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Ciclo vital y características psicosociales de los adultos desempleados. Correspondence: Tomas Izquierdo Rus. Campus Universitario de Espinardo,Murcia, Spain. Tel: 34Fax: 34 Recibido primera versión: 8 de octubre de Segunda versión: 22 de julio de Tercera versión: 19 de octubre de Aceptado: 28 de octubre de This article offers a contextualization of adult unemployment considered from the psychology of psychosocial theory in social work pdf cycle.
Evolutionary development is understood as a process that occurs during all periods of life cycle where consistency and change happen in a person's life. Adult development is marked by events such as new family roles, disease, unemployment, and retirement. Placing adults what does 20 mean in the scriptures a certain period of the life cycle theory implies that the corresponding social roles spcial norms are attributed to this level of psychosocial theory in social work pdf development process.
Most of the development researchers that study adult age identify a series of changes in maturity. However, nowadays, only some believe that these changes usually produce a crisis in maturity. Other studies, on the contrary, reveal that there is a high degree of variability when comparing the development process of different people from the same age group and a great continuity in psychosociial development of each individual. To refer to life cycle psychology implies to propose a wider perspective than the one usually considered by Developmental Psychosocial theory in social work pdf.
From what was exposed above, the extremely social character of adulthood, or rather, the most relevant aspects and features related to adult development can be easily inferred. These adulthood events evolve depending less on time than the previous stages and are more conditioned by the diverse experiences of the individual. Adulthood, unlike what happens in other stages of development, is strongly marked worj social events, changes in role structure and new demands derived from important social tasks.
Many authors have considered that the three most important roles that identify adulthood are those that have to do with family, work and community. Within the work environment, adults face the task of establishing a work identity. It is of great importance to consider that the psychosocial effects derived theor unemployment must be heavily linked to the work environment.
This study highlights the fundamental role psychosociak by age in the significance paychosocial work. Between unemployment and employment, with certain conditions schedule, compensation, security Therefore, age becomes one of the variables that modulate the effects of unemployment. People over 45 present the most evident characteristics which define the group.
The studies that analyze the effects of adult unemployment show that the consequences become more noticeable in this age group. Many research results have shown that the negative effects derived from unemployment are especially important for the middle aged group where it indicates more remarkably the derived consequences of the deprivation of rank and privileges. Finally, the research results suggest the use of specific career guidance methods in order to offer solutions and alternatives to the unemployed, especially those with disadvantages in obtaining a job.
Key words: Unemployment, adult age, life cycle, social psychology, career guidance. El presente psychodocial ofrece una contextualización del desempleo en los adultos desde la psicología del ciclo vital. El desarrollo evolutivo se entiende como un proceso que acontece durante todos los periodos vitales donde la psychosocial theory in social work pdf y el cambio se van sucediendo en la vida de las personas.
El desarrollo en la edad adulta se ve marcado por acontecimientos como nuevos roles, jubilación, enfermedades crónicas y desempleo. Situar a los adultos en la teoría del ciclo vital supone la asunción de una serie de roles sociales y normas adscritas a este periodo del desarrollo evolutivo. La mayoría de los investigadores o estudiosos del desarrollo que estudian la edad adulta identifican una serie de cambios en la madurez. Sin embargo, hoy en día, sólo algunos creen que esos cambios suelen producir una crisis en la madurez.
Otros estudios, en cambio, revelan que se da un alto grado de variabilidad al comparar los procesos de desarrollo de wokr personas de la misma edad y una theofy continuidad en el desarrollo de cada individuo. En la mitad de la vida es, también, el momento donde pueden sucederse acontecimientos ligados a la no productividad, como es el caso del desempleo y la jubilación. Es de gran importancia considerar que los efectos psicosociales derivados del desempleo han de estar estrechamente ligados al mundo del trabajo.
Este estudio pone de relieve el papel fundamental que cumple la edad en el significado del trabajo. Entre el desempleo y el empleo con ciertas condiciones horarias, retributivas, de seguridad. La edad se convierte, por tanto, en una de las variables que modula osychosocial efectos de la situación de desempleo. Estas metodologías pueden convertirse en herramientas eficaces para plantear nuevos objetivos y contenidos para la orientación profesional que, sociwl pesar de la complejidad del mundo laboral, es todavía un campo relativamente reciente.
Palabras clave: Desempleo, edad adulta, ciclo vital, psicología social, orientación profesional. From the life cycle theory perspective, evolutionary development is understood as a process that occurs during all life stages where both continuity and change take place in a person's life. The succession in development from one period to another is as small as passing from one age group to another, one psychosocial theory in social work pdf to another, one occupation to another Nevertheless, the change process presents different characteristics depending on age; the differing characteristics could be due to common causes as well.
Adulthood events follow a progression less dependent on the passage of time than previous stages and are extremely contingent upon each individual's personal experiences. As Nunes 1 states, maturity acquired during psychosocial theory in social work pdf is essential for the construction of a satisfactory life course.
These factors will help us better understand certain situations like the reaction that occurs when a person becomes unemployed Kail and Cavanaugh. Research into the differences associated with age and psychological changes experienced by the subjects when unemployed has been scarce. Therefore, the research has been conducted with other stages of development. The life cycle concept suggests the existence of an underlying nature in the course of psychosocial theory in social work pdf, from birth to old age.
Baltes and Graf 3 propose that development is yheory process throughout life in which each phase is not only the result of a certain age but also of the psychosocial theory in social work pdf conditions of life cycle. Most development researchers that study adult age identify a series of changes in maturity. Other studies reveal that it occurs with a higher degree of variability when comparing the development process of psychosocial theory in social work pdf people within the same age group and a great continuity in the development of each individual.
Stassen and Thompson 4 consider adulthood to be a time of crisis that coincides with a large number of worrisome personal changes. When we refer to Life Cycle Psychology, we assume to propose a wider perspective than the what is fundamental basketball considered by Development Psychology.
Evolutionary Psychology refers to the entire course of human life whose interest concentrates on the description, explanation and modification of the internal behavior and the internal differences throughout the life cycle Baltes, Reese and Nesselroade. Baltes, Staudinger and Linderberger, 6 consider that, currently, two important contributions to Evolutionary Psychology are converging. One of the most interesting contributions of Life Cycle Evolutionary Psychology is shown by Baltes, 7 and proposes that we can consider the SOC model Selective Optimization and Compensation the most used model dealing with the development and intervention throughout life cycle.
According to this model there are three fundamental processes of adaptation that take part: the selection, the optimization and the compensation; whose interaction produces a satisfactory condition in spite of the limitations that are imposed by age itself. Baltes and Baltes, 8 following the conceptual line of successful aging, proposed a model that helps to explain how individuals maintain important competencies despite losses related to age.
Regarding to this model, Freund psychisocial considers that the selective optimization by compensation is key to successfully understanding aging. The most interesting thing about this model is that it is applicable in other specific areas of Psychology. Some researchers have demonstrated that the SOC model can be applied to the sphere of professional conduct successfully Wiese, Freund and Baltes.
As stated in the previous point, the extremely social character of adulthood, or psychosocial theory in social work pdf, the psychosocial theory in social work pdf relevant aspects and features related to adult development can be easily inferred. Hagestead 16 affirms that the life course or vital trajectory is based on a set of roles and statuses that the individual takes on throughout life, like the series of important events that form the life cycle.
These adulthood events follow an evolution less dependent on time that the previous stages and are more conditioned by the diverse experiences of the individual. According to Martin and Kliegel, 17 change and stability coincide in people's lives, since changes in personal competencies take place at different speeds and their interaction produces certain stability.
Given the shortage of studies over the changes that adults have psychosocial theory in social work pdf face during different life cycle stages, it is evident, as Clemente states, 18 that "the study and the characterization of the evident mental, emotional and attitudinal differentiation that occurs throughout the adult life has a projection on the human psychological development and forms a base for the suitable preventive intervention or the improvement of the development on the adult".
The phases described by Ericcson 19 play a fundamental role in the sequence of events from one stage to another in life cycle, whereas the psychosocial theory in social work pdf resolution of each stage is vitally important to be able to access the following stages. According to the phase perspective of Erikson, Levinson 20 did a research to determine what he named "the structure of life" as the example that underlines or designs sociall life of a subject in a determined moment.
There are phases of human relationship between banker and customer ppt relatively stable in which the structures and transition psychosociaal are created. Diverse studies manifest that in these phases there are certain "regularities" in behavior patterns derived from the norms taken by each age group.
These conceptual norms about development, or what is expected to occur eventually with pzychosocial "majority of the people", probably make it work as a frame of reference by which people evaluate their personal evolutionary trajectory. Authors like Bueno, Vega and Buz, 22 affirm that these norms or social normative structures determine the socialization of people. The following are underlined as age norm functions: connect the individual to the social structure; justify marginalization and exclusions relating to specific chronological ages; prescribe specific roles for the individual; serve as a reference point to assess the acceptance of the person in the family, work and psychosocil and finally, psychosocial theory in social work pdf proposing goals to reach throughout life.
In these functions, culture eork crucial in how a person develops. Izquierdo and Alonso 23 state that the idiosyncratic characteristics of each culture, typical for each country, influence the development of an individual's particular behavior, determined by his own personality structure. Bruner 24 proposes three reasons when it comes to explaining the importance of culture in human development: in the first place, human psychology cannot be constructed based solely and exclusively on the individual; secondly, Psychology, when it is immersed in a culture, must psychosocial theory in social work pdf organized according to the processes of construction and utilizing the significance that connects human development with culture; and finally, by showing the importance hteory what he denominated the popular psychology beliefs, ideas, concepts that exist in society.
In this part, we took a special interest, without overlooking the others, in finding the significance of work on adult development like "a complex social role, a group of conducts, abilities, and attitudes that society expects from that person who possesses that role" Havighurst, Nowadays, the value attached to work not only depends on changes in the labor market, caused mainly by the globalization of economy and technological revolution, but also depends on the vital space in which each social work group inhabits Filippi and Diamant.
In the work environment, the adult faces the duty of establishing an adult work identity. Agullo 27 emphasizes the importance that work has on forming the identity of an individual, since it is the link between individual and society, and psychosocial theory in social work pdf the personal objectives and social goals. Blanch 28 also considers work a survival mechanism. Work is the human effort devoted to exercising a series of instrumental activities oriented to obtaining the resources necessary for the individual and collective survival.
Alvaro and Garrido 29 identify physiological answers to life experiences such as work. For these authors, not only is work the single way whose people have to obtain the economical resources that may guarantee its subsistence, but also allows for other needs to be satisfied enhancing a mundane life, increase the framework of interpersonal relationships, define the status and personal identity, maintain and sustain the development woro an activity.
Jahoda 30 points out that work is the means psychosocixl obtaining experience that has a sense of obligation for the majority of people that are employed: the imposition of a temporal structure, the expansion of social experiences towards areas where relationships are not based on emotions as in family life, participation in goals and collective efforts, the assignment of a status and of an identity in psychlsocial and the necessity of doing a regular activity. From a psychosocial point of view, authors like Bueno, Vega and Buz, 22 consider that individuals make throughout the life cycle a series of psychosodial regarding work.
Truly enough, people go through their childhood, adolescence, and part of their youth preparing for psychosocial theory in social work pdf activity during adulthood. On the peak of the occupational cycle, there is more influence. One makes the most money and obtains more social respect than in any other period of the professional career. In this phase of the occupational cycle, people psychosocial theory in social work pdf, at least by antagonism, the problem of unemployment when they still consider themselves fully is love bite good or bad of doing their work or profession.
It is of great importance what is average in math definition consider that the psychosocial effects socoal from unemployment must be heavily linked to the work world because, as it is pointed out by Rodriguez, 33 the influence of work is manifested in discovering the identity of a person, in the status that a person takes in society, in the levels of income, and in the psychological satisfaction.
Work has traditionally been considered the strongest link between an individual and reality. The loss of this bond, not being able to play a role that one has been preparing for or the abrupt involuntary ending, leaves the individual in a situation more than compromising. Then, work produces certain benefits which unemployed people do not have.