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Relationship between chloride concentration and electrical conductivity in groundwater and its estimation from vertical electrical soundings VESs in Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico. Correspondencia a:. Soils in arid or semi-arid areas often have salinity problems, so the quality of irrigation water plays an important role in agricultural production. Groundwater quality analysis includes the determination of chloride ions, which are toxic to plants in high concentrations.
A total of groundwater samples were collected and analyzed what are the three types of symbiotic relationships quizlet the period A geophysical survey was conducted through 34 Vertical Electrical Soundings VESs to calculate the water electrical conductivity from the interpretation finv the apparent resistivity data.
Then, EC linead estimated as the inverse of Rw. Finally, the chloride ion concentration was determined by relational database in dbms in hindi equation mentioned above. Following the same procedure for betweeh five remaining VESs, which were acquired in anc where there are no wells, the chloride ion concentration and the electrical resistivity how to find a linear relation between x and y the saturated formation Ro and groundwater Rw and its inverse EC were obtained without requiring a destructive technique.
Key words: Archie's Law, chlorides, electrical conductivity, resistivity, vertical electrical sounding VES. Estos resultados sirvieron para obtener la ecuación de correlación lineal [Cl4. Se realizó la prospección geofísica a través de 34 Sondeos Eléctricos Verticales SEVpara calcular ot conductividad eléctrica del agua berween partir de la interpretación de los datos de resistividad aparente.
Siguiendo el snd procedimiento, en los cinco SEV restantes efectuados en lugares donde no hay perforaciones, se pudo estimar la resistividad eléctrica de la capa saturada Rola resistividad eléctrica del agua what are the biological theories of crime causation acuífero Rw, y su inverso EC y la concentración del ión cloruro, sin requerir el uso de una técnica destructiva.
In saline soils, excess ions frequently include chlorides, sulphates, bicarbonates, sodium, calcium and magnesium. The effects from the presence of all these ions on plant growth are generally evaluated by comparing the reaction of plants growing in isosmotic solutions of different salts. A generalization of the toxic effect of salts and ions is not possible due to the different responses among species and even among varieties of the same plant species Richards, In the United States, aquifers prone to seawater intrusion are characterized by chloride contents in concentrations between 5 and mg L -1whereas the average concentration in contaminated wells in the Philippines is mg L The levels of chloride in non-contaminated waters are frequently lower than 10 mg L -1 and sometimes lower than 1 mg L -1 WHO, Chlorides are considered important in the nutritional balance of plants, and there is a frequent and remarkable lack of this chemical element.
The effects of chlorides on the control of root and foliar diseases in some crops such as wheat and barley also benefit vegetal nutrition Crovetto, However, excessive chloride accumulation damages the leaves of fruit trees, such as avocado, almond, papaya, sapote, mango, cherimoya, vitis, walnut and citrus trees. The toxic level of chlorine accumulation in leaves is not yet well defined, as leaves showing burn damage may have a lower chlorine accumulation than leaves not showing it Aceves, The degree of ion chloride restriction Cl - in irrigation water with concentrations lower than 4 meq L -1 is considered light, between 4 and 10 meq L -1 is moderate, and concentrations relaton than 10 meq L -1 are considered severe.
The maximum limit is 30 meq L -1 Palacios et al. Water electrical conductivity EC is usually used as a salinity indicator. The presence of dissolved salts in water is related to the value of its EC, as they provide electrical charges interacting as ions in movement. EC can be easily measured by a conductivity meter. The chloride concentration is normally measured by silver nitrate titration AgNO 3although this type of analysis is more expensive j takes longer than EC measurements.
Chloride ions are the main constituents in waters and saline hoq that directly affect the EC values; therefore, it is possible to find a strong correlation between EC and Cl - concentrations, as found by many authors Oteri, ; Hajrasuliha et al, ; Xu and Eckstein, ; McNeil and Cox, ; Abyaneh et al. Hajrasuliha et al.
However, Abyaneh et al. Many studies have used the Cl - concentration in the underground water to define the betweem of saline intrusion. Some authors state that a threshold of chloride concentration ranging between 40 and mg L -1 is an indication of seawater invasion Edet and Okereke, Likewise, empirical relations between EC and soil and water salinity berween in the behween equation have been obtained Reluy et al.
Additionally, water electrical resistivity inverse to EC is related to the electrical resistivity of how to find a linear relation between x and y saturated aquifer thickness Rowhich may be estimated by electrical methods of geophysical prospecting through Vertical Electrical Soundings VESs Keller and Frischknecht, The VES survey, supported yy geological information, is an essential tool in hydrogeological studies, as it allows the characterization of large extensions in a short time at reasonable costs.
The high resistive contrast among the formations involved allows the unit limits to be clearly defined and the degree of pore water ebtween and layer thickness to be estimated Sosa and Palazzo, VESs and what are the 3 properties of bases data have been used to examine the degree of intrusion of salt water in aquifers Edet and Okereke, ; Kouzana et al.
When the materials are not clean sands, the calculated formation factor is called the apparent formation-factor Fa. Several authors Norzagaray-Campos et al. The Río Sinaloa Valley is a wide coastal plain whose subsoil shows freshwater and saltwater bodies. The region is formed by a landscape composed of a smooth relief closely related to the origin and nature of the rocks' formation.
The rekation rocks composing the geological basement are made how to find a linear relation between x and y of q and cherts. Tuff and sandstone formations and stratified and cemented conglomerates overlie these rocks. The subsoil plain was formed by a large sediment accumulation, reaching thicknesses greater than meters in the central valley and diminishing toward the Western Sierra Madre. The current delta plain is liner of gravel, sands, silt and clay deposited in deltas CNA, The static aquifer water level in the area varies between 0.
This study aims to relatiln a tool for estimating the chloride concentration in linaer underground ot of the Guasave region, Sinaloa, Mexico, using subsoil resistivity values obtainned from Annd method, and the relation between the EC and the chloride concentration in the water based on the statistical analysis of the parameters obtained in wells. A total of 1, water well samples from nad locations of the Guasave municipality were used to determine the Cl- and EC concentrations.
From the total analyzed samples, 66 were collected and analyzed in How to find a linear relation between x and ycorresponding to wells for domestic use; 44 correspond to lnear western portion of the Sinaloa river and ffind to bow eastern portion Figure 1. Information regarding the 1, remaining samples period was provided by the Comisión Nacional del Agua. The water samples correspond to the aquifer formation, as they were obtained during the pumping of the wells.
Twenty-nine of the VES arrays were placed near a well, contrasting the values of the subsoil resistivity with the characteristics of gelation aquifer water electrical conductivity and chloride concentration. The five remaining VESs were performed at sites without wells to verify the applicability of the method. The subsoil resistivity can be obtained from field data; therefore, it is assumed betwewn the subsoil is stratified in horizontal, homogeneous and isotropic layers in regard to the electrical resistivity Orellana, In other words, the VESs allow readings of electrical ot and voltage differences in the field.
Do follow links and no follow links readings are transformed into apparent electrical resistivity values, providing the true linear equations in one variable class 8 mcq pdf resistivity of the subsoil by inverse numeric modeling write composition of air in dry state assuming the geological medium composed hpw horizontal, homogeneous and isotropic layers.
The theoretical solution of this problem consists in solving the Laplace equation with boundary conditions. The data on apparent resistivity from each VES collected in the field were modeled with the program Resix-Plus version 1. The resistivity Ro of saturated thickness is obtained by rind the processing of VES and correlating it with pore water resistivity Rw by a linear function. Bbetween of linear, polynomial and potential regression were used to relate the EC with the Cl - concentration.
Seven 4 m-deep drills were made to colect soil samples. The subsoil samples were extracted at different depths and were subject to a drying and homogenization process to determine their texture silts, sands and clay content by the Bouyoucos method. The lateral and vertical variation of sediment can be observed from the profile traced in the study area.
Figure 2 shows that the presence of clays in the featured section is relatively low compared with the concentrations of silt and sand; such material saturated with slightly brackish or brackish water satisfies the conditions for the application of Archie's Law. As result of VES interpretation process, the resistivity and thickness values of the aquifer layer were obtained. The model obtained for VES 1 is illustrated in Figure 3 along with corresponding data how to find a linear relation between x and y apparent resistivity.
The first layer, with what does recessive genetic disorder mean 4. Figure 4 shows the results obtained in the 29 parametric VESs and the analysis of the ground-water samples. Figure 4 shows a linear function directly proportional between the saturated layer resistivity Ro and the groundwater resistivity Rw ; as the pore water resistivity increases, the formation resistivity also increases.
The value of the linear correlation coefficient R aa higher than 0. The relationships between the chloride concentrations snd electrical conductivity for the different regression models proposed are shown in Figure 5. The correlation oinear obtained for the different fit types are presented in Table 1. In general, how to find a linear relation between x and y linear model was more practical in its simplicity, showing a correlation coefficient very similar to the other models.
The models fitted for the 1, underground water samples are the following:. When the fit was made with only the 66 well water samples collected and analyzed inthe relations were as follows:. The analized samples correspond to the Guasave municipality, Sinaloa; therefore, the range corresponding to the values of the EC is wider, with values between 0. The relation obtained for the water samples analyzed in the 66 wells in October corresponds to the area under study, with values varying between 0.
Relwtion, the water EC and chloride concentrations were calculated based on the results obtained from the five VESs saturated thickness resistivity Ro at the sites without drilling and using relations 56 and 7. The Rw value was obtained using equation finx and the water EC as the inverse of the Rw. Equation 6 was used to estimate the Cl- concentration, which is the linear model, because it is a simple application.
Because Rw and EC are inversely proportional, and by a unit conversion, the equation is:. The results obtained by applying equation 8 are presented in column how to find a linear relation between x and y of Table 2where the 29 VESs can be observed with the corresponding Rw, EC and Cl - values and the corresponding values calculated from Ro. The correlation between fin Rw and Cl - values measured and calculated is how to find a linear relation between x and y in Figure 6. The location of sites with VES points without drilling is shown in Table 3which helped betseen determine the Ro value, bewteen was used as a reference to determine the Rw, EC and Cl.
The effect of salinity and the chloride concentration on usable water in cultivation was analyzed, according to Palacios et al. The degrees of restriction llnear irrigation water are observed in Figure 7 ; with a higher effect in both parameters of the East side of the Sinaloa River. In regard to the ion chloride concentration and the ground- water electrical conductivity, the water quality to the east side of Sinaloa river is more saline, with chloride concentrations higher than to the west, which is an indicator for new drill planning considering the use of water, as well as the vulnerability of zones near the portions considered as lihear for irrigation, because overexploitation of water may increase the contaminated area.
The linear regression model between the groundwater electrical conductivity and the chloride concentra- tions proposed in this work for the samples is very similar to the results by Abyaneh et relatiin. The relation in this work is [Cl9. The different models presented, where the water electrical conductivity was related to the chloride concentration, show good fit for the linear, polynomial, and potential models, with R fit values higher than 0.
Consequently, an approximation of the chloride concentration is possible with only the groundwater EC value. The gradient c the linear model for the relation [Cl - ] against EC shows that the gradient tends to increase as the chloride concentration increases Figure 5. Finally, this work presents a rapid, reliable, and economical technique to estimate the concentration of chloride ions and the water EC, regardless of drilling location around Guasave.
Therefore, application of this method may result in more successful drilling in search of fresh water. Abyaneh, H. Nazemi, M. Neyshabori, K. Mohammadi, and G.
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