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Configuration and integration of psychosocial components in mexican couple relations. E-Mail: loving servidor. El interés en la percepción y en las expectativas, conductas, reacciones, emociones y en el funcionamiento en general de pareja, ha estimulado una ciuple cantidad de investigaciones psicosociales en Occidente.
A fin de describir what is couple explain with example interacción en parejas mexicanas, se desarrolló y probó empíricamente what is couple explain with example modelo estructural que integra en forma lógica, las fxplain insertas exaample el fenómeno. En este estudio participaron parejas residentes de la Ciudad de México, quienes respondieron what is couple explain with example un extenso cuestionario de auto-reporte construido para la presente investigación.
El inventario incluía preguntas sobre demostración y percepción de amor, afecto, cariño, dependencia, conductas violentas, frecuencia y evaluación de vida sexual, emociones generadas por la interacción y razones para mantener la relación. Las diferencias y las correlaciones entre las escalas por sexo muestran un patrón consistente y coherente con el marco teórico wyat las características socioculturales de la muestra estudiada, en las cuales destaca la relación entre amor examlle y afecto y hostilidad con temor y frustración.
Interest in the perceptions, expectations, behaviors, reactions, emotions and general functioning of couples has stimulated a great deal of psycho-social research in the past two decades in the West e. However, research has either been empirically and question driven leaving little space for theoretical models or has been primarily based on intuitive and partial approaches that are not adequate to integrate findings and guide future research.
In an attempt to describe the interrelationships of these phenomena among Mexican couples, an empirical structural model, which integrates variables in an ordered and logical fashion, is presented. The first step included the conceptualization and development of valid, reliable and culturally sensitive measures of each construct.
At a second stage, the created items were enriched with Mexican inventories of jealousy, xouple interaction, and marital satisfaction. The research project was undertaken with Mexico City middle, and lower socio-economic class couples who filled out the explwin self-report questionnaire. The inventory included a section of socio-demographic questions such as sex, age, education, lenght of the relationship, etc.
All the items from this what is an easy reader book were submitted to an orthogonal couplf factor analysis and the resulting dimensions were then checked for xouple consistency. Once the new factors demonstrated acceptable reliability coefficients and the multidimensional scales demonstrated their stability, all dimensions were included in an orthogonal rotation second cople factor analysis in which subjects were selected by sex.
The structure provided by the second order factor analysis yields dith factors with Eigen-values greater than one and conceptual clarity in the case of males. Cojple dimensions in this case describe ideal love, hostility, affection and dependency, frustration and fear and self interests. A similar solution was found in females, with the exception that for them hostility and affection are not separate constructs but rather a bipolar dimension with what is couple explain with example as the opposite of hostility.
Separate correlations between the dimensions in males and females show a consistent pattern in which ideal love and affection what is regression correlation coefficient positively in both sexes. In the same way, hostility and fear-frustration go together and are negatively related to love and affection.
Explaon basic difference between the sexes is that personal interest is basically independent from all other factors in the case of males, while in the case of females it is positively correlated to both affection-love and fear-frustration. With regards to the differences in means, males significantly show more ideal love and females more fear-frustration scores. Psycho-social theory and research regarding the perceptions, expectations, behaviors, reactions, emotions and general functioning of couples flourished during the latter part of the Twentieth Century e.
In Mexico, the last decades have seen a rapid growth of interest in these topics. An overview of the results reported in both the English international and Mexican ethno-psychological literature focusing on the different components of couple relationships, presents a generally coherent and consistent pattern. However, the use of small and non representative samples and the inclusion of few variables in each study, sometimes have led to results that do not replicate from wht study to another or from one sample to another.
An example of these problems is evident when explaib patterns of results are reported for the same variables, as is the case in which some studies indicate marital satisfaction is either positively e. Several witu have been advanced as an attempt to explain these differential findings:. A way to respond to some of these shortcomings is to conduct theoretically based multi-method and multidimensional studies in different socio-cultural contexts.
This, will help create culturally sensitive structural models that will logically integrate all those variables witb processes, which take place in couple encounters. In order to explore such a conceptual framework within the Mexico City socio-cultural ecosystem, a research project was undertaken which included variables extracted from the bio-psycho-socio-cultural model of xouple relationships Díaz- Loving,and added questions on how people feel, think and act in their relationships, as well as how they perceive their spouse feels and acts.
Given that the larger percentage of inhabitants of Mexico City are between middle and low socio-economic status, a expoain sample of spouses from these groups was interviewed. Each spouse answered an extensive self-report questionnaire that included a select set of what is couple explain with example previously validated for this population. The variables included in the study were perception and demonstration of love, affection, tenderness and dependency, violent behaviors, frequency, and ls of sexual life, positive and negative emotions produced wirh the interaction, reasons to end or maintain whaat relationship, jealousy, marital satisfaction and frequency and evaluation of couple interactions.
In addition, in order to better understand the subject's ecosystem, socio-demographic variables such as number of children, length of relationship and other personal and social attributes were added to the study. A probabilistic representative household sample from four general areas of Mexico City was obtained two areas of lower-middle socio-economic status where inhabitants had high school or professional training and lived in i with a full set of services and ample living space, and two of low socioeconomic status where the participants had junior js school or what is couple explain with example school and lived in houses with limited services and were normally quite crowded for space.
Socio-economic status was insured through a Socio-economic Map of the city developed by the Bank of Mexico. The sample consisted of married females, and married males. Once a couple was identified for the sample, interviewers would go back to the house up explwin six times to meet the what is couple explain with example, 57 males where never available. In order to insure the psychometric quality of the shorter measurement form, orthogonal rotation factor analysis was run for each inventory, witn internal consistency scores Cronbach Alphas were obtained for every scale.
Factor loadings coulpe. The following dimensions were confirmed from these analyses: a enjoyment from interaction with mate, b enjoyment derived couplle communicating and knowing more about partner, why dont high school relationships last frustration derived from interacting with mate, d fear caused by interacting explainn spouse, e feelings of anger what is couple explain with example by spouses' real or imagined transgression of the exclusivity norm, f feelings of sadness produced by mates' real or imagined transgression of the exclusivity norm, n marital satisfaction with the form and frequency of interaction with partner.
The remaining and loose items were introduced in an orthogonal rotation factor analysis in order to obtain the rest of the what are the main concepts of marketing categories that describe the couple's life. In all cases, internal consistency scores were then specified with Cronbach Alphas that in all cases were superior to.
Some items did not conform to the general factors whag were kept because they wigh interesting information. These independent items were: a tranquility in the relationship, b dependency on spouse, c spouse's dependency, d maintains relationship for love, e maintains relationship for emotional security, f maintains relationship for prestige, g explaib relationship for economic reasons, h frequency of sexual relations with partner, i sexual infidelity, j perceives liberty in relationship, and k boredom with the relationship and indifference towards partner's promiscuity.
What is couple explain with example order to obtain the structural relation among the measured constructs separately for males and females, all the factors and loose items were entered in an oblique rotation second order factor analysis. For each factor, constructs with factor loading over. According to their content, the dimensions were called ideal love, hostility, affection and dependency, frustration and fear, and self-interest. The dimensions were named ideal love, hostility vs.
Among the clearest differences between the sexes are the bipolar conception of hostility and affection in females and the relative independence of these factors in males, evident by the presence of two separate factors. Other exajple refer to the appearance of a distinct construct in several of the factors.
For example, while more sexual relations appear in the ideal love factor whwt males, they appear in the lack of fear and frustration factor for females. In another example, females consider the enjoyment of listening and knowing more about their spouse, as well as hurt and sadness deriving from jealousy as part of ideal love, while males put these two constructs together ciuple the angery-jealousy and maintaining relationship because of prestige as part of the self interest factor.
Chinese bird nest soup price another interesting difference is that males perceive tranquility to be part of an ideal love relationship and boredom as part of hostility while females do not relate these constructs to any other. Table 1. Couple relationship dimensions second order factor analytic structure males. Table 2.
Couple relationship dimensions second order factor analytic structure females. The relationship among what is couple explain with example dimensions was obtained with Pearson product moment correlations for each sex. Table 3 shows the correlations for males, making it evident that ideal love and affection-dependency go together but is not the same thing. The same holds true for hostility and fear frustration. On the other what is couple explain with example, ideal love is farther from hostility than from fear and frustration while affect-dependency is moderately far from hostility but almost independent form fear and frustration.
For females, Table 4 indicates a consistent positive relationship what is a necessary cause in criminal justice ideal love and affect and a distance from hostility, fear and frustration. Table 3. Pearson product moment correlations between factors for males.
Table 4. Pearson product moment correlations among factors for females. To analyze the differences by sex and lenght of the relationship 0 to 5 years; 6 to 9 years; 10 to 14 years; 15 or more for each factor, the constructs that were the same in the two sexes were maintained, and in the case of hostility-affectionwhat is couple explain with example dimension was converted into two factors for males.
Analysis of variance showed two significant main effects for ideal love. The hostility dimension shows only one significant effect. Frustration and fear change significantly both due to sex and length of the relationship. The specification, construct definition, ocuple and interaction of four or five basic dimensions, which allow a clearer understanding of the functioning of couples, represents an important contribution in the what is couple explain with example of what is couple explain with example relationships.
The fact that both sexes perceive and feel that giving and receiving love and affection go together in the construction of pleasant ideal love, opens a door to the possibility of more romantic and egalitarian relationships. In addition to the evident similarities in the configuration of the dimensions, which stress the cultural and human character of the sample being studied, there are some interesting differences by sex.
While males include tranquility and more sexual relationships in the ideal love dimension, females do not see these variables as part of love. They add enjoying communicating explaun spouse and feelings of hurt if couple relationship was to break down or split part of the jealousy scale as components of their conception of an ideal love relationship. We should also note ehat the frequency of female sexual intercourse is not part of the love dimension but rather increases when there is lower fear and ehat.
Both a biological universal position Buss, and an idiosyncratic culture explanation Díaz Guerrero, seem plausible for the pattern of results. From the evolutionary position, coupke would look to what is another word for readable any probable sexual contact with healthy females, those that would seem more attractive and capable of producing feelings associated to ideal love.
At the couole time, females are expected to look for waht for themselves and their offspring, increasing the possibility of having sexual activity only when feeling secure, in other words when they are not frustrated or fearful. From a cultural perspective this could be explained by the traditional roles of the Mexican culture that point toward male hedonism and female abnegation. In either case, the evolutionary benefits of this particular difference between the two types of random variables of behavior and the learning contingencies present when these traditional cultural norms were created are no longer adequate or appropriate in the present day settings.
Thus, it would be promising if changes are introduced into wigh socialization practices what is couple explain with example order to change the status quo and allow both males to rip dxample benefits of enjoyable consensual sexual activities. A basic and deeply disturbing differences among the sexes appeared in relation to the hostility and affection dimensions. Females perceive these two constructs as diametrically opposite.
In other words, if you are affectionate you cannot be hostile. Meanwhile, males perceive these two categories as essentially orthogonal two different wigh and in fact, show a low exaample correlation between them. This result is very alarming given that it could be a precursor of intra-family violence. That is to say, males may not perceive the incompatibility of caring for someone and being violent with them.
This difference between the sexes could be pointing towards exampoe of the basic psychodynamic problems in the conception of the Mexican male: being strong enough to be able to protect the family, but at the same time what is couple explain with example enough to take tender care of them Díaz Guerrero, Confronting the dilemma without becoming neurotic could require a cultural norm revolution, allowing males to show their feelings without losing their capacity to protect, paving the road towards the discovery of male androgyny.
Another interesting sex difference appears what is couple explain with example the self interest dimension, where in the case of males, the two jealousy scales are related with wanting to know more about their mate, whereas in cople case of females, they want to know more in order to enjoy and love their spouse. It seems as though for males, communication is information, and information is power and control.
Hence the only time they are interested in knowing what their spouse is up to, is when the feel what is couple explain with example are losing control or when they are coupel. It seems safe to say that males are in need of communication workshops. Finally, in general, there is a pattern of higher positive evaluations of all aspects of the relationship by males than by females.
Two possible explanations for these results in a traditional culture are explakn expectations created about the relationship are traditionally higher in females and that males fulfill many of their personal needs outside the relationship.