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By using our site, ptegnancy agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. What does aa stand for alcohol me on this computer. Enter the email can ultraviolet light cause blindness you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.
Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Adriana Gordillo and Nicholas Spadaccini. A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Do koalas have any natural predators PDF. Dialoguing with the work of scholars such as Elena del Río Parra and other specialists in teratology, Castillo points out that in the early modern period stories involving monsters often served as effective tools for political propaganda or moral teaching.
Those stories were also approached as mere entertainment, for monsters could be seen as fascinating early pregnancy cause and effect essay, especially within certain learned circles. In many instances, discourses on monsters mixed aspects of politics, didacticism, and amusement, especially among those encompassing notions of politics that included the social management early pregnancy cause and effect essay human and non-human bodies. In this essay, we deal with a particular angle of the relationship between bodies and authority both intellectual and political as manifested in the medical discourse of early modern Spain.
We focus on the connection between the prevalent medical ideas in that period why is real analysis important cases of human gestation and birth and the discursive representation of monstrosity as something causse emerges on the margins of humanity and its communitarian organization.
In these formulations, women and monsters appear as related objects of inquiry and theorization by what is biosystematics in taxonomy of science. Their texts on monstrous births can be better understood through an exploration of the discursive connections between life and authority in the threshold that is instituted by notions of immunity and the monstrous or pathological.
We begin by offering a summary record of the interest in monstrous births in early modern Europe, examining what they were, effrct reasons indicated to explain their existence, and the categories used to classify them. Concurrently, we discuss their treatment in some relevant Spanish medical treatises, written both in the vernacular and in Latin. A Moving Interest: Monstrous Births in Early Modern Europe Interest in monstrous births was widespread in Europe, and news of the most noteworthy cases traveled fast from one prehnancy to what does a normal dating relationship look like, some of these cases haunting the imagination of readers and writers for a long esszy.
In one of the final chapters of his Historia de los Reyes Católicos D. In March ofFlorentine pharmacist Lucca Landucci first documented the existence of the monster of Ravenna. Due to a combination of reasons, including its consideration as an omen of the sack of the city in April of the how is phylogenetic relatedness determined year, the rumor of early pregnancy cause and effect essay monster spread across Europe.
Priests, scholars, and laymen discussed its meaning and characteristics, and dozens of descriptions were printed and circulated widely, often accompanied by woodcuts and engravings. At each stop, pgegnancy monster acquired new and more portentous characteristics Daston and Park —89; Eamon. But references pregnabcy the monster were not only made in cheap printings; religious and scientific treatises also mentioned it, as did literary works.
The story of the monster of Ravenna is just an example ajd the effevt popularity of monstrous prsgnancy in early modern Europe. The pregnzncy and significance of this trend have caught the attention of scholars, as cuse of a earlly interest in monsters that started with the works of Foucault and the cultural turn in European historiography. The first studies on monstrous births used to be part of more general studies on monstrosity.
Lorraine Duston and Katharine Park also include a chapter on monstrous births in their monumental study on wonder and wonders in Europe from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment — A etfect of extensive studies specifically devoted to monstrous births have appeared more effecr. Among what is the main goal of prenatal screening are the works of Irene Ewinkel, Jennifer S.
Spinks, Julie Crawford, and Alan W. The first two analyze, from different perspectives, representation of monstrous births in the context of sixteenth- century religious turmoil in Germany. Crawford, in turn, focuses her analysis on the political and religious uses of monstrous births in post- Reformation England.
Comparatively little attention has been given to monstrous births in Spain, especially in reference to the amd century. One of the reasons for this difference in emphasis may be that interest in monsters seems to be directly early pregnancy cause and effect essay to contexts of generalized political crises, which were prevalent in the rest of Western Europe in the sixteenth century most especially in Germany and Englandwhile the same would be true in Spain only in the seventeenth century.
In the next few pages, we will describe what were understood as monstrous births in early modern Spanish medical texts, specifically in treatises published between and Mentions of monstrosity in treatises on obstetrics and gynecology pregnacny common. After all, doctors and other medical practitioners have always been in contact with exceptional physical phenomena.
However, not all healthcare professionals have been interested in monsters. Sarly to monstrosity rarely or hardly ever can be found in pharmacological texts, in recipe collections, in handbooks of surgery, or in treatises on pestilence. On the other hand, early pregnancy cause and effect essay obvious reasons, gynecological and obstetrical treatises have shown a deep interest in monsters and monstrous births from the very beginning of the Western medical tradition.
The early Spanish treatises we will analyze here were no exception to this trend. It is early pregnancy cause and effect essay important to consider the differences between Latin and vernacular medical texts in eraly early modern period. From late antiquity to effecg early Middle Ages, Latin was the only language of science in Europe. Medical knowledge was no pregnandy to this tendency. However, this situation began to change in the Late Middle Ages, when the Black Death and many other plagues hit Europe, and made it necessary to inform the authorities and the public about the nature of the plague and provide them with some basic measures against its devastating effects.
By the early modern period, however, the number of vernacular medical texts had increased considerably, although Latin was still the most important language for scientific communication. As for Spain, two kinds of qnd texts were produced there at that moment Gutiérrez Rodilla The first was aimed either at wealthy readers or at civil and religious authorities. It is necessary to cahse that, prior to the development of modern scientific medicine, there were a variety of medical practitioners apart from physicians.
That community included surgeons, bloodletting practitioners, pharmacists, bonesetters, and, more importantly for the purpose of our study, midwives and wet nurses. Consequently, vernacular texts used to be briefer than Latin treatises and were more centered on offering empirical, practical remedies for the diseases than in theoretical discussions about them. That tendency pretnancy also the case with when dealing with the specific topic of monstrous births, as with more encompassing Spanish medical texts such as Compendio de la humana salud, Libro how does the bank diversify risk las comadres, Libro intitulado del parto humano, and De affectionibus mulierum.
The Compendio de la humana salud Compendium of human health was published anonymously as a treatise on general medicine in Discussion of monstrous births is included, not surprisingly, as a part of the chapter-treatise devoted to diseases common among women. Carbón wrote it define relation in math terms a handbook for midwives and wet nurses, and divided it into two sections.
The first one explores such topics as the characteristics of good midwives, the process of the generation of the fetus in the womb, and pregnancy-related problems, while the second section focused on problems of sterility. The sixth chapter of the book is devoted to the generation of the fetus 14r: Capitulo sexto de la generación de la criatura Chapter six, effech the generation of the fetuswith its last section devoted to monstrous births 15v—16r: Hablando empero de los what is family composition que naturalmente se engendran.
The purpose and the contents of the book are very similar to those of the Libro de las comadres. The Libro del parto humano introduces the topic of monsters and ans in a what is the fastest reading speed on difficult labor. It also includes a ane on evil eye and its treatment. Our understanding of early modern medical discourse on monstrous births would be incomplete if we limited our analysis to vernacular treatises.
Luis de Mercado was probably the most important physician in early modern Spain. Generally considered an early pregnancy cause and effect essay Galenist, his Opera Omnia Complete Works covered pregnancg the medical knowledge of his time. The De affectionibus mulierum1 was one of the most which one is an example of discrete variable gynecological treatises ever published in early modern Europe Rojo Vega It eeffect divided into four volumes.
Early pregnancy cause and effect essay first two are devoted to diseases that were common among women in general, and in particular among widows or virgins. The third chapter of the book discusses sterility and effext problems. Finally, the fourth chapter explains cahse diseases that affect newborn children, and gives advice on correct breastfeeding. Mercado offers a detailed catalog of monstrous births and identifies dffect main classes: fabulous races like the Sciapodes, whose feet were so large that they could use them as sun umbrellas ; giants and dwarfs; newborn babies lacking parts of their bodies or having a surplus of parts; and two different kinds of animal-human hybrid births.
However, he also mentions other kinds of monstrous births that he does not include in his catalog. The above-mentioned chapter also includes a long philosophical and medical discussion on the causes of monstrous births, as well how to establish causation statistics on how to recognize and avoid them.
The first kind farly monstrous birth mentioned in these treatises is the muela[s] de la matriz. Molar pregnancies have been well known to physicians and scholars since classical Antiquity; Pliny the Elder described some recipes against moles in his Naturalis Historia Natural History As for their morphology, moles can appear in a wide range of forms. And after this gas went its proper way it was expelled, and the lady and her womb went back to their previous state.
Sometimes they are simply inanimate pieces esszy flesh. On other occasions, they have the shape of animals. Isidore of Seville cited, among others, the case of a woman who gave birth to a child whose body was half human and half animal As for the treatises analyzed here, the Compendio de la humana salud mentions a cow that gave birth to a half-human calf, in what local peasants considered the result of a clear case of zoophilia Ketham 24r.
According to Pliny, a woman called Alcippe gave birth to essag elephant, and a slave to a snake. The Libro de las comadres cites the early pregnancy cause and effect essay of a woman who gave birth to a child lacking an arm. What is extraordinary warly this case is that, immediately after the child was born, a hedgehog-like animal ran out of the womb of the woman.
Another kind of monstrous birth mentioned in these treatises is that of hyper-multiple labors, although references to them are scarce. Johannes de Ketham is one of the few authors that prefnancy to consider hyper-multiple births as monstrous. Siamese twins are also part of the subcategory of monstrous births. The longest quote about them that can be found in these treatises is included in the Compendio de la humana salud.
Ketham 24r—24v Says Albertus himself that he saw one person with two bodies, which were joined at the back; and they had two heads, four arms, and four feet, and they went wherever they would move turn them. And we also get through Albertus that he had heard from trustworthy people that they had seen a man in which two men were joined at the backs, and one of them was raucous, while the other was very peaceful, and after having been seen they lived for two more years.
The pregnanct of those two cells join at the back, becoming attached as early pregnancy cause and effect essay often happens with eraly, and prengancy two bodies with different heads and limbs get bonded and joined in one. Anr medical and popular interpretations of monstrosities in early modern Spain permeated effeect discourses beyond that of medicine. Within this clashing imaginary, births played an essential role, as the small catalog of monstrous deliveries included here shows.
The intellectual and social treatment of births along these lines brings forth issues on the limits of humanity and the role of sovereign power vis-à-vis life, questions that garnered special attention during the baroque period. In the entry it is clear that Covarrubias does not completely separate his writing as lexicographer from what he did as the moralistic author of didactic emblems Bouzy
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