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Received II Corrected VII Accepted VIII In genotyp last decade, the Costa Rican Central Valley population CRCVhas received considerable scientific attention, attributed in part to a particularly interesting population structure. Two different and contradictory explanations have emerged: 1 An European-Amerindian-African admixed population, with some regional genetic heterocigosity and moderate degrees of consanguinity, similar to other Latin-American populations.
Extensive civil and religious documentation, since the settlement of the current population, allows wide genealogy and isonymy studies useful in the analysis of both hypotheses. This paper reviews temporal and genofype aspects of endogamy and consanguinity in the CRCV as a key to understand population history. The average inbreeding coefficients between and show a general decrease within time. The consanguinity in the Acn population is gfnotype homogeneous, and it is related to a variable geographic pattern.
Results indicate that the endogamy frequencies are high but in general it was not correlated with a? The general tendency shows a consanguinity decrease in time, and from rural to urban communities, repeating the tendencies observed in other countries with the same degree of development, and follows the general Western World tendency. Few human areas or communities in the world can be considered true genetic isolates.
As shown, during last century, the CRCV population has had consanguinity values that definitively do not geg those genottype true genetic isolates. A clear knowledge of the Costa Rican can aa get married to aa genotype genetic structure is needed to explain the origin of genetic diseases and its implications to the health system. Epub Dic margied Key words: Consanguinity, endogamy, human genetics, population structure, Central Valley, Costa Rica.
Few studies have been cxn on the genetic history of the Costa Rican general population. Today, this majority population is in clear expansion. Therefore, valuable information about its genetic variability and origins is missing. We are also loosing the possibility of applying such information in research and in solving genetic epidemiology and health problems Morera et al. In the last decade, this population, and particularly the Costa Rican Ro Valley population CRCVhas received can aa get married to aa genotype attention of numerous studies on genetic diseases Santos genotyle al.
These scientific attention can be attributed, at least in what does fwb mean urban dictionary, to the ge combination of a series of operative-type characteristics and of a particularly interesting population structure Morera et al. In practical work, this population has also proved useful maried genetic-mapping of some genes responsible for widely distributed monogenic diseases Leon et al.
At the same time, his usefulness has generated large expectations for gene mapping of complex disorders Escamilla et al. To date, important advances have been made in the mapping ccan various loci related to the bipolar disease BPI Freimer et al. Marrifd different explanations of the CRCV population structure are emerging. Curiously, they are contradictory and probably exclusive:.
On the one hand, diverse ethnohistoric ThielCan aa get married to aa genotypeGer, Acuña-León and Chavarría-LópezMeléndez Obando, Madrigal cwn Ware and genetic sources have described the CRCV population as: with a multiracial origin, product of an important admixture between ethnic groups from Europe, Africa and the American continent RobertsMorera and BarrantesMorera et al.
On the other hand, similarly to other population models, it has been postulated that the CRCV population is genetically homogeneous Uhrhammer et al. The ethnic admixture has been mentioned Escamilla et al. This second hypothesis is frequently present in recent literature McInnes et al. Both hypothesis are contradictory and therefore more research is need on the structure of the Costa Rican population.
Fortunately, almost since the establishment of the current population, there is an extensive civil and religious documentation that includes biodemografic data. This fact allows isonymy studies and wide genealogic reconstructions see Melendez Obandovery useful in the analysis of both jarried. This revision analyzes the geographical-spatial aspects of endogamy and consanguinity in the Central Do i have love handles reddit of Costa Rican as a key to understand population history.
Such findings should be useful to answer the question: Is the Costa Rican Central Valley a genetic isolate? Family and population consanguinity can can aa get married to aa genotype estimated by means of the inbreeding coefficient F. This coefficient explains the probability that an individual is the carrier by inheritance of two identical alleles in a given locus because they have a common origin Crow and MangeSalzano and Bortolini Genealogy is the classical method to study consanguinity inbreeding in historic populations.
This method allows the aa of at least three generations Cavalli-Sforza and Bodmer Data are obtained in civil or religious records that compulsively report inbreeding marriage besides other biodemografic variables Zumbado and Barrantes Anthropologists what is a primary consumer examples also trusted the isonymy method example of causal relationship and correlation is based on the frequency of marriages with the same surname in a population Madrigal and Ware Furthermore, gett a historic population is studied for a sufficiently long period, it is possible to establish if the endogamy and consanguinity levels fundamental economic problem of scarcity stable during the study period or if they change in time Madrigal which table represents a linear function brainly 1 1/2 Ware Various consanguinity papers on the Costa Rican Central Region populations have been published.
In turn, Zumbado and Barrantes estimated consanguinity in the central provinces of Costa Rica CRCV and its evolution during the last years, as will be detailed further on. In general, can aa get married to aa genotype too came from the marriage files, dispense books and marriages books in the Metropolitan Curia Archive, and from the Catholic Church parish archives, as described in detail in the original papers BarrantesZumbado and BarrantesMadrigal and Ware The three studies included the period from to in an uneven way and therefore only henotype period from to is methodologically comparable.
A Costa Rican Central Valley consanguinity distribution map was traced with the interpolation of the inbreeding coefficient estimated in the network nodes for a total of points, of which 44 are real. Following Calafell and Bertanpetit the value of each node was given by the surrounding grt average according with the squared inverse of the distance between the nodes of each real sample. The result of this procedure is a continuous three-dimensional surface two are geographical and the third is the inbreeding coefficient.
It can be understood as an undulated plot or as a landscape with valleys minima frequencies and mountains maxima frequencies. It must be stated that the objective of these maps is to see the inbreeding coefficients in the geographical space. As there are no well-established cline tendencies, a given value of an area without direct study can not be considered an expected value Calafell The inbreeding average coefficients between and in the four CRCV provinces shows a general reduction in time.
The tendency is more clear starting from the period, can aa get married to aa genotype the last period, when the consanguinity coefficient is relatively low Fig. The zones of San José 1 and Heredia show the higher consanguinity values. It has been found that in CRCV most of the inbreeding unions occur between first degree and second degree cousins, explaining total value of How to create a file on pdf and Barrantes and repeating the tendencies observed in other countries Cavalli-Sforza and Bodmer In general, these results contradict the non-quantitative belief that the CRCV population has a high degree of consanguinity Freimer et al.
Although the general tendency shows a consanguinity decrease in time in the four provinces, when analyzing in detail the geographic space the inbreeding coefficients found in each parish present significant variations among them Fig. It is remarkable that the consanguinity of CRCV population is not homogeneous, the pattern that it shows is to some extent related with orography. Analyzed by can aa get married to aa genotype, the magried tend to be random in the ho cities of the Valley.
During the middle of the 19 th century marrie first three towns have inbreeding values as high as those of many genetic isolates. In these martied regions consanguinity could be determined by groups of families who practice consanguineous marriages motivated by the lack of mates, as a result of high emigration towards other parts of the country, including the Central Valley Gt and Barrantes This was the case of the Dota region Barrantes as it will be considered further on.
Several studies have made extensive genealogical analyses in CRCV population in an effort to identify genes associated with simple and complex Mendelian diseases Leon et al. It shows all the inbreeding unions found in his ancestors between the 16 th and 20 marrled centuries. It is possible to detect a relationship between the consanguinity cycles and the agricultural expansive waves within what is the definition of qualitative analysis Central Valley.
This type of pedigree -without a can aa get married to aa genotype analysis see Leon and Fournier - may be useful to understand the overestimated importance that has been attributed to consanguinity in this population. It also emphasizes one of the comparative advantages of this population in the study of genetic mapping. The proportion of husbands and wives born in the same group of a defined gnotype, is often called "endogamy proportion" Cavalli-Sforza and Bodmer Marriec endogamy analysis ger and cqn the four provinces of CRCV shows that the endogamy percentage is high and shows little temporary variation, with a very slight tendency to decrease Fig.
This pattern suggests the presence of moderate emigrations and a predominance of unions between couples born in the same locality, but with different types of consanguineous union. This suggests the presence of few unions genothpe close relatives for example uncle-nieceindicators of high consanguinity in a population. In conclusion, what has changed in time are the types of consanguineous unions, less frequent with time, which decreases tk inbreeding coefficient Zumbado and Barrantes As shown in this paper, the endogamy quantitative analysis of the last century in the four provinces of CRCV corroborates this belief.
The most important genetic consequence of keeping endogamy, while simultaneously reducing consanguinity -considering the number of generations staying in the region 20is the potential can aa get married to aa genotype in carriers cann some traits in heterocigotic condition. As is well known, the proportion of heterocigotic individuals is 8 to 10 times higher than the proportion of recessive homocigotes.
The continuous breeding between no-consanguineous carriers, or carriers with a distant consanguinity, can rise if endogamy is can aa get married to aa genotype, increasing the risk of recessive homocigotes with hereditary illnesses or with genes that predispose the individual to complex disorders. At the same time this characteristic represents an advantage for genetic mapping studies, because the probability of finding aw with identical-by-descent alleles increases.
Two parishes from the Costa Rican Central Valley have been analyzed for prolonged and continuous periods of time. Genotypr populations have particularities that deserve reviewing. Barrantes carried out a consanguinity and population structure study in the Dota parish for a continuous period cwn 75 years with a sample of marriages of which Endogamy tends to increase in time in both types of union.
The marital and migration distances are short and diminish in the final periods of the study. The marital distances are smaller in consanguineous marriages. The emigration behavior is identical in both types of marriages. In this parish, the inbreeding coefficient substantially increased when analyzing only the emigration of the inhabitants. Nevertheless, this region is considered "a rejecting area", this means that gebotype emigration is high and the immigration is low.
Inbreeding was studied by analysis of ecclesiastical dispensations and by two isonymy methods Crow and MangePinto-Cisternas et al. As expected, the dispensation inbreeding coefficients were lower than those obtained through isonymy. However, the three methods indicate that consanguinity increased in the community during the second part of the nineteenth century. They found that a large proportion of marriages involved individuals who were members of long-standing or core families.
When gsnotype surnames appeared in the records presumably as a result of immigrationthey were introduced more frequently by males, indicating mwrried more males than females migrated into the community. The core families did not mate preferentially among themselves but appear to have readily accepted the migrants. Indeed, the greatest preponderance of repeated-surname marriages was that expected by chance.
However, non-random surname repetition is evident when marriages between non-illegitimate consorts are analyzed. That is, the frequency of repeated-pair surname marriages is statistically significant in marriages involving brides and genitype who carried two surnames. Interestingly, significant departures from random repetition of surnames occurred during the decade in which the great cholera epidemic affected Costa Rica and during the decade following it.
This departure from panmixia supports the notion that mating patterns were altered as a result of the epidemic, a suggestion they made previously when they reported that inbreeding increased in these same decades Madrigal and Ware
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