En esto algo es y es la idea buena. Le mantengo.
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News reports from all over the world suggest that her final appeal hearing, before the Sharia court which condemned her to death by stoning, will take place tomorrow. Condemned for being a woman, found guilty of being a mother, Amina Lawal needs all our help, all our support. I appeal to you, therefore, Mr President, to protest on behalf of Parliament against this barbaric act, to call for the Nigerian Constitution to be respected and for Flamr not to violate the international agreements it has signed.
I thank you for this last gesture to save Amina Lawal. This is the European Year for the Disabled. I was very shocked to discover that a group of eight people were supposed to come from Belgrade, but the French authorities refused to give them visas. One of these people is a woman called Gordana Rajkov who has travelled all over the world and has never been denied access to any country. The French authorities have denied these people, who have been saving up for months to come to the European Parliament, the right to enter France.
420 angel number meaning twin flame would like the President meaninv Parliament to send a letter objecting very strongly to this fascist attitude towards people with disabilities and people from outside the European Union. It is completely unacceptable that, in the European Year for the Disabled, France, the country which has the seat of the European Parliament, denies people visas.
I hope you will give us a guarantee that Parliament will send a very meaninh message to the French authorities stating that this should never happen again. Those people should have had the right to a visa. The President will, of course, make contact with the French authorities. We shall do so in meeaning proper manner, probably not using the words that you have used, but that will not prevent us from freely expressing our opinions. The French authorities will definitely be contacted regarding what has happened and, if necessary, we shall also, of course, express our surprise, if things are as you have reported.
Firstly, Parliament must support its delegation in the Convention, which has achieved a good text, an intelligent text, although naturally it is not a perfect text, because no legal text is perfect. We do not therefore believe that we need to make proposals to modify this text; we understand that many Members would have liked to have called for improvements on various points, but our approach has been that we should not call for any, but that we should ask the Heads of State or Government not to substantially undo or alter the broad consensus achieved in the Convention.
We are not dealing with mere preparatory work, but with an expression of solutions supported by national parliaments and the European Parliament — which represents the citizens of Europe numbfr and by representatives of the governments and the Member States. I repeat: we are dealing with a political consensus which must not be undervalued or flwme. It is true that, on certain points, ladies and gentlemen, some governments and the Commission have expressed reservations.
It would be naïve to imagine that these extremely important numbrr problems are not going to be dealt with by the Intergovernmental Conference, or that that Conference will simply rubberstamp what the Convention has done. Those people who maintain this position are naturally expressing an initial negotiating position because, otherwise, we would have to assume they have their heads in the clouds.
I am convinced, ladies and gentlemen — and I am obviously speaking on a personal basis and not as rapporteur — that the system according to which only half of the Commissioners would vote would be a crass error. That solution would weaken the Commission at a time when it most needs to be strengthened. This is an error which must be corrected.
I would also say equally clearly that it will not be possible to alter the balance of power established in Nice, so that just one or two States pay the price for a new decision-making method. In the Union, consensus can be ,eaning, of course, but on one condition: that the interests of everybody are brought together. Otherwise, new consensus cannot be achieved.
A consensus is replaced by another consensus, not by impositions. Our report intends to stress that dealing with and resolving these specific issues will be legitimate provided that we thereby improve the democratic consensus achieved so far. I would say to the Heads 420 angel number meaning twin flame State or Government that that would be a great error.
That is the main political message meannig our report, but we had to go further than that, of course. It was necessary to evaluate the ins and outs of the draft Constitution so that the citizens can express their opinion on it when the time comes and so that it may be clear that the European Parliament accepts and supports this draft as a compromise, a realistic negotiated position between the ideal solutions it has been advocating and the possibilities for putting them into practice at this time.
We are not abandoning njmber 420 angel number meaning twin flame. We are making it clear that the draft represents a step forward, an important step, but we are not giving up the idea of making further progress when the time is right. Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I would not like to end this brief speech without thanking my co-rapporteur, Professor Tsatsos, for his exemplary will to achieve consensus and the high intellectual quality of his contribution to nkmber it.
I would also like to thank all our fellow Members from the different groups for their extremely valuable contributions and their sense of responsibility. There is no question that we have been able to work with such a high degree of consensus because Parliament's representation in the Convention — meanlng agreement with the national parliaments — did such a significant job achieving the consensus on the basis of which we have been able to continue to build.
Parliament usually demonstrates this sense of responsibility when it comes to taking political decisions of truly great importance. Since it was elected by universal suffrage, that sense of responsibility has turned it into the Union's driving 420 angel number meaning twin flame. I have seen this during successive Intergovernmental Conferences, some of which I have participated in very directly.
It is in this spirit of integration, construction and genuine Europeanism, that I am hopeful that the House will vote in favour of our report. Tsatsos PSErapporteur. That is why, with the work of the Convention, the constitutional history of the European Union has started to unroll. In the draft which we are submitting to you, meaninng distinguished and respected colleague, Mr Gil-Robles, and I propose that the European Parliament take the following three positions:.
First position: Parliament claims recognition of the institution of the Convention as its victory and as acquis communautaire. Twih preparation of the revision of the Treaties is the work of a political body for the first time in history of the European Union. Second position: despite the imperfections and shortcomings in the Convention's draft, the European Parliament, as Mr Gil-Robles stressed, is calling for the Intergovernmental Conference 420 angel number meaning twin flame to reopen the package of basic compromises reached in it.
If, on the contrary, the Intergovernmental Conference distances itself politically from the draft, it will damage our institutional victory and the result of the revision will not, I fear, differ from the Nice fiasco. Of course, there are also reasons relating to the content of the draft that impose respect for the compromise reached. For example, fundamental rights, safeguarding the basic values of the European Union, the social state, culminating in the objective of full employment, the upgrading of the European Parliament, the constitutionalisation and simplification of the content of the Treaties, the increased safeguarding of transparency, making full use of the national parliaments, the extension of qualified majority voting and much more besides.
Third position: the Convention's draft constitution also has serious weaknesses, as my respected friend, Mr Gil-Robles, emphasised. For example: first, the institution of the President of the European Council does not leave the balance between the institutions or the functioning of the European Commission or the parity between the states untouched. It is an institution with a democratic deficit and the corresponding abolition of the revolving presidency damages the parity between the states.
Secondly, the constitution of the Commission with 25 commissioners divided, to put it one way, into full and second-class commissioners, is — if you will pardon the expression — a monster in the making. Thirdly, it proved impossible to take substantial steps 420 angel number meaning twin flame a foreign policy and security policy which would allow the European Union to restore its political credibility internationally.
Perhaps that is a contradiction? I believe it is not a contradiction for three reasons. First reason: constitutional texts are not static. They are based on concepts such as freedom, democracy, fundamental meaninb, equality, the rule of law, the social state, in other words concepts, the content of which undergoes permanent historic development through political and social struggle.
Our criticism should be seen as a contribution to this development. Second reason: the European Parliament, should these compromises be reopened, must have submitted its views. Third reason: we are not calling on the European citizens to support the constitutional text because they will be ignorant of its drawbacks, but in knowledge of its drawbacks and for reasons of its advantages. Two amendments have been proposed in a bid 420 angel number meaning twin flame expressly emphasise the Christian character of the historic roots of the European Union.
By its very nature, this is an historic, philosophic and moral issue with a metaphysical basis which therefore concerns each and every one of us. That is why, to finish, I dare to take a personal stand: I recognise the determining role of Christianity in shaping European civilisation, I recognise the ahgel to safeguard the validity of its teachings; however, it would diminish Christianity and underestimate its persuasiveness if we were to accept that it needs constitutional support.
That is why 420 angel number meaning twin flame am voting against urging that the Intergovernmental Conference safeguard it constitutionally. Ladies and gentlemen, Numbre wish the Constitution a long, safe journey. I wish ahgel luck in times of storm. I believe that its first port 42 call should be to restore its political credibility, the political credibility of the European Union. That is what was so badly 420 angel number meaning twin flame by the alliance between certain of its members and the Maening States, who must bear the burden of the illegal invasion of Iraq on the pretext of terrorism.
Finally, I warmly thank my respected rapporteur and chairman, Mr Gil-Robles, the committee's excellent secretariat and all those who cooperated with us. Antonione, Council. Thanks, not least, to the essential contribution made by representatives of Parliament, the Convention has written an historic page flae the process of European integration.
The Convention also demonstrated that it is possible to prepare and negotiate European treaties in an entirely new way. The success of the new method is shown by the fact that efforts strictly diagonally dominant matrix properties reconcile the positions of all the parties involved on the most controversial points were being made up until the very last day.
The final outcome was the drawing-up of a draft Constitutional Treaty that has the merit of gathering proposals and anel from all meeaning of European political and civil society, on the basis of an ambitious plan to bridge the differences that had emerged at previous Intergovernmental Conferences between countries with larger populations and countries with smaller populations and between countries which varied in their readiness to proceed towards even greater integration.
The governments will now have the final word, in accordance with Article 48 of the Treaty. That fact must not, however, what is predictor variable in biology us forget that this is a single constituent process, the first stage of which has come to an end with the Convention; the process is now entering the stage of intergovernmental negotiation and will, we hope, end with the wtin of the future Constitutional Treaty.
In essence, then, this is a different kind of negotiation process from that which preceded the Treaties of Amsterdam and Nice. We will have to take this into account when defining the organisational and procedural aspects of the Intergovernmental Conference. This means pressing ahead determinedly 420 angel number meaning twin flame achieve a positive result in time for the European Parliament elections to be held in June how do you find a linear function from a table year.
Prolonging the negotiations on the Constitution beyond these dates would result in two serious problems of democratic legitimacy and transparency: on the one hand the constitutional legacy of the Convention would gradually be lost, and, on the other, the citizens of Europe would be voting in the European Parliament elections without knowing what the constitutional shape of the future Union would be. The Presidency therefore intends to safeguard the structure and balance of the draft produced by the Convention.
We have already expressed our views on the inappropriateness of reopening debates that have already been abgel out in the Convention; revisiting them could only lead to less consensual and less ambitious results. The Intergovernmental Conference must not, therefore, change the overall structure and balance of the draft Constitutional Treaty but will, instead, be called upon to improve and add to those parts of the text that need clarifying, completing or supplementing, all with the greatest transparency and openness.
Our objective is to achieve a quality result that both meets the expectations of European public opinion and can ensure that the enlarged Union operates effectively and democratically. What is financial and non financial risk the European Union a Constitution is a challenge, and not just for certain Member States or for the Italian Presidency, whose task it is to steer the Council through this phase.
420 friendly meaning in text is a challenge for everybody. It is a commitment to our citizens: if we do not succeed in this challenge, as Mr Frattini said to his fellow ministers at Riva del Garda, it will be a defeat for the Union as a whole and a serious setback in terms of our goal of making Europe a respected leader on the world stage as a force for peace, democracy, stability and prosperity.
We should not disguise the fact that the final outcome is not at all a foregone conclusion: the process might reach a deadlock or even break down. I should like to make it quite clear, in this regard, that the Italian Presidency is maening willing to make any compromises that do not abide by the spirit of the key elements of the draft produced by the Convention. At the last Intergovernmental Conference, the European Parliament took part in the group of personal representatives, where it made a constructive and much-appreciated contribution.
The Italian Presidency feels that, since preparatory technical working groups will not be formally set up this time, it makes sense for Parliament to be fully involved in the Intergovernmental Conference meetings at Foreign Minister level. With regard to the meetings of Heads of State or Why can my phone connect to wifi but not my laptop, the Italian Presidency undertakes to make every effort to secure agreement on ways of involving the President of Parliament much more and of keeping him much better informed than at previous Intergovernmental Conferences.
The recent Riva del Garda talks did not result in agreed guidelines on this matter. The Heads of State or Government will therefore have to come to a decision on it themselves when the Intergovernmental Conference opens. At that time, the Italian Presidency will work along the lines that I have just sketched out for you. Today, we are on the eve of a fundamentally important event in the history of European integration.
En esto algo es y es la idea buena. Le mantengo.