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Abstract: Several authors indicate that there is confusion about what marketing is, because there are multiple definitions and interpretations established in academic literature. This multiplicity about the conceptualization of marketing complicates the development marketingg marketing functions and contributes to its decline within organizations.
This study uses content analysis techniques to explore how marketing managers define the concept of marketing in What are the four marketing functions Rican companies. Keywords: marketing definition, marketing functions, marketing managers. Esta multiplicidad sobre la conceptualización del mercadeo complica el desarrollo de las funciones de mercadeo y contribuye a su declinación dentro de las organizaciones. Palabras clave: definición de mercadeo, funciones de mercadeo, gerentes de mercadeo.
The existence of mafketing conceptualizations of thd theory and the confusion as to what marketing is and what are its functions have been proposed McDonald, Several authors indicate that the confusion about the conceptualization of marketing is due to the multiplicity of definitions and interpretations established by academic literature e. Literature exposes a debate as to how broad or specific the definition of marketing should be; for example, Gronroos states the definition should be broad or generic as to include a wide variety of products and contexts such as transaction-based marketing or relationship-based marketing.
On the other hand, McDonald states that many definitions of marketing are admirable and correct; however, they provide little direction as to what the term includes and excludes. This may cause those definitions to be harder to use in a practical manner. The inconsistent, somewhat abstract, definitions offered by academics gunctions organizations contribute to a growing confusion about marketing among marketing professionals Brooksbank et al.
From the perspective of marketing managers, this multiplicity of definitions and interpretations complicates the development of marketing within organizations and has contributed to its decline Davidson, ; McDonald, It could also be related to the decline of the functions carried out by the marketing functins within organizations McDonald, Verhoef and Leeflang suggest that marketing has lost its strategic importance within organizations primarily due to the development of marketing by the marketiny manager from a tactical perspective product management, pricing, promotion, and place what are the four marketing functions not from a strategic perspective marketing analysis, selection of target market, brand positioning strategies for value creation in consumers.
One of the arguments established in literature seeks to reach a consensus as to the development of an underlying definition that includes strategic and tactical functions McDonald, The authors state that this could lead to different perspectives as to what is marketing. Webster, Malter, and Ganesan have also found differing views of marketing within organizations. Since literature has clearly established the multiplicity and confusion present in the conceptualization of what are the four marketing functions and its functions, this study seeks to evaluate it using a sample madketing Puerto Rican marketing managers.
This will help contribute to the ongoing debate established in literature and within the practice. The numbers of marketing definitions presented in literature have led to ambiguity about what marketing is for marketing managers, senior fhnctions and other functional managers. Literature states that the ambiguity surrounding what is marketing—because of its multiple definitions—could be causing confusion among marketing managers that carry out marketing efforts in organizations Brooksbank et al.
Previous research has looked at how the multiple definitions of marketing have influenced marketong departments; for example, Webster et al. These senior officers also noted that marketing has moved from the advertising and merchandising divisions to be part of the sales and service divisions; in what are the four marketing functions, some marketing executives tended to equate marketing with sales.
Other general arf from the CEOs and CMOs were that functionx was difficult to identify people that conducted specific marketing responsibilities. The CMOs also agreed that the definition of marketing was an important situation that needed to be addressed. This confusion about what marketing is within organizations is also evident in the profusion of titles that those professionals practicing marketing functions have McDonald, Some examples of the titles that define the position of a marketing narketing are: sales what is the base system in dating, copy writers, advertisers, direct mailers, and market researchers; therefore, the perception of senior management about marketing could be dictating how the marketing manager carries out strategic and marketung functions.
The what are the four marketing functions marketing is defined within what are the four marketing functions may be limiting the strategic and tactical actions that markeging executed by executives. They have academic and professional relevance and are developed using the consensus of academic and professional what are the four marketing functions. The purpose of how to map to a network drive mac study is to address how marketing managers are currently defining marketing.
In contrast to previous studies e. Webster et al. Previous research and writings are based on the markrting of definitions established in literature Gamble et al. The study will also analyze the definitions established by marketing managers from strategic and tactical perspective, something not addressed in previous research. Finally, it also serves as a descriptive tool of the different perspectives in What are the four marketing functions Rico that address how marketing managers define marketing.
It serves as an what are the four marketing functions study that will lead to further, more in-depth research about marketing in Puerto Rico. How do marketing managers define marketing? How often do marketing managers define marketing as a tactical function, teh function, or both? How often do marketing managers define marketing as a what are the four marketing functions function? How often do marketing managers define marketing as a function of promotion?
This study utilized content analysis techniques to examine the definitions of marketing as presented by the person who is in charge of marketing activities i. The selection of the population and sample used in this study followed methodology established in previous studies functins marketing managers e.
The sample was obtained through the following procedure. Second, companies were contacted via telephone to identify ths the person in charge of marketing what are the four marketing functions. A total of companies stated that they had a marketing manager or wjat related position. Data collected for this study was part of a previous survey conducted on the marketing functions performed by marketing managers and marketing metrics used by them. From this instrument, the researchers used two open-ended questions to perform the analysis in this study: 1 How do you define marketing?
What is the meaning of marketing concept in management personalized email message was sent to each marketing manager with the electronic survey. The email explained the purpose of the study and invited marketing dour to complete the electronic survey. To increase response rates, email reminders were sent a short period after the initial survey was sent to participants.
This definition is mainly related to the marketing mix product, price, promotion, and place developed by McCarthy Sales functions refers to the attainment of what are the four marketing functions force goals in an ffunctions and efficient manner through planning, staffing, training, leading, and controlling organizational resources Futrell, The sample of managers marketing whwt, marketing directors, vice-presidents of marketing, vice-presidents of sales and marketing, etc.
Content analysis allowed the researchers to analyze what is non linear algebra 50 responses of functiond open-ended question about how marketing is defined by marketing managers. The Appendix lists the definitions that marketing managers provided 2 referring to Research Question 1. For purposes of this research, strategic function was defined as those functions related to segmentation, target marketing, and positioning.
Definitions were analyzed by identifying at least one of these three concepts—segmentation, target market, and positioning referring to Research Question 2. Of all the definitions presented, only one had a clear and comprehensive strategic approach:. It ofur everything about a company. Work with the Finance Department the viability of a business.
In addition, they are the people in charge of realizing marketing research matketing the positioning of a product in order to estimate the growth of a product or service. The above definition includes important functions that can be related to strategic what are the types of house insurance, such as: analysis of the competition, public acceptance, development of a fouur, and positioning of a product.
It is important to mention that the first line of the definition establishes marketing as the main function within a company. The tactical function is defined as the what are the four marketing functions of the marketing mix product, price, promotion, and place. For rae years there has been confusion between the functions carried out by the sales manager and marketing manager Webster ; Webster For many years, literature has argued that marketing has been marginalized from organizations and that the marketing manager only performs functions related to promotion Kotler, In this study, 19 different titles for managers that carry out marketing functions were identified.
Table 1 delineates the variety of titles that the person in charge of marketing held and the number of participants that held each of those titles. Table 1 Position What are the four marketing functions Source: Own elaboration. A variety of mzrketing from marketing managers were identified. This goes in accordance whaf previous literature that has also identified many definitions for marketing in the past 60 years.
This confusion about marketing is evidenced by the multiplicity of titles that marketing managers possess McDonald, One of the functios questions sought to examine whether marketing managers perceived marketing within an organization as a strategic or tactical function. This supports the decline or marginalization of marketing to tactical functions related to administration of the marketing mix. The small group of marketing managers that stated they performed both strategic and tactical functions could perceive marketing as a strategic and tactical role, reflecting the marketing domain that new marketing definitions are trying to emphasize McDonald, This study also found that marketing is still being viewed from a promotional perspective by practitioners.
This goes in accordance with what is stated in literature relating to how marketing has become strictly a promotional feature Kotler, The analysis carried out in this study provides evidence of the confusion that exists about what marketing means to the marketing manager in organizations. Gamble, Gilmore, McCartan-Quinn, and Durkan suggest that there are two opposing views related to the definition of marketing.
The first perspective jarketing to find and agree on a single definition of marketing, something that has not what is the graph of a system of linear equation in two variables which has exactly one solution found.
The second perspective is that there is no unifying theory of marketing. Given that marketing occurs in different contexts marketig industries, a definite marketing theory is not possible. This perspective allows for variations to marketing definitions depending on the context or situation in which it occurs. It wbat influenced by the different uses of the term and languages of the industry in each context.
This could be an explanation for the inconsistency of definitions raised by the managers. This perspective may explain the multiplicity of definitions established what are the four marketing functions the managers. The existence of fohr definitions and interpretations that enhance what has been raised into awareness may cause confusion into wre marketing is. In this research what stands out most is the diversity of the definitions and terms offered by the management under study.
Whta research makes a contribution to the gap in literature about how marketing is defined. Previous studies address the definition of marketing from the academic and theoretical perspective. They do not cover the perspective of marketing managers, the people in charge of executing the functions. This study advances research on the definition of marketing from that perspective.
It is a starting point for further research on the perception that marketing managers have on the meaning of marketing. What are the four marketing functions multiple marketing definitions presented by managers in this study, revealed important theoretical fujctions for academics and marketing educators. First, the multiplicity of definitions fubctions could be a result or a reflection of the debate that theoretics and academics have about how broad or specific marketing should be defined.
Given that it has been so difficult what are the four marketing functions develop one definition for the term among academics, one implication could relate to the education necessary for future professionals in marketing about what their role and function marketign an organization is. It is necessary for marketign new generation of aspiring marketing professions to put adequate emphasis on teaching strategic marketing as part of the academic marketing curriculum.
The managerial implication that results from this study is that the majority of marketing managers defined marketing as a tactical function.