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This paper aims at describing and analyzing the beliefs, views, and feelings of a student concerning academic plagiarism, in which she incurred when working on a reflection article in a teacher training program. Despite its importance in academic writing, this phenomenon has been little explored in the research on writing in higher education in Colombia. Otherwise said, this is a mistake regarding the application of academic writing rules. Among others, we conclude that plagiarism requires not only a punitive approach, but wirting diverse and di-dactic measures, incorporating, on the one hand, the use of extensive writing and learning strategies in the classroom, and, on the other hand, theories and models for citation, and intertextuality as central elements in academic texts.
Brooke, R. College Composition and Communication 39, pp. Canagarajah, S. A Geopolitics of Academic Writing. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. Cassany, D. La escritura extensiva. La enseñanza de la expresión escrita en secundaria. Enunciación 21 1 Comas, How to teach composition writing in primary school pdf. Comas Forgas, R. Teoría de la Educación. Educación y cultura en la sociedad de la información, 12 1 Chartier, R.
Libro y lectura en el mundo digital. En, G. Cavallo y R. Chartier editores. Historia de la lectura en el mundo occidental pp. Madrid: Taurus [Primera edición, ]. Domínguez Aroca, Ma. Lucha contra el plagio desde what does a nonlinear function look like bibliotecas universitarias. El profesional de la información, 21 5 I Foro Educadores para la era digital.
Portal Educativo OEA, pp. Gee, J. Sociolinguistics and literacies: Ideology in Discourses. Horner, B. En, B. Horner y M. Zhan Lu. Basic Writers and the Teaching of Basic Writing. Howard, R. Researched Writing. Tate, A, Rupiper Taggart, A. Schick, y H. Hessler Brooke pp. A Guide to Composition Pedagogies. Hyland, K. Disciplinary discourses. Social Interactions in Academic Writing. Ivanic, R. Writing and Identity. The discoursal construction of identity in academic Writing. Jones, C. En, C.
How to teach composition writing in primary school pdf, J. Turner y B. Street Edited by Students Writing in the university. Cultural and epistemological issues pp. Lea, M. Academic Literacies and Learning in Higher Education. Constructing knowledge through texts and experience. How to teach composition writing in primary school pdf as academic literacies: understanding textual practices in higher education. Studies in Higher Education 11 3 New Contexts for student writing in higher education.
Matsuda, P. Second Language Writing Pedagogy. McBride, K. Descargado el día 15 de noviembre de ]. Moya, P. Nelson, N. En, En, Ch. Bazerman, Edited by. Handbook of Writinv on Writing. History, Society, School, Individual, Text pp. Ochoa S. El plagio y su relación con los procesos de escritura académica. Forma y Función, 27 2pp.
Prior, P. History of Reflection, Theory, and Research on Writing. En, Ch. Reid, J. Tesol Quarterly, 28 2 Ridley, D. The Literature Review. A Step-byStep Guide for Students. Rojas Chavarro, M. Revista Colombiana de Anestesiología, 38 4 Shaughnessy, M. A Guide for the teacher of Basic What is meant by the term polyamorous. New York: Oxford University Press. Sommers, N Responding to student writers.
College Composition and Communication, 33, Soto Rodríguez, A. El plagio y su impacto a nivel primagy y profesional. Texch E-Ciencias de la Información, 2 1 Stake, R. Investigación con estudio de casos. Primera edición en español, ]. Sureda, J. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 50, Teberosky, A. El texto académico.
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