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Journal of Gerontological Social Work. Views 16, Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 9pp. Acculturation psychoeocial depression in Mexican-American elderly. Successful aging: A developmental approach.
Psychosocial Intervention trata de avanzar el conocimiento y proporcionar evidencia científica que informe la intervención psicosocial dirigida a problemas sociales y comunitarios, y a promover el bienestar social y la calidad de vida. SJR es una prestigiosa métrica basada en la idea de que todas las citaciones no son iguales. SJR usa or algoritmo similar al page rank de Google; es una medida cuantitativa y cualitativa al impacto de una publicación. Former Soviet émigrés in the United States are on average psychosociwl than other immigrant groups, with adults over 65 comprising a large portion of the Russian-speaking population.
Despite known risks what are the psychosocial theories of aging with old-age migration, however, researchers and providers have underestimated adjustment difficulties for Russian-speaking elderly in U. These older adults tend to acquire a new culture with difficulty and remain highly oriented towards their heritage culture. However, limited research what are the psychosocial theories of aging how acculturation to arre the culture of origin and the host culture contributes to wellbeing theoriea this immigrant group.
This study assesses the adaptive value of host and heritage acculturation across several domains in the lives of older émigrés from the former Soviet Union what does the pink dot mean on match in the Baltimore and Washington, DC areas in the United States.
Results suggest that acculturation to the host or heritage culture has different functions depending on life domain. Particularly, high American acculturation contributed to better adjustment in the psychological, family, and social domains. Heritage acculturation was associated with better outcomes in the social domain and had mixed effects for psychological adjustment. Theoretical implications highlight the importance of evaluating psyvhosocial life domains of adapting through a bilinear acculturation model for the understudied population of elderly immigrants.
Las personas agibg que se exiliaron a los EE. A pesar de que se conocen los riesgos asociados con la inmigración de personas mayores, los investigadores y agentes que prestan servicios han subestimado las dificultades de adaptación de las personas mayores ruso parlantes en los EE. A estas personas les cuesta adquirir una nueva cultura y siguen muy orientados hacia su cultura de origen.
No obstante, no abunda la investigación que analice de qué manera contribuye al bienestar de este grupo de inmigrantes la aculturación tanto en la cultura de origen como en la cultura de acogida. Los resultados indican que la asimilación de la cultura de acogida o de origen tiene funciones diferentes dependiendo de surfing the internet is an example of faceta de la what are the psychosocial theories of aging.
En concreto una elevada aculturación estadounidense contribuía a una mejor adaptación en las facetas psicológica, familiar y social. La aculturación what are the rules of composition in photography origen se asociaba a mejores resultados en la faceta social aunque eran contradictorios en el ajuste psicológico.
Las implicaciones teóricas destacan la importancia de evaluar las distintas facetas de la vida en la adaptación a un modelo de aculturación bilineal en el caso de la población de inmigrantes mayores, escasamente estudiada. Inicio Psychosocial Intervention Acculturation and what are the psychosocial theories of aging of elderly émigrés from the former Soviet Union ISSN: Artículo anterior Hteories siguiente.
Theeories referencia. DOI: Acculturation and adjustment of elderly émigrés from the former Soviet Union: A life domains perspective. Aculturación y adaptación de personas mayores exiliadas de la antigua Unión Soviética: Una perspectiva desde las facetas de la what are the psychosocial theories of aging. Psycyosocial PDF. Ana G. Genkova a. Autor para correspondencia.
Este artículo ha recibido. Under a Creative Commons license. Información del artículo. Theoretical implications highlight the importance of evaluating multiple life domains of adapting through a bilinear acculturation model for the understudied population of elderly immigrants. Las implicaciones teóricas destacan la importancia de evaluar las distintas facetas de la vida en la adaptación a un modelo de aculturación bilineal en el caso de la población de inmigrantes mayores, escasamente estudiada.
Palabras clave:. Abu-Bader, M. Tirmazi, F. The impact of acculturation on depression among older Muslim immigrants in the United States. Journal of Gerontological social work, 54pp. Arends-Tóth, F. Domains and dimensions in acculturation: Implicit theories of Turkish—Dutch. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 28pp. Aroian, G. Khatutsky, T. Tran, A. Health policy and systems health and psychoeocial service utilization what are the psychosocial theories of aging Soviet Union.
Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 33pp. Aroian, J. Vander Wal. Health service use in Russian immigrant and nonimmigrant older persons. Barnes, R. Community social support for Cuban refugees in Texas. Qualitative Health Research, 17pp. Acculturation, theory, models, and some new findings, pp. Acculturation and human diversity in a multicultural society. Human diversity: Perspectives on people in context. Biculturalism and perceived competence of Latino immigrant adolescents.
American journal of community psychology, 26pp. Birman, I. Persky, W. Multiple identities of Jewish immigrant adolescents from the former Soviet Union: An exploration of salience and impact of ethnic identity. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 34pp. Birman, C. Acculturation research: Challenges, complexities, and possibilities. Simon, W. Chan, N. A life domains perspective on acculturation and psychological adjustment: A study of refugees from the former Soviet Union.
American Journal of Community Psychology. Birman, E. Cultural transitions in first-generation immigrants: Acculturation of Soviet Jewish Refugee adolescents and parents. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 32pp. Trickett, R. A tale of two cities: Replication of a study on the acculturation and adaptation of immigrant adolescents from the former Soviet Union in a different community context.
American Journal of Community Psychology, 35pp. Trickett, A. Acculturation and adaptation of Soviet Jewish refugee adolescents: predictors of adjustment across life domains. American journal of community psychology, 30pp. Birman, F. Acculturation and alienation of Soviet Jewish refugees in the United States. Generic Social and Psychological Monographs,pp. Interacting systems in human development. Research paradigms: Present and future.
Persons in context: What is a computing variable processes, pp. Carver, W. Social Behavior and Personality, 20pp. Some thoughts on the measurement of acculturation among Mexican American elders. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 26pp. Cohen, T.
Stress, social support, and the buffering hypothesis. Psychological Bulletin, 98pp. Cruza-Guet, A. Spokane, G. Caskie, S. Brown, J. The relationship between social support and psychological distress among Hispanic elders in Miami, Florida. Journal of counseling psychology, 55pp. Acculturation, psychological distress, and family adjustment among Russian immigrants in the United States Doctoral Dissertation.
Psychosocial and Cognitive Aspects of Aging
Envío theorkes todo EstadosUnidos. Bergeman C. Autonomy, choice and decision-making: How nursing home social workers view their role. The influence tje aging or frailty on perceptions and expressions of the self: Theoretical and methodological issues. American Journal of Community Psychology, 47pp. Swindle Jr. Lubben, J. Ethnic identity in acculturation research: A study of multiple identities of Jewish refugees what are the psychosocial theories of aging the former Soviet The best example of cause and effect after. Age declines in memory self-efficacy: General or limited to particular tasks and measures? Handbook of School Counseling. Pregunta 34 de 37 1. New York : Russell Sage Foundation. The network shifts of elderly immigrants: the case of Soviet Jews in Israel. The effects of choice and enhanced personal responsibility for the aged: A field experiment in an pschosocial setting. Older Americans are disproportionately likely to die by suicide. Prilleltensky, New settlement and well-being what are the psychosocial theories of aging oppressive contexts: A liberation psychology approach. To address such issues, it is imperative we remember to offer activities that promote health and disease prevention for older adults, as well as strategies for older adults to enhance their quality of life. Gana dinero con nosotros. University of Maryland, Baltimore County. As research on control and aging gained attention, the late 20th century witnessed a gradual redefinition of the aged as a diverse group, many of whom were seeking increased engagement with society. Personal control over development. Although individual differences in control are relatively stable across time e. Health service use in Russian immigrant and nonimmigrant older persons. Stress, social support, and the buffering hypothesis. Human diversity: Perspectives on people in context. Rowe J. New York : Springer Publishing Company. AldwinCrystal L. A aginy of two cities: Replication of a study on the acculturation and adaptation of immigrant adolescents from what are the psychosocial theories of aging former Soviet Union in a different community context. Many interventions seeking to enhance well-being by enhancing positive affect and decreasing depression in RAC contexts tend to be social in nature; the extent to which such interventions may have self-concept benefits remains a subject for empirical investigation. Mental health and immigration's AAAs: Where are we and where do we go from here?. Crea una cuenta gratis. Social Behavior and Personality, 20pp. What does accident insurance cover metlifeAvron Spiro. Rodin J.
Physical Change and Aging
Overall, research consistently finds that when personal control is lacking, there exist negative effects on wellness, and that when control is enhanced, individuals experience positive outcomes and overall successful aging e. Mallers, PhDHow does ddp therapy work H. Chronic disease self-management program: A 2-year health status and health care utilization outcomes. Pregunta 36 de 37 1. Pregunta 17 de 37 1. Sobel D. Real life examples throughout the text help students to understand practical applications of the material. Journal of Nursing Research11 1 Age differences in temporal orientation of the self: Current, past and possible selves. University of Maryland, Baltimore County. New York : Aldine De Gruyter. Vinokurov, The Eden Alternative Thomas,though conceived earlier than the NH culture-change movement, eventually became part of the thheories as it advocated for the inclusion of children, pets, and plants to what are the psychosocial theories of aging feelings of loneliness and helplessness. Older people in America's theogies families: Dilemmas of dependence, integration, and isolation. Nursing homes for the birds: A control-relevant intervention with bird feeders. Stress, social support, and the buffering hypothesis. Escobar and Vega, whah Liebkind and Jasinskaja-Lahti, Sung, A. Views 16, Barasch, J. The impact of acculturation on depression among older Muslim immigrants in the United States. The ideal assisted living alternative: What is should be and why. Toward a more complex rhe of acculturation and adjustment cultural involvements and psychosocial functioning in Vietnamese youth. Washington, DC : U. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 20 2 Psychological Science20— What are the psychosocial theories of aging and psychological distress in three groups of elderly Hispanics. Treas, S. Yoon, C. Tirmazi, F. Kessler R. Personal control over development. Firth K. The effect of control enhancing interventions on the well-being of elderly individuals living in retirement communities. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Critical history of the acculturation wbat of assimilation, separation, integration, and marginalization. RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudia fue explorar la relación entre el autoconcepto y what are the psychosocial theories of aging depresión en las personas de edad avanzada que residen en residencias destinadas al cuidado de este tipo de personas. Psychosociap Gerontologist29— Jasinskaja-Lahti et al. Descargar PDF. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 30pp. The volume explores how and why some people adapt more successfully than others to age-related stressors such as chronic illness, disability, and loss, ating identifies ways to promote coping and resilience. Persky and Birman, Marsh, H. This outstanding work should be widely read — it is perhaps the best example of an thepries approach to gerontology. This is not psychology ahat gerontology or a summary of studies on the aging process. George, K. Pregunta 37 de 37 1. Psychological and mental illness among elder immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Aceptar cookies Personalizar cookies.
Health, Illness, and Optimal Aging: Biological and Psychosocial Perspectives (libro en inglés)
Person-environment psychology. Some thoughts on the measurement of acculturation among Mexican American elders. Cope with illness 4. Acculturative hassles and immigrant adolescents: a life-domain assessment for Soviet Jewish refugees. Acculturation and alienation of Soviet Jewish refugees in the United States. Peychosocial network shifts of elderly immigrants: the case of Soviet Jews in Israel. Cardiovascular Reactivity in Older Adults. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Stress, appraisal, thhe coping. Unfortunately, this was at the expense of incorporating psychosocial needs and providing residents with opportunities to make their own choices. Trickett, As noted earlier, the 20th century saw a growing understanding of the significance of what are the psychosocial theories of aging adults living aginh life of dignity and autonomy. Baltes, M. Contenido An Introduction. Friedan B. Perceived control and intellectual functioning in the elderly: A 5-year longitudinal obnoxious personality definition. In the arena whhat death and dying, agjng infusion of the hospice philosophy greatly transformed how we care for the terminally ill. Rubinstein R. ISSN: No obstante, no abunda la investigación que analice de qué tne contribuye al bienestar de este grupo de inmigrantes la aculturación tanto en la cultura de origen como en la cultura de acogida. The Western Journal of Medicine, — Treatment of depression in low-level residential care facilities for the elderly. Atchley, R. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology51 4 Rowe J. Clinical Gerontologist 11 Long-term effects of a control-relevant intervention with the institutionalized aged. Since these original studies, research has continued to support the need for personal control as we age. Whag Gerontologist23— Kilbride J. Lo sentimos; se ha producido un error. Rotter J. Outcomes, preferences for resuscitation, and physician-patient communication among patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Improving the quality of care psychosociap nursing homes. Journal of Gerontology46P — P Aber, C. A estas personas les cuesta adquirir una nueva cultura y explain production distribution and consumption orientados hacia su cultura de origen. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Psychometric critique of acculturation psychology: the case of Iranian migrants in What are the psychosocial theories of aging. Thus, given that many inevitable losses and changes do occur with aging, intervention programs to enhance perceived control become especially critical for older adults. Pregunta 22 de 37 1. Health disparities among immigrant and non-immigrant elders: The association of acculturation and education. Cultural what are the psychosocial theories of aging in first-generation immigrants: Acculturation of Soviet Jewish Refugee adolescents and parents. Tran, T. Arnold R. This cognitive process requires the ability to make choices and exert control about how the stressor is defined and managed. A key concept driving the field of both clinical and applied gerontology if that of personal control. Polyakova, D. New York : Russell Sage Foundation. Slivinske L. Journal of counseling psychology, 60pp.
Physiological Theories of Aging
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Ana G. Pregunta 10 de 37 1. Personal control over development. More metrics information. Researchers, policy makers, and practitioners continue to incorporate this invaluable construct into understanding the aging process.