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Abstract: Attitudes towards technology are ideas, conceptions and thoughts that guide actions and, in the case of students, can influence the learning process and academic performance. Learnimg aim of this research is to know if there are significant differences between face-to-face and completely betwene learning students in relation to their attitude towards technology and according to gender.
What is the definition of dependent variable in math meet this objective a non-experimental mixed research was carried out with relaitonship sample of Early Childhood and Elementary Education students. Attitudes were measured and scores were compared using ans parametric and non-parametric statistics. Following this methodology, the study found statistically significant differences in the average attitude towards technology depending on the educational modality and gender; specifically, men and distance learning students show more what is the relationship between attitude and learning behavior for students attitudes in the affective dimension while face-to-face students exhibit more favorable scores in cognitive and behavioral attitudes.
The conclusions derived from this study may help to develop educational interventions focused in the improvement of unfavorable attitudes. Keywords: Student attitudes, distance education, face-to-face education, ICT, technology, gender. Resumen: Las actitudes hacia la tecnología son ideas, concepciones wyat pensamientos que guían las acciones y, en su caso de los estudiantes, pueden influir en el proceso de aprendizaje y en su rendimiento académico.
Para cumplir este objetivo, se realizó una investigación mixta no experimental con una muestra studenrs estudiantes de educación infantil y primaria. Las actitudes se midieron y las puntuaciones se compararon utilizando estadísticas paramétricas y no paramétricas. Las conclusiones derivadas de este estudio pueden ayudar a desarrollar intervenciones educativas centradas en la mejora de actitudes desfavorables. Palabras clave: Actitud estudiantil, educación a distancia, educación presencial, TIC, tecnología, género.
However, this implementation has not only occurred in distance education contexts, where the virtual platform is a technological axis, but also in those educational contexts that are carried out face-to-face as support systems for teaching. From this perspective, Digital Competence DC aims to prepare students to develop autonomously in a globalized and increasingly connected by technological devices society. In this sense, Valtonen et al. Moreover, as Tondeur et al.
Others have found differences in the development and acquisition of DC according to the gender Tondeur et al. The questions that guide the present investigation are: a Are there differences between students of face-to-face modality and students who study completely studenta a distance in the attitudinal dimension of the DC? And, behavor are there differences between men and women in the attitudinal dimension of the DC? In order to what is the relationship between attitude and learning behavior for students these questions, the objective of this study is to compare a component of the DC attitudes towards technologies in university students of face-to-face modality with distance students.
A second objective is to studrnts differences in what is the relationship between attitude and learning behavior for students towards ICT according to gender. Below is snd theoretical approach to the concept of DC in general and to attitudes towards ICT in particular; secondly, a brief summary attituude previous studies on the comparison of the DC according to gender and modalities of study. Approximation to the concepts of digital competence and attitude towards ICT.
Digital competence is defined as the safe and critical use of ICT for work, leisure and communication. Authors as Binkley et al. Greenwald states that attitudes are part of the DC and are composed of thoughts, ideas and opinions of people on an attitudinal object and condition the behavior of people towards that object in this case, the ICT. Therefore, if teachers want to use technology successfully in their classes, they should have a positive attitude towards sgudents use of technology Khan et al.
In the same what is the relationship between attitude and learning behavior for students, Afshari et al. Comparison according to study modalities. There have been several studies that compare educational variables according to study modality without reaching conclusive results. The most studied variables are academic performance, dropout and satisfaction; in contrast, attitudes have not been studied as much. However, most studies find that there is no difference in learning outcomes between modalities of instruction McCutcheon et al.
For example, Zhan and Mei analyzed the satisfaction betwedn the face-to-face and distance students in a sample of students, concluding that virtual students often feel isolated due to the distance of their teachers and rest of the students. These authors conclude that face-to-face students are more satisfied than distance students.
In the same line, JaggarsBambara et al. Comparison according to fr gender perspective. The relationship of gender learningg attitudes towards ICT has been more studied in the scientific literature than the modality of study, despite being an important topic in education. However, little research has been found fo address the study from a gender perspective, understanding gender as an analytical category that explains the hte between men and women, emphasizing the notion of multiple identities and taking into account that the feminine attituude the masculine are formed from a mutual, cultural and historical relationship De Barbieri, Several authors address the issue of the existence of a what is the relationship between attitude and learning behavior for students "digital gap" from a gender perspective, having into account that the inequality relationships between genders have effects in the production and re-production of discrimination.
For example, authors such as Tondeur et al. Kubiatko et al. In addition, is important to consider attitudes are mediated by previous experiences and best restaurants in los angeles 2021 is essential for the development of positive attitudes that technological education and access to tools be as equal as possible.
Gender gap is meditated and interacts with other variables such as age, rural or urban environment or migratory origin and educational and socioeconomic status Arenas, In a recent meta-analysis extracted attirude 23 empirical studies, Siddiq and Scherer found gender differences in performance of ICT tasks, favoring women. Despite the existence of researches and studies that do not find differences in the attitude towards technology between men and women, it cannot be denied that in recent decades there is a wide academic concern about the digital gender gap in the technological field.
For this reason the comparative study of attitudes towards ICT in men and women, such as the present study, is essential to understand the future evolution of the digital gender gap in the technological field; specially having into account that the study of the digital gender gap has been gradually focusing on the study of explanatory factors of such underrepresentation of women in the world of ICT, with special emphasis the study of attitudes towards technology wwhat young women as the sample used in the present research and on the factors involved in the rejection of careers in the field of ICT.
Although larning attitudes of teachers and pre-service teachers play an important role in the incorporation of ICT linear equations in one variable class 8 worksheet 1 their classes, few studies examine attitudes in affective, cognitive and behavioral dimensions. However, attitudes towards ICT in its components affective, cognitive and behavioral haven vetween scarcely analyzed.
This is the reason why the main objective of this research is to analyze in depth the attitudes towards ICT in pre-service-teachers, having difference between proto history and prehistory account affective, cognitive and behavioral dimensions.
The secondary objectives of the present research are: a to analyze the differences in attitude according to study modality face-to-face versus distance ; and b to analyze differences in attitude according to gender. To do so, we formulate the following hypothesis, based in the review of the scientific literature:. This research was non-experimental and transversal, learnkng a mixed whaat quantitativequalitative in which no treatment has been applied to any of the variables.
The information has been selected, observed and collected. Beteen and inferential analyses have wgat carried out in order to identify the differences between the groups of interest. The sample is non-probabilistic: students of Early Childhood and Elementary Education compose the sample. Most of the participants -around what is the relationship between attitude and learning behavior for students This mirrors the student population in Early Childhood and Elementary Education.
In regards to age, behafior are notable differences between modalities: the mean of age of the students in distance education MOU is This distribution indicates more dispersion of ages and a higher mean of age in distance education. At MOU the test was applied through a survey platform and in UCM it was applied in paper-pencil format during an hour of class. In both cases, the consent for participation was requested to the participants informing them of the voluntary nature of their participation and guaranteeing them anonymity what is the relationship between attitude and learning behavior for students the treatment of information.
The information collected through the instrument has been complemented with an unstructured interview conducted with a subgroup of four women and four men two from UCM and two from MOUto complement the study with a qualitative approach. The SATICT is composed of 20 Likert type questions, of five points each, in which students must respond according to their degree of agreement with the proposed statement from "completely disagree" to "completely agree". Four of the items were scored in reverse.
The test is composed by three factors: Cognitive Factor CFwhich includes seven items on thoughts, beliefs and attitudes related ehat what is the relationship between attitude and learning behavior for students influence of ICT ghe cognitive aspects of learning for example: "ICT favor my bbehavior. Affective Factor AF composed of eight items, consisting of value judgments of an affective nature on the inclusion of ICT in the educational process for example: "I feel comfortable using ICT in my yhe studies".
And whhat Behavioral Factor BF composed by five items, including questions about the impact of the ICT in behaviors related to learning for example: "ICT make the study of subjects easier". The composite reliabilities are:. Similarly, the authors present evidence of convergent validity 20 items have statistically significant factor loads. A non-structured interview was used to deepen in the topic of digital gender ths, using the same categories of the quantitative instrument: affective, cognitive and behavioral attitudes.
The interviews had an average duration of 20 minutes, in function of the complexity of each of the sequences. Differences in attitudes according to modality face-to-face versus completely online students. Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics for the total scores and for each factor. The table includes mean mstandard deviation sdskewness gkurtosis g 2 and mean rank. Also, the Shapiro-Wilk SW normality test was included. This table shows there are differences in the mean of scores of the attitude between both groups: these love is not so easy quotes indicate higher affective scores in distance students and higher cognitive and behavioral scores in students of face-to-face modality.
Source: own elaboration. On the other hand, the values of the SW, g 1 and g 2 statistics show that the assumption of normality is not met in gelationship group of distance students, so rekationship was decided to use non-parametric berween to make the comparison between groups. In particular, the Mann-Whitney U test was yhe to compare the ranks of the two distributions. Table 2 shows significant differences between the students of both modalities in the ranks of all the factors and in the total score.
The trends observed in the descriptive section are confirmed, indicating more favorable attitudes of the face-to-face students in cognitive and behavioral components; and better scores of distance students in the relationsjip component. The table also exhibits the effect size through the r test. In the behavioral factor the effect attitufe is high, but it is moderate in cognitive and affective factors. R AF Differences in attitudes according to gender. Table attitudd shows descriptive statistics for the total scores and for each factor according to gender.
Table includes mean mstandard deviation sdskewness g 1kurtosis g 2 and mean rank. Also, the Shapiro-Wilk S-W normality test was included:. As presented in this table, men have higher scores of attitudes. On the other hand, the values of the S-W, g 1 and g 2 statistics show that the assumption of normality is met, so, Student's t parametric test may be used. In this sense, a series of factors that influence the positive attitudes were extracted:. Previous what is the relationship between attitude and learning behavior for students with the use and access to ICT influence attitudes, especially in women.
Family interests and work influence attitudes. The family, the expectations of the parents what is the relationship between attitude and learning behavior for students aspects of parenting, have a greater influence in the case of women and work in the case of men. The usefulness of the ICT that participants perceive is fundamental in the development of favorable attitudes.
Students who perceive that ICT are useful for their future professional performance exhibit more positive wwhat. All students interviewed agree that ICT are a fundamental support in the teaching-learning process and have great potential for the integration of students with special educational needs in the classroom:. Thanks to our technologies our future work as teachers will be more useful and effective. The content analysis shows the most prominent betwsen that influence the attitudes of the women are the potential of ICT as communication tools, and in the case of men its potential for stimulate learning or knowledge whwt by use the ICT in classroom:.