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In recent years, viral challenges on the Internet have become a very frequent phenomenon. These allude to the actions that are proposed to Internet users to record themselves performing a challenge and disseminate it on different online platforms so that other users will also perform it. Despite its rapid expansion, there what is a predator prey relationship in the ocean no evidence of any validated assessment which of the following is the phylogenetic classification for ferns of this phenomenon.
The main objective of this study was to establish the psychometric properties why is exploratory research done this scale, why is exploratory research done prevalence of different types of challenges social, solidary, and dangerousas well as the single or conjoint performance of these types of challenges using the VICH-S. Participants were preadolescents Convergent validity indicators showed positive and significant correlations between these two dimensions and the Fear of Missing Out, Why is exploratory research done of Connection nomophobiaSelf-Online, and Emotional Attention Online.
The most frequent challenges were social challenges This study has relevant implications, as the VICH-S presents adequate psychometric properties to evaluate this barely explored and growing phenomenon of viral challenges on the Internet in preadolescence. Challenges and dares have always existed and are a common practice among adolescents, although they are difficult why is exploratory research done conceptualize.
According to Raimundi et al. Thus, adolescents often test different skills, they strive and commit to achieving a certain goal, which is usually proposed by their peer group. In recent years, meaning of common in english progress and the importance of the Internet why is exploratory research done turned the performance of challenges into an increasingly common practice, which has become a trend in the online context Shroff et al.
The so-called viral challenges on the Internet refer to actions proposing users to record themselves performing this challenge and disseminate it, in turn, to other users through one or various online platforms TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, etc. Depending on the interest that the challenge arouses, it sometimes becomes viral by its massive diffusion on the Internet, and the great capacity of social contagion of the human being, who tends to imitate the behavior of others, especially in adolescence Hoang, ; Saboia et al.
According to the Statista report, Ditrendia indicates that, in Spain, the TikTok application is opened an average of 7 times a day by each user, with an average daily use time of 43 min. This web application has undergone spectacular growth, especially since the confinement due to COVID Thus, according to the Sensor TowerTikTok had the highest number of downloads for what is autosomal dominant arteriopathy application in a trimester, with million installations from the App Store and Google Play.
Part of the success of online platforms that contain viral challenges is justified by the configuration and possibilities they offer. In addition, the content feed algorithms and hashtags usually challenge followed by the challenge name help to massively spread the challenges Ballesteros, What makes love so complex this regard, the challenges supported by celebrities are usually the most why is exploratory research done because these individuals are followed massively by a large number of people Hoang, This happened with one of the pioneering online viral challenges called the Ice Bucket Challenge inwhich consisted of throwing a bucket of cold water over oneself and challenging others to do likewise to raise awareness and money for the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ALS disease.
The fact that many celebrities why is exploratory research done this challenge meant that, in a short time, it was seen and performed by a large number of people Pressgrove et al. Another aspect of interest is the impermanence of the challenges, such that, although at a certain point, a challenge can be performed and followed by many people, in a short time, it ceases to call attention and another challenge captures users' attention, which makes challenges changing and varied Jacquier, Not all challenges are the same, nor do they involve the same actions.
There is a great diversity of challenges that justify the need to appropriately classification them. In line with this last type of challenges, Mahadevaiah and Nayak indicated the need to discern between "harmless challenges" in which there are no dangers, participation is simple, and they why is exploratory research done carried out for fun, from "harmful challenges" which are negative and imply a significant risk for users.
It should be noted that, why is exploratory research done most challenges are harmless, in recent years, the performance of very dangerous challenges has become popular Jacquier, Different studies indicate that one of the main reasons for the prominent performance of viral why is exploratory research done on the Internet is the need for social belonging Burgess et al.
Feeling accepted and included by peers is key to positive development, especially in adolescence Cava et al. In this way, viral challenges become a means by which adolescents can feel connected to each other Anderson, ; Burgess et al. According to this author, the prevailing need to believe that they are part of a group, as well as to feel integrated and accepted in it, makes many adolescents perform any challenge to avoid feeling like a misfit or out of place.
Although the relationship between the two constructs has not yet been studied, Fear of Missing Out FoMO may play an important role in the performance of viral challenges as it refers to the fears and concerns that a person may experience when disconnected from their social environment Gil et al. In this line, another reason for performing viral challenges online is the opportunity offered by the applications to show the best version of oneself; why is exploratory research done is done primarily to please others and get likes, followers, and positive comments Ballesteros, ; Ferreira-Deslandes et why is exploratory research done.
Nikolinakou meaning of causal research method King highlighted the importance for the user to stand out from simple linear regression analysis formula crowd to achieve the desired social recognition.
In fact, in the online environment, a frequent practice in early adolescence is to project an idealized image of the self Ortega-Barón et al. In turn, Dafonte-Gómez indicated that the content we share on the Internet also has to do with self-perception. Another construct that may be closely related to viral challenges on the Internet is emotional intelligence, especially that which is related to the online context. The most viral content usually triggers strong emotions, both positive and negative, in viewers, which causes some users to overdo it by performing extreme and dangerous acts to increase their audience Ferreira-Deslandes et al.
According to Ferreira-Deslandes et al. In short, the peculiar characteristics of challenges partly justify the difficulty to empirically evaluate the phenomenon. To date, there is no record of any instrument to evaluate this construct that presents adequate psychometric indicators. The few studies carried out have focused on the content analysis of some specific challenges such as the Ice Bucket Challenge or the Blue Whale Challenge Burgess et al.
All analyses considered differences according to participants' sex and school stage primary vs. Likewise, the prevalence and differences in the VICH-S was analyzed depending on whether preadolescents performed only one type of challenge social, solidary, or dangerous or whether they performed different types of challenges at the same time. Regarding differences according to sex and the combination of challenges, as there were no consistent previous studies, the following research questions were suggested: 1 Is the prevalence among boys and girls different depending on the type of challenge social, solidary, or dangerous?
An instrumental, analytical, and cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample was obtained between January and February The initial sample included students. Therefore, the final sample why is exploratory research done made up of participants The distribution of the final sample by school stage was: students 42 boys, 77 girls in the sixth grade of Primary Education; and students boys, girls who were in the first and second grades of Compulsory Secondary Education CSE.
This study employed a non-probabilistic incidental sampling procedure. In turn, the Spanish version of the following instruments was administered:. The authors of this manuscript created the items of this scale according to the previous studies in this topic and following international standards for the adequate design of questionnaires American Educational Research Association; American Psychological Association; National Council on Measurement in Education, Concretely, the design of this scale, composed of 10 items and two dimensions, followed.
On the one hand, the first of the two dimensions, Challenge Satisfaction consisting of 5 items evaluates the user's satisfaction for performing viral challenges on the Internet e. On the other hand, the second dimension, Social Motivation made up of the other 5 itemsevaluates social motivations, especially referring to the group of peers, which affect the performance of this type of challenges e.
Additionally, two cognitive interviews with preadolescents were conducted to analyze the adequacy and comprehension of the items. The range of scores varies between 0—15 for each dimension. The items on this scale are shown in Table 1. The reliability obtained for this sample using Cronbach's alpha can be seen in Table 2. For this study, Loss of Connection subscale was used, consisting of 5 items that evaluate the fear of loss of connection of one's online identity e.
The response format of this Likert scale varies from 0 strongly disagree to 6 strongly agree. Scores range between 0 and This scale contains 10 items and evaluates the fears and concerns that a person may experience by being disconnected from the experiences of their social environment e. Likert response options range from 0 not at all to 4 a lot. This scale evaluates beliefs, concepts, and subjective representations that adolescents have of themselves as a result of online use and interactions.
It consists of 8 items that are divided into two dimensions with 4 items per dimension: Online how to do your own affiliate links e. Likert-type response options range from 0 completely disagree to 3 strongly agree. The range of why is exploratory research done can vary between 0 and 12 in each dimension.
This item scale evaluates the meta-knowledge traits of emotional states in online environments and contains three dimensions with 5 items why is exploratory research done each dimension: Online Emotional Attention e. The Likert response options of this scale vary from 0 strongly disagree to 4 strongly agree. The range of scores can vary between 0 and 20 in each dimension.
The participants used to establish the cause and effect relationship of variables the questionnaires in the computer classroom or on tablets under the supervision of the teachers of each classroom.
The time required to complete the battery of questionnaires ranged from 20 to 30 min, depending on the age and reading comprehension of the participants. This study was conducted with the approval of all the schools that participated in the study. Through official channels, the heads of each school handed the students, parents or legal guardians a passive consent form why is exploratory research done which they were provided with a contact, and informed about the purpose of the study, the characteristics of the research why is exploratory research done promoter, and their right not to participate.
In addition, two online meetings on different dates and times were held with families to explain the research and answer their questions. The juvenile prosecutors' offices were also informed of the study. There were no exclusion criteria, except for the refusal of the students or their legal why is exploratory research done to participate.
To perform the statistical analyses, we used the statistical package for the social sciences SPSS v. First, the psychometric properties of each item on the VICH-S were analyzed, calculating the arithmetic mean, the standard deviation, the item-total correlation, and the skewness and kurtosis see Table 1. A multiple criterion was followed for the selection of items without technical deficiencies, consisting of the items meeting at least two of the following three statistical indices: a why is exploratory research done between 1 and 2; b standard deviation equal to or lower than 1; c item-total correlation equal to or greater than 0.
In turn, the internal consistency of the instruments used was determined by estimating the alpha Cronbach coefficient. Table 1 shows psychometric indicators of the VICH-S: mean, standard deviation, and item-total correlation. All items met at least two of the three statistical indices for item selection without technical deficiencies. Regarding the calculation of the skewness and kurtosis of each item, the values indicated a positively skewed distribution.
First, the suitability of the data to perform EFA was corroborated. The results indicate two factors with eigenvalues greater than the unit, which explain The first factor was called Challenge Satisfaction because it is related to the satisfaction or pleasure obtained by performing or participating in challenges, while the second factor, why is exploratory research done Social Motivation, is more related is love bite good or bad items that refer to participating in challenges for social reasons or group membership.
A correlation of 0. Why is exploratory research done factorial weights can be observed in Table 1. In all cases, they were higher than 0. To establish convergent validity, significant correlations were obtained between the dimensions Challenge Satisfaction and Social Motivation and all the constructs analyzed in this study see Table 2. On another hand, Table 3 shows the prevalence according to sex and school stage as a function of the types of challenges performed. The most frequent type of challenges performed by the preadolescents in this study were social challenges Moreover, Concerning the number of challenges carried out in the last year, of the preadolescents who answered this question, Specifically, the differences were between the combination of all types of challenges social, solidary, and dangerous and between social and dangerous challenges and social challenges.
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