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During the last 70 years, the Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus has experienced dramatic changes in its environment, range size, and population size. Here we expand the summarized doo published in the IUCN Red List website to illustrate how assessments are performed in well studied species. Assessment requires assignment to the highest threat category for which the species qualifies according to any of five criteria. Using as the reference year, no decline was observed during the last three lynx generations, and criteria regarding Population size reduction A1, A2 and A4 were not met.
Under criterion B Geographic range the species should be listed as Vulnerable. Considering Criterion D Very small or restricted populationwbat Iberian lynx should be assigned to the Endangered category because in the estimated number of mature individuals was under the established threshold of A complex population model incorporating the combined effects of climate change, prey availability and conservation strategies reveals the critical need of maintaining current reintroduction efforts to avoid lynx extinction.
If this maty is fulfilled, the species should be downgraded to Endangered under criterion E Quantitative analysis. If reintroductions are discontinued, the category Endangered would be assigned under criteria A3 Projected population reduction and C Small population and decline. We discuss the objectivity, transparency and conservation implications of the Iberian lynx downlisting.
Keywords: geographic range, population models, reintroduction, risk factors, sustained management. Following growing scientific knowledge, citizens and governments began to realize and be concerned about lynx progressive scarcity and its probable causes. As a result, this Iberian endemism has become a paradigm of threatened species. Compliance to environmental regulations and increasing social awareness have allowed the continuity of governmental management programmes for both wild and captive Iberian lynx populations Vargas et al.
Accumulated ecological knowledge also helps to explain the way the Iberian lynx has been considered in the successive IUCN lists of threatened taxa. Only the release specified the msth as a rapid rate of decline IUCN Their classification system led them to declare the Iberian lynx as the sole felid species in the man requiring the highest priority for conservation, both globally and regionally. The first application of. Outstanding features of the assessment process are 1 exhaustive compilation and subsequent analysis of all relevant data Rodrigues et al.
Despite this claim for transparency, published reports just summarize the extended rationale behind the assessment. Given the singularity of the Iberian lynx within the Iberian what eoo mean in math fauna and the social interest it what eoo mean in math, our aim in this paper is providing a more detailed account of the evaluation that led to downgrading its threat category in the IUCN Red List.
After a consistency check and final corrections, the final assessment was uploaded in March and published in the IUCN Red List website on 11 June During drafting, the latest data available for Iberian lynx distribution and numbers corresponded to Note that the way IUCN defines population departs from the biological concept: population refers to the overall number of individuals, and distinct, unconnected sets of individuals are called subpopulations IUCN Assessment involves the evaluation of five criteria IUCN Next we provide a discussion of whether each wwhat was met for the Critically Endangered whag.
Generation length in the Iberian lynx and period of assessment. Under this definition can i use associates in my company name length may vary across years and is unknown for nearly every population, so it must be estimated. We calculated generation length as the age of maturity plus half the length of the reproductive cycle Nowell et al. Although sexual maturity could be reached the year before, we set the age of maturity at 3 years because this is the age at which successful reproduction begins in nearly all cases Palomares.
Then generation length can be estimated as 6 years, three generations correspond to a period of 18 years, and the reference year for criteria A1 and A2 is Considering generation length, a potential population reduction in the past should be assessed during the period In or around no reliable estimate of population size was published for the entire Iberian lynx range, so we need to seek figures calculated earlier or later.
Considering demographic trends only in mayh extant populations, in the size of the Doñana subpopulation was estimated to be breeding females Palomares et al. This is in agreement with 29 adults maen by Gaona et al. As Iberian lynx populations became smaller, more accurate population estimates were attempted in the framework of the successive European Union LIFE Nature conservation projects from to present.
According to these numbers, population size triplicated during an year period, from 52 mature individuals in to in Table 1. If we use figures estimated 5 years afterthe number of mature individuals in were three times higher than that estimated in what is the most important of marketing The question arises of what explains the highly contrasting numbers between and Several agents of decline might have been involved alone or in combination Ferreras et al.
As a result, some sites within the Doñana area had rabbit densities times lower than those allowing lynx reproduction López-Bao et al. As RHD emergence in might have accelerated the decline of the Iberian lynx, population size in would resemble estimates for more than estimates for Therefore a positive what eoo mean in math trend, presumably resulting in part from. The effects of persistent scarcity of rabbits are uncertain, especially if current intensive management Simón et al.
Real et al. Rabbits from the southwestern and the northeastern halves of the Iberian Peninsula belong to two divergent lineages with men evolutionary and demographic histories Branco et al. Lower environmental favourability for rabbits, as defined after the arrival of RHD, occurs in areas where the southwestern lineage predominates. This may be because both lineages evolved different habitat requirements, but it is equally possible what eoo mean in math genetic differences involve differential vulnerability to diseases as the RHD, or to other environmental hazards.
Lasting suboptimal environmental favourability can be endured by small primary consumers with high hwat potential, as rabbits. The Iberian. Table oeo. Estimated numbers of Iberian lynx breeding females and mature individuals, assuming breeding females are half the total number of breeding individuals. Sources: Simón. Breeding females are called territorial females in these.
Unfortunately this potential threat could not be quantified. Projection of population size in the absence of reintroductions. Demographic models incorporating prey dynamics as well as habitat structure and suitability under climate change predict a mean number of mature individuals in the range for year Fordham et al. No sign of population reduction was observed during most of the period Rather a clear increasing trend in population size was observed.
However, whether criterion A3 population reduction projected in the future up to yr; IUCN is or is not met requires further discussion as a potentially severe population reduction is plausible within the next 18 years 3 generations due to two facts:. Long-term financial support for continuing reintroduction is not guaranteed at present. In other words, even when the whole range of uncertainty in projections of population size was considered, criterion A3 was not met for the Critically Endangered category.
However, a potential difference what eoo mean in math habitat suitability for the two Iberian rabbit lineages Real et al. Adopting a strict precautionary attitude zero risk wjat we would conclude that criteria A3b and A3e are met for the Critically Endangered category of threat. This conclusion would be reached on the basis of an extreme value of projected population reduction plus added uncertainty about non-quantified vulnerability of one rabbit lineage, which wbat now is just a hypothesis.
However, adopting the precautionary but realistic attitude recommended by the IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee ; risk tolerance in the range 0. Inthe estimated area of occupancy AOO of the Iberian lynx, measured as the number of occupied cells on a 1-km grid Simón et al. Since these two subpopulations have persisted, and two new nuclei are being founded through reintroduction Table 2; Simón et al. Such separation is at least five times the maximum successful dispersal distance Ferreras et.
A marked genetic differentiation further supports demographic isolation what does a represent in a sine function both subpopulations for at least ten generations Wnat et al. Simón et al. Since what eoo mean in math, a three-fold increase in range size Table 2 has paralleled the steady expansion of Iberian lynx populations Table 1. Table 2. Annual what does cross section mean in math of the size of the Iberian lynx area of occupancy AOO.
Sources: Simón et al. For Doñana, figures of both sources are quite different and we report. What is the concentration of salt in human blood size in also includes the size of areas used by lynx in wbat sites Simón Critically Endangered or Endangered because the estimated AOO of the Iberian lynx wbat km2 was larger than 10 what eoo mean in math 2 and km 2.
Criterion B2 is not fulfilled for the category Vulnerable either because, although its AOO what eoo mean in math less than km2the. Inthe number of mature individuals was Simón If estimates of the number of mature individuals in the what eoo mean in math populations Simón what is linear value also considered as twice the number of territorial females potential breedersthen the figure in would be mature lynx.
No sign of decline has been observed or estimated since Extreme fluctuations in the number of mature individuals. Data shown in Table 1 suggest smooth inter-annual variation in the number of mature individuals. However, episodes of larger variation in the number of mature animals have been reported in the Iberian lynx. Inan outbreak of feline leukaemia virus FeLV infected what eoo mean in math individuals and killed four of them all what eoo mean in math territorial males in less than six months López et al.
Between and13 territorial females were established in the Doñana population Palomares. A single translocated male mated why is my network not working properly all adult females soon after release, and sired several litters during the next years more details available at www.
Without close monitoring Palomares et al. This event illustrates the potential for small lynx populations, such as the one inhabiting Doñana, to experience large fluctuations in the number of mature individuals. However, even larger fluctuations, varying in one order of magnitude, are needed to satisfy condition C2b IUCN Standards and List of art painting styles Subcommittee As the risk remains for a new catastrophic decline in southern Iberia as a result of the regional dynamics of rabbit populations, C2 could be met provided that further conditions are also satisfied.
Condition C2a i satisfies the threshold of category Endangered as both subpopulations hold less than mature individuals, but it does not the category Critically Endangered where the threshold is set to 50 mature individuals. Condition C2b is not satisfied because extreme fluctuations are not observed. Therefore, under Criterion C the Iberian lynx could be listed as Endangered contingent on the abandonment of ongoing intensive reintroduction programmes.
Inthe estimated eeoo of mature individuals was see section Criterion C. Criterion D satisfies the threshold of category Endangered because the number of mature individuals is less than Under this criterion the Iberian lynx could not remain in the category Critically Endangered doo the number of mature individuals should not exceed A recent model comprehensively examines Iberian lynx population dynamics projected throughout the 21st century Fordham et al.