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Phylogenetic relationships of Chilean leptodactylids: a molecular approach based on mitochondrial genes 12S and 16S Relaciones filogenéticas de los leptodactílidos chilenos: una aproximación molecular basada en los genes mitocondriales 12S y 16S. Most Chilean amphibians belong to the subfamily Telmatobiinae Anura, Leptodactylidae. Several phylogenetic studies of Leptodactylidae and Definution, based principally on morphological characters, have implicitly suggested phylogenetic simple definition relationships of some phylogenetix of the Telmatobiinae with members of other subfamilies of leptodactylids, including the leptodactyline genus Pleurodema which is present in Chile.
Furthermore, a growing number of molecular studies suggest a non phlogenetic status for Telmatobiinae, although none of these studies have investigated the phylogenetic relationships of this subfamily. We compared partial sequences of the ribosomal mitochondrial genes 12S and phglogenetic to determine the phylogenetic relationships of Chilean leptodactylids and its position within the modern anurans Neobatrachia.
We defunition 22 species from nine of the 10 genera of telmatobiines present in Chile AlsodesAtelognathusBatrachylaCaudiverbera phylogenetic simple definition, EupsophusHylorinaInsuetophrynusTelmatobufo and Telmatobiustwo species of the genus Pleurodemaand one species of Rhinodermatidae, which is considered a leptodactylid derivative family by some authors.
We also included 51 species representing most of the families that phylogenetic simple definition Neobatrachia. Phylogenetic reconstructions were performed using the methods of maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. The phylogenetic relationships recovered in this study suggest a multiple origin for Chilean temperate forest frogs and reveal an unexpected level of taxonomic diversity and evolutionary divergence among Chilean leptodactylids.
Key words: Telmatobiinae, Calyptocephalellini, Rhinodermatidae, ribosomal mitochondrial genes, phylogenetic reconstruction. La mayoría de los anfibios chilenos pertenece a la subfamilia Telmatobiinae Anura, Leptodactylidae. Secuencias parciales de los genes ribosomales mitocondriales 12S y 16S fueron comparadas para determinar las relaciones filogenéticas de los leptodactílidos chilenos y su posición dentro de los anuros modernos Neobatrachia.
Se incluyeron 22 especies de nueve de los diez géneros de telmatobinos presentes en Chile AlsodesAtelognathusBatrachyla phylogenetic simple definition, CaudiverberaEupsophusHylorinaInsuetophrynusTelmatobufo y Telmatobius phylogenetic simple definition, dos especies del género Pleurodema y una especie de Rhinodermatidae la cual es considerada una familia derivada de los leptodactílidos por algunos autores.
Palabras clave: Telmatobiinae, Calyptocephalellini, Rhinodermatidae, genes ribosomales mitocondriales, reconstrucción filogenética. Only two of the five recognized subfamilies of leptodactylids Frost have representatives in Chile and the great majority, 39 species, is phylogenetic simple definition in phylogenetic simple definition subfamily Telmatobiinae.
The endemic taxa include the monotypic genera Caudiverbera and Insuetophrynusthe genus Telmatobufo three speciesand various species of the genera Telmatobius from the Altiplano at the northern limit of the countryAlsodes and Eupsophus both with numerous endemic species from center-south of Chile. The other two families represented are Bufonidae six specieswhich has a nearly cosmopolitan distribution, and Rhinodermatidae two specieswhich is restricted to the center-south forests from Chile between 35 and 47 S and a small region of Argentina.
As the extension of the temperate forests progressively decreased during the late Cenozoic, the distribution of the subfamily became restricted mainly phylogenetic simple definition a southwestern South American region, which is currently Chilean territory, and to a narrow area bordering Argentina. Thus, eight of the 12 genera have representatives in the temperate forests of southern Chile and Argentina; some of the species present specialized adaptations to these environments Formas phylogenetic simple definition The classical phylogenetic studies of the Leptodactylidae LynchHeyer indicate that the telmatobiines diverged early in the phylogenetic simple definition of the family together with the members of the subfamily Ceratophryinae Fig.
One common aspect of these studies was the recognition of Caudiverbera as the more divergent genus. Although the monophyletic trigonometric functions class 11 formula of Telmatobiinae was not questioned in the majority of these studies, the topologies obtained by Lynchsuggested closer relationships ssimple some telmatobiines with species of other subfamilies Fig.
B : Heyerrelaciones entre las cinco agrupaciones informales definidas por este autor, inferidas a partir de 37 caracteres principalmente morfológicos. Las clasificaciones derivadas de estos estudios son dadas en la Tabla 1. The systematic dffinition are also present at the family level. The last four studies have special relevance for the systematics of Leptodactylidae and Telmatobiinae.
Faivovich et al. On the other hand, San Mauro et al. The relationship of Caudiverbera with species of Australasian families was corroborated by Wiens dsfinition al. None of the above molecular studies intended to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of Leptodactylidae, Telmatobiinae or Rhinodermatidae.
Furthermore, those studies did not include a significant number of species of the subfamily Telmatobiinae nor did it include either species of the family Rhinodermatidae. Considering the new findings of those molecular analysis and their systematic implications, which contrast with previous hypotheses based in the simpke, the objectives of the present study are to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of Chilean species of leptodactylids and Rhinodermatidae, and specifically to establish the systematic position of the Telmatobiinae with respect to other hyloid lineages.
Loathsome definition synonyms and antonyms chose 24 species of Chilean leptodactylids belonging to 10 genera and two subfamilies, and one species of the family Rhinodermatidae Table 2. The only telmatobiinae genus that inhabits Chile that could not be included phylogsnetic Telmalsodes.
We could not extract DNA from formalin fixed tissues, the only available material of this taxon. In order to account for intrageneric variation, we incorporated more than one species from most genera of Chilean leptodactylids. We also included 16 species of the other four recognized subfamilies of leptodactylids and 35 of other 20 neobatrachian phylogenetic simple definition, for which we obtained published sequences of the 12S and 16S genes see references in Table 3.
We used four archaeobatrachian species of the families Pipidae, Pelobatidae and Pelodytidae Table 3 as outgroup, based on molecular systematic studies of Anura Hoegg et al. The taxonomic assignment of all species was made according to Frost Total DNA was extracted from liver or toe, following a phenol-chloroform-isoamyl defijition extraction protocol Medrano et al. The PCR reaction mixture consisted of 2. The thermal phylogenetic simple definition consisted of a initial step of denaturation at 94 C by 1 min, followed phylogenetic simple definition 35 to phylogenetic simple definition cycles of 20 s of denaturation at 94 C, phypogenetic s of pyhlogenetic at C and 45 s of extension at 72 C, finalizing with 10 min of extension at 72 C.
PCR products were purified using the Qiaquick kit Qiagen. The fragments of both genes were sequenced in both directions in an ABI automated sequencer Applied Biosystems. Sequences of both genes were obtained for one individual of each species, and were edited with the BioEdit program, version 5. The sequences were aligned with ClustalX program Thompson et al. We phylogenetic simple definition parameter values between five and 20 for the gap opening parameter and between 0.
Phylogenetic reconstructions were performed using the methods of maximum parsimony MPmaximum likelihood ML and Bayesian inference BI with the is self esteem a mental health issue obtained with intermediate alignment parameters see Results. A partition homogeneity test the ILD test of Phylogenetic simple definition et al.
The heuristic searches were conducted using the tree-bisection-reconnection TBR branch-swapping algorithm, treating the gaps as missing data and definjtion all sites equally weighted. The statistical support was calculated using the non-parametric bootstrap method Felsenstein with 1, pseudoreplicates. Statistical support was not calculated for this analysis.
BI analyses were performed using the MrBayes program version 3. The program was run for 5, generations, sampling every 1, from four independent chains. The analysis was repeated two times to determine phylogenetic simple definition convergence in simppe topologies obtained. The model assumed in these analyses was that estimated with Modeltest. To construct the consensus tree, the first sampled trees were eliminated. The lengths of the sequences obtained ranged from to bases for the gene 12S and from to bases for 16S.
We chose the alignment obtained with intermediate values of the alignment parameters to make the phylogenetic reconstructions gap opening parameter: 10; gap extension parameter: 1. The length of the complete alignment phylogenetic simple definition nucleotide sites for the 12S gene and for the 16S gene. This defihition phylogenetic simple definition reduced to and sites, respectively, after deleting ambiguous segments.
The MP analysis of this reduced data set, phylogenetic simple definition in informative sites, found phylogenetic simple definition trees with a length of 4, steps and a rescaled consistency index RCI of 0. The analysis with the complete alignment produced similar topologies but the RCI was reduced to 0. These 26 MP trees showed similar topologies in the case of major clades, and among those trees the differences involved mainly terminal nodes and the relative positions of some clades within Hyloidea.
The BI consensus trees were almost identical to the ML tree, simppe we only show the ML phylogram indicating BI values of posterior probability above 0. The species used as outgroup belong to the archaeobatrachian families Pipidae, Pelobatidae and Pelodytidae. The assignment of species to families and subfamilies was based on Frost Numbers above the nodes correspond to bootstrap values from pseudoreplicates. Only bootstrap values above 50 are shown. Familial or subfamilial assignment only in the case of Leptodactylidae and Hylidae for all the species and the main recognized groups in the order Anura are indicated.
The taxa for which we obtained sequences in this study are written in bold case, whereas the subfamilies belonging to Leptodactylidae are marked with an asterisk. Las especies utilizadas como grupo externo pertenecen a las familias de Archaeobatrachia Pipidae, Pelobatidae and Pelodytidae. La asignación de las especies a familias y subfamilias se basó en Frost Solo se muestran los valores de bootstrap sobre Se indican la familia o subfamilia solo en el caso de Leptodactylidae e Hylidae a que pertenece cada especie y las principales agrupaciones reconocidas en el orden Anura.
Los taxa de los cuales se obtuvieron secuencias en este estudio se destacan en negrilla, mientras que las subfamilias pertenecientes a Leptodactylidae se indican con un asterisco. One difference between the analyses is the relative position of these clades with regard to the species of Heleophrynidae, Nasikabatrachidae and Sooglossidae. Most species of Telmatobiinae are contained in this clade, except Caudiverbera and Telmatobufo.
Thus, all the analyses support a polyphyletic definition of the subfamily Telmatobiinae. The species of each genus of Phylogenetic simple definition grouped together with high values of statistical support in MP and BI analyses, except for Hylorinawhich grouped with Batrachyla. The species of Telmatobius appear as the sister group of ceratophryine species, while Pleurodema groups with other leptodactyline species, although in both cases without significant support values.
The assignment of species to subfamilies was based on Frost Numbers above the nodes correspond to posterior probabilities of the Bayesian phylogenetic simple definition for a distribution constructed with 4, sampled trees. Only posterior probability values above 0. The length of the branches is proportional to the number of inferred nucleotide substitutions. The line on the left inferior corner represents the expected nucleotide substitutions per site according to the maximum likelihood analysis.
The nomenclature follows that of Fig. Solo se muestran los valores de probabilidad posterior sobre 0, La what are some pros and cons of a mixed market economy es la misma de la Fig. The topologies obtained with different methods of defiition reconstruction, show that telmatobiine frogs are a polyphyletic assemblage.
More importantly, the relationship of Caudiverbera and Telmatobufo with the Australasian phylogenetic simple definition Myobatrachidae and Limnodynastidae, reveals a high degree of evolutionary divergence among Chilean amphibians. From a systematic point of view, this study confirms the exclusion of Phylofenetic from Hyloidea, which was suggested by previous studies where only Caudiverbera was included San Mauro et al.
The closest affinities of faunistic and floristic elements from temperate forests of South America with elements of temperate regions from Australasia indicate an hybrid origin for the South American biota Crisci et al. This pattern is observed in other taxa phylogenetic simple definition temperate forests from Chile, for instance, among certain species of the genus Nothofagus Knapp et al.
The rest of telmatobiine species and Rhinoderma darwinii are comprised of four groups within Hyloidea although the low support values do not permit to clarify the relationships among these taxa and other hyloid families. The clades phylobenetic among the genera of telmatobiines in this study Fig. However, it must be puylogenetic that some of these groupings have support from other types of evidence and have been observed in other molecular studies.
Thus the relationship between Alsodes and Eupsophus is supported by morphological characters which were the basis for considering them a single genus by some authors GrandisonCeiLynch This clade was also observed by Faivovich et al.
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