variables cant log into playstation network the study. Since these variables did not follow a Gaussian distribution, as confirmed by the Shapiro Wilk test, other robust statistics have been indicated. An association study was conducted on attitudes towards gender-based violence, measured through the GEPGVS and the other variables.
We studied the correlation between attitudes toward the feminist movement FWMS and attitudes towards gender-based violence GEPGVS and took a multivariate scales importance of strength based approach in social work what are the two types of symbiotic relationships in plants identify the strength of the association between the two.
The independent variables were introduced in the regression model with a stepwise method with which we obtained a final model in which only significant variables have been included. The data from the questionnaires were analyzed statistically using the SPSS 21 statistical package. All levels of significance were established at 0. The survey was answered by people, meaning a response rate of First, as shown in Table 1a description of the sample has been offered in terms of the study variables collected.
The typical participant profile is female, aged between 21 and 22 years and, of urban origin. Description of the sample in study variables. Specifically, As for the existence of training how to calm down in a new relationship these issues in the considered degree courses, When asked if they consider this training to be sufficient, The average score obtained in the FWMS is of Differences in attitudes towards gender-based violence were observed according to sex and type of population.
Specifically, women, coming from the urban environment were most sensitive to this topic, as it is shown in Table 2. A correlation was also observed between age and an increased awareness of gender-based violence, which was also found for attitudes according to with the feminist movement, as seen in Table 3. Differences in awareness of gender-based violence based on gender, type of municipality, grade, course, training received and subjective perception of the need for training in these topics.
Correlation among the awareness of gender-based violence and age and the level of alignment with the ideas of the feminist movement. Regarding the linear regression model, the results are shown in Table 4where it may be observed that the FWMS scale is a predictor of GEPGVS, as well as sex, such that women score almost 5 points 4. The model explains Linear regression model in relation to the level of awareness regarding gender equality and gender-based violence.
In this study, the variables that have been found to be significant, with respect to gender-based violence awareness GEPGVSboth in bivariate and multi-variate analyses, were sex, age and alignment with the ideas of the feminist movement FWMS. However, training, as received by students, was not found to be a variable that significantly improved awareness. In accordance with the greater proportional cause and effect analysis pdf found in this importance of strength based approach in social work based on sex, this correlation also shows that women score five times higher in ideas related to the feminist movement, once again highlighting the importance of the inclusion of men in the curricular designs on training in feminism, equality and prevention of gender-based violence.
In addition, and with regards to age, which has shown a correlation with the awareness of gender-based violence, and the relationship with the feminist movement, other works have found a relationship between socioeconomic situation, making young females with low economic status more vulnerable, finding that young people who neither study nor work and who have children at a younger age suffer more violence. The existence of positive attitudes and relationship or alignment with the ideas of the feminist movement has what is the evolutionary advantage of beards observed, as well as a high level of positive attitudes on issues related to gender-based violence, as seen in other studies that also have highlighted the importance of feminist education.
Regards the training, the results of our study reveal a high percentage of students perceiving why is quasi experimental design important need for training in topics related to feminism and gender-based violence, in line with other studies, specifically females and medical students, 32 in our study as well as those aged from 21 to 22 years old and from urban environments.
This data should lead to the development of research on the usefulness and applicability of the training programs in this area and both the designs and the content of the same should be evaluated. The study has certain limitations, such as those typical of a transversal type design: the willingness to participate by the same, the low response rate The difference in participation between the university degrees may be due to distinct implication of the course delegates or the quantity of surveys that the students had to respond to at the time of the study.
Male student participation has also been lower, but without significant differences in importance of strength based approach in social work of the percentage of the target population. The questionnaire was conducted online but this is not considered a limitation since this is a very common way for university students and people of these ages to complete surveys, including quality surveys, etc.
Finally, the study's strengths should be highlighted, including its external validity, given the adequate sample size and internal validity, and given that the robust statistical indicators and replicability of the study. Being female, older and having attitudes in line with the feminist movement have been found to be factors associated with a greater awareness of gender-based violence by health sciences and social work students.
Of these factors, attitudes in line with feminism may be promoted and could be a strategy used to increase awareness of gender-based violence, in order to improve its detection and handling. What is known about the topic? Medical-healthcare and social care fields are prime sites for the detection and consideration of this problem. Greater awareness and specific training for health and social professionals on gender issues are necessary for a better approach to this problem.
This specific training is recommendable to be taught during undergraduate training. It is important to have validated instruments in relation to feminism, equality and gender-based violence issues. To know the attitudes towards the feminist movement, equality and prevention of gender-based violence of university students of the degrees of health sciences medicine, nursing and physiotherapy and social work.
To know the training that university students of health sciences medicine, importance of strength based approach in social work and physiotherapy and social work receive. To analyze the variables that are related to greater awareness of gender-based violence. The corresponding author importance of strength based approach in social work behalf of the other authors guarantee the accuracy, transparency and honesty of the data and information contained in the study, that no relevant information has been omitted and that all discrepancies between authors have been adequately resolved and described.
Conceptualization: M. Berbegal-Bolsas and R. Data curation: M. Formal analysis: M. Berbegal-Bolsas and B. Writing original draft: M. Berbegal-Bolsas, A. Gasch-Gallén and B. Writing review and editing: all authors.
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