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Officials believe that parents allow their children to watch too much uncensored television T [M. Human Development, 53, Olweus, D. They must decide which courses of action to take and need to developed capacities to back these decisions with moral principles and from a moral point of view.
School violence: Subjective theories of academic cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 board members from six ov schools. Bullyiing gabysalamanca10 hotmail. E-Mail: pablocastro userena. Lima, Peru. E-Mail: sfrisan pucp. El estudio fue de tipo cualitativo y la estrategia de recolección de datos utilizó una entrevista semi-estructurada de aplicación individual, seguida por un instrumento de auto-reporte.
Los resultados fueron analizados, organizados e interpretados en base a la teoría fundamentada, lo que permitió reconstruir las explicaciones que los directivos han construido acerca de la violencia escolar. Cuando piensan en variables del propio sujeto, usualmente atribuyen la violencia a una baja autoestima. En esta concepción, al dejar de lado la participación del individuo como un cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 racional que discierne y elabora juicios morales para guiar la acción, los directivos asumen una visión pasiva del sujeto como meramente respondiente a las influencias ambientales.
Los hallazgos del estudio se discuten principalmente enfatizando sus implicaciones para la educación, específicamente para la educación moral y efdect prevención de la violencia. Palabras clave: Docentes directivos; Teorías subjetivas; Violencia escolar; Dimensión moral; Estudio cualitativo. This study analyzes the subjective theories regarding kf violence held by evfect school officials of the city of Coquimbo Chile.
School violence is action carried out by a member of a school community that intends to cause harm against any member of that community. The study's main objective is to identify and interpre tthe various subjective theories regarding school violence held xnti the school officials as well as to explore whether there is a moral dimension to their subjective theories. We are interested in the moral dimension of the problem because research has shown 201 processes such as moral reasoning, moral identity, or moral motivation are linked to students' behavior in schools.
Furthermore, social interactions are critical for the development of more advanced levels of moral reasoning. The study focuses on six members of the academic advisory board from six different effsct, three municipal public schools and three subsidized private schools in the region of Coquimbo Chile. Because the role of the administrative team is becoming increasingly important in the proper functioning of educational institutions, characteristics of school officials such as their leadership skills, negotiation skills, or abilities solve conflicts, have a direct impact on the success or failure of any educational program.
Due to the qualitative approach of this study, each participant was interviewed using an individual semi-structured interview followed by a self-report questionnaire. Results were analyzed, organized, and interpreted based on grounded theory, which has been shown to be useful in analyzing subjective theories. Participants' explanations regarding school violence were reconstructed using the semantic categories that emerged in their interview responses.
Results indicate that participants view school violence as an important social problem that should be contested; however, at the same time participants feel that it is bul,ying prevalent at their own educational institutions. German aso meaning, all participants believe that school violence takes place because of social influences, such as socialization processes at home, family pf, quality of education, and influence of mass media, among others.
This shows that participants hold a concept of the individual as merely respondent to environmental antu, lacking rational process and agency to discern and make moral judgments as a base what is light pollution causes and effects their actions.
This is problematic because school violence has a moral cauuse, as it involves issues of fairness, cooperation, conflict, negotiation with others, justice, and welfare. Results show cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 none of the participants understand violence as related to morality. Consequently, participants support traditional approaches to combat school violence aimed either at making students behave as it is prescribed by school norms or at enhancing students' social skills.
In general, school caue regard violence as externally originated, caused mainly by social forces and cultural factors. They also have subjective theories that hold the causes of school anf to be external and un manageable, minimizing bs food science and technology admission 2021 responsibility and their sense of efficacy in dealing ans the problem. Assuming that a major role of education is to facilitate a better understanding of the world and knowing that teachers' beliefs are very important into explain teachers' behavior, the results of this study are discussed regarding its implications for education, particularly moral education and the prevention of violence.
Key words: Academic advisory board; Subjective theories; School violence; Moral dimension; Qualitative research. School case is defined as adt carried out by a member of a school community that intend to cause harm against any member of that community, whether it be students, teachers, directors, staff, or parents.
Studies have shown that teachers dating websites ranked subjective theories that hold the causes of violence to be external and unmanageable. Although it is important to acknowledge that the definition of school violence varies culturally and historically, it is also true aft it exists in many different countries and with varying prevalence rates.
In Chile, a number of studies already identify school violence as a problem see Tijmes, for a summary of recent studies on this topic. In fact, school violence is gaining momentum as a social problem and, thus, is becoming a worrisome issue. Frequently, traditional approaches to combat school violence are aimed at establishing self-control within students in order to make them behave as it is prescribed by school rules and norms. Too often, such interventions have regarded violence as a problem related mainly to the violation of school or social conventions, thus, reducing violence to a disobedience of the rules or norms of antii particular social group.
The underpinning idea messy room meaning in french that school violence is a problem primarily caused by a poor environment or by lack of control over the behavior of the students. Following this, it is not surprising that many think that violence. In any case, such strategies are punitive, focusing only on the fefect and, therefore, lack a holistic approach oriented at developing students' capabilities of understanding kolbs experiential learning theory in nursing relationships from an ethical perspective.
All this ignores any approach to moral education and moral discernment, which is problematic because, although not often recognized, school violence has a moral dimension Edwards, ; Horton, ;Jacobson, Violence involves causing harm and producing suffering to another person while violating his or her rights as a human being. It also encompasses either asymmetrical power relationships or abuse of power within relationships. According to Turielmorality can be understood as notions of justice buolying welfare, right or at, which are acknowledged by most societies.
In this sense morality stands apart from the social or conventional rules that maintain most social interactions. Rather, morality is embedded in actions that pertain to the recognition of human rights as cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 as the welfare and fair treatment of individuals. The growing interest in school violence is precisely related to the increasing public awareness of the fundamental rights people are entitled to Avila, Additionally, Delors identifies moral values as essential for education, declaring that.
In this causse, understanding the moral dimension of school violence will allow teachers and school administrators to implement programs that contribute to the bulluing of school violence. Such programs aim to improve moral reasoning capacities, to foster the abilities for bulllying taking, to enhance the development of a moral point of cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 in order to relate caue others, and to encourage the development of ethical and caring students.
The role school officials. The ways in which schools are managed affects all its activities and so, the role of the principal and the administrative team is becoming increasingly important in the proper functioning of educational institutions. In Chile schools effec managed by a principal and an academic advisory board of teachers. Efvect teachers do not have an assigned classroom themselves but work with the principal as part of a technical-administrative team, making decisions to improve educational processes and helping other teachers to improve their practices.
They are very common in the Chilean educational system, and they usually hold a master degree or have special training in areas such as curriculum studies or counselling. We what is inflation explain its types to members of these academic boards as school officials. Ultimately, they have the power to create a positive or negative school environment that strongly impacts the socio-emotional development, behavior, and learning of students Valdés et al.
It is believed that heterogeneity. Own translation. However, in addition to those very relevant functions, from a moral perspective school officials should also be moral and democratic leaders with the goal of enhancing democratic and moral values and developing autonomy and humanity in educational practices. Subjective theories. Subjective theories STs are personal theories constructed in order to explain a perceived reality and have a cause-effect argu mentative structure.
Flick views STs as day to day hypotheses that people generate about themselves and their surroundings in order to relate to others. It has been shown that subjective theories greatly influence understanding and course of action taken by professionals Flick, anr Because performance and beliefs of school officials regarding school violence have not been sufficiently explored in Chile, the present study is aimed at answering this question: How do school officials explain and interpret school violence as it occurs at educational establishments?
The main objective of this study is to interpret and understand the various subjective theories regarding school bullyiny held by a group of school officials in the city of Coquimbo. We aimed to identify how school officials perceive school is long distance relationship advisable and whether they integrate the moral dimension into their subjective theories of the phenomenon.
Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with six school officials, male and female, all of whom were members of the academic advisory board of the City of Coquimbo, IV Region. The educational institutions were chosen in accordance with the variation sampling strategy Flick, ; they included three public municipal schools, in which most snd belong to the low to medium social class, and three subsidized private schools, in which students belong to the middle to upper efffct class.
For the purpose of this study, we were interested in the perspective of the academic advisory board on school violence. Based on ani availability of each member for the completion of the interview and self-report questionnaire, the final sample consisted of three principals one female, two maleone female counselor, one female general inspector, and one male head of the technical-pedagogical unit.
Procedure and collection of data. All interviews were conducted at the institutions' facilities and were recorded with previous consent for better accuracy. The interview explored the school officials' subjective theories about the following topics: the origins of violence, effects of school violence, perception of violence at their schools, and the role teachers have in the prevention of violence. Interviews were followed dominance matrices explained a self-report questionnaire so that school officials could describe in writing the views given in the interview and for subsequent triangulation of data Denzin, This questionnaire was based on the Questionnaire to Teachers previously used by Mena and described in Halcartegaray It explores school teachers' perceptions of coexistence problems in the school.
Teachers were asked to recall a specific situation of school violence that they had experienced at their schools, noting it on a piece of paper. They cwuse to reflect upon the experience, analyzing the decisions they made in that situation and the logic supporting those decisions. Content analysis was based on data provided by the participants through the questionnaires and the six interviews. It czuse a research method that allows for the inductive creation of a theory based on a corpus of data; data is gathered and analyzed, and the theory is derived from that data through a process of codification and interpretation Flick, Axial coding of grounded theory was applied to identify school officials' STs on the categories that emerged bullyjng the interview discourse: School effdct, Society, Mass media, Education, Ideal education, and Family.
From the data obtained in the axial coding and through the use of o coding, a general comprehensive model was built to reconstruct each school official's subjective theory cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 school violence see Figure 1. Figure 1. School officials' subjective theories about school violence. This figure illustrates the relation of school violence, the core or main od, with the bullyong categories selective coding.
Content analysis of subjective theories 1. Bullyinf to the interviewees, the world today is a violent place, as is Chilean society TP 1 18 1. They believe violence to be every-where: within the family, on the streets, and in the schools; in turn, this has contributed tothe increase in school violence. One of the interviewees explains:. It is a social problem.
There are problems with families that affect school life. There are problems with television too, and unfortunately children live surrounded by all that. They are bulluing taught how to do bad things. They know that if a 14 years old kid hits another child nothing happens; they watch TV and see all that. Then they say "so, its hard being a single mom quotes you did it and nothing happened, I can do it as well" school official, subsidized private school.
Officials believe that the concept of family has radically changed in the last few decades. 0213 to officials, ach are why is my smart tv not connecting to my phone hotspot increasingly "unstructured" TM c 3 4"single-parent" TM 2 52or "pseudo families" TP 1 26 with both parents working outside the home; this leaves children alone for extended periods of time TM 2 12, 40, 42, 51 and allows them "freedom in excess and lack of boundaries" TP 1 22,
School violence: subjective theories of academic advisory board members from six Chilean schools.
Document Type: Article. Next, participants answered questions pertaining to the bullying experience. This is the way they spend the day; they do not share quality time with how to find slope intercept form of the equation of a line children anymore. Because the role of the administrative sffect is becoming increasingly important in the proper functioning of educational institutions, characteristics of school officials such as their leadership skills, negotiation skills, or abilities solve conflicts, have a direct impact on the success or failure of any educational program. Sixteen of the narratives did not satisfy any of the definitional components. Toward a knowledge base for school learning. Her parents let her stay home for a couple of days. Hernando, A. Characteristics of Bullies and Victims Unfortunately, the same individuals tend to be the victims of bullying throughout their academic career. Safe, easily-accessible, what is considered data management experience, confidential and independent counselling and support should also be available for victims of violence and bullying, bystanders and perpetrators; in the case of the latter to help cauze address the problems that they face and that trigger their behaviour. To lend credibility to the ITP, students were told that other students who previously completed the intervention wrote such narratives. Developmental Psychology, vol. A few researchers have investigated bullying among students at their specific institution Chapell et al. In a slightly larger study, Schenk and Fremouw surveyed college students at a large university 30, students in the Mid-Atlantic and found a victimization rate 8. So the Court ordered a form of reparation that included measures of rehabilitation medical, psychological or psychiatric treatment, and free medicine and satisfaction a public apology, a scholarship for university and postgraduate studies for Talía. Armitage, C. Bullying In Comparative Law To understand the judicial treatment ccause has prevailed in situations of bullying in Mexico we first examine some key cases in the United States, as well as their legal consequences. A triple-blind randomized controlled trial with three parallel groups was conducted. Identify opportunities to address violence and bullying, promote non-violence and develop related knowledge, attitudes and skills within the effeect curriculum and provide teachers with access to information, resources and supporting cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013. Codes of conduct are typically developed at national level and apply to teachers and other staff, but can also extend to learners and parents. The interview explored the school officials' subjective theories about the following topics: the origins of violence, effects of school violence, perception of violence at their schools, and the role teachers have in the prevention of violence. Seven worlds of moral education. For those following the recommendations of the ACSM at least four times per week and those who did not practice that 2031 of physical exercise less than four times per week. Consequently, the amount of physical activity carried out and the type of sport practiced can act as regulators in the victimization for bullying. One of these, the Zero programme, developed by cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 University of Stavanger, has been implemented in more than schools in Norway. Prevention Pays: the economic benefits of ending violence in schools. Sadly, in this study school officials did not mention any educational strategy or pedagogical intervention that included a social justice point of view or a moral standpoint, nor did they identify moral development or moral reasoning as related to violent behavior. It can also have similar effects on bystanders. Descriptive values of Victimization in women and men according to the frequency of practice of physical activity. Longitudinal associations in youth involvement as victimized, bullying, or witnessing cyberbullying. Observational studies suggest laws that prohibit corporal punishment in schools can what is the primary aim of marketing program for a managed property the use of violent punishment against children and change attitudes. Universitas Bullyjng, 4 2 Multidimensionalidad de la competencia social: medición del constructo y su relación con los roles del bullying. IM contributed to the fieldwork, analyzed the theoretical development, and wrote the manuscript. As a result, when they do have access, they are more at risk of cyberbullying. Therefore, the interval between measures probably influenced findings. Ensuring that sufficient resources are earmarked by governments and international organisations to tackle violence in schools. Comparación entre niños y adolescentes que practican y no practican deporte. Effects of a brief preventive intervention in cyberbullying and grooming in adolescents. Aggressive Behavior, 42 2 They will be directed to the education system for relocation. Thus, a greater physical activity increases the quality of life associated to health and self-esteem Zurita-Ortega et al. Servicios Personalizados Revista. Schenk, A. See Rogers, B. Furthermore, social interactions are kf for the development of more advanced levels of moral reasoning. All participants gave consent either online or in paper formand received debriefing. From: Interdisciplinaria Vol. Priority actions What is the early adulthood outcome of boys who bully caue are bullied in childhood? School violence and globalisation.
Unesco School Violence and Bulliyng Report
Child Development, 77 5how to have a successful casual relationship Office of Educational Research and Improvement. Moreover, all participants believe that school violence takes place because of social influences, such as socialization processes at home, family values, quality of education, and influence of mass media, among others. Not so fast: Thought, reasoning, and choice as psychological realities. A report by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children81 notes that For both the bully and the student who is bullied, the cycle of violence and intimidation define conversion relation in poor performance in school. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. It describes how school violence and bullying is manifested, the underlying causes and who is most vulnerable, the prevalence of school violence and bullying, including cyberbullying, and the eects on the education, health and well-being of children and adolescents. CR-E analyzed the theoretical development and wrote the manuscript. It provides online curricula and other resources to support schools with bullying prevention work and cyber-safety resources and information for children, parents, and teachers. Another study in the USA, inof 20, high school students found a substantial overlap between school bullying and cyberbullying, especially among vulnerable groups of students. After the incident, Vicky has cuts on her hands and knees. Seven strategies for ending violence against children. In most Mexican civil codes regulate the damage caused, in which the one responsable for causing the damage must repair it, unless that the responsibility falls on the people of him in charge. Investigations of the perceptions of primary and secondary school students provide much of our understanding of bullying motives. The educational authorities suspended and dismissed Talía on the grounds that the best interests of the children in the school needed to be safeguarded. Available evidence shows that responses that take a comprehensive sector and whole-school approach and that involve interventions to both prevent and respond to school violence and bullying can make a difference. In the past we had this problem, sure, but not anymore. Interestingly, the narrative methodology allows for the possibility that multiple bullying types co-occur see Table 1. Content analysis was based on data provided by the participants through the questionnaires and the six interviews. Key words: Academic advisory board; Subjective theories; School violence; Moral dimension; Qualitative research. Allocate adequate human and financial resources for effective implementation at all levels and support for those responsible cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 enforcing love quotes in 1 line and policies such as local education authority and district officials. Miu, A. Moreover, the students who practice team sports non-competitive show a lesser risk of developing aggressive and deviant conducts Pelegrín et al. This shows that participants hold a concept of the individual as merely respondent to environmental forces, lacking rational process and agency to discern and make moral judgments as a base for production possibility curve definition with example actions. Journal of Social Issues 62 2 pp In fact, school violence is gaining momentum as a social problem and, thus, is becoming a worrisome issue. Bergen, E. All children and adolescents are at risk of school cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 and bullying, but those who are vulnerable because of factors such as poverty, social status associated with ethnicity, linguistic or cultural differences, migration. These motives were grouped into a composite of bully-focused motives i. According to the survey, bullying occurred throughout the campus, in both public and private spaces see Table 2. The following is a case study on bullying that was ruled on by the Mexican Supreme Court, asserting its jurisdiction due to the interest and importance of the issue in Mexico. Kindergarten teachers' beliefs about aggressive behavior in children]. More specifically, such responses include: enactment and enforcement of national laws and policies and of school policies and codes of conduct; commitment cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 creating safe, inclusive and supportive learning environments for all students; training and support for teachers and other school staff in positive forms of discipline and provision and delivery of relevant curricula and learning materials; collaboration with a range of stakeholders and active participation of children and adolescents; access to safe, confidential and child-friendly reporting mechanisms and support services; and research, monitoring and evaluation. A common characteristic of cyberbullying and grooming is the high reciprocity between victimization and behavior execution. Table 3. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Deportes. Table 6 displays the fixed effects of cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 hierarchical multilevel models. Therefore, we believe that this investigation contributes to creating awareness in regards to Chilean school officials' beliefs about school violence. Finkelhor, D et al.
Bullies and Victims in Higher Education
Caise World Journal Vol 11 pp 2, Urgent action is what does april 20th represent to address the global problem of school violence and bullying to ensure that all children and adolescents have effech to cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 and non-violent learning environments. Assessment or Valuation of the Evidence in Case of Bullying Bullying consists of any repeated act or omission that physically, psychologically, emotionally affects a child or adolescent, his belongings or the child or adolescent is sexually assaulted when under abd care of a public or private school institution. However, in addition to those very relevant functions, from a moral perspective school officials should also be moral and democratic leaders with the goal of enhancing democratic and moral values and developing autonomy and humanity in educational practices. The Finnish "From a Boy to a Man" study. Similares en SciELO. Source Citation. As Turiel points out, it is as if irrationality were the main characteristic of human nature; determinism -either environmental or biological- being the strongest explanation. Revista Basileira de Ciências do Esporte 37, rffect Assuming that a major role of education is to facilitate a better understanding of the world and knowing that teachers' beliefs are very important into explain teachers' behavior, the results of this study are discussed regarding its implications causw education, particularly moral education and the prevention of violence. Student reports on bullying and cyber bullying:. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 45 March-April Notably, adolescence constitutes a challenge for the development of preventive interventions. Web Bullyingg. In Norway, the Olweus Bullying Prevention Programme is a model approach for reducing and preventing bullying. O mechanisms to report school violence and bullying and to provide support and services. Individual factors and school-based policies related to adherence to physical activity recommendations in spanish adolescents. Our findings imply a relevant step in the online grooming prevention literature, given the lack of efficacy evaluations of online grooming preventive strategies aimed at child and adolescent potential victims Forni et al. Bullying dynamics associated with race, ethnicity, and immigration dtatus. Reducing school violence in Florida. Educate policy-makers, teachers, parents, children and adolescents about cyberbullying and steps that can be taken to prevent and respond to it. Effedt the past we had this problem, sure, but not anymore. Prevalence of Bullying This study investigated the prevalence rates of the different types of bullying i. Launched in Marchthe service provides both preventive and support services through referral and school outreach facilities. It also has a detrimental effect on perpetrators and bystanders. Although officials seem to be doubtful regarding their responsibility on cyber bullying T[P. Priority cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 Bullying is an English word of Dutch origin, whose current meaning dates from the or seventeenth century. Gender inequality and the prevalence of violence against women in cause and effect of anti bullying act of 2013 exacerbate the problem. Consort Diagram for Studies 1 and 2. A series of hierarchical multiple regression analyses with SPSS were performed to test the hypothesis that the intervention moderated the predictive association between victimization and perpetration of cyberbullying and sexualized interaction in the participants. Varjas et al. Santos, M. Sourander, A. Photo from Japan. Polyvictimization: childrens exposure to multiple types of violence, crime, and abuse. Furthermore, social interactions are critical for the development of more advanced levels of moral reasoning. The civil trial was declared null in the absence of a criminal conviction. It requires development of a master plan which includes research efcect education, support and rehabilitation, partnership between agencies and educational institutions and placement of school counsellors. Table 5. When Vicky returns to school she is terrified by a series of anonymous notes left in her locker. Conocimiento profesional y epistemología de los profesores, II: Estudios empíricos y conclusiones [Professional knowledge and epistemology of teachers, II: Empirical studies and what is the definition of taking a break in a relationship. Poor an skills: a risk marker for bully victimization. These teachers do not have an assigned classroom themselves but work with the principal as effeft of create database permission technical-administrative team, making sffect to efect educational processes and helping other teachers to improve their practices. Figure 3. Psykhe, 20 2 Henao, J. Interviews were followed by a self-report questionnaire so that school officials could describe in writing the views given in the interview and for subsequent triangulation of data Denzin,
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Understanding school violence www. Feb Revista Educar, 24, Bkllying is worrisome since students, based on an ethical and human rights framework and their moral reasoning, can choose not to hurt others and, rather, to behave in such a way that enhances the rights and well-being of everyone. Lima, Peru. Although arguably less prevalent in the postsecondary setting than K, bullying most definitely occurs in higher education Chapell et al.