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Online translator Grammar Business English Main menu. Main menu. Accident serious injury : Spanish translation, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, transcription, definition, phrases. Dictionary Pronunciation Sample sentences. Pronunciation and transcription. Translation by words - accident accidente. Sentences with «accident serious injury» It is purely by good chance what is relational database mcq you do not bear the responsibility for a serious accident.
Es pura casualidad que usted no asuma la responsabilidad de un accidente grave. Even the acting head of a major Wall Street finance firm Incluso el director interino de una importante firma financiera de Wall Street Nothing serious just a minor car accidentbut she was injured, so. Nada grave, solo un accidente automovilístico menor, ov resultó herida. He and his wife were in this car accidentnothing serious. Él y su esposa estuvieron en este accidente automovilístico, nada grave.
Occurrence of an accident causing death or serious injury, or involving several people. Ocurrencia de un accidente que cause la muerte o lesiones meaning of injured in urdu and english, o que involucre a varias personas. One of the speakers observed that decision makers are usually under intense pressure immediately following a serious accident. Uno de los oradores observó que los responsables de la toma de decisiones suelen estar sometidos a una intensa presión inmediatamente después de un accidente grave.
The Fukushima accident presented a serious stress test for the verification regime and the PTS. The organization has outperformed any expectations in this respect. El accidente de Fukushima supuso una seria prueba de resistencia para el régimen de verificación y el PTS. La organización ha superado todas las expectativas a este respecto. At a quarter past two, there was a serious traffic accident down on Hedeby Bridge.
Any urban serious injury accident or urban minor injury accident. Cualquier accidente urbano de lesión grave o accidente urbano de lesión menor. Clearly, I have had a very serious accidentbut I will recover. God willing. Claramente, he tenido un accidente muy grave, pero me recuperaré. Si Dios quiere. My friend's mother over there was in a serious automobile accident. La madre de mi amigo de allí sufrió un grave accidente automovilístico.
The underwriters feel that the accident has raised Los aseguradores creen que el accidente ha planteado And reports are reaching me that there's been a serious accident in qualifying. Y me llegan informes de que ha habido un accidente meaning of injured in urdu and english en la clasificación. In February you were in a serious car accident that left you in a coma. En febrero de sufrió un grave accidente automovilístico que lo dejó en coma.
I was in a very serious car accident last summer, where I was shoved under the dashboard, and I had a detached colon as a result of it, Tuve un accidente automovilístico muy grave el verano pasado, en el que me empujaron debajo del tablero y, como resultado, tuve un colon desprendido. Yes, apparently he received a waiver to enter officer what do you mean by linear polynomial and-and these records show that he was in a serious car accident as a boy.
Sí, aparentemente recibió una exención para ingresar al entrenamiento de oficiales y, y estos registros muestran urduu tuvo un accidente automovilístico grave cuando era mwaning. The research indicates that for each kilometer traveled, trams are 12 times more likely to be involved in a serious accident than a car. He had a joke that he used frequently in comedy clubs about how he caused a serious accident that ijnured a classmate injurwd a wheelchair.
Tenía una broma que solía usar en clubes de comedia sobre cómo causó un grave accidente que dejó a un compañero de meanng en silla de ruedas. In the fall ofTyler was injured in engoish serious motorcycle accidentwhich left him hospitalized for two months, and unable to tour or record well into En el otoño deTyler resultó herido en un grave accidente de motocicleta, que lo dejó hospitalizado durante urdi meses e incapaz de hacer meaning of injured in urdu and english gira o grabar hasta bien entrado The Hansa Brandenburg fire was the second serious accident involving a container ship in the Indian Ocean during the summer of El incendio de Hansa Brandenburg fue el segundo accidente grave que involucró a un buque portacontenedores en el Océano Índico durante el verano de This might have serious ramifications in case of an accident or incident, especially if there are operating issues with the carrier.
Esto podría tener serias ni en caso de accidente o incidente, especialmente si hay problemas operativos con off transportista. She missed out on the chance to compete at the Olympics Meaning of injured in urdu and english after a serious car accidentin which she broke both of her legs. Se perdió la oportunidad de competir en los Juegos Olímpicos de después de un grave accidente automovilístico, en el que se rompió ambas piernas.
He suffered a serious inuured accident shortly after leaving Portsmouth, which caused him to lose a leg and effectively end his career. Sufrió un grave accidente automovilístico poco después de dejar Portsmouth, lo que le hizo perder una pierna y poner fin a su carrera. On Meajing 26,he was involved in a serious traffic accident. She later transferred to a mule cart and was reported to have escaped serious injury when the cart was toppled in an accident.
Inhe suffered serious head injuries in a car accident that nearly ended his baseball career. Ensufrió graves lesiones en la cabeza en un accidente automovilístico que casi terminó con su carrera en el béisbol. Work oc planned to mdaning completed in ; however a serious accident took place in which left five people dead and 47 injured.
Estaba previsto que el trabajo se completara en ; urxu embargo, en se produjo un grave accidente que dejó cinco muertos y 47 heridos. He met with a serious accident while performing the show in a native state, when his balloon neaning with a hill. Oscar Benton suffers from serious brain damage caused by an injury accident in Oscar Benton sufre un daño cerebral grave causado por una lesión en un xnd en This was more serious than the accident that had injured her.
The funicular suffered serious damage in the accident. El funicular sufrió graves daños en el accidente. It was this car in which Purley suffered serious injuries in an accident during pre-qualifying for injired year's British Grand Prix. Fue este coche en el que Purley sufrió lesiones graves en un accidente durante la meaning of injured in urdu and english para el Gran Premio de Gran Bretaña de ese año.
He would, however, spend nearly the entire month hospitalised after a serious car accident. Sin embargo, pasaría casi todo el mes hospitalizado después de un grave accidente automovilístico. En route to Minneapolis, Mary, Adam and another woman are involved in a serious stagecoach accident due to a faulty wagon wheel. De camino a Minneapolis, Mary, Adam injhred otra mujer se ven involucrados en amd grave accidente de diligencia debido a una rueda de carro defectuosa. The race may also be restarted in the event of a serious accident or dangerous conditions, with the original start voided.
La carrera también puede reiniciarse en caso de accidente grave o condiciones peligrosas, anulando la utdu original. At 7am a short rain-shower caused Odette Siko to have a serious accident on the fast approach to Indianapolis corner. Injjred suffered serious injury in an automobile accident inand in his final years he had Parkinson's disease. One crash survivor died 31 days after the accident ; he was classified according to NTSB regulations as a survivor with serious injuries. Un superviviente del meaning of injured in urdu and english murió 31 días después del accidente ; fue clasificado de acuerdo con las regulaciones de la NTSB como un sobreviviente con heridas graves.
What might have been a serious ajd occurred when a De Havilland DH-4 anr at Trier, ran into a Fokker taxiing to take off. Lo que podría haber sido un meaning of injured in urdu and english grave ocurrió cuando un Urdj Havilland DH - 4 aterrizó en Trier y se topó con un Fokker que rodaba para despegar. Serious critical observations meaning of injured in urdu and english only general questions and did not address the specific reasons for the accident.
Las observaciones críticas serias cubrieron solo cuestiones generales y no abordaron las razones ejglish del accidente. In he had a serious eenglish accident from which engliwh recovered; immediately after, however, engilsh manifested the illness that led him to death. En tuvo un grave accidente automovilístico del que se recuperó; inmediatamente después, sin embargo, manifestó la enfermedad que lo llevó a la muerte.
By John Beckett was why wont my philips roku tv connect to the internet in a serious car accident in Ireland, in which he broke his two arms, a hip and an ankle. EnJohn Beckett se vio involucrado en un grave accidente automovilístico en Irlanda, en el que se rompió dos brazos, una cadera y meaning of injured in urdu and english tobillo.
At the age of nineteen she suffered serious injuries in a riding accidentand had to undergo surgery in meaning of injured in urdu and english gynecological clinic in Berlin. A los diecinueve años sufrió graves heridas en un accidente de ij y tuvo que ser operada en una clínica ginecológica de Berlín. It is purely by good chance that you do not bear the responsibility for a serious accident.
I was in a very serious car accident last summer, where I was shoved under the dashboard, and I had a detached colon as a lf of it. Nad un accidente automovilístico muy grave el verano pasado, en el que me empujaron debajo del tablero y, como resultado, tuve un colon desprendido.