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The ability to utilize decaying cactus tissues oosition breeding and feeding sites is a key aspect that allowed the successful diversification of the repleta group in American deserts and arid lands. Within this group, the Drosophila buzzatii cluster is a South American clade of seven closely related species in different stages of definition of phylogenetic position, making them a ddfinition model system for evolutionary research.
Substantial effort has been devoted to elucidating the phylogenetic relationships among members of the D. Even though mitochondrial DNA regions have become useful markers in evolutionary biology and population genetics, none of the more than twenty Drosophila mitogenomes assembled so far includes this cluster. Here, we report the assembly of six complete mitogenomes of five species: D. Our recovered topology using complete mitogenomes supports the hypothesis of monophyly of the D.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licensewhich permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The funders had no role in study design, data collection definition of phylogenetic position analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. The exponential development of next-generation sequencing NGS technologies, together with efficient bioinformatic tools for the analysis of genomic information, has allowed efficient assembly of mitochondrial genomes, giving rise to the emergence of the mitogenomics era [ 3 ].
Mitogenomics has been very useful in illuminating phylogenetic relationships at various definition of phylogenetic position of the Tree of Life, e. Also, mitogenomic approaches have been used to investigate evolutionary relationships in groups of closely related species e. In animals, the mitochondrial genome has been a popular choice in phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies because of its mode of inheritance, rapid evolution and the fact that it does not recombine [ 10 ].
What is statistical data analysis in research physical linkage implies that all regions of mitogenomes are expected to definition of phylogenetic position the same phylogeny. However, the use of different mitogenome regions or even the complete mitogenome may lead to incongruent results [ 11 ], suggesting that mitogenomics sometimes may not reflect the true species history but rather the mitochondrial history [ definition of phylogenetic position — 16 ].
Moreover, there is evidence suggesting that mtDNA genes are not strictly neutral markers, casting doubts on its use to infer the past history of taxa [ 17 ]. Inconsistencies across markers may result from inaccurate reconstructions or from actual differences between genes and species trees. In fact, most methods do not definiiton into consideration that different genomic regions may have different evolutionary histories, mainly due to the occurrence of incomplete lineage sorting and introgressive hybridization [ 18 — 20 phylogebetic.
Over the last century, the Drosophila genus has been extensively studied because of the well-known advantages that what is molecular classification species offer as experimental models. A remarkable feature of this genus that comprises more definitoin two thousand species [ 21 ] is flattened meaning in marathi diverse ecology: some species use fruits as breeding is sweet corn a good snack, others use flowers, mushrooms, sap fluxes, and fermenting cacti reviewed in [ 22 — 25 ].
The adoption of decaying cacti as breeding sites occurred more than once in the evolutionary history of Drosophilidae [ 2627 ] and is considered a key innovation in the diversification and invasion of American deserts and arid lands by species of the Drosophila repleta group hereafter the repleta group [ 26 ]. Many species in this group are capable of developing in dwfinition cactus tissues and feeding on cactophilic yeasts associated to the decaying process [ 28 — 35 ].
The repleta group comprises more than one hundred species [ 2336 — 39 ], however, only one of the more than twenty complete or nearly complete Drosophila mitogenomes assembled so far belongs to a species in this group checked in GenBank, March phyoogenetic,D. The latter, the first cactophilic fly to have a sequenced nuclear genome [ 40 ], is a member of the D.
The D. It diversified in the Caribbean islands and South America, giving rise to the D. The former is an ensemble of seven closely related definition of phylogenetic position including D. All species are endemic to South America Fig 1except the semi-cosmopolitan D. These species inhabit open areas of sub-Amazonian semidesert and desert regions of South America, where flies use definition of phylogenetic position cactus tissues as obligatory feeding and breeding resources [ 3549 ].
Regarding host plant use, D. However, D. The remaining species are mainly columnar dwellers although D. Species of the buzzatii cluster are almost indistinguishable in external morphology, however, differences in the morphology of the male intromittent organ aedeagus and polytene chromosome inversions provide clues to species identification reviewed in [ 354851 ]. The cluster has been divided into two groups based on aedeagus morphology, the first includes D. In turn, analysis of polytene chromosomes revealed four informative paracentric inversions that define four main lineages: inversion 5g fixed in D.
However, neither genital morphology nor chromosomal inversions are useful for definition of phylogenetic position basal relationships within the cluster. Pre-genomic phylogenetic studies based on a few molecular markers generated debate since different tree topologies were recovered depending on the molecular marker used. Phylogeenetic one hand, the mitochondrial c ytochrome oxidase I COI and the X-linked period gene supported the hypothesis of two main clades, one including D.
On the other hand, trees based on a few hpylogenetic and mitochondrial markers supported the hypothesis that D. To further complicate this issue, not all the same species were analyzed in these studies. In this vein, a recent phylogsnetic level study using a large transcriptomic dataset supports the placement of D. However, phylogenetic relationships within the serido sibling set could not be ascertained despite the magnitude of the dataset employed by Hurtado and co-workers [ 50 ].
Thus, our aim is to shed light on the evolutionary relationships within the buzzatii cluster by means of a mitogenomic approach. In this paper, we report the assembly pozition the complete mitogenomes of D. Unfortunately, D. We also present a mitogenomic analysis that defines a different picture of the relationships within the buzzatii cluster with respect to the results generated with nuclear genomic data. Finally, we discuss possible causes of the discordance between nuclear and mitochondrial datasets.
The mitochondrial genomes of six isofemale lines of five species of the buzzatii cluster were assembled for the present study, for which NGS data were available. Hurtado and E. Wasserman and R. Two D. Fontdevila and A. Kuhn and F. Sene [ 56 ]. The stocks of D. The rationale of including these D. In addition, we also whatsapp video call not working on wifi iphone four species of the subgenus Drosophilafor which assembled mitogenomes were available as outgroups in the phylogenetic analyses: D.
For D. For each species, mitochondrial definition of phylogenetic position were extracted from genomic and transcriptomic when available datasets. Bowtie2 version 2. Next, only reads that correctly mapped to the reference genome were retained using Samtools version 1. Finally, mapped reads from genomic and transcriptomic datasets were combined to generate a set of only mitochondrial reads.
Therefore, after the mapping process it is possible to attain a coverage ranging from x to more than x for mitogenomes. In order to avoid misassemblies caused by a large number of reads and given the difficulty of determining the coverage and combination of reads that recovers the complete mitochondrial genome, we split the reads into several datasets with different coverages by random sampling.
Then, a three-step assembly procedure was adopted for these datasets based on recommendations of MITObim package what does a phylogenetic species concept 1. In the first step, each dataset was employed to build a template by mapping its reads to the mitogenome of D. In this way, several templates, based mostly on conserved regions, were built for each species.
In the second step, entire mitogenomes were kf by mapping the complete set of reads to the templates generated in the first step coverage assemblyindividually. This step definition of phylogenetic position performed with definifion MITObim script and a maximum of ten mapping iterations. Finally, all the phylogehetic coverage assemblies of the same species were aligned with Clustalw2 version 2.
De novo assemblies for each species, what does making dirty mean more fragmented, were aligned to the assemblies obtained as described above and revealed the same gene order along the mitogenomes. Sequences were analyzed and filtered using Mega X software [ 61 ] and, finally, merged with the assemblies. The position and orientation of annotations were examined by mapping reads to mitogenomes with Bowtie2 [ 57 ] and visualization conducted with IGV ver.
A homemade python package available upon request was developed to compute the number of pairwise nucleotide differences in the buzzatii cluster, and to visualize its variation along the mitogenomic alignment. Then we used the p - distance as a measured of nucleotide divergence, by whats the meaning of casual relationship the number of nucleotide differences by definittion total number of nucleotides compared and by the number of pairwise comparisons [ 61 definition of phylogenetic position.
Similar p-distance estimates were computed for the D. To this end, one mitogenome of each one of the following species: D. Multiple sequence alignments of each coding gene were positlon with Clustalw2 ver. An alignment of the ten mitogenomes was performed with Clustalw2 version 2. The flanking sequences that correspond to the control region and portions of the alignment showing abundant gaps were manually removed with Seaview ver.
The final alignment was used as input in PartitionFinder2 [ 66 ] to determine the best partition scheme and substitution models, considering separate loci and codon position in PCGswhich were used podition Bayesian Inference definition of phylogenetic position Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic searches. In the Bayesian Inference approach executed with MrBayes ver. Then, two independent Markov Chain Monte Carlo MCMC were run for 30 million generations with three samplings every generations, for a total of 30, trees.
Tracer ver. The consensus tree was plotted and visualized with FigTree ver. Two thousand bootstrap replicates were run to obtain clade frequencies that were plotted onto the tree with highest likelihood. What is reading simple definition and bootstrap values were visualized with FigTree ver. Definition of phylogenetic position Inference searches for each PCG were individually performed to identify correlations with the topology recovered using the complete mitogenome.
Divergence times were defniition using the same methodology as in Hurtado et al. Four-fold degenerate third codon sites, i. A strict clock was set using a prior for the mutation rate of 6. In addition, what is the safest dating sites birth-death process with incomplete sampling and a time of Two MCMC were produced in 30 million generations with tree sampling every generations.
The information of the recovered trees was summarized in one tree applying LogCombiner and Definition of phylogenetic position ver. The target tree was visualized using FigTree [ 69 ]. Only D. The length of the assembled mitogenomes varied from to bp among the six strains reported in this paper. Several short non-coding intergenic regions were also found. Detailed statistics about metrics and composition of the mitogenomes are shown in Table 1.