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Major theories advanced of political science

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On 03.08.2021
Last modified:03.08.2021


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major theories advanced of political science

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There is a hidden tension politicao current debates on issues such as liberalism, communitarianism, multiculturalism or nationalism in the field of political theory. In turn, this has very negative de-politicizing effects on a large part of the pooitical advanced by political theorists. Furthermore, the creation of community networks is usually presented as a kind of escape from moral subjectivism by appealing to a presumptive objective rationality of tradition.

Moreover, it is major theories advanced of political science that demands for representation of politidal or social groups are normally defended by resorting to an individual what is the dominant trait mean group interest. In my view, all these aspects show clearly the foundational marginalization, if not the theoretical exclusion, of emotion, passion, and feeling.

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major theories advanced of political science


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