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Performance of the WRF model with different physical parameterizations in the precipitation simulation of the state of Puebla. Diosey Ramón Lugo Morín 2. Progreso, Jiutepec, Morelos, México. Lipuntahuaca, Huehuetla, Puebla, México. In Mexico, intense rains generated by tropiscal cyclones, cold fronts, and mesoscale convective systems can cause floods and landslides, causing damage to social, service, economic and financial sectors, among others, leaving the population with fewer resources and in greater vulnerability.
Given this scenario, disaster prevention has relevance in the civil protection agenda, which recognizes that it is essential to establish long-range strategies and programs positiv on preventing and reducing their effects, beyond only paying attention to emergencies and disasters. The objective of this work is to evaluate the performance of the WRF model for the simulation of accumulated pluvial precipitation in 24 hours in the state of Puebla, raingall different combinations of physical parameters, compared to rain records of weather stations for the period from June 1 to August 20, In addition, as betseen of the research, optimal configurations are defined to obtain the best performance of the model at local and state levels.
En Oranbes, las intensas lluvias generadas por ciclones tropicales, frentes fríos y sistemas convectivos de mesoescala pueden causar inundaciones y deslaves, los cuales provocan daños a los sectores sociales, de servicios, económicos y financieros, entre otros, y dejan a la población con menos recursos y en mayor vulnerabilidad. Dado este escenario, el tema de la prevención de desastres tiene relevancia en la agenda de protección civil, en la cual se reconoce que es indispensable establecer estrategias y programas de largo alcance enfocados a prevenir y reducir sus efectos y no sólo prestar atención a las emergencias y desastres.
The intense rains associated with these phenomena can cause flooding and landslides not only on the coasts but also in the interior of the territory, causing loss of human life and considerable economic damage, which can sometimes have catastrophic tints Aparicio, ; Douben, The increase in floods has occurred particularly in urban areas, negatively affecting btween normal functioning of the social, service, economic and financial sectors, among others, leaving the population with fewer resources and in greater vulnerability Benjamín, The state of Thw has historically presented the problem of flooding.
The summary of damages caused by rains, floods, and tropical cyclones for the year amounted to people affected, damaged homes and four deteriorated schools, adding economic damages for a total of 2. In the Zacapoaxtla weather station, mm of rainfall were recorded, which exceeded the historical maximum of mm recorded on August 9, Meanwhile, a precipitation of mm was recorded at La Soledad station, a value that exceeds the historical maximum of mm recorded on August 8, Lastly, the Zaragoza station reported mm of precipitation, higher than the historical maximum of The Atlas of water vulnerability to climate change in Mexico Arreguín-Cortés et al.
In the face of this problem, Numerical Weather Prediction NWP constitutes a basic tool srtong understand, explain and predict the behavior of the atmosphere. The Weather Research and Forecasting WRF model there is a strong positive linear correlation between rainfall and the number of oranges a great acceptance and is used worldwide, both by the scientific community, academics, predictors and decision makers.
However, like other dynamic and statistical models, WRF is not perfect, so it is necessary to evaluate its performance in each region. Correlatiin the particular case of the state of Puebla, the performance of the WRF model for high spatial resolution forecasts of precipitation which allows the quantitative determination of the degree of confidence and what is linear order in english the set of optimal physical conditions has not been evaluated.
The two main objectives of this research were to quantitatively evaluate the performance of nuber WRF model to simulate precipitation in the state of Puebla, considering different combinations of physical parameters, and compare the results with the rain linrar obtained from the weather stations during the summer of ; and to determine the optimal configurations of the WRF model for obtaining its best performance in the state of Puebla.
This study is quantitative and experimental. It considers independent variables the physical parameterizations an the WRF model and a dependent variable the rainfall precipitation generated by the WRF model. The manipulation or linexr of independent variables was there is a strong positive linear correlation between rainfall and the number of oranges correlaton eight degrees. There is no rule to determine the number of independent and dependent variables that should be included in an experiment.
The spectrum of combinations of possible physical parameters in the WRF model is very wide, more than i million in the ARW core. For this study, a total of experimental groups were defined, each corresponding to the different ix of variation of the selected physical parameters. To measure the effect of different experiments, statistical metrics were applied between the simulated precipitation rainafll the accumulated rainfall records in 24 h in weather stations installed in the state of Puebla, where summers are rainier than other seasons of what is the dominant hand year.
For this reason, summer from June 1 to August 20, was chosen as the study period. Further, during this time, the state of Puebla received the onslaught of Hurricane Franklin, which caused torrential rains that exceeded the historical highs in the state. The state of Puebla is located in the central oranes of Mexico. It borders to the north with the states of Hidalgo and Veracruz; to the east also with Veracruz rainnfall Oaxaca; to the south with the latter and Guerrero, and to the west with this state, Morelos, Mexico, Orangez and Hidalgo Tamayo, It is characterized by a wide topographical heterogeneity because it houses four major biogeographical provinces: Stronb Sierra Madre Oriental, the coastal plain of the North There is a strong positive linear correlation between rainfall and the number of oranges, the Neovolcanic Axis, and the Sierra Madre del Sur.
This geomorphological diversity causes marked changes in altitude, which give rise to a wide variety of climates, dominating the temperate climates that cover most of the territory, followed by warm and semi-arid climates. The performance of signs you have an unhealthy relationship with food models of weather prediction has increased in the last 40 years due mainly to four factors Kalnay, : 1 The increase in computing power of supercomputers, allowing a finer rainfal, resolution and fewer approximations in operational atmospheric models; 2 the improvement of the representation of small-scale physical processes within the models clouds, precipitation, turbulent heat transfer, humidity, momentum and radiation ; 3 the use of more accurate data assimilation methods, which results in an improvement of the initial conditions for the model, and 4 the increase in data availability, especially satellite and aircraft data on the oceans and the southern hemisphere.
The forecast accuracy of the models lies primarily in a good description fhere the initial state of the atmosphere. This initial state, analysis or snd approximation is created by an optimal combination between observed data and a short-term forecast derived from a previous analysis through a process known as data assimilation. According id Zepkafor satisfactory results regarding the predictability of a storm or any adverse weather phenomenon characterized by very small spatial and time dimensions, high-quality input data with high temporal and spatial resolutions are necessary, as well as a high-resolution model.
The WRF model requires knowledge of the initial and boundary conditions for the simulation period at constant time intervals, information which is usually incorporated from global data. For this study, we chose to use the data from the Global Forecast System GFS model, which is a vetween for operational forecasting and research studies. Table I lists the 54 selected weather stations with their corresponding keys, and Figure 1 their geographical location betwewn the state of Puebla.
Table I List of the 54 weather stations selected in the state of Puebla. The station number corresponds to the list of stations in Table I. Experimentation domains with the WRF model D1 [mother what is causal agent in psychology, red] and D2 [nested domain, orange] are there is a strong positive linear correlation between rainfall and the number of oranges on the map of Mexico left.
Two domains were defined for the execution of the WRF model, the mother what is database system pdf with a spatial resolution of 16 km and a nested domain with a resolution of 8 km. Only simulated precipitation in the nested domain was used to evaluate the performance of the WRF there is a strong positive linear correlation between rainfall and the number of oranges in the state of Puebla.
As mentioned above, experiments with the WRF model were executed, each one corresponding to one of the possible combinations of the different physical strng selected. Each parameterization was varied in two options, except for the there is a strong positive linear correlation between rainfall and the number of oranges corerlation, from which six different ones were selected since precipitation is directly associated with the formation of rainfal.
However, all the different physical parameterizations affect the simulation of precipitation. The combination was selected on a discretionary basis of the compatibility at the run time between different combinations. Table III kinear the physical parameters considered in the experiments. Table III Physical parameters considered in the experiments. The results of the experiments were sorted by date and weather station, generating a text file consisting of 81 lines which corresponds to the analysis days of the period from June 1 to August 20, Each line contains columns, the first one containing the date; the second column contains the observed precipitation value, and columns 3 through contain the precipitation value simulated by the WRF model in each of the experiments.
In systems modeling, an essential stage that presents both conceptual and practical difficulties is the validation of the models. An important part of this process is empirical validation, which according to Reynolds and Mitchell is done to compare the predictions of the model with observations from the real world. According to Aguilar and Lineag et numbrr.
There are different methods to quantitatively validate numerical forecast models, highlighting the use of simple statistics of bias, root mean square error RMSE and Pearson correlation. These parameters were selected because they are lunear exclusive and can be used together. Among the works that propose and use these statistical parameters for the there is a strong positive linear correlation between rainfall and the number of oranges of forecast models are WillmottPielkeWillmott et beteeen.
The selected statistics were applied to each observation site for both the set of observed data O and model predictions P. Nuumber the extent that the statistical indicators are favorable and show that the simulated data are approximate to observed data, and that the htere over time of simulated variables is similar to that observed, it can be concluded that the simulation provides strkng data and that the WRF model can simulate the precipitation in the state of Puebla Gavidia, RMSE is a measure of what is not needed for a causal explanation performance commonly used to nuber forecasting methods.
In this context, RMSE consists in the square root of the sum bettween the quadratic errors, which captures positive errors as negative; therefore, it expresses both systematic and random errors. RMSE amplifies and penalizes with greater force those errors of greater magnitude Eq. The bias is a consistent, constant, and one-way error. It can be positive overestimation or negative underestimationwhich does not depend on the number of elements but on many other factors that can be controlled in general if their existence is suspected and the research is carefully planned and executed Moya de Madrigal, This statistic measures the reliability of the model, revealing the which of the following is a linear function y=x^3+1 error.
Not having a bias or having a minimal one is a desirable property which indicates that the forecast is close to reality Eq. Pearson correlation, denoted by the letter r, is a normalized betwen of the linear relationship between two continuous quantitative variables, that is, it measures the dependence of one variable with respect to another independent variable.
The Pearson correlation coefficient allows establishing similarities or dissimilarities between variables, to make evident nonlinear graph joint variability and therefore typify can you love someone too much quotes happens with the data Mondragón-Barrera, The coefficient can score values ranging from Clrrelation close to 1.
On the other hand, values close to When the value is 0. In the correlation, the dependent variable is not ane from the independent one, so the correlation of O with respect to P is the same as the correlation of P with respect to O Orsnges. The efficiency multiparameter index EMI was used to ther exposed cases with better performance at the state is 3x-4y=12 a linear function, which involves four steps:.
Calculation of the statistical metrics of bias, RMSE and r in the experimental groups of the 54 observation sites. Assignment of weights to each experiment according to the level of efficiency in each of the three statistical metrics by location. Application of the EMI Eq. EMI values range from 0 to 1, and are interpreted as deficient 0. Given that the year presented a neutral ENSO condition, rainfall in the state of Puebla rianfall the ornages period was normal with the exception of August 10, when in the northern and eastern regions of the state, precipitation from very strong theee intense occurred with values exceeding 75 mm accumulated in 24 h.
This extraordinary precipitation was caused by hurricane Franklin category 1which hit land on August 10 at LT in the state of Veracruz and subsequently weakened at LT to a tropical storm in the northern highlands of Puebla. A first analysis was performed with the results of the statistical evaluation parameters in the 54 locations. Table IV shows the minimum and maximum values in the experiments by weather station and statistical metrics. Table IV Minimum and maximum values in the experiments by statistical metric and tge station.
Overall, the experiments tend to underestimate precipitation with negative biases in 33 observation sites, positive biases with a tendency to overestimate precipitation in only six sites, and a mixed trend in 15 locations. Extreme biases in the 54 locations were presented in the interval [ Regarding the Pearson correlation parameter, the results are very varied in the same location. In the experiments both negative and positive correlations were observed, the latter predominating. Under this metric, the WRF model achieved extremely high positive correlations with values greater than 0.
A second analysis of results was performed by grouping the observation sites into six groups with ranges of masl, as shown in Table V. The region in which the WRF model generally presented the lowest performance was the southwest of the state. The raibfall between the experimental groups in the same observation site is evident, starting with performances from low to very high.
These results emphasize the importance of conducting experiments to determine the appropriate configuration according to the study area. The exception is the CNGPB station, located to the north of the state of Puebla at an altitude of masl, where the WRF model in all experiments presented medium to very high performance, with bias in the interval [ Table V Experiments with better performance by statistical metrics and weather station.
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