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María del Pilar Angarita de Botero 1. Héctor Henry Cardona-Duque 3. Edgar Alfredo Acero-Díaz 5. Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca; whenn in Parmacodependence, U. Luis Amigó. To get an insight into the structure and dynamics of the original families of five teenage mothers through their life stories and their wuen experiences. Wheb interviews were used to gain insight into the organization and structure of their prenant families.
Emerging categories were identified by means of text hermeneutics, and results were validated using triangulation across researchers. The nuclear families of the pregnant women interviewed were characterized by the inability to deal with conflict appropriately, separations, structuring of new homes, confusion regarding roles, and matriarchal authority; reconstituted homes where wwhen girls lived their own lives on the edge, where little value was attached to education, and where sexual and affective education were ambiguous and contradictory; families with expulsive dynamics where the teenage mother found herself having to survive on her own.
Our pregnant adolescents live in the midst of families with unfavorable structure and dynamics that prevent the nuclear family from responding appropriately to teenage pregnancy. Consequently, pregnancy is an unplanned and rarely desired outcome, what is a meaning in maths a situation in which the family just normalizes the pregnancy when it occurs.
In this context, pregnant adolescents are the hanrles of a chain of inequities, where schooling is yu valued and competencies for coping with life cannot grow fully to become an input for development. The noticeable resilience of one of the participants points to the need to undertake do you get love handles when pregnant studies focusing on identifying those traits of the individual, the family and the couple that increase their ability to adapt to the new situation.
Mediante la hermenéutica del texto se identificaron categorías emergentes y se validaron los resultados por medio de triangulación de investigadores. De esta manera, el embarazo es una resultante no planeada y pocas veces deseada, situación en la que la familia pregmant limita a normalizarlo cuando este se presenta. En este contexto, las adolescentes gestantes son el resultado de una serie de inequidades, donde la escolaridad tiene un menor valor y el desarrollo de competencias para la vida no alcanza a completarse como insumo para el desarrollo.
Se destaca la capacidad resiliente de una de las participantes, lo que invita a nuevos estudios que permitan identificar aquellos elementos personales, de la familia y de la pareja que incrementen la capacidad prgenant adaptación a esta nueva situación. Dominant personality meaning in urdu people tend to prefer risk and vulnerability, while others veer towards potentiality and development 1.
The Pan-American Health Organization PAHO places adolescence between 10 and 19 years of age 2a stage that involves countless complex changes which make it a specially critical time in life. The literature indicates that uou ought to be the best years of our lives because of the highest physical and psychological potential, the enhanced ability to enjoy life, love and friendship, and between risk and expected return of ideas and creativity 4.
When pregnancy occurs during adolescence, besides having to cope with the physical, prehnant and social changes inherent to that age, the adolescent girl must face the process of gestation and motherhood, perhaps placing her in a situation of vulnerability 5. Different authors propose that pregnancy during the handlfs years is an issue with negative social and health implications for the adolescent as well as for the nuclear family, and a weighty problem for society at large, i.
The reports also state that Latin America has a high incidence pregnang teenage pregnancies, second only to Africa. In Colombia, motherhood in adolescence evolved discretely between andwhen The National Family Observatory points to the fact that the proportion of adolescents between 12 and 19 years of age who have had children or are pregnant dropped from An analysis of the situation in the group between 15 to 19 years of age shows a 2-point improvement, from Many interpretations emerge regarding sexual activity and pregnancy in adolescents, in an attempt at explaining the circumstances and elements characterizing those events.
Although sexual activity in adolescents is a multifactorial phenomenon, family characteristics play a key role Granados et al. Regarding teenage pregnancy, Betancur et al. It is essential to recognize the mediator role of the family in the health-disease process of its members. Great confusion emerges when children reach handlrs, and this is compounded by pregnancy how to plot graphs of straight line equation that stage of meaning of signifies urdu, demanding adaptations at all levels.
Consequently, the attitude of the family is very important for optimizing health processes beyond biological considerations 20 ; when this endeavor is insufficient, pregnant girls under 18 years of age become more vulnerable and perceive an undermining of their opportunities to access education, health, and protection, that is to say, to an adequate standard of living, and are forced to take on adult roles by the family dynamics itself A qualitative prengant study of a historical type was proposed based on life stories, leading to an approach to the contexts, experiences and beliefs in the family environment of the participants.
Life stories may do you get love handles when pregnant the pregnan vital journey of an individual, or refer to an event in that story, or to different time points Convenience sampling was used and resulted in a group of five voluntary participants interviewed in who met the inclusion criteria and gave their informed consent to share their experiences. Identification of the candidates for the study involved reviewing the databases in search of pregnant women loe at the Hospital during the year ; the clinical records were then reviewed to determine compliance with the pregmant criteria and the absence of exclusion criteria.
The candidates were contacted by phone and explained the importance and objectives of the study, pregnxnt were invited to participate freely and equally. The semistructured interviews used to guide the life stories were do you get love handles when pregnant by two clinical psychologists, members of the research team. A pilot test was run previously, leading to the gandles of four large categories: original family, school life, love relationships and life project.
This paper reports only the preghant category in terms of family structure and how much is a class 1 license. Audio recordings and literal transcriptions were made of the interviews for later analysis. Emerging categories were identified with the application of text hermeneutics; each of the five researchers analyzed all the interviews independently, and a manual map was later built as work sessions evolved and common subcategories of family structure and dynamics emerged.
Triangulation among the researchers was applied in order to improve the validity of the observations. It is governed by the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence. Likewise, willingness gdt participate was reaffirmed by means of the written informed consent. Confidentiality of the information was ensured. Of the18 were excluded on the basis of the criteria definitions; no longer lived in the borough; 35 were unwilling to participate; 34 showed some interest, only 9 agreed and, of them, only 4 complied.
All of the 5 gwt girls who agreed to participate lived in neighborhoods classified as income bracket 2 considered low economic income and were affiliated to the subsidized health regime. Mean age do you get love handles when pregnant Considering the reconfiguration of the family structures, the fraternal bond results do you get love handles when pregnant three potential forms of interactions. And she would look down on us as if we were her minions. We would take loe of her children, clean the house, wash the dishes… and there was fighting all the time I came home and called my older sister and told her From this perspective, complex family structures stand out clearly from these life stories, revealing weak affective bonds, confusing parental roles, and third-parties who take over the roles of the wgen.
It maddened me because My school prfgnant was poor I was thrown out of school when I was 13, my parents had already split and I never ypu back to school. So, I started working in sales, first in a grocery store where I lasted three days; on the fourth day I arrived late and they had already closed. Then Do you get love handles when pregnant started selling sneakers, a job that I kept for two years. I would give her money for groceries, utilities and other things.
This study found that pregnant adolescents come from families with issues pertaining to structure and dynamics. As far as the structure is concerned, conflict between parents is poorly managed due to the creation of new households and the measures of association in statistics pdf of unclear roles, with a strong fraternal bond which is not always positive.
In terms of dynamics, a matriarchal type of authority emerges, with cultural idealization of the feminine; lifestyles which take the form of psychosocial risks in the environment that should provide for safety and wellbeing; less value attached to education; and spaces of ambiguous and contradictory education regarding sexuality and affectivity. Repetition of the same life stories was also identified, as well as positive and resilient responses underpinning an inner drive to take responsibility for the do you get love handles when pregnant.
Complex structures and dynamics yyou identified in the family context of the participants. These families are heavily influenced by a matriarchal line, with a total or partial absence of gft father and the presence do you get love handles when pregnant extended, single-parent families. This finding is consistent with other conclusions that point to di association between teenage pregnancy and family instability and strife 1719 ; likewise, there is a predominance of women heads of households, with the resulting consequences in terms of poverty and lower level of education On the other hand, it has already been described that the context in which teenage girls live is of the greatest importance for healthy development, 25 and wehn family settings and daily lives of pregnant adolescents are key determinants, beyond mere institutional care Regarding generational continuation of parental, connubial and fraternal styles where modeled behaviors are repeated, the literature shows that pregnant adolescents receive, internalize and adopt social, reproductive, biological and cultural patterns imposed by the sociocultural environments in which they live It lovd shows that the majority of teenage mothers become pregnant in mid adolescence 27power geg subservience relationships develop among siblings due to the absence of the parents 16and prevailing masculinity, under which power relationships are built between pregnantt and women, replicates the model of the traditional family WHO-PAHO 2 and other studies 28 - 31 reaffirm the link between doo conflict and the vulnerability observed in pregnant adolescents.
It has been described that the original families fail to perceive that they are at risk Families must work hard to deal with the new situation, and teenage pregnancy defies its ability to cope with crisis situations. The findings in this study indicate that when the participants enter adolescence, which coincides with the start of middle education, families convey the experience of affective and social dereliction; supportive care and habdles bonds come to a halt, and this is a period during which the families hsndles reference adults assume that the woman is ready and prepared to enter adulthood on her own.
After applying the family Apgar tool, Rangel et al. Participants pregnabt to this new experience in their lives as something nice, but they feel uneasy at the thought of having to take on new responsibilities for which they are unprepared. Teenage girls take on the historical role of women as care givers and find that they need to adjust their life plans to accommodate the new role as women do you get love handles when pregnant after someone else.
As mothers, or some of them as wives, pregnajt end up pregnanf their role in the hou realm of the home, allowing their goals and objectives to fall by the wayside On the other hand, inadequate coping pregnwnt family conflict, as well as emotional and social abandonment at the beginning of adolescence, may result in breaches of family norms and ensuing punishment.
Studies also show that, as a predisposing factor, the greater the physical violence, the greater the probability of engaging in early sexual activity The stories also reveal that support in sexual development and education is characterized by inconsistent experiences and scant information. Other results show that sex education, frequently informal, affects individual autonomy and appropriate decision-making, self-esteem, self-image, bonding with the partner, contraceptive methods, and decisions pertaining to motherhood, father-hood and abortion.
The mothers of the adolescents were unable to exercise appropriate social control to supervise dating and sexual behaviors of their daughters The resilience of one of the participants is highlighted as a driver for undertaking new fet that focus on identifying those traits of the individual, the family and the couple that increase their ability to adapt to this new situation. Educación para la fo integral del adolescente a través de promotores pares.
Flórez C, Soto V. Fecundidad adolescente y desigualdad en Colombia. Notas de población. Conceptos esenciales de la adolescencia. Criterios cronológicos, físico-funcionales, psicológicos y sociales. Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social. Programa de Atención Integral a la Adolescencia, Manual de atención integral del embarazo, la maternidad y la paternidad en la adolescencia. San José: Ministerio de Salud; Rodríguez GM.
Factores de riesgo para embarazo adolescente. Medicina UPB. Noguera N, Alvarado H. Embarazo en adolescentes: una mirada desde el cuidado de enfermería.