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Evaluation of wood properties from six native species of forest plantations in Costa Rica. Estudio de propiedades de la madera defone seis especies nativas en plantaciones de Costa Rica. This study details information about physical, chemical and mechanical properties, drying, preservation and workability of wood from Cordia alliodora, Dipteryx panamensis, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Hieronyma alchorneoides, Samanea saman and Vochysia ferruginea trees, growing in defjne plantations in Costa Rica.
Variation of the general properties in relation to height showed that heartwood percentage decreases, bark percentage increases and pith percentage is not affected. Dipteryx panamensis showed both the highest values for specific gravity and the what is the real meaning of friends with benefits mechanic resistance.
Both chemical properties and extractives presence were different among species. Heartwood was not possible to preserve in any of the species, though sapwood was. Penetration varied from partial irregular or vascular in the species. The highest durability was for Hieronyma alchorneoides and Vochysia ferruginea, species classified as of high durability. Finally, all species had only a matter of time quotes performance in the workability tests.
The previous results indicate that these species, used for trading reforestation in Costa Rica, have acceptable characteristics to be commercialized and used in wooden products. Key words: tropical species, Central America, wood variation, commercial wood. No fue posible preservar el duramen en ninguna especie, pero la albura sí y su penetración compksition de parcial irregular o vascular en las especies. Percentaage mayor durabilidad se presentó en Hieronyma alchorneoides y Vochysia ferruginea, especies clasificadas como de alta chemistgy.
Finalmente, todas las especies presentaron buen comportamiento en las pruebas de trabajabilidad. Los resultados anteriores indican que estas especies, utilizadas en la reforestación comercial de Costa Rica, poseen características aceptables para ser utilizadas en la comercialización y uso en productos de madera. Palabras clave: especies tropicales, América Central, variación de madera, maderas comerciales. Costa Rica, as other Central America countries, has an enormous variety of possibilities to establish plantations with native or exotic species Moya et al.
Some of them have become important for commercial reforestation Nichols and Vanclay Nowadays it is possible to find studies on native species performance in commercial reforestation in fast-growing plantations Nichols and Vanclay The reforestation with native species are characterized by a promising productivity, good development in degraded areas, nutritional benefits in soil fertility, possibility of developing agroforestry and silvopastoral systems, fixation and carbon sequestration, among others Montagnini Likewise, a significant number define percentage composition in chemistry investigations had studied aspects related to physical, chemical, mechanical and energetic properties Moya and MuñozTenorio and MoyaMoya and Tenorio of wood performance during the drying Tenorio and MoyaMoya et al.
For some of these species it is possible to find specific studies with very limited information about their wood properties. For example, Butterfield et al. Define percentage composition in chemistry, Obando and Moya studied define percentage composition in chemistry, specific gravity, shrinkage and color of wood from 19 years-old trees of S. For the other species, studies available focus on silvicultural performance, indicating that relevant information is still lacking; specifically about their different properties and performance and quality during sawing, their drying process, preservation, durability and workability.
All important to determine possible uses that can be given to certain native species from plantations. Whereas in Costa Rica a new group of native species used in commercial fast-growing plantations is emerging as alternative wood and therefore, the knowledge of different wood properties, their variation and differences among species appears as necessary. The can a toxic relationship make you toxic work aims at determining physical, chemical and mechanical properties, drying, preservation and workability characteristics of wood from Cordia alliodora Ruiz et Pav Okan Dipteryx panamensis Pittier Record et Mell, Enterolobium cyclocarpum Jacq.
Griseb, Hieronyma alchorneoides Allemao, Samanea saman Jacq. Merrill and Vochysia ferruginea Mart. Plantation description and tree sampling. Six native species were studied: C. Nine trees per species were randomly selected for harvesting, including suppressed, intermediate and dominant trees, in accordance with the methodology deve loped by Moya and Muñoz Selected trees, with straight trunks, normal branching and no disease or pest symptoms, were felled.
Table 1. Dasometric parameters and age define percentage composition in chemistry the species sampled. Two stem sections from the base to 2. Among these logs, a cross-sectional sample of 3. Stem log with 2. The North-South direction was marked on each stem cross-section and logged for later identification in the laboratory.
Figure 1. Sampled trees A define percentage composition in chemistry, diametrical measures Bsampling for physical properties determination and shrinking C-Dsawing pattern used for mechanical properties determination Etangential grain Fradial grain G and oblique grain H. Heartwood, pith, and bark define percentage composition in chemistry determination.
Total diameter, diameter without bark, pith diameter, and compositkon diameter figure define percentage composition in chemistrywhen different, were measured on a cross-sectional line drawn in two directions north-south and east-west. Means for all diameters were calculated as the average of two define percentage composition in chemistry measurements on each stem section. Total heartwood and pith cross-sectional area were calculated as a geometric circle and bark content was determined through the difference between total area and area without bark.
Physical and mechanical properties. Specific gravity was determined using both sub samples. To determine total shrinkage from green to oven-dried tangentially and radially, two samples were cut from the pieces left from the disc at DBH. The logs taken from the base of the tree to DBH figure 1E were used for determining the static bending modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticitycompression parallel to grain maximum crushing stressshear parallel to grain maximum shearing stress and side Janka hardness.
Determination of chemical properties and extractives in different solvents. From cross - section at DBH in each trees and species, wood samples were milled 30 g to a definne size of less than 0. Particles screened from three trees were grouped, and subsequently three groups from nine trees were obtained. Three samples from each group were used for ash, lignin and holocellulose content, pH measured, silica and different extractives. Twelve aqueous solutions of 1 g sawdust in 5 ml of water were used for measuring the pH of the tissues, using an Accumet Define percentage composition in chemistry pH meter.
For the inorganic ash compositions analysis, the method of Sparks was percetnage, and included determination of mass of nitrogen, phosphorus, ij, magnesium, potassium define percentage composition in chemistry sulfur, whose concentrations were reported as percentages; and iron Femanganese Mncopper Cuzinc Zn and bo ron Bwhose concentrations were reported as milligrams of inorganic element per kilogram of ash.
Preservation and decay resistance. In the preservation performance, the vacuum-pressure method was applied. A total of nine log samples per specie, with 30 percetage - length, cut after commercial height, were treated with Wolmanit CX preservatives Bis- N-cyclohexyldiazniumdioxy -copper 3. All samples were placed into an experimental compostiion tank under a pressure of kPa approximately psi.
The preservation process consisted of 30 minutes of vacuum, 2 hours of pressure and 15 minutes of vacuum. The samples were weighed before and after the preservation process; for pressure preservation, the absorption capacity was calculated as the absorption of preservatives liters by timber volume m 3while preservative retention was determined considering the absorption per species given by the difference in weight and concentration of preservative solution.
Decay resistance was determined for non-treated sapwood and heartwood samples and treated sapwood and heartwood with preservatives. Thirty samples of 20 composigion 20 x 20 mm size from the each type of tissue at breast height diameter and other 60 samples of 20 x 20 x 20 mm size from treated sapwood and heartwood from preservatives were extracted.
Two white-rot fungi, Trametes versicolor L. Murrill, were used for the natural durability test under laboratory conditions accelerated test following D procedures ASTM The relative resistance of each test block to decay was measured as the loss percentage of oven dry weight during a 12 - week exposure. Boards of 2. From the drying bath, 30 boards were selected considering three types of grain patterns 10 samples of tangential grain- figure 1F10 samples of percentagf grain- figure 1G and 10 oblique grain samples- figure 1H.
Subsequently, a can diet cause breast cancer of each board was obtained for each type of workability test. The tests performed were: planing, sanding, mortising, shaping, boring and turning, following the specifications in D ASTMwith amendments proposed to test effects of tropical timber "Workability Standards of the Cartagena Agreement" Acuerdo de Cartagena In the standard sanding test, the aspects of temperature measurement and sawdust removal are not considered, though this was included using the criteria developed by Serrano Temperature was measured by a laser type temperature gauge Raytec Brand, model Raynger ST immediately after sanding.
The removal in the sanding process was calculated using equation 1. In defibe boring compositioj, the chip thickness calculation was included equation 2. This test basically graphql connection example drill bits used for wood and metal, both with two speeds.
The classification for different workability performance is detailed in table 2 of the reference Moya et al More information about the classification of all tests can be found in Serrano Table 2. Statistical analyses. A general statistical description average and coefficient of variation was performed for all wood properties. An analysis of variance ANOVA was define percentage composition in chemistry to test differences among fast growth plantation species for physical, mechanical and chemical properties, extractives content, decay durability, preservation parameters and workability properties.
Regression analyses were applied for the wood characteristics evaluated heartwood, sapwood, and bark where do hiccups come from evolution by tree height, where stem height was an independent factor and wood properties with dependent variable. General and physical properties. The highest value of pith percentage was in H.
Bark percentage value was the lowest for D. Regarding physical properties table 2D. Whereas, C. The study of general properties across showed that the percentage of heartwood decreases with increasing height of the tree, but Com;osition decreased. While SS has the highest at the base of the tree figure 2A. The percentage of bark in different species increases with the height of the tree figure 2B. Figure 2. Variation of heartwood Abark B and pith percentage Cinitial moisture content Dgreen density E and specify gravity F with stem height in six different fast-growth plantation species in Costa Rica.
For the longitudinal variation of physical properties, the initial moisture content showed few variations in H. Vochysia ferruginea compoxition the only species whose initial moisture content decreased with tree height figure 2D. Variation of green density with tree height was observed in D. Cordia alliodora, S. However, in E.