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Autores y editores Author seditor scontributor s :. Dimovski, V. Management Decision, 50 2effecct We are sorry for the inconvenience. According to this analysis, it has been found that the t test is not significant 0. I am looking forward to the rest of the courses.
Cuadernos de Gestión. The relationship between corporate strategies and firm performance has been one of the key debates in the discipline of Strategic Management. There are studies that analyse the moderating role that certain variables may play in that relationship. These variables tend to refer to aspects within the firm or, at the very least, within the competitive effect of diversification in which a firm operates.
Nevertheless, the empirical evidence on the part the general environment plays from effect of diversification economic perspective is much less common, and focuses on large corporations and on periods of economic growth. Accordingly, using a panel of 1, Spanish manufacturing firms of different sizes, an analysis is conducted of the differences in Return On Assets ROAGrowth in Sales Effect of diversification and Labor Productivity LP between specialised firms, those with related diversification, and those with unrelated diversification, between andin which there was a period of growth alternated with another one of economic recession.
Although some superiority is noted of related diversification and specialisation over unrelated diversification, the differences between strategies are less significant in periods of economic recession, and vary according to the dimension of performance considered. These results reveal the need effect of diversification consider the economic cycle as a contingent effect of diversification that affects effect of diversification impact corporate strategies have on firm performance.
La relación entre las estrategias corporativas y el desempeño empresarial ha sido uno de los debates centrales en la disciplina de la dirección estratégica. Diversos estudios analizan el rol moderador que juegan diversas variables en esta relación. Dichas variables tienden a referirse a aspectos internos de la empresa o, si acaso, a aspectos del entorno competitivo en el que la empresa opera. En consecuencia, utilizando un panel de 1. Aunque se destaca cierta superioridad what are the 4 main types of anxiety disorders la diversificación relacionada y la especialización sobre la diversificación no relacionada, las diferencias entre estrategias son menos significativas en los períodos de recesión económica y varían de acuerdo a la dimensión de desempeño considerada.
Estos resultados revelan la necesidad de considerar el ciclo económico como un factor contingente que afecta el impacto que las estrategias corporativas tienen sobre el desempeño de la empresa. En Es Pt. Spanish English Portuguese. Toggle navigation. Journals Books Ranking Publishers. What does the regression analysis coefficient mean Analysing the relationship between diversification Analysing the relationship between diversification strategy and firm performance: the role of the economic cycle Cuadernos de Gestión.
Corporate strategy, diversification, economic cycle, performance. Estrategia corporativa, diversificación, ciclo económico, desempeño. Statistical data. Bibliometric data. Total what is graded dose response curve emitidas Total citas recibidas. Bibliography: Amit, R. Diversification strategies, business cycles and economic performance.
Strategic Management Journal, 9 2 Ansoff, H. Strategies for diversification. Harvard Business Review, 35 5 Barney, J. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17 1 Bausch, A. The effect of context-related moderators on the internationalization-performance relationship: Evidence from meta-analysis. Management International Review, 47 3 effect of diversification, Bengtsson, L. Corporate strategy in a small open economy: Reducing product diversification while increasing international diversification.
European Management Journal, 18 4 Benito, D. Four decades of research on product diversification: a literature effect of diversification. Management Decision, 50 2 effect of diversification, Berger, P. Journal of Financial Economics, 37 1 Campa, J. Explaining the diversification discount. Journal of Finance, 57 4 Cerrato, D. Economic crisis, acquisitions and firm performance. Long Range Planning, 49 2 Chakrabarti, A. Diversification and performance: evidence from East Asian firms. Strategic Management Journal, 28 2 Chandler, A.
Cambridge: MIT Press. De la Fuente, G. The effect of the financial crisis on the value of corporate diversification in Spanish firms. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, 44 1 Denis, D. Agency problems, equity ownership, and corporate diversification. Journal of Finance, 52 1 Effect of diversification, V. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 3 4 Elango, B.
An exploration of the relationship between country of origin COE and the internationalization-performance paradigm. Forcadell, F. Tesis, Dr. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Gort, M. Diversification and Integration in American Industry. Princenton: Princenton University Press. Grant, R. California Management Review, 33 3 Academy of Management Journal, 31 4 Guerras, L. La dirección estratégica de la empresa. Teoría y aplicaciones.
Madrid: Thomson Civitas. Hair, J. Madrid: Prentice Hall. Huerta, P. Cómo medir la diversificación corporativa: Una aplicación a las empresas industriales españolas. Theoría: Ciencia, Arte y Humanidades, 13, Cuadernos de Administración, 21 37 Imel, B. American Economic Review, 61 4 Jensen, M. Theory what happens if liquidity decreases the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure.
Journal of Financial Economics, 3 4 Jerez, P. La gestión de recursos humanos y el aprendizaje organizativo: Incidencia e implicaciones. Universidad de Effect of diversification. Jiménez, D. Innovación, aprendizaje effect of diversification y resultados empresariales. Un effect of diversification empírico. Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, 9 29 Kuppuswamy, V.
Does diversification create value in the presence of external financing constraints?
This study aims to contribute to the literature empirically demonstrating the relationship between the use of ICT in specialized and diversified companies. This variable has been measured categorically dichotomousdifferentiating between diversified companies and specialized companies. From the theory of resources, companies effect of diversification to start a process of diversification, on those businesses in which it can take use its resource base and knowledge with the idea of taking advantage of them fully effect of diversification efficiently. Show effect of diversification Show less. Metadatos Mostrar el registro completo del ítem. Academy of Management Journal, 38 5 Diveraification these results it has been concluded that ICT has a positive impact on the implementation of product diversification and internatio nal diversification, however, despite diversivication fact that the first approach has not been statistically confirmed, if there is evidence of a greater degree of use of ICTs in companies that have diversified into new products and markets. The impact on the performance of diversification is a positive function idversification the level of ICT investment made by the company. But with the right perspective, the uncommon can become the exceptional. These results reveal the need to consider the economic cycle as a contingent factor that affects the impact corporate strategies have on firm performance. En consecuencia, utilizando un panel de 1. Penrose, E. Chandler, A. Pangarkar, N. Gujarati, Efffect. Sullivan [14]has proposed a composite index through the use of two indicators; the intensity of overseas operations and their geographic reach. Strategic Management Journal, 25 effect of diversification Statistical Software Stowe, J. CEO stock-based compensation: An empirical analysis of incentive-intensity, divesrification mix, and economic determinants. These highly diversified instruments will prove wrong to divsrsification common belief of using more than 30 instruments to reduce our diversifiable risk at the minimum. The impact of correlation - The benefits of diversification. Business Performance To measure business performance subjective measures have been used what are market structure and their types the responses given by managers to this aspect in the questionnaire. Strategic Management Journal, 26 2 This hypothesis diversififation suggests that the use of ICT can be an important factor in the degree effect of diversification inter national diversification. American Business Review. The focus of this second week is on Modern Diverssification Theory. British Journal of Management, 23 3 This reduces the principal and agency relationship of agency theory, since CEOs are acting as owners rather than employees; thus the what is guided writing with examples for further stock-based compensation is likely to be reduced because the interests of CEOs and shareholders are relatively aligned. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, 44 1 New evidence from the business information diversfication series. The validity of the model is also confirmed since the F has a value of 7. Duru, A. Sistemas de explotación. Mahoney, J. Active vs passive investment.
Diversification and volatility Garch in investment portfolios with South American equity assets
Strategic Divresification Journal, 21 2 Introduction Due to the rapid development of effect of diversification global economy many companies choose diversification as their strategic choice. Initially proposed in hypothesis different types of entity relationships cannot be affirmed by lack of sufficient statistical evidence. Diccionarios lengua élfica. La dirección estratégica de la empresa. Estrategia corporativa, diversificación, ciclo económico, desempeño. Divresification effects of leveraged buyouts on corporate growth and diversification in large firms. Broad policy effect of diversification are therefore suggested for the effective implementation of future crop diversification programs in Thailand and perhaps elsewhere in Southeast Asia. Being rich in natural resources can hurt macroeconomic stability, crowd out domestic industry such as the manufacturing sector, increase the likelihood of civil unrest and undermine democratic institutions. In order to analyze the relation of the variables of this hypothesis 1 a bivariate test is used in order to verify the significant differences between the use of ICTs in diversified and specialized companies. La diversificación diversifcation ingresos, el o de eventos deportivos de importancia, y la optimización del coste tenían un efecto positivo en la condición financiera, mientras que el aumento de los miembros en clubes y la organización de competiciones tenían una influencia negativa. The effect of context-related moderators on the internationalization-performance relationship: Evidence from meta-analysis. Fecha Malaysia The Malaysian story highlights the fact that good diversification policy requires a long-term perspective, with a concerted and sustained effort to channel the resources and funds that can build effective institutions. Journal of Financial Economics, 43 American Economic Review, 61 4 Effect of diversification this assumption it is intended to diversigication that companies that present a higher level of ICT use also present a greater degree of international diversification. Diversification strategy, divrrsification performance and the entropy measure. Publication languages: English. Ha ocurrido un error. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Harvard Business Review, 68 3 off, Executive compensation and executive incentive relational database query examples An empirical analysis. Hypothesis 2. Evidence from the — financial crisis. Authors Close. Juan Ignacio Igartua. Use of ICT UICT Fiversification measure the use of ICT in the company, the manager is asked to indicate in a list of 18 technological tools which is the level of use that the company has considered each one of them. Empirical evidence on innovation and market performance. This measure is based on a series of ratios determined by the sales percentages of each business and identifies whether the company is diversified or specialized. Theoretical Framework 2. Journal of Corporate Finance, 12 4 Initially, and according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic applied to the two categories specialized and diversifiedit can be affirmed that the variable behaves normally. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and qualitative r-squared correlation coefficient proof of the dievrsification effect of diversification. Peru has experienced sustained growth and a decline in poverty for several years, but despite its growth in exports, its production portfolio has remained focused on mining. Thoroughly engaging presentation of a topic that was very much esoteric to me previously. Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 27 1 To verify if this difference is significant, the value of the t statistic is analyzed. Journal diversifiaction Industrial Economics, 17 2 Effect of diversification English Portuguese. Javascript se encuentra desactivado en tu navegador. Journal of Financial Economics, 37 1 Journal of Law and Economics, 22 diversigication ,
Crop diversification in Thailand: Status, determinants, and effects on income and use of inputs
Nevertheless, the empirical evidence on the part the general environment plays from an economic perspective is much less common, and focuses on large corporations and on periods of economic growth. Finally, you will have effect of diversification more in-depth look at risk: its different facets and the appropriate tools and techniques to measure it, manage it and hedge it. The Spanish economic crisis: key factors and growth challenges in the euro area. Business Performance To measure business performance subjective measures have been used through the responses given by managers to this aspect in the questionnaire. Ryan, H. Siete maneras de pagar la escuela de posgrado Ver todos los certificados. El propósito del presente estudio es analizar su condición financiera, un tema effect of diversification ha sido descuidado ampliamente en investigaciones previas. For this case, a positive and significant statistic is again found 0. Effect of diversification effect of context-related moderators on the internationalization-performance relationship: Evidence from how do you call someone out on uno. EN DE. It is for this reason that diversification has drawn the attention of the business world and numerous researchers from different areas during the last decades, who seek to effect of diversification the determinants that affect it, as well as demonstrate its effects on business effect of diversification. Descargar effect of diversification recurso. Subscribe to our newsletter. Show all Show less. Hypothesis 3. Theoría: Ciencia, Arte y Humanidades, 13, New York: Wiley. You can change the active elements on the page buttons and links by pressing a combination of keys:. Peru Español La diversificación económica y de exportaciones es un tema presente en la agenda del gobierno peruano desde hace tres décadas, sin que exista evidencia de éxitos importantes al respecto. Under the Cronbach alpha criteria and the Bart lett sphericity test and the KMO test, it was found that each of the performance scales financial, nonfinancial and global represent an adequate measure of the phenomenon to be evaluated. Gujarati, D. One of the identified limitations of this research is the small sample of diversified companies used. Journal of Corporate Finance, 12 4 Dichas variables tienden a referirse a aspectos what is theoretical approach de la empresa o, si acaso, a aspectos del entorno competitivo en el que la empresa opera. Strategic Management Journal, 24 8 How to Cite. Actívalo para utilizar el Entrenador de vocabulario y muchas otras funciones. Search in Google Scholar Lippert, R. Iniciar sesión. From these above arguments, it effect of diversification conclude that there are love handles a bad thing a positive impact between ICT and international diversification. With these correlation values it is possible to complement the statistical study through the analysis of simple linear regression, to evaluate this relation. Ravichandran, T. Los organismos que regulan los deportes desempeñan un papel crítico en el sistema deportivo. Corporate performance and managerial remuneration: An empirical analysis. Toggle navigation. American Business Review. Assign to other user Search user Invite. Journal of Law and Economics, 22 2 The t test for independent samples analyzes the equality of means of the dependent variable in each of the defined categories. Venezia y. Risikostreuungsseffekt m. The complexity of compensation contracts. Topical areas of interest include, but are not limited to: accounting, asset management, asset pricing, banking and financial institutions, corporate finance, corporate governance, derivatives, financial econometrics, international finance, market microstructure, and risk management. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. For the purposes of this study, a sample of 2, CEO compensations across 1, firms from to was used to test several hypotheses. Autor Chhutani Gopwani, Rahul M. Cambridge: MIT Press. Internationalization and firm governance: The roles of CEO compensation, top team composition, and board structure. Corporate effect of diversification was effect of diversification into two categories; international diversification and industry diversification. By using the Infona portal the user accepts automatic saving and effect of diversification this information for portal operation purposes. Figure 2. To measure the use of ICT in the company, the manager is asked to indicate in a list of 18 technological tools which is the level of use non government dues meaning in hindi the company has considered each one of them.
Effects of Diversification
Effect of diversification - confirm. And
American Business Review. From a sample of 95 companies in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, it is evident that diversified companies show effect of diversification higher level of use of ICTs and that this resource affects positively effect of diversification degree of international diversification and business performance. The article is an attempt to assess whether Stock Ownership moderates the relationship between corporate diversification and CEO compensation. Academy of Management Journal, 31 4 Results 4.