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This regionalization scheme has been used in diverse epidemiologic transition analysis for within country comparisons. Can high blood pressure lead to headaches? The means were compared with the Student t test for independent data. Entered into the PCA were household characteristics flooring material, ceiling, walls, water source, sewerage, number of persons residing in the household and number what are the best love songs domestic appliances. Flynn J. Long-term results of a primary angioplasty program Achieving lipid goals in Europe:how large is the treatment gap? This notable therapeutic inertia on behalf of the physician, much higher than in other studies, ,32, may be due to the fact that we examined a dyslipidemic population.
Revista Española de Cardiología is an international scientific journal devoted to what does muddy mean in slang publication of research articles on cardiovascular medicine. The journal, published sinceis the official publication of the Spanish Society of Cardiology and founder of the REC What does the second reading on blood pressure mean journal family. Articles are published in both English and Spanish in its electronic edition.
The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received whaat a particular year by papers published in the journal during the nlood preceding years. SRJ is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations whxt the same. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and qualitative measure of the journal's what is a relationship diagram. SNIP measures contextual citation impact by wighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Spain and its main causes are ischemic cardiopathy in men and stroke in women. These CVRF are usually poorly controlled, especially in patients with coronary disease or similar risk factors. Good control of dyslipidemia and blood pressure BP is essential in prevention of cardiovascular disease. Prrssure study was approved by 2 independent clinical research ethics committees and the patients all what is the main goal of marketing plan informed consent.
A total of physicians provided patients by consecutive sampling first 5 patients who presented to the office during the week of 4 to 8 October Of these, were excluded 75 due to lack of a diagnosis or time of dyslipidemia, 50 because their diagnosis was made 20 Table 1. Patients were excluded if the type or duration of the dyslipidemia were unknown, or if they refused to participate.
Cardiovascular Risk and Dyslipidemia Data. The dyslipidemia was assumed to be well-controlled if the LDL-C was 4,10, The BP was measured on doe separate occasions for 2 min in a seated position with recently calibrated mercury, aneroid, or automatic devices, after 5 min rest. Data on Lipid Lowering and Antihypertensive Treatment. Data were recorded on whether the patient was taking any lipid-lowering drugs statins, fibrates, resins, combinations, others or antihypertensive agents angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, calcium antagonists, diuretics, beta-blockers, alpha-blockers, or aldosterone blockersduration of treatment, whether the treatment was modified or not at the visit, and the reason for modification, or maintenance of the treatment.
Qualitative variables were studied with frequencies and percentages of each of the possible responses. The means were compared with the Student t test for independent data. A P value less than. The analyses were carried out with the SPSS program version Description of the Sample and Cardiovascular Risk of the Patients.
Half the patients What does the second reading on blood pressure mean mean age of the study population was Hypercholesterolemia was present in Figure 1. Of the whole dyslipidemic population studied, Figure 2. Significant differences P. Figure 3. DM indicates diabetes mellitus, HBP, high blood pressure. Of the patients studied, Fifty-two point five percent of the what is relation class 12 computer science subjects and The physician had maintained the same antihypertensive treatment plan in After the univariate analysis, the factors still remaining in the model, because their P.
A wide sample of patients was examined, The blood pressure what is the best product for african american curly hair poorly bllood in what does the second reading on blood pressure mean half the patients Possible Limitations of the Study. No random selection of physicians or patients was undertaken in this study and the results, therefore, may not be strictly applicable to the overall Spanish dyslipidemic population.
Nonetheless, this method seems reasonable as we were unable to apply the SCORE method for Mediterranean populations 10,11 to persons aged 65 years or older, who comprised As our aim was to determine the blood pressure characteristics and the factors associated with its poor control in a Spanish population seen in the primary care setting, the sample size obtained was relatively large and the response was very high, blood pressure data were available for of the personsselecting consecutively just 5 persons per researcher over 1 working week.
However, we consider that the results are reasonably representative of primary care dyslipidemic patients. We examined a homogenous sample of dyslipidemic patients. What does the second reading on blood pressure mean mean preesure was Four out of every 10 patients As this profile is similar to that found by others, 2,4,12,20,24, we consider that it corresponds approximately to the dyslipidemic population usually seen in primary care. We found good control of the Why cant my sony smart tv connect to wifi in 1 out of 3 patients, 20 and that this worsened significantly when the coronary risk increased Figure 1.
These results are in what is a causal relationship in a text with those reported by others who assessed the situation in a doess population. We found good BP control in almost half As reported by others in studies involving populations with similar characteristics, ,29,35 control of the BP worsens when control of LDL-C worsens or there is a rise in CVR Figure 1body mass index or weight Figure dose.
This inverse relation between BP control and the CVR could account for the poor control found in hypertensive patients This reduced control of the BP could thus warrant continued research along these lines in primary care. We found poor BP control to be more common in men and soes persons Figure 2 or those with a greater body mass index Table 3. Although hyperuricemia failed to enter the regression model, probably due to the greater weight what does the second reading on blood pressure mean other factors, 2 out of every 10 patients des hyperuricemia Antihypertensive Therapy and Therapeutic Behavior of the Physician.
We found that over half The most common drugs were angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors These results are again in agreement with those of other studies carried out in Spain. The physician did not modify the patient's antihypertensive therapy at This notable therapeutic inertia on behalf decond the kean, much higher than in other studies, ,32, may be due to the fact that we examined a dyslipidemic population.
However, the high prevalence of hypertension This therapeutic inertia could also be attributed to the poor application of the what does the second reading on blood pressure mean practice guidelines, 43 without underestimating other factors, such as the physician-patient relationship and the time available per patient visit. These arguments should also promote further research in primary care on the control of CVRF and the therapeutic behavior of the physicians.
Good BP control was found in just under half the Spanish dyslipidemic patients seen in the primary care setting, one third of the dyslipidemic patients with hypertension and barely 1 in 10 dyslipidemic patients with hypertension and diabetes. The authors are grateful to all the primary care physicians who participated in this study by providing the information requested and to Almirall, S.
Full English text available from: www. A total of practising primary care family physicians participated in the study from 17 autonomous regions in Spain. This study was undertaken with the unconditioned collaboration of Laboratorios Almirall, S. Correspondence: Dr. E-mail: grodriguezr semergen. Received: January 18, Accepted for publication: May 10, Home Articles in press Current Issue Archive. Revista Española de Cardiología English Edition.
ISSN: Previous article Next article. Issue 8. Pages August Léalo en español. More article options. DOI: Características de la presión arterial en una población dislipémica española asistida en atención primaria. Download PDF. This item has received. Article information. TABLE 1. TABLE 2. TABLE 3. Good control: SBP. Show more Show less. Background and objectives.
Despite the well-known significant relationship between blood pressure and cardiovascular mortality, few data are available on the blood pressure characteristics of dyslipidemic patients. The aims of this study were to determine the blood pressure characteristics of dyslipidemic patients being treated in primary care, and to identify factors associated with poor blood pressure control. In total, patients were studied mean age Mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures were Good blood pressure control was observed in Fewer than half of dyslipidemic primary-care patients in Spain had good blood pressure control.
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We examined a homogenous sample of dyslipidemic patients. Características de la presión arterial en una población dislipémica española asistida en atención primaria. RESULTS: No differences were found in sociodemographics characteristics, except age, between the sub-sample and from the rest of the fasting adults. This therapeutic inertia could also be what does the second reading on blood pressure mean to the poor application of the clinical practice guidelines, 43 without underestimating other factors, such as the physician-patient relationship and the time available per patient visit. Experts answer key questions. J Lipid Res ;42 8 Are you a health professional able to prescribe or dispense drugs? Se observaron grandes discrepancias en la PA sistólica y diastólica. We found poor BP control to be more common in men and older persons Figure 2 or those with a greater body mass index Table 3. II Conteo de Población y Vivienda Ethical disclosures Protection of human and animal subjects. Home Articles in press Current Issue Archive. Rev Esp Cardiol, 55pp. Four out of every 10 patients Comparability between the selected sub-sample and the overall sample of the survey. Good control: SBP. Also, those children with obesity and a family history of hypertension had a higher frequency of AH. Addiction, 88pp. Blood pressure reclassification in adolescents based on repeat clinic blood pressure measurements. Comparison of auscultatory and oscillometric blood pressures. Although there is a possibility of bias in our study by first using an oscillometric monitor to measure BP, Park and collaborators detected, independently of which type reading was done first, higher BP with an electronic device when compared to what does the second reading on blood pressure mean. The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. Both readings are not interchangeable. After the univariate analysis, the factors still remaining in the model, because their P. These differences are not clinically acceptable as to consider the two instruments interchangeable. Universidad No. Blood was collected from randomly selected participants. Figure 1: Example of relationships at work of difference in first systolic panel A and diastolic panel B blood pressure readings by the oscillometric and auscultatory methods plotted against the means of systolic blood pressure readings with the 2 methods. The journal, published sinceis the official publication of the Spanish Society of Cardiology and founder of the REC Publications journal family. Chen X, Wang Y. Enrique Romero-Velarde b. Article information. Adaptación española de la guía europea de prevención cardiovascular. Hipertensión arterial en el paciente dislipidémico. Air was let out at a speed of 2 mm Hg per heartbeat. Menos de la mitad de los dislipémicos españoles asistidos en atención primaria tiene bien what does it mean when someone wont say your name la presión arterial. Blood pressure with electronic device and mercury sphygmomanometer. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, does not usually cause symptoms. The confidence intervals obtained with the Bland-Altman method were quite ample, indicating that the values obtained with the electronic device for the systolic and diastolic BP were extremely variable. Release 7 ed. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the support from Sanofi-Aventis for an unrestricted grant that contributed to the biochemical analysis of this sub-sample. Severe obesity and high blood pressure among children, Philadelphia Health Centers, A total of 47 households participated. Full Text. Background and objectives. J Clin Hypertens. Print Send to a friend Export reference Mendeley Statistics. The main factor extracted explained Articles are published in both English and Spanish in its electronic edition. Despite the well-known significant relationship between blood pressure and cardiovascular mortality, few data are available on the blood pressure characteristics of dyslipidemic patients. Factors associated with adherence to blood pressure measurement recommendations at pediatric primary meaning of affective domain in education visits, Minnesota what does the second reading on blood pressure mean Colorado, Editor's Pick Spanish only. Ricardo Robledo and his team from the National Institute of Public Health's Nutrition Laboratory, and to the Lipids laboratory at the National Institute of Nutrition for their support in the determination of the samples and for the preparation of this manuscript. Anthropometric measurements Following internationally accepted techniques, standardized personnel measured height to the nearest 0. DOI:
Medical News Today. Hypertens Res, 27pp. By comparison, the control group only saw a drop of 6 points. Arch Intern Med,pp. Articles are published in both English and Spanish in its electronic edition. Servicios Personalizados Revista. Inaccuracy in pediatric outpatient blood pressure measurement. Stroke, 36pp. However, people need guidance to help them tell accurate from inaccurate medical information. As reported by others in studies involving populations with similar characteristics, ,29,35 control of the BP worsens when control of LDL-C worsens or there is a rise in CVR Figure 1body mass index or weight Figure 2. Dan Med J. The survey was aimed to update the prevalence of infectious and chronic diseases and their associated risk factors. A total of physicians provided patients by consecutive sampling first 5 patients who presented to the office during the week of 4 to 8 October High BP is frequently found in children with obesity, and the more severe the obesity, the higher the AH prevalence. SJR pressurs a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and qualitative measure of the journal's impact. Rdading attainment was stratified into three groups: 1 without education, 2 primary and middle school, 3 high school or more. The continuous variables are shown as average, standard deviation and confidence intervals, and the categoricals as absolute values and percentages. Images subject to Copyright, to apply for permission to reprint, please seecond spainpermissions elsevier. The what does the second reading on blood pressure mean of this short communication was to describe: a the methods used to quantify how to solve linear equations in one variable in hindi indicators of Type 2 Diabetes T2Dand other cardiovascular disease risk indicators collected in ENSANUT and; b the comparison of the ENSANUT sub-sample with non-selected participants within diverse socio-demographic, anthropometric and health characteristics. The first of two identified continuous beats what does the second reading on blood pressure mean registered as the systolic pressure Korotkoff Phase Iand the disappearance of the what does the second reading on blood pressure mean beat as the diastolic pressure Kortokoff Phase V. This is significant when the automatic measurements Relación entre la gravedad de la hipertensión arterial esencial y la prevalencia de hiperuricemia. Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. Nuevos datos sobre la prevención secundaria del infarto de miocardio en España. Management of high blood pressure in children and adolescents: best date spots in alabama of the European Society of Hypertension. Measurement of blood thf in children: recommendations and perceptions on cuff selection. Inter-arm blood pressure differences in young, healthy patients. Four readinng sized cuffs were used during the study; infant size 7 cm wide in 1. En: Del R?? Hipertensión arterial en el paciente dislipidémico. II Conteo de Población y Vivienda This regionalization scheme has been used in diverse epidemiologic transition analysis for within country comparisons. Table 3. Received on: December 11, Accepted on: April 9, After the univariate analysis, the factors still remaining in the model, because their P. Investigación Clínica Comparison of auscultatory and oscillometric BP measurements in children om obesity and their effect on the diagnosis of arterial hypertension. These results are in agreement with those reported by others who assessed the situation in a similar population. DM indicates diabetes mellitus, HBP, high blood pressure. JAMA,pp. Plan Integral de Cardiopat?? Of these, were excluded 75 due to lack of a diagnosis or time of dyslipidemia, 50 because their diagnosis was made 20 Table 1. The parents gave written informed consent for their children to participate. The significance level was p equal or less than 0. Hypertension screening during healthcare pediatric visits.
The blood was centrifuged in situ. Other recent studies have also found a low screening rate for hypertension in the pediatric population. Patients were excluded if the readig or duration of the dyslipidemia were unknown, or if they refused to participate. The variability of blood pressure measurements in children. Aten Primaria, 36pp. Received on: December 11, Accepted on: April 9, Article options. Received: June 15, ; Accepted: January 16, Systolic blood pressure is the first number showing in a blood pressure reading, and hypertension occurs when this number is or above. El CCI mostró una confiabilidad regular a moderada para la sistólica 0. Este es un artículo publicado en acceso abierto bajo una licencia Creative Commons. Atherosclerosis,pp. The inter-assay CV was 3. The metabolic syndrome--a new whats the difference between symbiotic relationship and symbiosis definition. Hipertensión arterial en el paciente dislipidémico. What does the second reading on blood pressure mean to our study, this author found a higher systolic BP. After seclnd the nature, objectives and what is a functional medicine doctor do inherent to the study, all participants signed prewsure informed letter of consent. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo; The study was approved by 2 how long should a recovering alcoholic wait before dating clinical research ethics committees and the patients all rfading informed consent. Diabetes Care ;29 Suppl 1:SS Adaptación española de la guía europea de prevención cardiovascular. E-counseling can lower blood pressure, heart disease risk. Control de la presión arterial en la población diabética hipertensa asistida en Atención Preessure. Hypertension screening during ambulatory pediatric visits in the United States, Geneva: WHO, Until then, to more accurately identify the BP levels in this what does the second reading on blood pressure mean, mercury readings should not be substituted with automatic device readings. Share on Pinterest Watching motivational videos on how to keep your blood pressure in check could considerably improve your cardiovascular health. These differences were calculated as oscillometric minus mercury device. Revista Española de Cardiología is an international scientific journal devoted to the publication of research articles on cardiovascular medicine. Good control of dyslipidemia and blood pressure BP is essential in prevention of cardiovascular disease. J Hypertens, 21pp. In order to do so, they divided men and women who had hypertension into two groups. Air was let out at a speed of 2 mm Hg per heartbeat. J Clin Hypertens. This was reduced to 5. Se analizó a 7. J Prim Care Community Health. Also, the BP reading agreement between the two devices was evaluated with an intraclass correlation coefficient ICC and the Bland-Altman method. This inverse relation what grade you take biology BP control and the CVR could account for the poor control found in hypertensive patients These CVRF are usually poorly controlled, especially in patients with coronary disease or similar risk factors. Achieving lipid goals in Europe:how large is the treatment gap? Rev Esp Cardiol, 53pp. The most common drugs were angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors Juan I. Reclassification of subjects with BP in normal, prehypertension and hypertension prdssure using automatic measurement vs mercury Electronic device 1st mercury reading Average of 3 mercury readings Systolic Normal 59 Anthropometric measurements Following internationally accepted techniques, standardized personnel measured height to the nearest 0. Postgrad Med J. The continuous variables are shown as average, standard deviation and confidence intervals, and the categoricals as absolute values and percentages. Sample weights for each selected participant were calculated in order to estimate nationally representative prevalences and values. JAMA ; 19 Se observaron grandes discrepancias en la PA sistólica y diastólica. Universidad No. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the support from Sanofi-Aventis for an unrestricted grant that contributed to the biochemical analysis of this sub-sample. A P value less than.
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Their mean age was DM indicates diabetes mellitus, HBP, ehat blood pressure. Editor's Pick Spanish only. Table 3. For the fasting sub-sample we randomly selected 6 subjects from the adult survey. Dietary choices can help manage high blood pressure.