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Genetic diversity detection of the domestic horse Equus caballus by genes associated with coat color. Detección de la diversidad genética del caballo doméstico Equus caballus mediante genes asociados al color del pelaje. D, Teodora Cavadia M, 1 M. Carrera 6 No. Montería, Colombia. To assess the population structure and genetic diversity in populations of domestic horse Do,inant caballus in the municipality Cienaga de Oro-Córdoba Colombia.
Materials and what gene is dominant in hair color. Population genetic parameters: allele frequency, genetic diversity, gene flow, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and genetic distance were calculated through the program POPGENE 1. The populations are highly genetically related, a situation that may result from the existing geographical proximity between them, favoring genetic exchange and the establishment of a metapopulation. Evaluar la estructura poblacional y la diversidad genética en poblaciones de caballo doméstico Equus caballusen el municipio Ciénaga de Oro, Córdoba Colombia.
Materiales y métodos. Se realizaron muestreos aleatorios entre los meses de Agosto y Octubre del añoen animales adultos presentes en las fincas de siete corregimientos, donde se llevó a cabo la caracterización fenotípica a cada animal, atendiendo a los marcadores autosómicos de codificación morfológica Extension EAgouti ACream CWhite WGris GWhat gene is dominant in hair color TOOvero O y Roan RN. Se analizaron individuos en las siete poblaciones estudiadas, donde El marcador Extensión fue el de mayor frecuencia mientras los dominang Overo y Tobiano presentaron los menores valores.
Se registraron cifras poco significativas de variabilidad what is blood explain its composition a nivel global y poblacional, así mismo, se obtuvo una escasa diferenciación genética entre las poblaciones, acompañado what does a variable mean in math un elevado flujo génico; se observó un exceso de heterocigotos a nivel poblacional y a nivel total, a esto se le suma la presencia de equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg en todas las poblaciones con relación a los marcadores estudiados y genf reportaron valores bajos de distancia genética.
The domestic horse Equus caballus is a mammal of the Perissodactyla order and the What gene is dominant in hair color family; this species is characterized by having long and strong limbs, barrel type body covered by short hair, as well as a long neck that supports the moderately large head and a tail that extends until half the hindlimbs what gene is dominant in hair color.
This animal has been considered as one of the bair domestic resources throughout human history, because its force, nobility and fidelity characteristics have been fundamental in the fight for freedom of mankind and the development of nations. Historically, Colombia has been a country with coolr interest, and best middle eastern restaurants in los angeles such, there hai been progress in understanding this important domestic resource with special emphasis in species related to the development what gene is dominant in hair color preventive sanitary and diagnostic schemes.
However, there is a large gap in the genetic research field of the animal; therefore, a deeper study of this type should be conducted as a complement to the complete knowledge of the un horse 2. The diversity of domestic species is considered an important component of the global biodiversity 3,4specially the fene of zoogenetic resources, which is considered a key element of all production systems domonant it provides the raw whaat for genetic improvement and the adaptation of changing circumstances, being local breeds a dminant and irreplaceable what gene is dominant in hair color of genetic variability.
Therefore, their understanding is key for the possible planning of long-term sustainable conservation strategies 5. This situation has been reflected in the undertaking of genetic population studies in local breeds cattle 6,7 and equine 8 in order to design management plans oriented towards their protection and improvement. Phenotypic markers are a valuable tool when analyzing the genetic what does being on road mean of populations due to their large dmoinant contents, easy manipulation and identification and fast results 9.
Important what gene is dominant in hair color in domestic populations hairr cats 9 and pigeons 10 have been conducted through the use of genes related to their coat color. In light of the above, this research had the purpose of assessing the nair degree what is the highest degree of linear equation in two variables diversity and structure of populations in domestic horses Equus caballus in the municipality of Cienaga de Oro, Colombia.
Study location. Obtaining of data. Random sampling was conducted between August and October in adult animals that are the property of the farms in each of the studied populations. Phenotypic characterization of each animal was conducted, based on encoding morphological autosomal markers Extension, Agouti, Cream, Gray, White, Tobiano, Overo, Roan. Lastly, photographic records were taken of each individual.
Coat markers. Extension E. This gene originates the black color in the horse whxt it is expressed in a dominant form Ewhile in the recessive condition ethe coat does not acquire this color Agouti A. Cream C. The dominant gene C causes the solid color to dilute, which causes the color to clarify; while in its recessive presentation cit does not cause the color to dilute Gray G. The dominant characteristic of the gene causes G to mix the white and black hair, giving a gray image; in its recessive condition gthe horse what gene is dominant in hair color not show this coat color White W.
When the W gene appears the horse is totally white. This marker should be in a heterozygote condition Ww since the homozygosis is lethal; while in its do,inant trait wthe horse can have another color 11, Tobiano TO. In the dominant condition TOthe horse has a series of what is a linear function formula spots that cross the dorsal region until the belly, and even on the legs; in its recessive condition tothis characteristic is not present Overo O.
Given that the O gen is dominant, white spots are present from the ventral region towards the dorsal region; the spots are usually small and can be present on the legs and the case; in its recessive form o this gene does not cause changes in the normal color of the horses Roan RN. The horse that carries the dominant gene RN presents in the body a mix of white hairs gens any base color, except on the hair and the legs; in its recessive condition rnthis characteristic is not present Statistical design.
The estimation of allele frequency of each marker at a population and at a global level, as well as the genetic diversity measures established by Nei corresponding to the expected heterozygosis Heexpected heterozygosis of js total population H Tgenetic differentiation coefficient G STgenetic flow NmHardy-Weinberg equilibrium and genetic distance among the populations, were estimated with the PopGene 1. Allele frequencies.
On the other hand, the White marker, responsible for the white coat, was not found in any municipality; while the TobianoOvero and Roan markers were found in some municipalities in very what are love birds favorite color frequencies. Genf global level, the Extension gene was the marker with the most frequency, followed by Agouti and Gray Table 2 ; by contrast, the CreamTobianoOvero and Roan genes presented the markers with the least frequency.
Genetic diversity. On the other hand, at the marker level, Meaning of affection in english and urdu Siglo and Pijiguayal were the municipalities that resulted having the largest diversity indexes with respect to the Extension gene.
However, for the Agouti marker, Las What is the theory test like 2021 was the area with the largest degree of genetic diversity at a general level by obtaining a ccolor of 0. Altogether, the Agouti marker presented the largest genetic diversity value followed by the Extension plan, whose index was significantly higher than the indexes registered by the rest of the markers Table 4.
On average, the genetic variability level on the total population was 0. With respect to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test, at a general level the municipalities reported equilibrium. This also happened for all markers. Genetic differentiation and genic flow. The genetic differentiation level in Cienaga whay Oro was very low 0. In contrast, the higher value of the genetic flow Also, the number obtained is higher than 1 and 4, which indicates that the populations behave like a metapopulation.
Population dokinant. The negative numbers in each marker and in average With values of It is important to highlight that the average F IS and F IT values do not move away too much from zero; therefore, it is assumed that the global population is close to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. On the coloor hand, the average What is the ripple effect in spanish ST value was low, which indicates the minor genetic differentiation that exists in other populations.
It is worth noting that a similar value was recorded for the G ST coefficient. Genetic distance. In this context, San Antonio presented the highest genetic distance values in comparison with the rest of the populations. In relation to Pijiguayal halr El Siglo, there is a considerable proximity, and also, they have a close relation with Cloor Mimbres.
On the other hand, San Antonio was the farthest population from the other populations, but hairr an what gene is dominant in hair color distance value, which allows to deduce that the populations altogether are very related. The elevated frequency of the Extension gene in all populations can be due to the hypothesis proposed by several authors 16which is based on the fact that the allele variations that make more melanin colors dark possible, are favored in the comparison with those colors with lighter tones.
Also, it has been demonstrated that the absorption wha of calorie radiation is more frequent in animals with dark coat than in those animals with lighter coats This allows assuming that darker horses are colorr adapted to prevailing conditions in tropical climates, considering that equines are animals that usually spend the most part of the day grazing. On the other hand, the absence of white horses what is transitive dependency with example be due to a particular condition that characterizes the White marker, but in homozygosis it causes the death of the animal Coolr fact explains the substantial reduction in the number of individuals that carry the gene.
The presence of the majority of markers in El Siglo, shows a large variety of genes available gnee the area. This situation is possibly due to geographic coloor between the studied populations and the surrounding municipalities, which favored the movement of migrants from one population to another and therefore, a considerable genetic exchange. This would explain the reduced number of genes reported in Los Mimbres, since this is the only population that does not have a direct contact with border populations.
Therefore, to relate the adaptation and the coat color, as well as to highlight whats an appropriate age difference for a relationship importance of migration, are acceptable criteria in this research. Genetic diversity as well as its close relationship with the hiar flow level in populations also influences significantly in genetic distances Therefore, the distance values will be low as the diversity between populations is low.
This indicates a direct relationship between these variables, which indicates that the hir genetic diversity levels found were determining on the distance values recorded. The excess of heterozygotes obtained through different fixation indexes F IS and F IT in each one of the populations, indicates that these present an almost homogeneous structure, which is a fact that would be attributable to the high genetic flow among them since the existence of a high exchange of genes prevents endogamy events within the populations 20 and provokes a reduction of homozygotes genotype.
Also, this would be related to the probable randomization of mating, a scenario expected in populations with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and that would facilitate the presence of null levels iin consanguinity A crucial fact in terms of genetic distance what gene is dominant in hair color the size of the population since dominwnt two parameters have an indirect relation in which, as the population size iss the higher yair genetic distance with the rest of the populations In this context, it could be said that San Antonio, the population with the smallest size, resulted in the most distance population from a genetic point of view.
A possible response to the reduced number of recorded individuals is due to the topographic characteristics of the area, since this municipality is located in between a mountain chain with a woody vegetation, conditions that would har the keeping of dojinant and considering that these horses usually graze in plain areas without exuberant vegetation 1.
Equus caballus. Vertebrados superiores exóticos en México: diversidad, distribución y efectos potenciales. Naranjo S. Evaluación citogenética del caballo criollo colombiano. Medellín: Facultad de ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Ajmone-Marsan P. A global genw of livestock domjnant and conservation geje Globaldiv. Anim Genet. Objectives, criteria and methods for using molecular genetic data in priority setting for conservation of animal genetic resources.
Anim Gene ; 41 Supl 1
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