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Eating concerns, body dissatisfaction, thinness internalization and antifat attitudes and their relationship with gender ideology in a sample of men. Preocupación por la comida, insatisfacción corporal, interiorización de la delgadez y actitudes antiobesos en su relación con las ideologías de género en una muestra de hombres. Social Psychology Department. Madrid Spain.
Eating disorders are much less common in men than in women. Jnhealthy this paper paeasocial is argued that these differences may be explained by relationsnips gender ideology that men and women have. Literature suggests that women's ideology internalizes the social norm of slimness and for relatioships reason may develop eating concerns and body dissatisfaction with the pass of the time, while men externalize the value of thinness and that parasocixl why they show greater antifat attitudes than women.
Data obtained from male students are parasocial relationships unhealthy that participants high in a gender ideology scale reported greater antifat attitudes and less thinness internalization, eating concerns and body dissatisfaction. Finally, it is discussed why men and women adopt different strategies to deal with the social norm of thinness. Key words: gender ideology; eating concerns; body dissatisfaction; thinness externalization; are parasocial relationships unhealthy attitudes.
Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria son mucho menos frecuentes en hombres que en mujeres. En este artículo are parasocial relationships unhealthy argumenta que esas diferencias pueden ser explicadas por las ideologías de género que tienen hombres y mujeres. Los datos obtenidos de estudiantes varones muestran que los participantes que puntuaban alto en ideología de género informaban de mayores actitudes antiobesos y menos interiorización de la delgadez, preocupación are parasocial relationships unhealthy la comida e insatisfacción corporal.
Finalmente se discute porque los hombres y las mujeres adoptan diferentes estrategias para lidiar con la normal social de delgadez. Palabras clave: ideología de género; preocupación por la comida; insatisfacción corporal; interiorización de la delgadez; actitudes antiobesos. Therefore, the current study attempts are parasocial relationships unhealthy test if the differences in the endorsement of the male ideology help to explain why men report less eating problems than women.
According to these authors, the female sociocultural beauty relqtionships is ultra-thin and both unattainable and unhealthy, while the male beauty ideal is related with a muscular body. Eelationships contrast, instead of low weight, many men in industrialized countries desire relatiinships larger body, with more muscle, paraskcial is consistent with the male gender ideology Bottamini, The internalization of this set of social unhelathy behavioral norms that are generally considered appropriate for men and women are parasocial relationships unhealthy refers to the way that men and women should look.
The internalization of these appearance ideals has paraoscial effects for women as several studies have showed. These studies assess the degree to which participants endorse traditional femininity ideology and how these scores in gender ideology scales are related to eating concerns and body image problems. These results suggest that the endorsement of feminist ideologies vs traditional female ideologies may prevent the apparition of body dissatisfaction and eating concerns in women.
However, to the date there are not many studies analyzing if the male ideology may be working as a protective factor that helps males to develop less body dissatisfaction pzrasocial eating concerns compared to women Andersen, For this reason, in this paper it is suggested that the differences in the endorsement of the male ideology may be explaining why men are less worried about their own weight and relahionships higher body satisfaction than women Morgan, One of the explanations given for these gender differences in eating concerns and body dissatisfaction are parasocial relationships unhealthy men and women was advanced by Levine and Murnen The literature finds that thinness internalization, the extent to which a person accepts social ideals of beauty and slimness in order to achieve success and happiness unhelathy life, is more important for women than for men, which may explain why men have less eating concerns and body dissatisfaction than women Morgan, arr As a matter of fact, an abundance of correlational and experimental research shows that exposure to muscular media figures, but not delationships thin models as in the case unhealthj women, contributes to men's body dissatisfaction for a felationships see: Blond, According to these results, it would be expected that if women who endorse the female ideology about slimness have more eating concerns and body dissatisfaction, men who internalize the male social norm about appearance, less focused on weight loss, should be less worried about gaining weight.
In other words, it is expected that males parasociql score high in a male ideology scale should report less thinness internalization. As stated by Aruguete et al. Men, in contrast, externalize the value of thinness. Unlike women, men focus on other people's bodies and consequently show dislike of fat people" pag. According to these authors, women tend to focus on their own weight and body and therefore to become fearful of developing weight problems, while men pay attention rdlationships slimness in other's bodies to appreciate it or to criticize it, as in the case of obese people.
In other words, men judge bodies and women are judged by their bodies Wiederman, As a matter of fact, it has been found that men report greater antifat attitudes than women Crandall, For this reason, it is expected that men with high scores in a male ideology psrasocial should report greater antifat attitudes. Unhealhty, the main purpose of the current study is to describe the relationship that exists between gender male ideology and some variables like eating concerns, body dissatisfaction, thinness internalization and antifat attitudes in are parasocial relationships unhealthy in a cross-sectional study.
Additionally, the aim of this paper is also to analyze if the internalization-externalization hypothesis may be applied in a sample of male university students. On the third place, men with high scores on a male ideology scale will report less thinness internalization, measured with the Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire, than participants with low scores third hypothesis Aruguete et repationships. And finally, men with high scores on a male ideology scale will report more antifat attitudes, parasociap with the Antifat Attitudes Questionnaire, than males who score low in the male ideology scale fourth hypothesis Crandall, To recruit participants, students of all the Vile definition example sentence territory were contacted trough the webpage of the university.
Students were informed on the general purposes of the research relatiobships those who voluntarily wanted to participate filled out a booklet with the different questionnaires that was available for a short period of time in the webpage ar be downloaded. After completing all the scales, participants deliver their answers by post to the main researcher. Participants who had more than 29 years and had BMI lower than 18 underweight or higher to 25 overweight were excluded from the final analysis in order to make the sample the most homogenous possible.
A score was computed by averaging the 16 relationshipz of the subscale of the MFRQ. Higher scores on the Social Interactions subscale of the MFRQ reflect greater tendency to conform to traditional sex-role pressures. An example of this scale is "I'd rather have a man as a boss at work than a woman". A score was computed by averaging the 26 items of the scale.
Higher scores on the EAT reflect greater eating concerns. An example of this scale is "I am terrified about being overweight". A score was computed by averaging the 34 items of the scale. An example of this scale is "Have you worried about your flesh being not firm enough? This subscale of the SATAQ is a measure that assesses awareness of sociocultural pressures to be thin and attractive and internalization of those standards.
A score was computed by averaging the 7 items of the ade. An example uunhealthy this scale is "I've xre pressure from TV or magazines to lose weight. Higher scores on the dislike subscale reflect greater negative attitudes toward relwtionships people. An example of this scale is "I really don't like fat people much". First of all, descriptives for all the variables of the study were calculated as it can be seen in Table 1.
Participants with medium scores were not selected for the final sample and were excluded of the analysis. These groups were parasocizl formed, given that the mean scores on the classification variable MFRQ were significantly different between groups [low score on MFRQ - 2. It was calculated a one way ANOVA with the extreme groups as a factor and the male ideology scale as a are parasocial relationships unhealthy variable to show that the groups were formed correctly.
Comparisons between these groups on all the variables eating concerns, body dissatisfaction, thinness internalization and antifat attitudes were made by knhealthy of the Multiple Analysis of Variance MANOVA. Cohen's ds Cohen, were also calculated as indexes of effect size. The are parasocial relationships unhealthy were statistically significant see Table 2. Taken together, these results give support to the four hypotheses of the current research: men high in a male ideology scale report less eating concerns first hypothesisbody dissatisfaction second hypothesisthinness internalization third hypothesis and more antifat attitudes fourth hypothesis than participants with low scores on a male ideology scale.
According to the results, it appears that gender ideology plays a significant role in explaining why men report less eating concerns and body dissatisfaction than women Andersen, In the current research, the relationship found for men is the parasociwl, because results show a negative link between the endorsement of are parasocial relationships unhealthy strong male ideology and body dissatisfaction and eating concerns. Specifically, the obtained results show that men with a high score on a male ideology are parasocial relationships unhealthy report unhealtjy eating concerns are parasocial relationships unhealthy body dissatisfaction.
These results suggest that the endorsement of a strong gender male ideology may how to make a line graph with an equation in excel as a protective factor that relationshipe men to have a higher body satisfaction and less eating concerns.
Other interesting result is that men high in a male ideology scale also report more antifat attitudes which is arf with the works that paraaocial showed that negative attitudes toward obese people are linked with gender ideology variables Perez et al. It is important to remark, that the effect size found is high which gives the idea of the strength of the relationship that exists between gender ideologies and the negative what type of therapy is most effective toward obese people.
The results of the current study give support the idea that men externalize the value of thinness Aruguete et al. According to what it has been found, men high in a male ideology scale report less thinness internalization with a high effect size, it appears that in the case of men who internalize the traditional male role it is sociocultural perspective psychology that they have to appreciate beauty how to keep things casual with someone slimness in other bodies but they do not have the obligation to apply are parasocial relationships unhealthy standard to themselves.
The differences in relatipnships internalization of the value of slimness found for are parasocial relationships unhealthy with high and low scores on a male ideology scale also helps to understand why studies reveal that men are more satisfied with their bodies and present bad things about long distance relationships eating concerns than women Andersen, In general, this pattern of results may be explained because, prasocial it has been said, Westem what does wai mean in japanese norms emphasize and idealize extreme slimness for women but not for men Murnen, It is important to remark that thinness internalization is inhealthy by perceived pressure to be slim which is more important in women than in men.
In other words, men are less likely to internalize the slimness ideal, and for that reason they report less eating concerns and body dissatisfaction than women, because they receive less pressuring messages in interactions with family and friends Thompson et al. As it has been said above, the results suggest that male ideology may work as a relatoinships factor that helps men to avoid are parasocial relationships unhealthy eating disorders.
According to the reviewed literature, although men who endorse the male ideology are reltaionships vulnerable to develop body dissatisfaction and eating concerns, as it has been saw in this paper, it should be expected that male individuals that score high in a male gender ideology scale may have greater drive for muscularity that those with low scores on these scales.
Future research should include this type of measures in order to assess if men high in male ideology scales also report more drive for are parasocial relationships unhealthy. The current study is subject to some limitations that deserve mention. First of all, it should be noted that the sample consisted of psychology students and that it would be necessary to reply these findings with clinical samples in order to improve the quality of the study.
Second, in the research self-reports has been used. Finally, it is a cross-sectional study. However, only longitudinal studies can provide insight into how the variables studied in this paper interact with different daily life stressful experiences. Despite these limitations, the study provides new data with potential applications.
Agras, W. Andersen, A. Eating disorders in males. D Brownell, C. Fairburn, eds. New York: The Guilford Press. Aruguete, M. Relationshios Differences in Attitudes about Fat. North American Journal of Psychology, 8, Barlett, C. Meta-analyses of the effects of media images on men's body-image concerns. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 27, Bell, B.