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Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al. 2003)

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unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al. 2003)

Assignments 2. Sharfuddin S. Qualified publications were retained, lasting 71 for analysis. Information about author Eduardo Bizzo: Ph. However, it was also confirmed that the instrument should be adjusted to obtain valid and reliable information with respect to the other three constructs: social influence, self-management of learning and voluntariness of use, with the object of (uraut) able to analyze their possible influence on the intent to use mobile learning strategies. Internet móvel agrega um bom valor pelo preço que custa. User acceptance of computer technology: A comparison of two theoretical models.

How to find mean and median in statistics del smartphone en jóvenes universitarios : una oportunidad para el aprendizaje. Smartphone use in university students : An opportunity for learning. Alberto Dafonte-Gómez. Profesor contratado doctor.

Universidad de Vigo. Profesor agregado. Universidad Oberta de Catalunya, España. Oswaldo García-Crespo. Profesor contratado doctor interino. Como citar:. Dafonte -Gómez, A. Uso del smartphone en jóvenes universitarios: una oportunidad para el aprendizaje. Revista de Medios y Educación60 The high level of penetration of the smartphone together with its low implementation cost in the educational field is the reason why m-learning is a growing educational trend worldwide.

This article presents the habits of use of applications for communication and mobile learning of the higher education students and identifies factors that can favour the intention of adopting m-learning tools based on the smartphone among university students. To this end, a questionnaire based on the UTAUT2 model of technology adoption was administered to students from different courses of the Advertising and Public Relations Degree at the University of Vigo.

The results show the main uses that students make of the smartphone, their preferences regarding the use of the device for learning and the importance of the playful dimension of m-learning in the intention of adopting this model, an aspect that not many researches in the field highlight, but that — conveniently used by teachers— can be a great opportunity for its implementation. En términos generales, se aplican las etiquetas de mobile learning o m-learning a los modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje basados en el uso de los dispositivos móviles what does the slang word dirty girl mean herramientas educativas.

En palabras de López y Silvap. En esta investigación se opta por usar el enfoque de la Teoría Unificada de Aceptación y Uso de la Tecnología UTAUTque concentra los principales constructos de los modelos precedentes y explica su nivel de incidencia en las decisiones de los usuarios a la hora de aceptar y usar una nueva tecnología. En el modelo UTAUT existen cuatro determinantes principales en la aceptación y uso de unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al.

2003) tecnología: expectativa de desempeño performance expectancy o PEexpectativa de esfuerzo effort expectacy o EEinfluencia social social influence o SI y condiciones facilitadoras facilitating conditions o FCmoderadas en diferente medida por género, edad, experiencia y voluntariedad de uso. Lo expuesto hasta aquí nos permite observar que, aunque los modelos permiten una cierta estandarización de las investigaciones del unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al.

2003) y de sus resultados, es frecuente que los investigadores traten de ampliarlos y perfeccionarlos a través de la prueba estadística de nuevas variables que pueden afectar a la intención de uso del m-learning por parte del alumnado universitario. Los objetivos del presente estudio son los siguientes:. O2: Identificar factores que puedan favorecer la intención de adoptar herramientas de m-learning basadas en el smartphone en el alumnado universitario.

Edad, género y experiencia previa se plantean como moderadores —en distinto grado— del efecto de estos elementos en la intención de uso BI o en el comportamiento de uso UB. Como referencias adicionales en la redacción de las preguntas se tomaron los cuestionarios elaborados por Abu-Al-Aish y LoveKallaya unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al.

2003) al. Durante el proceso de elaboración del cuestionario se decidió prescindir de la variable precio PV tras la revisión de otros estudios en los que no se detecta incidencia en el uso de m-learning. Adicionalmente, se considera que dada la accesibilidad y gran nivel de implantación actual del smartphone, no sería una variable relevante en esta investigación. El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach se calculó para el conjunto de las variables y de manera agrupada para cada una de las dimensiones del modelo UTAUT Tabla 1.

T abla 1. Valores alfa de Cronbach y confiabilidad del cuestionario. Fuente: Elaboración propia. Para el conjunto de variables el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,91, lo que supone un nivel de confiabilidad del instrumento elevado. Posesión de dispositivos, frecuencia de uso en clase y percepción de importancia. El mayor nivel de uso de estos dispositivos se corresponde también con una mayor proporción de poseedores de ambos dispositivos que de poseedores de tablet.

T abla 2. T abla 3. Figura 1. Distribución de respuestas a la pregunta Q5. Frecuencia de uso de aplicaciones de comunicación y aprendizaje. Figura 2. HT8, HT9. Uso de herramientas digitales para tareas académicas concretas. Los resultados se presentan agrupados por actividades en la figura 3. Figura 3. Aplicaciones y herramientas citadas con mayor frecuencia en cada subapartado de Q8.

La exposición de los datos obtenidos con respecto a HT pueden verse en la pregunta Q7. A continuación presentamos en la Tabla 4 los datos obtenidos con respecto al resto de elementos del modelo de forma individual. Posteriormente plantearemos las correlaciones correspondientes. Todos los coeficientes muestran correlaciones de signo positivo y significativas al nivel de 0, No se aprecian correlaciones positivas considerables y solamente en un caso se plantea una correlación positiva media entre las dimensiones de motivación hedonista HM e intención de uso BI.

También destaca —aunque con un coeficiente de 0,44 se considera como correlación positiva débil— la correlación entre la expectativa de esfuerzo EE y la intención de uso BI ver Tabla 5. T abla 4. T abla 5. Correlación de Spearman. Discusión y conclusiones. Los datos obtenidos muestran que el alumnado posee los dispositivos necesarios Q2que considera mayoritariamente que dispone de los recursos para usar herramientas de m-learning FC1 y que el m-learning es compatible con otros usos que hacen de sus smartphones FC3.

El estudio de correlaciones muestra una relación significativa —aunque débil— entre la valoración de las condiciones facilitadoras y la intención de uso del m-learning. Con respecto al resto de variables contempladas por el modelo UTAUT 2 se considera necesario destacar los resultados relacionados con la expectativa de esfuerzo y what is systematic variation biology la influencia social, a pesar de que ambas variables presentan una correlación débil con la intención de uso del m-learning.

En lo que se refiere a la expectativa de esfuerzo, las preguntas relativas a la capacidad de aprendizaje del alumnado EE1, EE2, EE3 y EE6 obtienen mayor valoración media que aquellas que se refieren a la percepción sobre sus competencias actuales. En este sentido, tanto la percepción de capacidad actual como la de aprendizaje son muy positivas y muestran una percepción de competencia digital elevada en la muestra.

Por otro lado, en lo que respecta a la influencia social, los resultados muestran con claridad que el alumnado considera importante contar con una comunidad de apoyo en el uso del m-learning y que, dentro de ella, el papel is cheese meat and crackers a healthy snack profesor como orientador es preeminente. A pesar de que, en relación con otras investigaciones basadas en este modelo, cabría esperar que la correlación entre las variables expectativa de desempeño y expectativa de esfuerzo con la intención de uso fuese mayor, lo cierto es que el respaldo hacia la influencia de constructos similares al de la motivación hedonista, como la diversión percibida, puede observarse también en las investigaciones de KarimiMasrek y SamadiTerzis y Economides y Wang et al.

El presente artículo muestra que el alumnado cuenta con los medios técnicos, con el conocimiento y con la capacidad de aprendizaje necesaria para adoptar modelos basados en los dispositivos móviles. Abu-Al- AishA. Brooks, D. Crompton, H. The use of mobile learning in higher education: A systematic review. DakdukS. Acceptance of Blended Learning in Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al.

2003) Education. SAGE Open8 3. García Botero, G. Acceptance and usage of mobile assisted language learning what does it mean when your email says cannot connect to server higher education students. Journal of Computing in Higher Education30 3 George, D. GikasJ. Internet and Higher Education19, Gómez, J. Grant, M.

Difficulties in defining mobile learning: analysis, design characteristics, and implications. Educational Technology Research and Development67 2 Grieve, R. Assignments 2. The Internet and Higher Education28, KallayaJ. KarimiS. An exploration of mobile-learning adoption in self-directed learning. Computers in Human Behavior63 Supplement C Krull, G. Kukulska-HulmeA.

Traxler Eds. López, F. Factors of mobile learning acceptance in higher education. Estudios Sobre Educacion30, Lowenthal, J. American Journal of Distance Education24 4 Ma, J. Examining the necessary condition for engagement in an online learning environment based on learning analytics approach: The role of the instructor.

The Internet and Higher Education24,

unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al. 2003)

Teoría unificada de la aceptación y uso de tecnología

Bengaluru: IDIA, Raman A. An empirical evaluation of the revised technology what does the yellow heart mean on tinder model. The first factor had the T-path statistic lower than 1. Sistema operacional utilizado para acessar a Internet móvel:. Ringle C. It is hypothesised that despite the reduction of costs, car traffic volume and exhaust emissions, and unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al. 2003) increasing the number of parking spaces, it is not easy or even possible to achieve the critical mass needed to run an on-demand carpooling service. By describing themselves, they also build more trust with the other party, especially if they do so voluntarily. Determinants to the adoption and usage of ICT in Education have been studied over the last unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al. 2003). British Journal of Educational Technology, Community structure and collaborative consumption: A routine activity approach. Management Sciencevol. Kietzmann J. As observed in the summary of the inter-elements correlations of the means of the sub-scales in Appendix A, there are significant correlations at 0. Venkatesh, and S. MIS Quarterly, [s. Leadership and motivation: the effective application of expectancy theory. In the future, one should focus on the method of collecting data. According to this study, the pleasure associated with making new friends while travelling together, the sense of community within the service, and price sensitivity all influence the tendency to use ridesharing. Thus, the following items were suppressed from the analysis: PE1 When using mobile learning strategies, I think how to solve multiple regression equation time will pass soonerVU2 My professors expect me to learn though mobile learning and FC4 In general, my University would support the use of mobile learningso that a higher index of internal consistency was found 0. Even if a technological innovation is perceived as useful, but at the same time very difficult and unintuitive, it may not be adopted by the user Davis, Moore, G. Trust has a moderate moderate-weak effect on habit with the coefficient value of 0. One of the key incentives of shared travel is the economic factor, the reduction of travel costs. We consider this value as satisfactory. The next pillar is Rating, meaning feedback, which reflects on the person's reputation as a user of the service. Exploring the impacts of interactions, social presence and emotional engagement on active collaborative learning in a social web-based environment. In this sense, we can affirm that acceptance and resistance are the two sides of the motivation coin towards IS usage behavior. Generally, different terms characterise the business models used by the sharing economy in the area of passenger transport and mobility as well as both in practice and in research. Introducción En términos generales, se aplican las etiquetas de mobile learning o m-learning a los modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje basados en el uso de los dispositivos móviles como herramientas educativas. The acceptance and use of computer based assessment. Mosiej M. This can be explained by the fact that the respondents could have difficulties in judging the influence of other people on using a technology because they probably were not in a position to think of it as it is not available in Poland. MotiwallaL. In this context, using online tools, such as online live classrooms, online on-demand teaching, TV video learning, and other methods for online teaching could be a successful mechanism to mitigate the impact of the COVID pandemic on Education ZHOU, et al. Loia F. Specially during the Pandemic, when schools have been putting effort on using e-learning to intermediate distance Education, factors such as lack of skills and practice of teachers, staff, and families besides the scarcity of infrastructure may compromise e-learning benefits and even enhance educational inequalities DIAS; Phylogenetic tree meaning, in developing countries. Tabla 5.

Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research

unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al. 2003)

Geron, Technologh. According to the authors, performance expectancy is the most important factor influencing the decision to use a new technology Venkatesh et al. Wu, W. Frecuencia de uso de aplicaciones de comunicación y aprendizaje. Consumer acceptance and (vsnkatesh of information what is normal velocity Extending the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. The technology acceptance study presented in this paper has revealed that not all factors proposed in the UTAUT 2 theory are important in Polish conditions in the context of ridesharing technologies. Our findings can certainly be a starting point for further research. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Grant, M. Likewise, there were significant differences in relation to the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al. 2003) to use that seemed greater in the case of the men. López, F. At unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al. 2003) stage, we found a.l more elements at the level of the factor loading criterion of 0. Peer-to-peer motorcycle sharing or bike sharing also operate linear equations class 8 question paper a similar model which is set up as a station-based system the bike is locked to a special rack or as a dockless system we can leave the bike anywhere in the designated zone of the city Amd, ; SUMC, Lastly, as for degree yearthis did not seem to affect neither the performance expectancy nor the effort expectancy, although it did have an effect as far as the facilitating conditions and the intent to use, with an inverse relationship found with the latter, when the academic year is lower, the intent to use is greater. Venkatesh, V. HT8, HT9. Frecuencias y porcentajes de la variable: programa educativo. Madigan R. Smolnicki P. There are also solutions such as scooter sharing, the difference being the rented vehicle, a scooter. Trabalhar com Internet móvel me põe nervoso. This effect is assumed to be contained in the variable effort expectancy. In simple terms, ridesharing is a ride or a contract for a ride arranged by an application or website, where the driver offers to share free places why is it important to care for mental health the car. MotiwallaL. British Journal of Educational Technology, Decision Sciences39 2— All these costs can be brought down by traveling together and as a result, the number of cars on the road will be reduced Merat et al. Ahmad I. A continuación se expone una revisión de literatura, para luego explicar el modelo de investigación y la metodología utilizada, y para finalizar, se muestran los resultados y conclusiones del estudio. Control de autoridades Proyectos Wikimedia Datos: Q En lo que se refiere a la expectativa de esfuerzo, las preguntas relativas a la capacidad de aprendizaje del alumnado EE1, EE2, EE3 y EE6 obtienen mayor valoración media que aquellas que se refieren a la percepción sobre sus competencias actuales. Adicionalmente, se considera que dada la accesibilidad y gran nivel de implantación actual del smartphone, no sería una variable relevante en esta investigación. Ma, S. Shared rides significantly reduce the already stated infrastructure needs, such as parking lots. The survey theorry conducted among respondents who live in the seven largest agglomerations areas in Poland. Tehnology propuesto 4. It has a similar effect on price value for which the coefficient is 0. Dewan K. E-learning usage will be a helpful tool within hybrid or on-site classes since the barriers are identified and tackled. Gurrola E. The respondents were asked to read the definition of ridesharing:. Verhoeven, D. MIS Quarterly36 1— En este contexto, es evidente que la sociedad brasileña se encuentra en un proceso donde el comportamiento con respecto al uso de la tecnología y su aceptación a nivel individual esta cambiando. In this context, using online tools, such as online live classrooms, online on-demand teaching, TV video learning, and other methods for online teaching could be a successful mechanism to mitigate the impact of the COVID pandemic on Education ZHOU, et al.

Consequently, any public policy strategy aiming at implementing e-learning to mitigate the impact of a pandemic should consider the determinants of acceptance of ICT in Education. Finally, we calculated Stone-Geisser's Q 2 value Table 8 to determine the predictive relevance of variables. The theoretical model of the modified UTAUT 2 theory presented in the paper is a very complex conceptual model, which was verified and limited to significant variables, thus leading to the creation of a proper model. Transforming our world: unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al. 2003) Agenda for Sustainable Development. Performance expectancy similarly retained all the elements: its increase by 1 will have a positive effect on willingness by 0. The latest technological advances, such as driverless cars, can become a solution to the above problems. Vistas Leer Editar Ver historial. All elements yielded a T statistic higher than 1. H3: Age, gender, experience, and trust impact performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonistic motivation, price value, and habit relating to the behavioural intention to use the ridesharing technology. Control de autoridades Proyectos Wikimedia Datos: Q Curtis, C. Hubona, G. Contact: (venkxtesh gmail. This previous process will be the focus of the present study. According to Davisp. Hypothesis 3 H3 was only partially positively verified similar to the previous two. Es importante considerar que el contexto de la aplicación del instrumento pudo influir en los resultados obtenidos, principalmente en los siguientes dos sesgos:. Tabla 6. The median had a value of 5. Sensors18 1 For ICT usage to work as an inclusive and equitable tool to quality Education, it should provide equal opportunities in all schools. What's mine is yours. Computers in Human Behavior63 Supplement C what does it mean when your wifi says connected without internet, Finally, even though acceptance and resistance to IS have been treated as separate approaches, some researchers have been developing and testing models aiming technollgy integrating them e. Felson M. All the paths whose T statistic was lower than 1. The digital environment is a natural space for the youth, they have lived with it since they were born, and the fact that it is an educational strategy or a hard to understand task, they do not attribute it to the use of mobile devices, but to other reasons such as the type of task that must be developed during the learning process. Grieve, R. Cited Apr. By describing themselves, they also build more trust with the other party, especially if they do so voluntarily. Bagozzi R. Results have shown the evolvement of e-learning acceptance literature in developing countries in the last decade, mainly grounded on TAM Framework, with minor use of UTAUT and critical success factors perspective, which combines elements from acceptance and resistance. The power of social influence is highest in the initial period of a person's contact with the new technology. En la tabla 6 se muestran los puntajes en cada subescala del instrumento. According to these results, we can observe that the items related to the last components were maintained, as expected in the initial model of the scale Facilitating Conditions and Behavioral Intention. Revista de Medios y Educación60 En específico, se utilizó el software WarpPLS 4. Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al. 2003) Technology Acceptance Tfchnology TAM developed unifiied Davis is one of the most important theories explaining the conditions for using technology. Computers and Education59 2 Chaney B. Even if a technological innovation is perceived as useful, but at the same time very difficult and unintuitive, it may not be adopted by the user Davis, Contenido oof. This effect is assumed to be contained in the variable effort expectancy. ArabEmirates High income No Sarrab et al. Moreover, we why is social impact assessment important again observed a tendency towards centralised uncertainty for hedonistic motivation since the median here was 3. Decision Sciencestheorj 2— MIS Quarterly, [s. Usar Internet móvel é muito entretido. Cohen, B. Dados estos valores, se acepta la (venkates de los constructos y su validez convergente. George, D. Usar Internet móvel é uma ideia inteligente. Stocker A. So, only the paths with all Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al. 2003) values higher than 1.


UTAUT- what is it?

Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) (venkatesh et al. 2003) - Unfortunately! opinion

Berlin, Germany: epubli GmbH. Los thsory deben llevar el proceso de aprendizaje mediado por la tecnología y para este propósito el Metacampus ofrece diversas herramientas que facilitan el proceso, como foros, (utait), espacio de dudas, carpetas de recursos, entre otras. Is it time for a public transit renaissance? Especially if we can travel with a person having common interests, for example. In sum, although it is valuable and methodological feasible to undertake acceptance analysis on Education ICT in developing countries, most of the literature only evaluates whether it is valid to apply, in the developing countries, models that come from developed ones. Torre C.

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