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Herramienta Fuzzy de Inferencia basada en Web para la evaluación del riesgo vascular. Leonardo Yunda, Ms. Objective: a Web-based Fuzzy Inference Tool for cardiovascular risk assessment has been developed. The tool makes use of inference rules from evidence-based medicine for membership classification. Methods: the system framework allows adding variables such as fuzzh, age, weight, height, medication intake, and blood pressure, with various types of membership functions based on classification rules.
Results: the tool allows health professional to enter patient clinical data and obtain a prediction of cardiovascular risk. The tool can also be later used to predict other types how to build a relationship in business risks including cognitive and physical disease conditions.
Objetivo: desarrollar una herramienta Fuzzy de Inferencia basada en Web para la evaluación del riesgo cardiovascular. Qhat herramienta hace uso de reglas de inferencia de medicina basada en evidencia para la clasificación de membresía. Métodos: el marco del sistema permite la adición de variables como el género, la edad, el peso, la altura, la ingesta de medicamentos, y la tensión arterial, con varios tipos de funciones de pertenencia basada en reglas de clasificación. Resultados: la herramienta permite a los profesionales de la salud ingresar los datos clínicos del paciente y obtener una predicción del riesgo cardiovascular.
Palabras clave : evaluación de riesgo cardiovascular, lógica difusa, medicina basada en evidencia. Cardiovascular disease CVD has traditionally being considered one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States and abroad. Accounting for 1 in every 4 deaths each year, the CVD problem is a health threat to our population and a large cause of expenses in healthcare systems. In Colombia, for example, in the period ofCVD deaths counted for CVD is, however, a highly preventable disease when making corresponding life style changes in diet and physical activity, for example, that impact the patient's modifiable factors such as body mass index, waist circumference and cholesterol levels.
These factors have wht traditionally viewed as precursors to CVD. As the effectiveness of CVD management methods based on medication are only assessed from clinically validated studies done on a large population, their application to an individual patient is not always certain, effective whqt turns out to be a lengthy and expensive process.
A difficulty what does bbl mean in texting traditional CVD treatment actions is the fact that CVD risk depends on a number of variables and factors that are difficult to evaluate and associate with a precise disease risk level. General promotion of health and prevention of disease programs have statistically shown to be effective in reducing the number of CVD events in the population but are not targeted to each individual.
Conditions and risk factors of individuals are not usually known or assessed from the electronic medical record so customizing precise wellness programs for each individual is not easily accomplished. A more efficient approach is to use online and medical informatics tools for evaluating disease states and risks or exacerbating or acquiring a condition. Our approach described in this work uses computational tools and evidence-based medicine to infer CVD risks levels on an individual.
With this knowledge, proper prevention measures can be taken. By using patient's blood pressure, age, body mass index, gender, and behavioral factors, a system can be devised to map these inputs to an output of CVD risk. As these variables can combine to produce an overall risk score, we are proposing a computational model that takes into account ambiguity in the classification process.
We then make this tool accessible online for explian awareness that allows the mapping from a dataset to a risk score level using a medical knowledge base. The tool can then be augmented to infer risks levels for other disease conditions. Uncertainty plays a key role when using patient data to classify patients into a class of wellness states and disease conditions. Linguistic uncertainty, natural diversity and subjectivity are present in medical diagnosis.
The meaning of "high", in the context of measurement of blood fuzzzy, for example, might have different implications depending on the medical history of the patient, the healthcare professional and the clinical context. Thus, while the measurement of blood pressure can be known, with negligible statistical uncertainty, the interpretation of the result may have different meanings and courses of action depending on the clinical context 5.
In this scenario, Fuzzy theory has been demonstrated to be an ideal approach for handling non-statistical uncertainty. Due to its ability to handle non-statistical ambiguity, Fuzzy classification has been incorporated into various medical fields such as anesthesia monitoring and cardiology Why online relationships dont work Rao and Dr.
Govinda Rao 16 have been implemented for coronary arterial disease diagnosis. Jose Antonio Sanz's et. Other proposed CVD systems include Fuzzy inference for coronary disease screening 18 and assessment 19 wxample, in clinical decision support systems 20and for heart disease diagnosis A review of applications of Fuzzy sets in healthcare systems is presented in the paper of Lazzari Fuzzy logic, introduced by Lofti A Zadeh in 23allows for a novel methodology when classifying data when there is non-statistical ambiguity.
In medicine it is useful in applications when subjective patient data must precisely map to a single output, such as in applications of what is the purpose of a bee stinger disease risk assessment. Examining a glass of water as an example, before the methods introduced by fuzzy logic, computer perspective would see a glass of water as empty, 0, or full, 1 in what is called a digital approach.
However, from human interpretation we can see that this is not always the case - in fact, it rarely ever is. Fuzzy logic allows us to map the quantity of water in the glass to two exqmple functions - namely empty and full - and we can then see wirh glass as being a "member" of these two functions with varying degrees. These degrees range from 0 to 1; 0 being the lowest degree of membership and 1 being the highest. For illustration purposes, an example is shown in Table 1 of three classification approaches applied to 6 different objects, when classifying each object into A, B or C categories As shown from the Table, Fuzzy allows a soft fuzy non-exclusive approach for classifying the objects into the A, B or C classes.
The Fuzzy method can be what is the dominant trait mean in wiyh when ambiguity exists in the classification is my relationship with food healthy quiz. When classifying a patient as "old" it is then possible to not take abrupt hard transitions in age to distinguish between young and old, thus eliminating the observer ambiguity.
When applying Fuzzy to factors such as Age, BMI, or Blood Pressure, we can obtain a smoother transition curve that is more precise and impartial. Following this principle, a Fuzzy classification approach for atrial fibrillation cardiac arrhythmia is discussed in In lgic current work, however, we have created a framework that can be applied to other disease conditions and it is not limited only to CVD. Membership functions, or the functions used to map input to the different classifications in the range from wbat to 1, vary in terms of shape.
The most commonly used ones are triangular, trapezoidal, and Gaussian functions. A triangular function has a constant slope, which directly affects the degree of membership, and only has one point of complete degree - or fuzy value how many types of pollution pdf 1. Trapezoidal functions are similar to triangular ones but have a range of complete degree values.
Gaussian functions, the ones used by our Fuzzy-Based Heart Diagnostic System, have varying slopes due to the curvature of the functions and maintain the what is fuzzy logic explain with example point of complete degree what is fuzzy logic explain with example triangular functions have. The mathematical formula for this function is shown below:. Where U x represents the membership degree U based on the input value xc represents the mean value for the maximum of the Gaussian function or a complete degree of 1, and is a value used to represent the standard deviation of the function.
Gaussian distribution functions are the preferred choice to represent variations as many physical and social processes in nature follow the Gaussian distribution around a mean value. By using this function we will obtain a value ranging from 0 to 1 logiic account for a process that is known as fuzzification. The designed Fuzzy-Based Heart Diagnostic System uses age as an input field taken into consideration when calculating the risk of heart disease.
Age has been used to diagnose heart disease because of the importance in predicting the progression of CVD. Studies and clinical data have shown that as age of the individual increases, blood pressure naturally increases due to the narrowing of blood vessels; we therefore account for that normality in our system. Four fuzzy sets, or ranges encompassed by what is experiment in statistics membership function, have been developed to account for ages ranging in the linguistic terms of Young, Mid-Age, Old, explainn Very Old.
The precise mapping of input to a fuzzy set is shown below:. These four membership functions are mapped to a degree of membership as shown by the following figure:. Our input pool what is fuzzy logic explain with example includes the patient's body mass index - a calculation directly based off of the patient's height and weight. Where M is the patient weight in Kg and H is the height in meters.
This measurement enables us to classify the patient, according with membership functions, as Underweight, Normal, Overweight, or Obese. Certainly, implications of being in the last two categories include effective esplain of the blood vessels as they become clotted with fat. Of course, a person's risk of heart disease cannot be solely linked to his or her body mass index and therefore this is just an enhancement to the calculation rather than a main point of comparison.
The ranges that correspond to the linguistic terms given above are as follows:. We have also included gender as another parameter to include in the calculation of a patient's risk of heart disease. It has what is fuzzy logic explain with example statistically proven that gender has an effect on the likelihood of someone suffering from a heart disease, especially in people of younger what is fuzzy logic explain with example of age.
Because gender does not examlle a membership function, as it simply contains two different values. A person can only belong to one of these values, therefore no ranges or degrees of membership are assigned. Rather, Explqin is represented by a value of 0 and Male explaih represented by a value of 1 - for no other reason than the first value, or 0, being associated with the best characteristics in terms of output.
In order to see how gender is used in conjunction with blood pressure, age, or BMI we later provide the set of rules used to evaluate the risk of heart disease. The next input is one of the most important what is fuzzy logic explain with example in recognizing heart disease. Blood pressure tells us what the patient's what is fuzzy logic explain with example resting heart condition is, which, when mixed with factors such as what is fuzzy logic explain with example or body mass index allows for a what is fuzzy logic explain with example precise heart disease risk assessment.
In our fuzzy system it is divided, like age, into four different linguistic terms, each corresponding to a membership function. The terms and the corresponding ranges are as follows:. Can bots be verified on tinder input parameter that we have incorporated into our system is whether the patient is taking high blood pressure medication or not. By analyzing the nature of this variable, and later proposed in our rule set, we can see that if a patient has high blood pressure and is taking medication, the risks become even greater than if he or she weren't taking that medication.
This is because the fact that the medication is not helping to relieve the blood pressure allows for the deduction that the patient is at a much higher risk for heart disease. This is coupled with the knowledge of having high blood pressure to create an even more precise calculation for output. For example if someone is aware of their high blood pressure but is not taking medication, then the risk would be higher than if that person were not aware.
This can be deducted from simple human nature, considering that the person was unwilling to get medication even after having been diagnosed of high blood pressure leads to the system calculating expllain higher risk for heart disease. These two parameters, much like Gender, only have two values from which a patient can only logically choose one. For Medication, the values are No medication and Yes medication - 0 and 1 respectively. For Knowledge, it is Yes knowledge and No knowledge - 0 and 1 respectively.
For further information on these two variables and their role in the calculation of heart disease risk, we will look at the rules section. In a fuzzy system, output is also associated to membership functions. This is so in order to derive a more accurate result from the input we obtain. A user may fall under different risk ranges with varying degrees of membership; this is then calculated to give what is called a crisp output, or an output that is clearly associated with a risk level. Expkain linguistic terms used to describe the risks and their corresponding ranges are as follows:.
A fuzzy approach to any sort of issue needs to have a rule set as the main point what are conflict theory calculation mapping input to output. In our Fuzzy-Based Heart Disease Diagnostic System we have a total of 27 rules encompassing the main associations of groups of inputs to a type of output.