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La motivación como impulsora del servicio al cliente: Impacto en las concesionarias de automóviles. Abstract: The objective of the research is to analyze the relationship of Motivation geneating a soft skill that drives Customer Service in car dealerships, specifically in sales area employees. The survey was applied to a sample of 81 managers from the sales area of automotive agencies in the Monterrey metropolitan area. The servcie model was linear regression.
The hypothesis was confirmed, about the positive and significant relationship what is the relationship between customer service and generating business the predictor variable and the dependent variable, in the employees of the sales area in the automobile agencies. It is suggested to analyze and build a complementary profile of the necessary soft skills of sales collaborators in car dealerships and other sectors.
Jel code: M Keywords: soft skills, motivation, customer service. El modelo propuesto fue de regresión lineal. Las encuestas fueron procesadas con SPSS Statistics a través de sucesivos pasos para obtener los resultados. Se sugiere analizar y construir un perfil complementario de las habilidades blandas necesarias de los colaboradores comerciales en las concesionarias de automóviles y otros sectores. Palabras clave: habilidades blandas, motivación, servicio al cliente.
Customer service is a differentiator in a highly competitive market, and the human factor is responsible for putting this service into practice Solnet et al. Employees have a series of soft skills that allow them to: generate experiences that the customer wants, what is the relationship between customer service and generating business increasing sales and fostering loyalty th the organization Heskett et al. The service approach in the organization has the essence of satisfying the needs presented by the client Vega, Olivero and Gastelbondo, Service is also the fundamental experience where the contact between the organization and the client occurs, this set of experiences is known as moments of truth Carlzon, The retention or loss of a potential client or a what is cause and effect relationship examples already in rslationship depends on these custo,er Vazquez, Customer service should also be whwt in the auto dealership industry.
Just to mention some data on this sector, how to end a casual relationship reddit ADANL in the years reported sales in Nuevo León that oscillated in 9, 9, and units respectively. The above data are indicators of the attention that should be paid to this important sector in all matters, in particular customer service. In this sector, customer service is key to influencing the purchase decision.
Car dealerships offer similarities for each segment in various attributes such as products, technology, safety, comfort, and prices. What makes the difference is the customer service. In addition to influencing the sale, customer service also generates loyalty towards the employee, the brand, and the dealer Hennig-Thurau, Through good service, it is possible to get the customer to return for the maintenance of the car or a buyback Díaz, Muñoz and Duque, Given the above, the collaborators are the ones who represent the organization in the experiences that the client lives.
They are the ones who can provoke an emotional connection, a unique bond of warmth and trust Albrecht, When employees achieve the human touch in the service experience, a competitive advantage of the business is guaranteed Bowen, ; Mody, Suess and Letho, This is how soft skills in employees who are in direct contact with clients require special attention Faizal, Annual and Rashidi, Heckman and Kautz mention soft skills as qualities that do not depend on the knowledge acquired and are of relevant value in some positions.
Soft skills are made up of common sense, the ability to deal with people, a positive attitude, and flexibility. They are the intangible and specific skills of the personality that determine the strengths of the leaders, facilitators, mediators, or negotiators of an organization Robles, ; Faizal et al. In some universities and researchers, they have carried out studies to find out what are the important soft skills in the labor market, within them, motivation is mentioned Robles, ; Singh and Jaykumar, This article aims to analyze in a particular way the soft ability of motivation as a driver of Customer Service.
This study was applied to the automotive distribution sector, specifically to employees in the new car sales area in the Monterrey Metropolitan area. Several aspects are framed in the process: First, the statement of the hypothesis, the design of an instrument, data collection, and statistical calculations for the verification or rejection of the hypothesis. Later the importance of the innovation of the subject in the sector of automobile distribution.
And finally, by having the human factor as the center of research. This section presents some definitions and theories of customer service and motivation that were the basis for constructing the definitions and models of both variables for the study. The definitions of the variables were the reference for the elaboration of the instrument that was applied in the what is an example of an is-a relationship of the research methodology.
Carlzon establishes the moments of truth in his i of customer service. These are the experiences that collaborators generate for clients and determine their wwhat, attention, treatment, the service they offer, etc. Within the analyzed definitions of customer service that gave the guideline for customre development of the dependent construct are the following: Customer service is a set of basic individual predispositions and an inclination to provide what the customer what is the relationship between customer service and generating business, it involves being courteous and attentive when dealing with clients, associates, or collaborators Alge et al.
Machorro et al. On the other hand, customer service is linked to the perception and expectations about the quality and satisfaction it generates, understanding the service as a courtesy, credibility, responsiveness, understanding of the customer, reliability, communication, security, and accessibility Susskind, Kacmar and Borchgrevink, ; Fornieles et al. According to Gonzalez et al.
Responsiveness: willingness and willingness of employees to help the customer and provide what is expected of the service. The security, knowledge, and attention shown by employees coupled with their skills inspire credibility and trust Dehghanpouri, Soltani and Rostamzadeh, In addition to si empathy and individualized attention that must be offered to clients Gil et al.
The operational definition of customer service for what is the relationship between customer service and generating business study is good treatment, understanding, willingness, and willingness to support the customer. The understanding of what the client expects, in such a way that, when receiving the service, it is of quality and therefore is satisfied with the reception of it Montoya et al. It includes unique interactions for the client, with high differentiation and generating memorable experiences Coste et al.
For the skill of motivation, the theories presented by Haque, Haque and Islam and Marulanda, Montoya and Vélez that csutomer the motivation to achieve and affiliation were taken as a basis, in them, they explain that the collaborator extrinsically or intrinsically desires excellence, a job well done where he accepts the assigned responsibility. In addition to the above, it is suggested that they like to what is the relationship between customer service and generating business others, help and serve other people Najul, In the grnerating of this study, the intrinsic motivation present in both is taken: achievement and affiliation.
For reference is the following graphic model adapted from the authors rhe shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Motivation Model Own elaboration Haque whta al. Set lofty goals to achieve. They have a great need for execution, but very little for affiliation Importar tabla Need to be part of a group. Some found definitions of motivation that will help to build the construct for this study are the following: Motivation is a way of creating high levels of enthusiasm to achieve the organization's objectives, this situation results when collaborators want to satisfy some individual need in Their work shows commitment and dedication, benefiting the internal or external client Abu-ELSamen et al.
Motivation refers to the achievement of organizational objectives by satisfying the needs or demands of individual employees Haque et al. Motivation is a set of cognitive processes through which the individual determines the amount of time and effort that will be invested in the search to satisfy specific needs and objectives. Depending on their origins, motivational processes can be intrinsic, that is, inherent berween the collaborator or extrinsic, external to him.
Intrinsic motivation is considered to be one of the main explanatory variables related to self-direction mechanisms, especially strategies focused on behavior and natural reward, from this definition terms such as self-efficiency, autonomy, job satisfaction are rescued, own leadership, to determine and fulfill the proposed objectives Curral and Marques, In these mentioned objectives, the collaborator will know how much energy and effort he will need to invest to achieve them, considering that organizationally the final benefit of this effort is reflected in the client Mohd et al.
Navarro et al. This is based on the assumption that employees have a set of needs that lead them to behave in a certain way to satisfy them. Such needs are individual dispositions of varying degrees that guide behavior toward the goal of qhat satisfaction and reducing the stress of unmet needs. Needs represent the source of energy that drives motivating employee behavior.
García and Forero mention employee motivation as an emotional state that is generated relatkonship a result of the influence exerted by certain motives. The reasons can be satisfaction, visualization of achievement, commitment and work interest, task orientation, and success what are the three main types of property insurance coverage. This specifies that the reasons for the employee's behavior can be intrinsic, such as what is the relationship between customer service and generating business, success, job interest, satisfaction, or extrinsic, such as homework, etc.
One motivation was analyzed from different points of view, the operational definition for this study is the degree of effort, enthusiasm, and commitment that collaborators are willing to exert in their work to satisfy their needs and those of clients Navarro et al. It is the desire to achieve the task or goal in favor of the client Navarro et al.
It is the good spirit to provide a quality service that satisfies the client García and Forero, Within the literature review, some studies were found in which a relationship between customer service and motivation was observed. Such is the case of an investigation on the development and implementation of software in Portugal, in which collaborators were surveyed. Concluding that promoting motivation in employees, reflected in customwr leadership and innovation in their work, results in better customer service Curral and Marques, In another investigation in Hannover, Germany.
They found a positive and significant relationship of motivation with satisfaction, customer service, and customer retention. Swanson, Davis and Zhao investigated a theater to know the motivation for achievement and its relationship with service and customer satisfaction. The sample was audience members. The result of the structural equations model was a path coefficient of 0. In the investigation that was carried out in Zhejiang city of China. In the tourism industry. We wanted to see the impact of employee motivation proactive personality and customer service.
It was using the application of a survey 1. They concluded that good customer service begins with the people, with the collaborators. That is, front-line collaborators by focusing their attention on sefvice customer's points of view and being proactively motivated, helps in providing good service and that the customer is satisfied with the treatment received. When the employee has confidence in her abilities to participate in a broader set of roles to serve customers, it results in how to be less needy in relationships customer service Huo et al.
In Korea What is normal communication, a study was carried out in electronic banking to find out the relationship between the employee's motivation expressed in the commitment they have towards the client and generatingg good service experience and satisfaction when receiving said service.
Once the theoretical framework was explored, the graphic model and the hypothesis were raised as shown in figure are corn chips bad for your heart. Subsequently, the development of the measurement instrument, its application, and the calculations to obtain the results. Figure 2 Graphic Model Own elaboration. After establishing the models and definitions of the constructs of the investigation, the instrument was developed and applied.
The items that made up the instrument were selected and adapted from the empirical studies found in the literature review. Upon having the first version of the instrument, the content validity was performed with expert Doctors in Methodology and Human Capital. Before developing the instrument in Google Forms for its application, statistical adjustments and expert suggestions were made. Table 1 shows how the instrument was constituted with the Cronbach's Alpha values of each construct.
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