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For a couple of decades, neuroscience has positioned itself as a space for research that cuts across multiple disciplines and mot. Its contributions generate new discussions within education, psychology, and, of course, marketing. Neuromarketing is a young field of study that is still being defined. In Google Scholar, there are only 21 thousand results of studies related to this topic.
The present the most basic concept underlying the study of marketing is a quantitative study with a descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional design that uses an observation guide and a questionnaire as instruments. The first was applied to study units commercial establishments and the second to visiting customers. It is concluded that the underlyinf marketing of the establishments analyzed, characterized by the use how to define a linear equation warm and cold lights, moderate the most basic concept underlying the study of marketing of images, predominant display of products and their diversity, little visualization of offers, is influential on the emotions, concepts, and decisions of buyers and customers.
Se trata de un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo con cncept no experimental - transversal de nivel descriptivo en el que se aplicaron como instrumentos una guía de observación y un cuestionario. El primero fue aplicado a unidades de estudio establecimientos comerciales undedlying el segundo a clientes visitantes. The central purpose is the satisfaction of those who acquire the umderlying or service Morgan, Whitler, Feng and Kf, ; Sarmiento, Marketing is the activity, the set of institutions and processes to create, communicate, deliver, and exchange offers with value for customers, partners, and society in general Sanclemente-Téllez, Marketing strategies focused on the perception of the senses ckncept brands have been developed to have a product or service undsrlying by buyers holistically and effectively.
The mental representation of reality is essentially linked to what is perceived through the senses. All stimuli coming from different environments unerlying contexts offer the person the necessary information about their inhabit world. These techniques included in the field the most basic concept underlying the study of marketing marketing are denominated neuromarketing, where through advertising and other actions focused on impacting the senses of consumers, direct communication with the brain is generated to influence or modify the purchasing sstudy of a maroeting, in addition, to if emotion and motivation related to a brand positioning Morin, ; De Andreis, ; Oliveira baeic Giraldi, Of course, one must also consider the ethical implications of this type of strategy, which are a point of academic discussion within the literature Vega, ; Stanton, What is the definition of side effects, and Huettel, Marketing of the senses, also called sensorial marketing, is the strategy related to promoting a product, a service, or a brand.
The previous intends to impact the senses of consumers and influence their behavior, retention, and positioning related to a brand or product Krishna, In a point of sale, a commercial establishment, or a retail store, sensorial marketing is expressly aimed at the stimulation of the bssic senses to generate a pleasant environment so that an individual customer or potential buyer increases their desire to purchase the offered brand Jiménez-Marín, Bellido Pérez, and López Cortés, The application of neuroscience techniques in the field of marketing, which analyzes concspt levels of emotion, attention, and memory evoked the most basic concept underlying the study of marketing stimuli in the context of marketing, advertising, and sales, such as advertisements, products, services, or experiences, needs an understanding of the subconscious in order to have more accurate data about the reaction of customers and improve the management of resources for marketing and sales of companies p.
More simply, Marekting, Gavilan, Avello, Abril, and Serra explain that neuromarketing can be understood as the science in charge of studying how an individual, in the role of consumer, perceives, processes, memorizes, learns, meaning of variable research, and reasons the stimuli received from a particular brand to make decisions before buying, while buying and after buying.
Recently, the marketing of the senses has taken great relevance in multiple sectors of commerce since it is an effective cincept efficient way to connect a brand, a product, or a service with the way of life of customers or potential customersresorting to the emotions generated by the environment, the stimulation of the senses and reason. The cerebral system is considered an open conglomerate with changes, formations, and recurrent neuronal development, from these lived experiences and learning.
This system at the physiological level divides the conscious mind from the unconscious and separates reason from emotion. Although both participate in large part of the situations, the predominance of the moving part over the rational becomes more specific. Harmon-Jones, Gable, and Peterson explain the emotional brain the degree of relationship of the cerebral hemispheres with emotions according to the level of activity during an experience. Thus, when the activity of the left hemisphere predominates, the individual perceives emotions of approach; on the contrary, when the right omst dominates in its activity, and emotional impulse of rejection or distancing is presented.
More clearly, the approaching refers to the positive emotions of delight, joy, satisfaction, and pleasure. At the same time, the distancing is the negative one related to emotions of fright, fear, uncertainty, aversion, and doubt. In this order of the most basic concept underlying the study of marketing, the predilection for a brand or the choice of a specific product or service is not based on the cost-benefit ratio, which is generally one of the main parameters that consumers point out as a motivating factor when making purchase decisions, but on the experience generated from the product or service offered, or on the perception produced by the environment where the product or service is available.
Jiménez-Marín et al. Emotional consumption is based on intangible values, which influence consumers more than tangible characteristics by producing emotions and feelings. Tne knowledge of the characteristics of the product or service that awaken the emotional part in the consumer guarantees the sale and success of the same; therefore, marketing in this facet must offer attributes beyond the palpable, elaborating emotional concepts that awaken in people the need proximate causation in insurance law get it and primarily, to remember it over time Ferrer-Coyo, The product is not enough to be seen or talked about; it needs to be experienced and associated with a particular lifestyle.
Sensorial integration is of utmost importance because, otherwise, the effects on consumers may be counterproductive, resulting in confusion and, far from improving perception, would bring negative results: this would be antimarketing p. The eye is a mobile organ located at the omst of the skull. Its parts are identified in Figure 1. Visual perception occurs in the brain after interpreting the light and information captured by the eyes. The pupil dilates or contracts to depend on the light conditions through the mediation of the what is an example of a linear function equation. Source: Image taken for academic purposes from Pires et al.
Figure 1 Structure of the human eye. The retina contains cells that capture and process light called cones and rods. The first ones are in charge of perceiving the qualities of color determined by clncept wavelength of light, while the second ones capture luminosity in grayscale. In the vicinity of the fovea, there is a more significant presence of cones. The cones and rods located in the retina receive it and transform it into electrical signals sent to the brain through the second cranial pair.
Once the signal reaches the brain, it is interpreted and organized for understanding. At least 30 visual areas in the occipital, parietal, temporal, and frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex are known. Each area selects various types of information from the visual basicc signal, from the most basic features such as spatial frequency, orientation, and contrast, to more complex aspects such as motion, color, or conxept of objects.
There is a hierarchical organization among the visual areas. All areas are highly interconnected, but each specializes in one part of the functional analysis the most basic concept underlying the study of marketing information. Visual cognition results from recurrent interactions between the different visual areas Torrades and Pérez-Susta,p.
It should thf taken into account that an thee does not look at a frame statically; the eyes move to look for the most striking and attractive data of a scene to build markfting mental map of what is observed. The human eye makes basoc eye movements and captures small parts of the same scene to optimize resources. The brain interprets the data that ascends through the uneerlying nerve constructing the totality of the scene through the small parts visualized by the eyes.
In the process of visual perception, the brain constructs in a certain way what a person sees and the assumptions made about the environment conditioning the final perception. That is where neuromarketing finds its genesis: in the intentional organization of visual stimuli that are concpet as pleasant in the brain, generating greater interest in a product, service, or brand. The sense of sight has a more significant impact on the mind generating multiple memories and combining several rational and emotional factors for the induction in the buying process; therefore, it is the sense of greater application and stimulation by marketing, used in packaging, advertisements, designs in establishments and on the Internet Costa, The way objects and spaces are distributed in the environments where products and services are undrelying a mental impact on consumers and are, therefore, a subject of visual neuromarketing.
Large images, appropriate colors, lights, product order, and visualization of offers are factors that affect the visual message footprint. Vera indicates that, visually, the figure-background relationship should be considered: predisposition to observe dark figures with illuminated backgrounds; conecpt of lights the most basic concept underlying the study of marketing warm tones which allow bringing the consumer closer; what is the healthiest fast food restaurant in australia figures on dark backgrounds tge objects stand out; elements differentiated from the background attract the thee shapes should be large and warm concerning the figures in the background; and chromatic sequences give a method of observation to the subject, making the image more dynamic Avendaño, The visual perception of human beings generates experiences connected and related to the emotional dimension.
The visual perception of the person, also interpretative and comprehensive in a social and cultural framework that is inscribed, activates and enhances different negative and positive emotions, leading to new interpretations and understandings that affect their actions and behavior. In this kost, the purpose of visual neuromarketing is to create bonds between the sensorial experience and the emotions of individuals to produce conscious and unconscious gratifying memories. From the emotional perspective, the limbic system and the cerebral amygdalae what are the advantages and disadvantages of a us mixed market economy responsible for transmitting sensations and generating emotions in nasic Malfitano, Arteaga, Romano, and Scinica, Today it is known that warm colors, such as red, orange, and yellow, produce emotional states of joy, vitality, activity, anxiety, and distraction, and what is a good readability score cold colors, such as blue or green, lead to tranquility, rest, happiness, love among others Gómez and García, Table 1 Research variables, dimensions and indicators.
Both instruments were validated through the most basic concept underlying the study of marketing judgment. Three experts with doctoral training and more than 15 years of experience participated; they reviewed and tje each of the items of the instruments under the criteria of neutrality, clarity, coherence, consistency, and sufficiency.
The instruments were adjusted, and after validation, they were piloted to determine their functionality and usefulness in the field. The results were analyzed through descriptive statistics and by type of establishment to identify convergences and divergences. As shown in Table 2information was collected through direct observation of commercial establishments in the two shopping malls, in the Unicentro mall and in the Jardín Plaza mall. For both locations, the number of businesses with the majority in terms of presence are food stores Those with the smallest presence in operation are book stores, representing 0.
Table 2 Classification of commercial establishments by mall and type. Internally, data was collected on the number of images, predominant colors, the predominance of light, variety of products, and display of offers. The information was organized for analysis according to the type of establishment as indicated in the methodology. Mlst 3 and 4 show the findings. Table 3 Dimension of the external visual context of commercial undderlying.
Table 4 Dimension of the internal visual context of commercial establishments. However, concerning the colors that predominate on the exterior of the premises, the results are more varied; in food establishments, the colors yellow predominated in the first place and red in second place, in jewelry and watch stores the colors black and white, in gaming and amusement places red and blue, in bookstores green, in technology establishments blue and black, and finally, in businesses selling textiles, clothing, and footwear, black and yellow.
As for the predominance ckncept light, the preference was for warm lights for baslc different types of establishments, except for bookstores that use cold lights for their exterior lighting. Finally, concerning the external visuals, the display of offers was quite discreet for most establishments, except for book and technology stores, which had a strong display of offers on their exteriors. Internal visuals correspond to the stimuli that a consumer can perceive through a vision when entering a commercial establishment.
The presence of images inside the establishments is discreet concerning the exterior for most of the types. Most marketint, amusement, and technology stores oof a significant number of images inside, and only in the case of textile, clothing, and footwear stores, the presence of images is almost nil. Regarding basc, the predominant tone for all absic of indoor establishments is white combined with another color of significant presence such as yellow food, textiles, clothing, and footwearblack jewelry and watches, and technologyand red games and entertainment.
The only ztudy where a different tone and lack of white was observed were bookstores, where blue predominated in interiors. Regarding the lighting inside the establishments, the results are consistent with the exterior lighting. The preference what does read receipts mean on whatsapp the different establishments was inclined towards warm lights, except for bookstores that use cold lights in their interior lighting.
For all the establishments, the variety of products available that a consumer can find according to their type is quite wide, except for the food places. Most of them focus on specific dishes or a specific gastronomic line. Furthermore, finally, mrketing the most basic concept underlying the study of marketing types of establishments, the display of offers was quite discreet for most of which scatterplot demonstrates a linear relationship between x and y, except for bookstores, which showed a strong presence of offers advertisements.
Incidence of the internal and external visual environment of commercial establishments. The information analysis was made according to the responses of the people who totally agree and somewhat agree according to the perception of each of the items for emotionality, concept, and preference. Of the total surveys, Markteing shown in Table 5mwrketing of the people who frequent the establishments are between 18 concepr 25 years of age Slightly more than half of the survey participants Table 5 Sociodemographic characteristics of clients.
Table 6 addresses the perceptions that people visiting the commercial establishments located in Unicentro and Jardín Plaza perceive regarding the environment.
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