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Related Papers. The review, contextualization and analysis of this study is framed within the UTAUT research model, created for the understanding of the intent to use a new system of information and communication in a specific area, independently of the nature unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model the activity. Source : Venkatesh et al. Opciones de artículo. The former variable was excluded due to T statistic being lower than the cut-off point, and the second one due to Cronbach's alpha being lower than 0. Wu, and H. Items were scored on a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from 'strongly disagree 1 ' to 'strongly agree 7 '. Moreover, as related to the first two, we can observe that the first one groups items focused on simplicity, clarity and performance expected by the users in relation to the use of mobile learning strategies, while the second component groups those referring to the enjoyment and usefulness the users believe these strategies could provide. The questionnaires were given during the months of April-June ofin a self-administered manner.
The consumption of digital media by the youth and teens at social, personal and educational levels has become the compass of different studies and research in the last decade. International organizations such as the UN, UNESCO, among others, have highlighted that the future contains a wealth of significant technological changes that will be accompanied by new learning scenarios, and that the acceptznce of mobile technology will not be parallel to its effective and productive integration.
Scientific research in this filed has lead to a revolution in the open learning of the students in the university context. Other works have described the appearance of addictive behaviors due to their excessive use in the teaching and personal domains Castellana et al. The mobile learning strategies arose unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model a consequence of transferring their use to the classrooms as an additional learning tool, promoting ubiquitous learning, able to be conducted at any time and place.
The educational strategies mediated by mobile devices are the subjects that ue this research, through which the factors that directly influence the intent to use of these technologies of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model studied will be identified. Now, according to the systematic literature review conducted on educational research linked to mobile learning, the number of studies on mobile learning is still located at an early stage of development; as shown by the systematic what is reading simple definition conducted on the time interval from to the present.
This data makes it evident that the evolution and interest by academia started in the yearas related to the mobile learning strategies in Higher Education. Nevertheless, in the yeara more pronounced increase was observed, sharply increasing in the years andwith texhnology indexed studies, respectively. Of the total references, only 19 were linked to technology acceptance models.
The review, contextualization and analysis of this study is framed within the UTAUT research model, created for the understanding of the intent to use a new system of information and communication in a specific area, independently of the nature of the activity. Donaldson highlights the ideal nature of this model for understanding the behavioral intent of the use of mobile devices as unifjed tool for learning, as well as its acceptance in the education sphere.
The main purpose that structured this research was to inquire into the factors that affect the technological acceptance and intent to use mobile learning strategies among the university students, how to add affiliate marketing to my website on the research model of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Texhnology of Technology UTAUT.
It should be indicated that although the first uze of the theory drafted by Venkatesh et al was used as a reference, it was necessary to perform a series of modifications and adaptations of the instrument for this study in modsl, by omitting the dependent variable final use and the moderating variable experience of useas in our context, learning through a mobile device is a process that is still in its first phase of growth and experimentation, with the learning experiences conducted being scarce.
Also, the integration of other data related to the socio-demographic variables degree year and field of knowledge were also integrated, with the aim of verifying if they also possessed the thdory character with respect to the relationships among the different factors analyzed. However, to reach this model, it was necessary to previously have available a model that allowed for the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model, in a valid and reliable manner, the data necessary to verify the accuracy of the model proposed.
This previous process kse be the focus of the present study. Starting with the results from the review of the state of the art of the strategies of mobile learning, from the point of view of the acceptance of technology, the theory of UTAUT was selected, as it was considered to be ideal for achieving the objectives proposed in the study. Once the variables and the dimensions of analysis to be considered were determined, a questionnaire was constructed based on the theory cited, adapting it to the use of mobile devices.
To ensure the suitability of the instrument, it was validated with the expert judgement technique. These experts were selected due to their specialization in the university sector, educational technology, communication, and research methodologies. This allowed for conducting the final adjustments and verification of the level accptance reliability and validity, as a whole, as well as related to each of the constructs included within it.
This initial test resulted in an instrument that was optimized for its use in the final study presented here. The questionnaires were given during the months of April-June ofin a self-administered manner. In addition, this consistency was also calculated for the items included to ensure that they measured what they should, discarding those that did not have sufficient validity, mldel with the analysis of adequacy and factorial weight of the rest in each of the constructs according to what they were considered for, through a principal component analysis.
The sample was randomly selected, stratified as a function of anf, gender, field of knowledge and unifked year in which they were. An ad hoc questionnaire was utilized for the development of this study. In the end, as shown in Table 3, the questionnaire was structured into 8 dimensions. The first of which unifide composed of items related to the moderating socio-demographic variables included in the how to play drums easy song gender, age, field of knowledge and degree year.
The next 7 constituted a total of 28 items which used a semantic differential scale with Acceptance responses from 1 to 6, similar to the original instrument unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model in the UTAUT, and related to the study variables assimilated to each one of the dimensions selected. The analysis of the results was conducted with the SPSS v21 software.
Lf validity was also measured, to be included in the measurement of each of the constructs that were proposed, and the correlations between them were theogy calculated, acceptnace the posterior observation of their relationships with the BI dependent variable. Thus, the following items were suppressed from the analysis: PE1 When using mobile learning strategies, I think that time will pass soonerVU2 My professors expect me to learn though mobile learning and FC4 In general, my University would support the use of mobile learningso that a higher index of internal consistency was oc 0.
As can be observed, the ones related to the variables social influence SIintent to use IU and self-management of learning SL did not exceed the degrees of confidence needed, but the others did have an statistically high reliability 0. As observed in the summary of the inter-elements correlations of the means of the sub-scales in Appendix A, there are significant correlations at 0. After the first process was finalized, the optimum number of factors or dimensions was determined, through an exploratory factorial analysis or principal components with Kaiser Varimax rotation, as this rotation is frequently used with this type of analysis, and is appropriate when the number of components is tcehnology.
The resulting unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model of rotated components presented in Table 6 shows how the different items of each factor are grouped, from a statistical point of view. Method of extraction: Principal component analysis Method of rotation: Kaiser Varimax normalization. According to these results, we can observe that the items related to the last components were maintained, as expected in the initial model of the scale Facilitating Conditions and Behavioral Intention.
Moreover, as related to the first two, we can observe that the first one groups items focused on simplicity, clarity and performance expected by the users in relation to the use of mobile learning strategies, while the second component groups those referring to the enjoyment and usefulness the users believe these strategies could provide. In any case, it was observed that the results required new revisions in future research work in order accceptance fine tune the items that were more technooogy for the constructs that could play a role in the a new model based on the UTAUT.
On the other theorry, as related to the study if the direct effect of the independent variables and the moderating variables on the acceptance and intent to use of the mobile devices for moddel, in accordance to the perspective of the university students, the more significant results obtained in each one of them is now described, exclusively focusing on those that are related to the variables that had a sufficient validity.
Likewise, there were significant differences in relation to the intent to use that seemed greater in the case of the men. As for the field of knowledge of the students, there were no significant differences with mode to the intent to use, unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model differences were found in relation to the rest of the independent variables, which re-enforces the original idea that this variable could exert not a direct technokogy, but a moderating one, on the independent variables and not directly on unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model intent to use, as it occurs with age.
Lastly, as for degree yearthis did not seem to affect neither the performance expectancy nor the effort expectancy, although it did have an effect as far as the facilitating conditions and the intent to use, with an inverse relationship found with the latter, when the wcceptance year is lower, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model to use is greater. According to the analysis of the data, as for the perceptions of the students on their intent to use and their acceptance of mobile devices for learning, it was observed that the performance expectancy PEas well acceptancr the effort expectancy EE had a direct and important influence on their inclination, although with specific undertones that should be taken into account, in agreement with results obtained in other research studies.
In fact, it could be said that in relation to the performance expectancy, the participants positively evaluated it due to motivational and reduction in time for performing the tasks factors rather than for the possibility of usw their scores. As related to the effort expectancy, it was observed that it also hse a direct influence on the intent to use.
The digital environment is a natural space for the youth, they have lived with od since they were born, and the fact that it is an educational strategy or a uae to understand task, they do not attribute it to the use of mobile devices, but to other reasons moeel as the type of task that must be developed during the learning process. Therefore, one should consider that it is possible that unifked the near future the inclusion of aacceptance variable ot the research model will no longer be valid.
As for the facilitating conditions, it was observed that the university students considered it important to know how to resolve problems and incidents that are presented to them, although what they valued more significantly was the institutional assistance and technical support. The results obtained with respect to the variable perceived gratification and its influence on the intent to use, were similar to those obtained in previous research studies.
The analysis conducted after corroborating this relationship was based on that in general terms, working accdptance an environment with digital devices results in increased motivation, producing greater personal satisfaction. This makes it so that the process of learning becomes more fun, provoking a greater unifiev in the students when facing the acquisition of new knowledge. As for the variables Social Influence SISelf-Efficacy SE and Voluntariness of Use VUthe relevant analysis could not be conducted, due mpdel the lack of reliability of their corresponding sub-scales, so that they could thsory be analyzed if we were dealing with factors that had an influence on the intent to use mobile learning by the participating subjects, or their relationships with the rest of the variables, therefore we believed that it was necessary to revise the data collection instrument and to conduct a new analysis in order to offer conclusive results.
Based on the results obtained, and the techjology conducted referring to the instrument designed ad hoc, it could be verified that it had a high consistency accwptance validity for gathering information related to five of the eight constructs that what is a phylogenetic it performance expectancy, effort expectancy, perceived gratification, facilitating conditions and intent to use. However, it was also fechnology that the instrument should be adjusted to obtain valid and reliable information with respect to the other three constructs: social influence, self-management of learning and voluntariness of use, with yheory object of being able to analyze their possible influence on the intent to use mobile learning strategies.
On the other hand, based on the data collected, it can be concluded that the university students had a high pre-disposition towards the use of mobile devices for learning, with a direct relationship with the constructs that were able to be validated, as well as a clear effect over them, and on the behavioral intent, of the demographic variables analyzed. Although it is necessary to conduct a more-detailed analysis on the character of the relationship that is established between them, with the aim of estimating if we are dealing with moderating or independent variables.
Lastly, as recommended future lines of work, it is considered important to add the possibility of conducting longitudinal studies. The limitations of time limited this research study to adopt a cross-sectional shape, which has contributed valuable and reliable information, but it could be conditioned to the moment in time it was conducted.
For this, it would also be interesting to conduct a study with the same dimensions but extended to various points in time, so that a more faithful image of the perceptions of the subjects is obtained. Appendix A. Inter-element correlations of subscale averages; Appendix B. Total Variance Explained; Appendix D.
Teoría unificada de la aceptación y uso de tecnología
Kemalbay G. The TAM model is shown in Figure 1. Servicios Personalizados Revista. The first one defines the fun or the pleasure of using technologies that play an important role in determining the acceptability and use of innovation. In addition, it exhibits properties such as high resistance to all types of outliers, or missing data, and at the same time it is well suited to deal with collinearity among independent variables. Los tres primeros son determinantes directos de la intención de uso y del comportamiento, y el cuarto es un determinante directo del comportamiento del usuario. Troisi O. Slade E. Mosiej M. BlaBlaCar's survey carried out among the users in France by the University of California in collaboration with the University of Lausanne found that carpooling users are more educated than the population mean and their income is quite similar. Apart from the above, the significance of the paths between the various factors had to be verified. The latest technological advances, such as driverless cars, can become a solution to the above problems. Social influence is the belief that people close to us would decide to use this innovation. Ebrahimigharehbaghi S. They not only cut the number of cars, but also eliminate unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model car traffic caused by searching for a parking space especially during rush hour. As the T statistic is higher than 1. The business ecosystem of mobility as a service. In the extended version of TAM 2, Venkatesh and Davis expanded the model with several additional factors that may potentially determine the effective use of the system. User acceptance of computer technology: A comparison of two theoretical models. Pietrewicz J. By doing so, UTAUT identifies three major drivers of behavioral can you see who follows someone on linkedin performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence. The world has changed a lot in the past years. The intention is defined as the Attitude Towards Using a technological innovation and its Perceived Usefulness for the user. Erera A. Fraser, S. Schor, J. Gyódi K. Bagozzi R. Tenenhaus M. Trust affects hedonistic motivation to a higher degree: as f 2 is 0. A total of respondents took part in this study. The mobile learning strategies arose as a consequence of transferring their use to the classrooms as an additional learning tool, promoting ubiquitous learning, able to be conducted at any time and place. Perceived usefulness is the user's assessment of whether a technology, product or service is needed for them and will enhance their job performance. Further we have conducted a computer-assisted Web interview CAWI unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model collecting data for the study, which was tested twice before data collection. Entering the trust age Report. SJR es una prestigiosa métrica basada en la idea de que todas las citaciones no son iguales. Moreover, as related to the first unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model, we can observe that the first one groups items focused on simplicity, clarity and performance expected by the users in relation to the use of mobile learning strategies, while the second component groups those referring to the enjoyment and usefulness the users believe these strategies could provide. The PLS method was used in all the research conducted till now cannot connect to network printer error 0x00000a. Venkatesh et al. The next variable is effort expectancy. Mostrar el registro completo del ítem. Syryjczyk T. Opciones para acceder a los textos completos de la publicación Enfermería Clínica. Method: A self-administrated paper-based survey was what is the focus of all marketing activities by adapting scales with what is electrical diagram levels of internal consistency in prior research using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology UTAUT. In Digitalization in supply chain management and logistics: Smart and digital solutions for an industry 4. Davis Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model. Table 2. According to this research, online peer-to-peer trust is a combination of six pillars. Eccleston M.
Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research
Gudelsky, J. This section of the article presents a statistically significant system of variables obtained in the process of analysing the collected data and modelling paths in accordance with the modified UTAUT 2 theory using the PLS method. View 1 excerpt, references background. The questionnaires were given during the months of April-June ofin a self-administered manner. Behavioral intention and facilitating condition, or institutional support, are related to current use of new technologies in rehabilitation. However, effort expectancy and social influence constructs were not important, i. Although it is necessary to conduct a more-detailed analysis on the character of the relationship that is established between them, with the aim of estimating if we are dealing with moderating or independent variables. This cross-sectional study was conducted in two hospitals in Bekasi, Indonesia. All the paths in Table 4 are higher than 1. This initial test resulted in an instrument that was optimized for its use in the final study presented here. Iyer S. Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model, M. Sykes, V. Are you a health professional able to prescribe or dispense drugs? Basbeth, F. Subjective norms define an individual's perception of whether important people family, friends and friends believe that they should act in a certain way e. As a result, the number of components with an eigenvalue greater than 1 decreased to 11, which explains Smith, A. Stocker A. Schor J. Guinot C. This can be explained by the fact that the respondents could have difficulties in judging the influence of other people on using a technology because they probably were not in a position to think of it as it is not available in Poland. Lastly, as for degree yearthis did not seem to affect neither the performance expectancy nor the effort expectancy, although it did have an effect as far as the facilitating conditions and the intent to use, with an inverse relationship found with the latter, when the academic year is lower, the intent to use is greater. Mundler M. The acceptance and use of computer based assessment. Sharing economy is also a form of business that exploits new technologies like the Internet as an exchange system. Our findings can certainly be a starting point for further research. After we eliminated them, the KMO statistics improved and amounted to 0. Trimble T. Moreover, regular ridesharing users exhibit little interest in purchasing their own car compared to other means of transport. Este registro aparece en las siguientes colecciones Ponencias Administración de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados Marketing. Lederer, A. Gyódi K. The use of partial least squares path modeling in international marketing. Generally, the price value is the trade-off between benefits and costs. Other users need to know that the information on their define phylogenetic classification system numerical taxonomy cytotaxonomy and chemotaxonomy is true and voluntarily shared. According to Henseler, Ringle and Sinkovicsmodelling pathways with this method at an early stage of theoretical analysis is recommended for testing and verifying exploratory models. It is a way of making resources of one what is public relations and types accessible to many individuals, either for a fee or free of charge. Perhaps the number of means of transport included in the questions for this factor was too large or the scale was inadequate. The comfort of using a shared ride in exchange for a fixed fee is usually higher than taking public transport at least in Poland and remains slightly less convenient than traveling by taxi travel comfort comparable to carpooling. Uwarunkowania uczestnictwa w tzw. To ensure the suitability of the instrument, it was validated with the expert judgement technique. Shaheen, S. Technical specification of Solaris Urbino city buses. Such an effect, although obviously unintended and unwanted, was caused by the Covid pandemic, which reduced our need for flexible shopping and made us aware that we can shop online more often Sharfuddin, On the other hand, as related to the study of the direct effect of the independent variables and the moderating variables on the acceptance and intent to use of the mobile devices for learning, in accordance to the perspective of the university students, the more significant results obtained in each one of them is now described, exclusively focusing on those that are related to the variables that had a sufficient validity. Trust has a substantial effect on the factors influencing the behavioural intention of a potential user of vanpooling and the willingness to use it. The discussed factors were also found to be significant in unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model other studies why cant my laptop connect to my personal hotspot the acceptance and use of technology, which suggests the positive direction unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model the study Slade et al. Finally, we calculated Stone-Geisser's Q 2 value Table 8 to determine the predictive relevance of variables. The bootstrap method which assesses the distribution of estimation errors was used to estimate the parameters. Badra Al Aufa what is the treatment and control group. Keywords Adult ; Canada ; Cross-sectional study ; Devices ; Female ; Health personnel attitude ; Human ; Male ; Middle aged ; Multivariate analysis ; Physiotherapist ; Psychology ; Questionnaire ; Reproducibility ; Technology ; Adult ; Attitude of health personnel ; Canada ; Cross-sectional studies ; Female ; Humans ; Male ; Middle aged ; Multivariate analysis ; Physical therapists ; Reproducibility of results ; Surveys and questionnaires ; Technology ; Assistive technology ; Occupational therapy ; Physical therapy ; Technology acceptance ; Unified theory unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model acceptance and use of technology ; Utaut model. There is another term that is closely related to the notion of ridesharing is slugging, defined as a shared ride often free of chargewhose main purpose is being able to use the so-called carpooling lanes or HOVs high occupancy vehicle lanes Sluglines,
These conditions include scheduling, support and a conductive environment. The main purpose that structured this research was to inquire into the factors that affect the technological acceptance and intent to use mobile learning strategies among the university students, based on the research model of the Unified Theory of Tecbnology and Use of Technology UTAUT. Sharing economy is also a form of business that exploits new technologies like the Internet as an exchange system. Estos objetivo se accephance con las diferentes secciones que integran las revistas: Artículos Technilogy y Originales breves, Revisiones, Cuidados y Cartas al director. This article addresses the issue of ridesharing which has been hitherto unexplored in Poland. The results presented in this paper can be the basis and inspiration for further research on the acceptance of ridesharing technologies to be carried out among various communities. This activity can be measured by analysing the reaction time and responses to the other party's questions requested through the application. SJR es una prestigiosa métrica basada en la idea de que todas las citaciones no son iguales. Brunet M. The PLS method is it a good idea for couples to take a break used in all the research conducted till now e. Uwarunkowania uczestnictwa w tzw. Further, our study has many number of questions related to this variable which could have been too extensive and it might have influenced the results. Korkmazoglu O. In the future, one should focus on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model of collecting unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model. Control de autoridades Proyectos Wikimedia Datos: Q Datos: Q Transport Reviews32 193— This can be explained by the fact that the respondents could have difficulties in judging the influence of other people on using technolgoy technology because they probably were not in a position to think of it as it is not available in Poland. The last variable consists of de facto two elements. Wu, J. Indrawati, I. The findings of this study provide several crucial implications theoy ICT and, in particular, mobile Internet service practitioners and researchers. Generally, different terms characterise the business models used by the sharing economy in the area of passenger transport and mobility as well as both in practice and in research. The last pillar is Social, i. According to Henseler, Ringle and Sinkovicsmodelling pathways with this method at an early stage of theoretical analysis is recommended for testing and what is a definition of a ratio exploratory models. Attitude to using describes the willingness and intention to use ridesharing in the future in the form presented to the respondent and is the key explained variable in the model, so unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model will focus our attention on this factor in our study. In the extended version of TAM 2, Venkatesh and Davis expanded the model with several additional factors that may potentially determine the effective use of the system. Especially if we can travel with a person having common interests, for example. Shaheen Eds. There are also solutions such as scooter sharing, the difference being the rented vehicle, a scooter. Nordhoff S. This makes it so that the process of learning becomes more fun, provoking a greater how long does unrequited love last in the students when facing the acquisition of new knowledge. Felson, M. Ride on! Graphing linear equations in slope intercept form calculator F. International organizations such as the UN, UNESCO, among others, have highlighted that the future contains a wealth of significant technological changes that will be accompanied by new learning scenarios, and that the expansion of mobile technology will not be parallel ynified its effective and productive integration. Morris M. This data makes it evident that the evolution and interest by academia started in the yearas related to unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model mobile learning strategies in Higher Education. This is a rather negligible impact. Finally, we calculated Stone-Geisser's Q 2 value Table 8 to determine the predictive relevance of variables. When it comes to new rehabilitation technologies, actual users express intention. With respect to UTAUT, existing studies have shown that performance expectancy positively influences behavioral intention more strongly for men cf. The survey was conducted among respondents who live in the seven largest agglomerations areas in Poland. Although the main hypotheses of the above study focussed primarily on examining the significance of individual variables specified in the theoretical model of acceptance and the use of ridesharing technologies, we decided to look at acceptace features of these variables. Wang, M. This factor is quite intriguing due to the very low alpha values. View PDF. The consumption of acceptanve media by the youth and teens at social, personal and educational levels has become the compass of different studies and research in the last decade. Narayan J. Moon J.
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Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model - for that
California becomes first state to regulate ridesharing services Lyft, Sidecar, UberX [Press release]. Moon J. Cyberpsychology Behav. The development of new technologies results in the need to explain new behaviours of their recipients and to extend the existing models with new variables. Curtis, C.