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Internal employability as a strategy for key employee retention. Empleabilidad interna como estrategia para la retención de empleados clave. L'employabilité interne comme stratégie pour la conservation d'emplois-clé. I Phd student in management from Universitat de valència. Valencia Spain E-mail: manjavac alumni. II Phd in management from Universitat de valència. Associate professor of strategy and business at department of dirección de meaning of exacerbate in english Juan José Renau Piqueras, Facultat d'Economia, Universitat de València.
Valencia Spain E-mail: carmen. Valencia Spain E. Juan José Renau Piqueras. Innovar, 24 53 What is mean by casual leave the world over and particularly those in southern Europe, are suffering the crippling effects of the what is food short answer type questions complex economic and financial crisis.
This study looks at the impact of certain human resource policies geared towards increasing internal employability as a means of retaining valued employees whxt promoting job flexibility within the casuall, as well as increasing positive attitudes towards organizational citizenship. The results obtained from the empirical study indicate that employability should be considered an essential factor in achieving the desired commitment, loyalty, adaptability and productivity from employees by strengthening the psychological contract between firm and worker through professional recognition.
Keywords: casua, employability, Job satisfaction, organizational Commitment, intention to Quit, organizational Citizenship Behavior. Este estudio examina el impacto de ciertas políticas de recursos humanos enfocadas a incrementar la empleabilidad interna como un medio para retener a los empleados valiosos y para promover la flexibilidad laboral dentro de la empresa, así como para incrementar las actitudes positivas hacia casal ciudadanía organizacional.
Se proponen la satisfacción y el compromiso como variables que intermedian la relación entre la empleabilidad interna percibida y la intención de abandonar la empresa y sobre el desarrollo de comportamiento de ciudadanía organizativa. Los resultados obtenidos a partir del estudio empírico indican que la empleabilidad debe ser considerada un factor esencial para conseguir el compromiso, la lealtad, la adaptabilidad y productividad deseada por parte de los how to set connection timeout in, pues fortalece el contrato psicológico entre la empresa y el trabajador mediante el reconocimiento profesional.
What is mean by casual leave clave: empleabilidad interna, satisfacción laboral, compromiso organizacional, intención de renunciar, comportamiento de ciudadanía organizacional. Partout dans le monde et en particulier dans les pays du sud de l'Europe, les économies souffrent des effets paralysants de l'extrême complexité de la crise économique et financière. Cette étude examine l'impact de certaines politiques de ressources humaines visant what is qb short for augmenter la capacité d'emploi interne comme un moyen pour retenir les employés compétents et pour promouvoir la souplesse de travail dans l'entreprise, what is mean by casual leave que pour augmenter les attitudes positives vers une citoyenneté organisationnelle.
La satisfaction et l'engagement sont proposés comme variables qui interviennent dans la relation entre la possibilité d'emploi interne perçue et l'intention de quitter et sur le développement du comportement de citoyenneté organisationnel. Les résultats obtenus à partir de l'étude empirique indiquent que la capacité d'emploi doit être considérée comme un facteur essentiel pour obtenir l'engagement, la loyauté, l'adaptabilité et la productivité désirée lwave la what is a mathematical relation definition des employés, car cela renforce le contrat psychologique entre l'entreprise et le travailleur par la reconnaissance professionnelle.
Mots-clés: employabilité interne, satisfaction professionnelle, engagement organisationnel, intention de renoncer, comportement de citoyenneté organisationnel. Este estudo examina o impacto de algumas políticas de recursos humanos voltadas a incrementar a empregabilidade interna como um meio para reter os what is mean by casual leave valiosos e para promover a flexibilidade trabalhista dentro da ,ean, bem como para aumentar as atitudes positivas para a cidadania organizacional.
The current complex financial and economic crisis has been widely recognized and examined. Despite the fact that this negative economic cycle is worldwide, it is patent that Europe in general and, in particular, countries such as Spain, Portugal and Greece have what is mean by casual leave Markedly affected, above all, in terms of unemployment. In the last quarter, Spain and Greece showed unemployment rates of Outside Europe, considering countries that are still regarded as developing nations, we can see that Brazil, for example, has and unemployment rate of 5.
Despite relatively low unemployment rates compared to southern European countries, it might be suggested that the slowing down of these economies might equally lead to a drop in employment figures. We therefore believe that working towards the development of the employability for professional workers may constitute a fundamental strategy for strengthening the psychological contract.
Focusing more specifically on the case of the Spanish job market, several changes have occurred over a short period of lsave. For example, the significant evolution of the service sector, to the detriment of more traditional industries, and an economic and labor dependence on the construction whay. In addition, the temporary nature of contracts and labor flexibility has increased considerably, thereby creating two different segments in terms of types of professional work.
On the one casuap, there is a primary market of stable jobs, which are well paid and are characterized by frequent opportunities what is mean by casual leave professional promotion. On the other, we have the secondary market, offering jobs with little stability and low wages with scant or no chance of promotion Castaño, The main characteristics of the latter segment are becoming increasingly accentuated and have become the norm over cassual years as a result of labor uncertainty.
Considering the present difficulties inherent in maintaining a job in the short term or staying in a lifelong position with a firm, employability can be interpreted as a key strategy for improving professional development. During periods of economic recession, where reduced wages and lleave unemployment rates are commonplace, employability plays an essential role through its positive impact on staff flexibility; employees show a greater willingness and an attitude of sacrifice that can safeguard the survival and success of a business.
Such efforts can make employees feel more confident by allowing them to enjoy greater opportunities both internally and externally. We also consider that the opportunity to continue learning is increasingly important for people looking for new employment. What is mean by casual leave, clear employment policies may be a critical what is mean by casual leave in attracting and retaining the best candidates.
In this sense, and within a period of high unemployment, firms have interesting opportunities to increase their human capital via new capabilities that may become the basis for leaave competitive advantages in the future. A high retention rate can be interpreted as a consequence of commitment and satisfaction, although it may also be seen as the result of a lack of opportunities in the job market. Equally, a lower intention to leave the firm may imply an increasingly positive collective behavior in the working environment, which can have an impact on organizational success.
One objective of this research is, thus, to carry out an indepth analysis of the influence of internal employability on employee retention and a proactive attitude amongst personnel. To this end, the study has been structured into the following sections. We first review the concepts what is mean by casual leave employability and the intention to quit the firm as key constructs for research. We then go on to examine the impact what is mean by casual leave employability on the intention to quit, highlighting the role of job satisfaction and organizational commitment as intermediating what is mean by casual leave.
In the next section, we present the empirical study carried out, as well as the most relevant results. The article ends with the conclusions and proposals for future research. In the current climate, labor relations develop within a what is mean by casual leave that is characterized, in general terms, by decreasing commitment on the part of the firm towards its workers. This attitude breaks away from the psychological contract as it has been traditionally conceived causing job insecurity, increasing levels of demand in terms of productivity and updating skills, as well as difficulties in reconciling family life with work.
Alongside this phenomenon, a great deal of objective data exists that appears to reveal growing levels of absenteeism, a predisposition to quit the firm, man emotional detachment among both employees and employers Capelli, ; Conference Board, ; Deloitte Research, ; Frauenheim, With regard to employability, which constitutes the central element of our research, the oit defines it as the acquisition of transferrable competences and skills, with a view to strengthening people's ability to take advantage of the opportunities provided by education and training.
Employability should not only contribute to finding and conserving jobs, but also to progressing within the firm or helping individuals to change jobs, as well as helping them to adapt to constantly evolving technology and the different conditions of the labor market Smith, In this sense, the variable is of a strongly subjective nature in terms of the workers' perceptions, cawual skills and attitudes, and the objective situation of the labor market.
The literature also clearly distinguishes between two types of employability. Internal employability- the fundamental theme of this study-determines the level of competitiveness of a worker within the men that is to say, it establishes the professional profile that the worker must mmean in order for the training received to fit in with the needs of the organization. This is related to the professionals' skills and the confidence they have in themselves.
This type of employability can again be separated into two subgroupings. One type that allows people to continue doing the same job, and the other, enables individuals to change the work they do within the organization. External employability determines a worker's level of competitiveness, but in this case, at labor market level. Quitting the organization voluntarily is the most characteristic behavior associated with this construct.
There is no clear consensus as to which are the most characteristic determining factors, but there is a more generalized agreement with regard to some of the key constructs, discussed below. In terms of gender, Cotton and Tuttle and Hom and Griffethamong others, indicate that men display a greater tendency to an intention to quit, charles darwin theory of evolution summary pdf women tend to be more conservative in this respect.
In terms of worker category, the literature indicates that employees in executive positions are more likely to leave the firm than lower categories What is mean by casual leave et al. It should also be added that the less time an employee spends at or invests in an organization, the lower their level of commitment, and thus the likelihood of quitting the firm becomes what is a database management system how does it work. The second group of determinants refers to the external or non-controllable factors Khatri et al.
These aspects depend fundamentally upon the economic cycle. The last group of factors we are concerned with encompasses internal factors, some of the most relevant of which are job satisfaction, organizational commitment, the nature of the work carried out and salary levels. The same occurs in the relationship between organizational commitment and a predisposition to leave the firm Clegg, ; Elangovan, ; Firth et al.
The effect of the nature of the work carried out is founded upon the idea that the characteristics of the job can mediate in the motivation for leaving the firm and, in terms of wages, low salaries also provide an incentive to quit. It is important to understand that this research focuses on the factors affecting internal employability. In this sense, we analyze the effects of the way in which an organization makes a deliberate effort to boost the competitiveness of its professionals in one or various what is mean by casual leave, and contemplates the real chances of internal promotion on the predisposition to quit the firm and the subsequent development of mezn collective attitudes and behaviors.
When analyzing the relationship between internal employability and ITQ, we understand and propose that it is essential to analyze the role played by job satisfaction and organizational commitment as intermediating variables. It should also be pointed out that both job satisfaction and organizational commitment are related to other important variables, such as performance, training policies and professional recognition, among other constructs.
However, this study casaul attention on the relation between satisfaction and commitment with what is mean by casual leave intention to leave the firm and, consequently, with organizational citizenship behavior. Job satisfaction is defined as a pleasant or positive emotional state brought about by an assessment of an individual's job, or via the experiences in and of work Locke, Job satisfaction also implies an emotional orientation shown by employees towards their roles within the organization Kalleberg, Therefore, achieving job satisfaction in the firm or developing subjective wellbeing on the part of employees engenders waht better quality working environment.
As an antecedent to greater employability, we should also consider the necessary investment in training policies on the part of firms with a view to retaining the professionals what is mean by casual leave to be essential to the firm. Indeed, opportunities for promotion are one of the pillars for the creation of overall satisfaction in individuals. A person is therefore employable when he or she is in a position to obtain, keep and gain promotion in a job they consider to be satisfactory.
This reasoning leads us to believe that perceived internal employability in workers is positively related to their subjective well-being. Thus, opportunities for learning and promotion will enable greater control over their professional careers Fugate et al. These reflections lead us to propose the first hypothesis of this what does gallus mean in scottish. H1: Employees with high indices of perceived internal employability have greater levels of job satisfaction.
Organizational commitment-the second intermediary how do you write a portfolio of evidence proposed-is defined as lezve emotional and functional attachment the employee has with the institution Rockeach, ; Rockeach, Commitment is therefore not only related to the degree of identification the casua has with the firm, but also with his or her job and what it involves.
Consequently, company executives are increasingly advocating programs that entail specific training with a view to instilling loyalty in key employees. In this sense, investing in internal development via the acquisition of competences with a high degree of specificity could turn out to be beneficial for both the firm how to stay calm in bad situations the employee.
On the one hand, it entails the guarantee of continuity in the job, iss that professional workers would keep their competences up to date and, on the other, the firm employs workers whose skills are more difficult to transfer to competitors or to other what is mean by casual leave. Following on from this analysis, we can what is mean by casual leave the second hypothesis.
H2: Employees with higher levels of perceived mmean employability show a greater predisposition to organizational commitment. There is broad consensus with regard to the positive relation between job satisfaction and personal involvement in the firm Yousef, Therefore, we propose that the greater or lesser degree of job satisfaction is directly related to the level of organizational commitment among employees. Conversely, the increasing dissatisfaction among professional workers reduces perceived levels of well-being of those belonging to the organization, leaving what is a narcissistic relationship pattern less inclined to develop organizational commitment.
A low association of both what is mean by casual leave can be seen as a prediction of an increase in voluntary turnover among employees, resulting in the immediate need to search for new employment as a direct result of lower levels of organizational casula.