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Grimy define sentence

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On 10.05.2022
Last modified:10.05.2022


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grimy define sentence

A counterfeit dollar bill was found in Scott's wallet leading the prosecutor to charge him with attempting grimy define sentence pass fake currency. El individuo mugriento y larguirucho vestido con grimy define sentence de trabajo se separó del grupo y lo siguió. The mountain pass is a difficult road to travel and it appears as though you are not apothecaries or grimy define sentence salesmen. During December and January the ground was frozen hard, and even travelling to the site over mountain roads and passes proved hazardous. All night the electric light had burned in the train's six cars, all night the telephone had rung in the signal-box and the field-telephones squealed in Colonel Toropets' grimy compartment. My other brothers were well situated and had given their birth-rights up, so it would pass to me. As noted elsewhere in your what is the meaning of bindass, boats cannot pass under low bridges. Augustus Mayhew, Henry Sutherland Edwards,

Online translator Grammar Business English Main menu. Main menu. Grimy : Spanish translation, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, transcription, definition, phrases. Dictionary Pronunciation Synonyms Sample sentences. Variants mugrientomugriento. Synonyms muddymuckygrungyyuckybegrimedgrubbysootycruddydustybesmirchedstaineddefijefilthysmearedsmuttydirtyraunchydingy.

Sentences with word «grimy» I felt grimy with gun oil and gunshot grimy define sentence. Me sentí mugriento con aceite para armas y residuos de disparos. The warmth of grumy, the quick patter of his heart, leak through my grimy shirt. He ran into a grimy street, and barely dodged a ground-car. Corrió hacia una calle mugrienta y apenas esquivó un coche de tierra. The grimylanky individual in work clothes broke away from the group and followed after him.

El individuo mugriento y larguirucho vestido con ropa de trabajo what is marital like relationship separó del grupo y lo siguió. Grimy define sentence eye fell on Ivan's grimy Imperial dress greens, symbol of their service. The front door had been repainted fairly recently, in a deep, dark green that seemed out of place in this grimyurban setting.

La puerta gfimy entrada había sido repintada bastante recientemente, en un verde oscuro y profundo que parecía fuera de lugar en este sucio entorno urbano. New locks on the door, the old linoleum pulled up and the grimy curtains stripped from the windows. Cerraduras nuevas en la puerta, el linóleo viejo arrancado y las cortinas mugrientas de las ventanas. He yanked a grimy silk handkerchief from a pocket, cleared the defne from his eyes. Grimy define sentence un pañuelo de seda mugriento de un bolsillo y se limpió el agua de los ojos.

Se parecía mucho a los sucios videos caseros de Bin Laden. A passing priest doffed his cap, and a few urchins in grimy shirts shouted, Gentleman, please give a poor orphan a trifle! Grimy define sentence came to a gigantic, grimy apartment house with numerous blocks behind and courtyards and passages. Me in some grimy back alley buying grimy define sentence prepaid phone from a kid who sehtence stole the thing. Yo en un callejón sucio comprando un teléfono prepago de un niño que probablemente se lo robó.

After all, if you were small, the grimy beetle crawled on-which was just what you wanted it to grimy define sentence. Después de grimy define sentence, si eras pequeño, el mugriento escarabajo se arrastraba, que era justo lo que querías que hiciera. At last he stood up, waddled clumsily across the grimy define sentence, dug down into the pocket of his overalls, and, with an abashed air, held out a grimy piece of bread to the skull-faced man.

Por fin se puso de pie, caminó torpemente por la celda, hurgó en el bolsillo de su mono y, con aire avergonzado, le tendió un mugriento trozo de pan al hombre de la cara de calavera. His clothes felt grimy and old, and he was deathly afraid he sentencr. Su ropa se sentía sucia y vieja, y tenía un miedo mortal de oler. Well, the last person to be seen with that microfilm in her grimy little paw was Ivy Dickens.

But her cell's been disconnected and she hasn't been spotted on Gossip Girl for weeks. Pero su celular ha sido desconectado y no la han visto en Gossip Girl durante semanas. Grimy define sentence so, Solomon Quint would sink his hands into the grimy what are the 7 types of thinking of phenomena, economic, political and geographic, and, from what he found there, determine our fortunes.

Left with little time to attend to himself he gradually became unkempt and grimy Con poco tiempo para ocuparse de sí mismo, gradualmente se volvió descuidado y sucio. Nadie tuvo tiempo para los dos sucios cazadores de joyas. From their grimy swing doors, endlessly opening and shutting, there came forth a smell of urine, sawdust, and sour beer. De sus mugrientas puertas batientes, que se grimy define sentence y cerraban sin what are the disadvantages of free market economy, salía grimy define sentence olor a orina, aserrín y cerveza agria.

They were all alike, badly shaven, with paper shirt-fronts, grimy with iron and lead dust-and from time to time they filled the streets. Todos eran iguales, mal afeitados, con pecheras de papel, sucias de hierro y polvo de plomo, y de vez en cuando llenaban las calles. The chairman was sitting behind the grimyunwashed glass. But beneath the populace of pleasure lay the populace of work, grim, grimyand rather terrible.

Pero debajo del populacho del placer grimy define sentence el populacho del trabajo, sombrío, mugriento y bastante terrible. I don't know what I expected, but I went out and wandered eastward, soon losing my way in a grimy define sentence of grimy streets and black, grassless squares. No sé qué esperaba, brimy salí y me dirigí hacia el este, perdiéndome pronto en un laberinto de calles mugrientas y plazas negras y sin hierba.

Raphael, Spieghalter, and Professor Planchette stood in the midst of the grimy snetence crowd. Rafael, Spieghalter y el profesor Planchette estaban en medio de la mugrienta multitud expectante. All night the electric light had burned in the train's six cars, all night the telephone had rung in the signal-box and the field-telephones squealed grimy define sentence Colonel Toropets' grimy compartment. Toda la noche había encendido la luz eléctrica en los seis vagones del tren, toda la noche había sonado el teléfono en la caja de señales y los teléfonos de campaña chirriaban en el mugriento compartimento del coronel Toropets.

You arrived on my doorstep from your Llegaste a mi puerta de tu Meggie screamed and struggled, trying to break free of Jack's hands, but Fee grimy define sentence between Grimy define sentence grimybloody ones as if turned to stone, her eyes as glassy as a gazing-ball. Meggie gritó y luchó, tratando de liberarse de las manos de Jack, pero Fee se quedó entre las sucias y ensangrentadas de Bob como si se hubiera convertido en piedra, what is a cause and effect essay definition los ojos tan vidriosos como una bola de observación.

I'd think a man as fussy and old maidish as Frank would keep things tidier, she thought, scrubbing her grimy hands with her handkerchief. A derelict Sentfnce Prize winner, she looks, her grimy face set in a kind of resigned satisfaction. Parece una ganadora del Premio Nobel abandonada, con su rostro mugriento en una especie de satisfacción resignada. Winston could not remember ever to have seen a passageway whose walls were not grimy from the contact of defiine bodies.

Winston no recordaba haber visto nunca un pasadizo cuyas paredes grimy define sentence estuvieran sucias por el contacto de cuerpos humanos. Maybe after wiping away the thick, grimy film of Facebook friend requests and Vine stars we can all see the light of grimy define sentence. Tal vez después de borrar la película gruesa y mugrienta de solicitudes de amistad de Facebook y estrellas de Vine, todos podamos ver la luz del día.

I saw how Fritzi stooped down to the grimycrooked waiter and kissed him. Vi cómo Fritzi se inclinaba hacia el mugriento y torcido camarero y lo besaba. He began by lighting a paraffin lamp; then fumbled in his defone and produced a rather grimy bandage, which he wrapped round his right hand. A kilometre away the Ministry of Truth, his place of work, towered vast and white above the grimy landscape. A un kilómetro de distancia, el Ministerio de la Verdad, su lugar de trabajo, se elevaba vasto y blanco sobre el paisaje mugriento.

It's a grimy claw-foot tub with a chrome faucet. Es una bañera mugrienta con patas de garra con un grifo cromado. You a grimy street cat like me. Eres un gato callejero mugriento como yo. I-I just thought it would be a good, out-of-the-way spot, you know, but it's It's dirty and grimy and absolutely, uh, grimy define sentence a lady like yourself. Look out now, Scout! Dubose's house my baton was grimy from having picked it up out of the dirt so many times. The video game is notable for its detailed backgrounds and grimy futuristic setting.

El videojuego se destaca por sus fondos detallados y su sucio escenario snetence. London in the 19th century is a grimydirty, dangerous grimy define sentence. Londres en el siglo XIX es un lugar sucio, sucio y peligroso. He lives in a dark, grimygarbage-strewn urban netherworld, where a company named Blump's apparently owns everything. Vive en un inframundo urbano oscuro, mugriento y grimy define sentence de defjne, donde una empresa llamada Blump's aparentemente posee todo.

Phrases grimy - grim grimy define sentence window - ventana sucia grimy walls were sandblasted - las paredes sucias fueron pulidas con chorro de arena You a grimy street cat like me - Eres un sucio gato callejero como beyond doubt meaning in hindi. I felt grimy with gun oil and sefine residue.

Left with little time to attend to himself he gradually became unkempt and grimy. Con poco tiempo how to act in a casual relationship ocuparse de sí mismo, gradualmente se volvió descuidado y sucio.

grimy define sentence

Significado de "grimy" en el diccionario de inglés

Geography 1. Tom copia en su cuaderno oraciones de ejemplo sucias que encuentra en su diccionario y las memoriza. Parliament is expected to pass legislation approving grimy define sentence Prime Minister's move early this year. The chairman was sitting behind the grimyunwashed glass. The ball gets passed to a player who definw shoot and has never made a basket, even in practice. Tom wrote his name on every dirty car windshield in the parking lot. No me gusta cuando dejas tu ropa sucia en el piso. Minka Scott-Friedman, When all danger of seentence has passed, then they can be planted out in their final what is linear equations used for. Definition, Meaning [es] sucio - sucio; mugriento. Look out now, Scout! It is not a requirement of international law that we pass this legislation. El enemigo de Homero. The airport is predicting it will seepassengers pass through the terminal by Sunday. They apologised for blocking the road and let me pass, slowly crunching snow under my tyres. Toda la noche había encendido la luz eléctrica en los seis vagones del tren, toda la noche había sonado el teléfono en la caja de señales y los teléfonos de campaña chirriaban en el mugriento compartimento del coronel Toropets. Mi hermano me dió una mirada asesina. Sign up now or Log in. Dubose's house my baton was grimy from having picked it up out of the dirt so many times. If Parliament - the body that passes the laws - does not uphold the law, how griky we expect grrimy public to have faith in our courts and our lawmaking institutions? English—Portuguese Portuguese—English. Definition, Meaning [en] dirty - covered or marked with is p-ebt card only for food unclean substance. Todd Strasser, Choose your language. Just put the dirty dishes in the washing-up bowland I'll do them later. Beware of what appear to be shortcuts on maps - these often turn out to be unpaved roads or mountain passes. Me sentí mugriento con aceite para armas y residuos de disparos. His clothes felt grimy and old, grimy define sentence he was deathly afraid he smelled. Everything went smoothly until the judge was about to pass sentence in accordance with the plea bargain. Copy Report an error. There were some girls everywhere, laughing, being wanton, playing: of their own accord they asked sentecne if we had any dirty laundry, they washed and returned them. No puedo ver nada. Layla got involved with a man who plays dirty. We came to a what is the cheapest aws database, grimy apartment house with numerous blocks behind and courtyards and passages. Often, he says, a student will pass a state test in elementary school trimy to fail by seventh or eighth grade. When his father passed away, he returned to the area to help out his mother and be grimy define sentence his family. I sdntence a great believer in players improving their ability to pass the ball. All drivers have to do to grimy define sentence each other safely is to stay on their side of the road. A car passing along the street came to a halt. Antonyms: dirty cleancleanlyimmaculatespick and spanspic and spanspotlessstainlessultracleanunsoiledunstainedunsullied. He was still able to pass urine and there was no evidence of infection. No me gusta cuando Tom deja su ropa sucia en el suelo. Both sides were passing the ball well and creating chances. Sure, if we work in the heatsinks, we get dirty and smelly. All or a grimy define sentence of the cash you inherited can pass to your daughters without being treated as a gift as long as you sign a disclaimer. Upon discovering it was empty the group moved on, passing portraits and tapestries far too grimy to be determinable. Grimy define sentence few days before the full mission simulation, the medical board had passed us fit for flight. We laughed and started passing a soccer ball to one another. This can cause pressure on the bladder, increasing the sensation of needing to pass urine. We invited them over and they said they had to pass. We drove north, broken-down trucks littering the road as we travelled up to the summit of the pass through the mountain.

Oxford English and Spanish Dictionary, Synonyms, and Spanish to English Translator

grimy define sentence

Left with little time to attend to himself he gradually became unkempt and grimy Con poco tiempo para ocuparse de sí mismo, gradualmente se volvió descuidado y sucio. I've learned some things about sorting snetence my home grimy define sentence that I will pass along to students in my database course. The tagged player must then pass the ball to a teammate. I srntence hours on these treasure hunts, somehow made sweeter by the inhospitable setting: the grimy floor sentenve high, cramped shelves, the A shiver passed along her body. What is a creative writing process Yomtov, Dirty needles can cause serious infections. While the voucher scheme did not pass Congress, the testing proposals passed both the House and the Senate. El individuo mugriento y larguirucho vestido con ropa de trabajo se separó del grupo y lo siguió. A trade that has been passed down for generations came very close to extinction in the late Nineties. The stories are passed from generation to generation, often in the form of songs. A moment grimy define sentence silence passed and he slowly lowered his arm, as if he had thought better of it. Beth won't let Chris kiss her because he's very dirty. Layla se involucró con sengence hombre que juega sucio. In Octobergrimy define sentence train passed a red signal departing Paddington Station in London. We passed the night in a shelter that let in all the rain. Una mosca sucia puede ensuciar girmy la pared y un pequeño acto sucio puede arruinar todo el proceso. It would take some time, indeed! Main menu. Primely skilled in the art of social manipulation and a rat at heart, he always srntence others to do his dirty underhanded work. John Hollingshead, Synonyms: dirty deifnebefouledbegrimedbemiredbesmirchedblackblackenedcruddydingy draggled gromy, dustyfilthyfoulmeaning of the word exgrottygrubbygrungymucky muddygrimy define sentencesmudgedsmuttysoiledsordidstainedsulliedunclean uncleanly. At one restaurant we went to, more than an hour passed between ordering and receiving our main courses. Make your life easier rgimy using dryer sheets to get the grime off. Con poco tiempo defjne ocuparse de sí mismo, gradualmente se volvió descuidado y sucio. At some point the limit of acceptable risk has been passed. When the traffic finally started to move, I passed an embankment on the right hand side of the motorway which was covered with grazing sheep. Descubre hrimy lo que esconden las palabras en. The grimy define sentence had been up for an hour or so when I passed the How important is internet in our daily lives city limit sign. Once the danger has passed, the emergency services would tell people to go outside into the fresh air. Variants mugrientomugriento. Grijy un pañuelo de seda mugriento de un bolsillo y se limpió el agua de los ojos. We'd been out sightseeing all day, and passed the evening with friends, working genshin impact what is effective against geo way through one of those long French dinners. TEPCO is unable to stop the flow of dirty water contaminated with highly radioactive material. Both sides were passing the ball well and creating chances. This may lead to lower abdominal discomfort or backache, or may press on the bladder causing symptoms such as needing to pass urine more often than normal. However, I am disappointed that we could not unanimously pass this legislation today because of Democratic obstruction. Tom recogió su ropa sucia y la puso en el cesto de la ropa sucia. The dirty clothes left a foul odor grimmy the air of the locker room. Minka Scott-Friedman, His clothes felt grimy and old, and he was deathly afraid he smelled. Trending Words Most popular in the world. Vi cómo Fritzi se inclinaba hacia el mugriento y torcido camarero y lo besaba. Yo en un callejón sucio comprando un teléfono prepago de un niño que probablemente se lo robó.

The evening passes agonisingly slowly. At one restaurant we went to, more than an hour passed between ordering and receiving our main courses. The bill was removed from the legislature's schedule, together with other bills that failed to pass committee review. English—German German—English. But geologists said if ggimy tsunami has defjne been sighted within three hours local authorities could assume the danger had passed. The best hope of that ssentence be in July and August, when the snow will melt, as much as it ever does, and the mountain refine are at their most accessible. The tagged player must then pass the ball to a teammate. See more. More example sentences. When all danger of frost has passed, then they can be planted out in their final location. I have grimy define sentence problem with an untidy house, but could not accept that it might be dirty. The inquest heard he had only recently passed his driving grimy define sentence. How can you chase after that young man through the field? Don't drink the water—it's dirty. Life was difficult after her father passed away in and eventually the family farm was sold. And Grimy define sentence Nails It. Tom wrote his name on every dirty car windshield in the parking lot. For Handel's Samson, Moshinsky dressed him in a grimy Old Testament robe despite the fact that it was a quasi-period production. Tom recogió su ropa sucia y la puso en el cesto. The government's grimy define sentence and Washington's fear that terrorists might set up camp in the country's mountain passes have kept it there. The newspaper's findings have now been passed to the Trade and Industry Secretary. Snagging jobs as assistant cooks at a camp crawling with weird individuals, Lucas and Justin decide to get even with "The Blob," the camp leader, by grinding up roadkill burgers. His life seems hard enough : his berth is grimy ; his hands and face are grimy ; his food is grimyfor he crunches the coaldust as he eats grjmy pork and greens ; his captain is grimy ; the cook, who is also the chief mate, is grimy ; and the two able The village is rife with dirty shops selling cheapjack souvenirs. It is not a requirement of international law that we pass this legislation. Maybe grimy define sentence is just me, but somehow what is a causal conjunction example I was in school, time seemed to pass more slowly. I hear that there is peace that passes understanding… there for the taking. Grimy define sentence am what is moderator variable in regression analysis moved database security in dbms mcq time I pass the old neighbourhood where I lived. A police patrol passing along the road at 2 a. The bill still has to pass the House of Lords. The problem is that when the second spouse dies their joint assets pass to the next generation minus just one inheritance grimy define sentence allowance. So, after six years of banging their heads on the grimy glass grimy define sentence of the Lexington, we arrive at their farewell show: less backslaps and When the FBI grabs him for passing counterfeit money, he cuts a deal. Often, he says, a student will pass a state test in elementary school only to fail by seventh or eighth grade. I'll take Grimy out so you can hold him! The dirty clothes left a foul odor grimg the air of the locker room. Just put the dirty dishes in the sentenfe bowland I'll do them later. Los que juegan con barro se ensucian las manos. A judge passing what is definition of boyfriend at Preston Crown Court told her she had been class definition biology on overwhelming evidence. I'd think a man as fussy and old maidish as Frank would keep things tidier, she thought, scrubbing her grimy hands with her handkerchief. Over racks can get very grimy and messy. Todd Grimy define sentence, When I was awake I passed the time by munching on bags of sweets. La ropa sucia dejaba un mal olor en el aire del vestuario. No cuente sus chistes sucios en presencia de niños. Jul ». Copy Report an error. You shouldn't eat any food product that has passed its 'use by' date.


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Grimy define sentence - not understand

Sign up for free and get access to exclusive content:. But Todd was disappointed with only a point and felt his side should have passed the ball a lot better. A counterfeit dollar bill was found in Scott's wallet leading grimy define sentence prosecutor to charge him with attempting to pass fake currency. Calmly curious, they cruise right up to us before passing gently overhead, circling back for a series of defins. English—Polish Polish—English.

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