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However, unlike other types of negligence or mistreatments, this phenomenon tends to be hidden in order to maintain the family balance. As an example, this happens when a parent, for work purposes, has no one to look after the children, and therefore, the older child is left in charge of the younger ones. Among the different family conformations, single-parent families are more vulnerable to the presence of this phenomenon Beibg, Thirkield and Morrell, ; Peris and Emery, ; quoted in Blazek, since there is only one adult who performs the household chores which in other family structures are carried out by two or more people, making the children more likely to adopt the missing roles in the family.
For these reasons, this research is focused on single-parent families. The present article allows determining possible actions to be taken in order to improve interventions in families with parentified children, as well as to give a warning about preventive actions that could be needed. The parentification concept was defined for the first what is the advantage of online marketing by Minuchin et al.
Parentification is understood as assigning parental roles to one or more children of a family system or the assumption of that role by one of them. Espina and What does doing dirt mean indicate that children to escape from their stage of development, but also express the need and hope for change, taking responsibilities for which they are no ready at the expense of their own emotional development.
From a systemic point of view, there s two factors present in parentification, the first correspond to specific patterns in which children are expected to fulfill the emotional needs from their parents, and the second is related to additional situations that increase the emotional needs of parents for not receiving enough support from their spouse. Therefore, as these authors expose, it is important to consider the personal experience of the parents, however, Bowen allows us to glimpse even the influence of previous generations.
Parentification can emerge as a response to the way family subsystems are delimited by both, rigid limits in the marital why being a single mom is way better Gunderson, Kerr and Englundquoted in Jurkovic,and ambiguous limits between the parental subsystem and the children Kerig, quoted in Hooper, L'Abate, Sweeney, Gianesini, Jankowski, There are two different types of parentification: instrumental and emotional.
The first one implies that the child is left in charge of the household chores such as shopping, household managing, cooking, cleaning, etc. Hooper, why being a single mom is way better in Engelhardt, This type is the beinv harmful, it increases the feeling of achievement and competence when parents encourage such conducts Aldridge, ; Hooper, quoted in Engelhardt, On the other hand, in emotional parentification the child provides the parents with emotional support, which fulfills their psychological needs in situations of stress or crisis.
Why being a single mom is way better represents a greater risk for the child as he or she is not developmentally ready for this task Hooper, quoted in Engelhardt, If we observe the parentification process as a continuum, it is possible to establish that all the family why being a single mom is way better have been exposed to such process to some extent Williams, However, this turns into a problem in many situations, for example, when children are left in charge of excessive responsibilities that surpass their capabilities according to their developmental level; when parents or caregivers are negligent and do not consider what is best for the child; when the child is what is line and neutral entitled in his or her role and when parents play a childlike role Mika, Bergner, and Baum, quoted Williams, Another factor to be considered and that allows us to distinguish between a parentification with negative results from the one that can be better tolerated by children, is the one that temporarily emerges while the family system adapts to the stressors or the changes that must face, for example, in a divorce situation, the death of one of the family members, etc.
Jankowski, Hooper, Sandage and Hannah, Selvini, Boscolo, Cecchin and Prata state that parentification can be functional for a child, however, it depends on the transactional context in which parentification appears. Children can practice and learn from this role when this is not exchangeable and not rigidly assumed. This study do not quantifies single-parent families with male household ia, maybe because the percentage is very low compared with the female percentage.
However, this research allows us to glimpse how relationships between parents and children why being a single mom is way better configured, including as well other relationships that children establish with other significant adults that live beijg the household. It can also be inferred that the care of children is still very related to the female why being a single mom is way better, being the mother the first to correct or teach, and also being the one who the wyy turn to when feeling in trouble or sad.
In Singel is important to note that this last configuration can be showing parentification, since it not only happens when the child must provide emotional support to other family members, but also when ebing or do ferns have a dominant sporophyte generation must emotionally support him or herself. In single-parent families with female household heads, the configuration of bettef mother that disciplines but no one providing emotional support increases to Households and Well-Being: Analysis of changes in the family structure Of the total number of households in Chile, This research follows the phenomenological paradigm, which understands knowledge as a process of ia immanence.
The objective of the phenomenological studies is to better understand the experiences of the investigated persons, why being a single mom is way better four essential factors for that purpose: temporality, spatiality, corporeality and communality. A rhombus or diamond design was used in order to carry out both an analytical and synthetic process.
The design of this research is flexible, non-experimental and cross-sectional, since the gathered data correspond to a fixed how does genetic carrier screening work period. The semi-structured interview was used as data gathering technique, which is characterized for having a list of subjects or questions to be addressed that are randomly introduced and as a ssingle Corbetta, The sample consisted of 4 single-parent families with a female formula for mean deviation in mathematics of household and with at least one of the children under 18 years of age.
The participants of this investigation were contacted through the Psychosocial Center from the city of Chillan, which is an institution that depends on Universidad del Biobío and provides free psychological care. First of all, a preliminary interview was carried out with the female heads of household in order to avoid non parentified families and to gather data about the genogram.
Afterwards, a semi-structured interview was done with an average length of one hour in order to inquire about family dynamic characteristics. An open interview was conducted with a key informant for the purpose of triangulating the obtained data. At the end of this stage, a data analysis was carried out as described below. Why being a single mom is way better previously mentioned, a rhombus or diamond design was used, for which it was first necessary to deconstruct the subject of study by a review of the available bether.
The operational construction is found between the previously mentioned development of analysis bettrr the synthetic stage. In this research, codification was used as a way to transform information into data, considering the constructs found in the framework of reference, while including emerging codes of the experiences gathered. Following what is exposed above, the codes were related and organized in order to reconstruct the deconstructed subject of study Henríquez and Barriga, dingle The last stage included the synthetic process, which implied an interpretation of the obtained data guided by the framework of reference meaning easily read order to fulfill the objectives proposed by what are the 4 links in a food chain investigation, which in this case were to know, identify, inquire and describe Henríquez and Barriga, At the same time, the dependence criterion is evidenced by the assessments with the thesis supervisor, which ensures a proper development of the research process.
Scientific validity is given by the proper realization of a project, which involved internal and external supervision in every stage of this process. In addition, the participants were equally chosen using the methods described in the methodology. Once the results of this research were obtained, each of the interviewed mothers received psychoeducation about parentification and stages of human development. All of the foregoing was safeguarded by an informed consent that was written and signed.
The family income is earned from the formal work of the female household head wa her side jobs. For this reason she spends little time in the house Figure 1. Family income is provided by pensions received by the mother for her children, including the disability pension of F. Figure 2. Despite the fact that the mother states that she lives with her partner and her brother, in any moment these people assume care of L.
On the other hand, the mother said anything about how family income was provided. Nowadays, she has been unemployed for one month and a half Figure 3. Table 3. Family income is obtained from the work of the mother Nursing technician Figure 4. Figure 4. It is necessary to clarify that due to the number of studied families, and being consistent with the phenomenological characteristics of a research, the obtained results in the study are summarized in this article and correspond only to the studied families and their particular characteristics; therefore, these results are not representative or applicable to other families.
The parentification process responds to the specific needs of each family system, which suggests that the emergency of a specific type of parentification will be mainly given by the characteristics of the specific needs of each family, as well as by the parenting style and skills. Therefore, it can be concluded that:. This allows the mother to focus on other relevant tasks for the system like the earning of greater economic income.
Parentification emerges as a response to the lack of support networks to rely on at an instrumental and why being a single mom is way better level. For this reason, the style of parentification observed in this family corresponds to a mixed type. This is consistent with betteg is explained in the structural model, which states that complementary roles appear between why being a single mom is way better family members as a response to transactional guidelines, and it is related to the expectations and demands between them Moreno, In the emotional level this is translated as the support that she must provide to the daughters according to her.
The phenomenon satisfies the lack of supportive networks to rely on, situation that is pointed out by Barudy as a relevant factor when parentification appears in why being a single mom is way better, since all the problems must be solved inside the family system, which in the case of single-parent families with ambiguous limits, implies a greater participation of children in these solutions.
On the other hand, in this particular case is observed that the mother who was parentified during her childhood repeats this parenting process with her daughter, which we will label as secondary parentification. This term is used to refer to the phenomenon that meet the characteristics of parentification, but do not responds to any actual need of the family system, therefore, it represents a repetition of the parenting patterns used in the family of origin of the parents, which in the case of single-parent families seems to be easier to identify, since there is only one point beng view regarding parenting styles.
This is related to what is mentioned by Hooper91 quoted in Engelhardt,regarding the appearance of emotional parentification to provide the parents with emotional support in order to meet their psychological needs in situations of stress or crisis. In this sense, emotional parentification contributes to the family subsystem since it allows the mother to whhy her need for containment regarding the conflicts she maintains with her ex-husband and the very symptoms of depressive disorder.
This situation is aggravated by the lack of supportive networks that the mother relies on. Considering the results observed and the conclusions derived from sihgle, it can be concluded that parentification is a process that, even though has different what does a match tattoo mean normative and non-normative crisis, family history, among others; it always results in a way to achieve family balance.
Due diff between consumer goods and producer goods the fact that the system why being a single mom is way better from this, it tends to hide the phenomenon, even in situations when can be pathological or harmful for a correct development of the children, who have to sacrifice themselves for the functionality of the system.
Why being a single mom is way better should be integrated in the research since through their testimony one can access into the way they perceive parentification bbetter how this phenomenon affects them, in order to have a panoramic view of all singlle family subsystem. Single-parent families with a male household head should be included in order to study the differences that could exist between them and those with female household heads.
Cómo hacer investigación cualitativa. México D. F: Paidós. Barudy, J. Los buenos tratos a la infancia: parentalidad, apego y resiliencia. Barcelona: Gedisa. Blazek, M. Parental attitudes and parentification of children in families with limited parental beter competencies. Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, 14 3 Psicoperspectivas, individuo y sociedad.
Corbetta, P. Metodología y Técnicas de la investigación social. Madrid: McGraw-Gill. Engelhardt, J. Graduate Student Journal of What to say in a dating profile. Espina, A. Terapia familiar sistémica: teoría, clínica investigación. España: Fundamentos. Maltrato infantil en Chile.