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There is an increasing interest to diversify the agricultural production systems in order to enhance several valuable eco-agricultural strategies, such as to produce sufficient food and feed, to obtain higher crop protection, to increase what does aa. mean on snapchat and increasingly to meet the requirements of sustainable intensification.
Intercropping can be a solution to diversify agroecosystems by using more leguminous crops and also applying less mineral fertilizers Kübler et al. Reasonable intercropping could increase crop growth and productivity Cecilio et al. However, yield decreases in what are some equivalent ratios have also been reported Ebrahimi et al. Functional groups or typical species used in intercropping include legumes e. Advantages of intercropping legumes with non-legumes are explained by the complementary use of resources due to non-competition for the same resource niche Bedoussac and Justes, Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum L.
It is grown today in many parts of the world as a spice or forage crop Kenny et al. Fenugreek seeds are known for their health benefits including anti-diabetic, anti-obesity and anti-carcinogenic effects Handa et al. Fenugreek is a suitable plant for intercropping due to its ability to support the biological nitrogen fixation of rhizobia what definition linear function its subsequent improvement of soil fertility Petropoulos, ; Dadrasan et al.
Common buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum M. It is an important crop in organic farming Kalinova and Vrchotova, with important medical characteristics as well as a high nutritional value. Buckwheat seeds are rich in natural antioxidants, digestible proteins, vitamins, minerals, favorable fatty acids, flavonoids rutin, catechins and dietary fiber Halbrecq et al.
Fertilizer requirements and nutrient use eatios in intercropping are still important research issues and may be different compared to sole crops Ghosh et al. Ghosh et al. Applying high rates of chemical fertilizer to increase growth and yield will not only lead to increased production costs, but may also lead to environmental pollution and a reduction of soil health Peng et al. Furthermore, it may not be possible to supply sufficient What are some equivalent ratios at suitable times to meet the plant demand for N by relying on chemical fertilizer as the only source of N Ahmadian et al.
In order to decrease chemical fertilizer inputs while keeping crop yields high, ecosystem functions i. One important strategy for this is to use fertilizer alternatives, such as manure or other organic amendments Stockdale et al. Organic fertilizers release nutrients over time due to not only their high content of micronutrients and minerals but also their slower release and therefore longer lasting availability. The application of organic manure is more effective and positive compared to chemical fertilizer in improving the quality and fertility of the soil, soil nutrient exchange capacity, soil ecological processes, soil health and crop productivity Fereidooni et al.
The application of farm yard manure has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the growth parameters of fenugreek. The dry matter accumulation and crop growth rate CGR were significantly higher with increasing doses of farmyard manure up to 15 t ha -1 at all stages of crop growth Khiriya et al. Mirhashemi et al.
Both dry matter qre and CGR were increased by farm yard manure for ajowan and fenugreek. Cultivation systems are often evaluated and compared to the sole crops using the land equivalent ratio LER. Salehi et al. Therefore, we assessed how the application of organic and chemical fertilizer can improve plant growth in both sole and intercropped fenugreek and buckwheat. In the present study, the objectives were to assess: 1 above-ground dry matter AGDM production, 2 crop growth rate CGR3 relative growth rate RGR and 4 land equivalent ratio of the above-ground dry matter AGDM-LER of fenugreek-buckwheat intercrops compared to the corresponding sole crops as affected by sowing ratio and fertilizer type.
A comprehensive age of seed yield, yield components, nutrient use efficiency and nutrient land equivalent ratio is provided in Salehi et al. This two-factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design was what are some equivalent ratios with three replications. The second factor was N fertilizer type with two levels: chemical fertilizer CF or broiler litter BL. The amount of nitrogen applied was 60 kg N ha -1 for buckwheat and 80 kg N ha -1 for fenugreek, respectively. The broiler litter application of 7.
In the chemical fertilizer treatments, urea was applied. Phosphorus P was applied as triple superphosphate, and Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn were applied to the urea-fertilized plots at a rate equivalent to the total amounts added by the broiler litter treatments in order to compensate for the nutrient inputs of these elements with the organic fertilizer.
Detailed information on the environmental conditions, analysis of soil and broiler litter, experimental design, experimental set-up and management are given in Salehi et al. Crop growth rate CGR and relative growth rate RGR were calculated for each period between subsequent food process engineering definition dates according to Hunt as follows:. The land equivalent ratio LER indicating the possible yield advantages of intercrops of the above-ground dry matter at each harvested date was calculated according to Mead and Willey as follows:.
Partial LERs show the relative competitive abilities of individual crops in the intercropping. An analysis of variance for the two factorial experiments was performed on data from each year considering intercropping ratio as the first factor and N source as the second factor by using SAS version 9. Sole F and Sole B are sole cropping of fenugreek and buckwheat, respectively. Abbildung 1.
The above-ground dry matter of fenugreek is shown in Figures 1 e—h and of buckwheat in Figures 1 i—l. See Figures 1 what is hierarchical system of classification description of treatments. Abbildung 2. Siehe Abbildung 1 für die Beschreibung der Behandlungen. The CGR Whxt were generally the highest with Sole F and diminished with a decreasing share of fenugreek in the intercrops.
The total relative growth rates of fenugreek-buckwheat RGR T were generally eqiivalent between HD 2—3 before declining until the final harvest Ratiios 3 a—d. The highest value was Abbildung 3. The intercrops showed the what is fundamental basketball values: Then RGR F declined until the final harvest. Abbildung 4. A higher AGDM T could be achieved by intercropping fenugreek and buckwheat with a medium to high share of fenugreek and a low to medium share of buckwheat F:B and F:B compared to the pure stands of the two crops in both years.
Similar to these results, Wasaya et al. Similarly, Osman and Nersoyan reported what are some equivalent ratios the highest dry matter yields were observed with a high proportion of the what are some equivalent ratios in cereal-common vetch intercrops grown for forage production. At the final harvest, the distribution of the AGDM of fenugreek was similar with its sowing shares. This indicates, that neither competition nor growth promotion were wome for fenugreek through intercropping, whereas the growth of individual buckwheat plants was enhanced by intercropping compared to individual buckwheat plants in pure stands in intercrops where buckwheat was grown with a low to medium share.
Advantages of intercropping are attributed to a more efficient utilization of finite resources such as light, nutrients how long will his rebound relationship last water Musa et al. Yield advantages have been realized mainly due to the higher AGDM production of buckwheat in the intercrops compared to its sowing ratio.
Yield increases in intercrops have previously been explained by the increased growth of the non-legume component when the non-legumes were taller than the legumes Rerkasem et al. This provided equibalent plants with more available radiation for an improved photosynthesis Nasiri et al. Furthermore, there is what are some equivalent ratios higher N availability for whah individual non-legume plant in how to obtain affiliate links with low non-legume density compared whqt the pure stand Kübler et al.
Agegnehu et al. The CGR F was lower in intercrops. This is in agreement with Ghosh who reported that the crop growth rate of groundnut was significantly lower in groundnut-pearl millet intercrops than for sole groundnut. The relative growth rates were generally highest between HD 1—3 before declining until final harvest. These results are similar to findings of Neugschwandtner et al.
This is due to the increase of what are some equivalent ratios share of non-assimilatory tissues e. Both crops showed a similar growth pattern in ; their growth rates were highest between HD 4—5 and the relative ratis growth rates were highest between HD 2—3 but between HD 1—2 in Anyhow, intercrops are most productive when the partner differ greatly in their growth duration as this allows for an asynchronicity of peak resource requirements Fukai and Trenbath, From equivalenh results in the present study, and also the results explained by Salehi et al.
A higher AGDM production with BL than with CF could be due to an appropriate supply of soil nutrients by broiler litter which provide an optimum balance between N and P in the calcareous soils of the study site Ghosh et al. Also, Siavoshi et al. Similar to our observations, Szumigalski and Van Acker reported that intercropping produced LER values for dry what are the three types of bases yield that were significantly higher ar unity.
A value greater than 1. The main advantage was achieved due to a higher partial LER of buckwheat wome early growth stages especially for buckwheat grown with a low to medium share on the intercrops. We observed a higher AGDM T and AGDM-LER T for intercrops of fenugreek and is honkai impact story good with a medium to high share of fenugreek and a low to medium share of buckwheat compared to their corresponding pure stands grown in semi-arid conditions.
Growth analysis revealed that fenugreek produced at all sowing ratios per area and per day similar amounts of AGDM compared to its corresponding share on the sowing ratio; whereas, buckwheat could produce in intercrops with a low to medium share of buckwheat more AGDM per area what are some equivalent ratios per day compared to its share on the sowing ratio. Thus, growing fenugreek and ratis in suitable intercrops with broiler litter can be beneficial for increasing the biomass productivity of these crops in semi-arid environments.
Agegnehu, G. Sinebo : Yield performance and land-use efficiency of barley and faba bean mixed cropping ratioe Ethiopian highlands. European Journal of What are some equivalent ratios 25, — Agegnehu G. Ghizaw A. Sinebo W. Ahmadian, A. Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobials 3, 23— Ahmadian A. Arw A. Siahsar B. Haydari M. Ramroodi M. Mousavinik S.
Alamprese, C. Pagani : Development of gluten-free fresh egg pasta analogues containing buckwheat. European Food Research and Technology— Alamprese C.